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This wrapper is thread-safe and should be preferred on Julia 1.6+. # Example ```julia run(`$(|(; adjust_PATH::Bool=true, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool=true) -> Cmd An `ExecutableProduct` wrapper that supports the execution of  _pathH.y97 I-g A 4y97979797 497 A 4A 497 497. 4 A 4A497 A 4A497 . 4E A 497 4A97 4B97 4J97  A 497  A 497 497 4497  A 497 4497 7?/#9797 ,./#9797 ,1/#9797 ,2?#self#product_namepath_name7get_+() is deprecated, use the non-do-block formE() do exe run(`$exe $arguments`) end ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.3" . # Example ```julia (f::Function; adjust_PATH::Bool=true, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool=true) An `ExecutableProduct` wrapper that supports the execution of  _path+).y97 I-g 4 97 A 4y97979797 497 497 A 4A 497 A 4A4y97 -y A 4A  497 497 .!y97-g 497 497 A 4A  497497497. 4E A 497497497 497 A 497 A 49749797 497 A 497 A 4IG A 4974#97 A 4IG A 4974%97 A 497 A 4974974"97 Ay9797-g!. 4A" A 4974. 4E$ A 4974'974(97% A 497#& A 4974974"97 4'97'7(+)+)?/#9797/#9797?#self#product_namepath_name7??.97 A97.977?/#9797,?/#self#__source____module__src_namepkg_uuid7?-97-97697 I 4973 I 497 A977 ?/#9797,?'#self#__source____module__src_name7h 4977?/#9797,n/#9797,q?#self#7; unsupported platform Unable to load .jlany.jlwrapperswrappersArtifacts.toml.._jllX+= I.!y97.!J497- I-97 I R9797 497 497 A 497 A 497497 4v97  497 497 A 4A497 97 A 4I497 497 A 497497. 497 A 4A497497 A 497 A 4I497 A 497 497 A 4A49797 A 4974֘97  497 A 4A497 A 4A497 A 4I497 497 A 497  A 4A497!497" A 4I497# 497$ A 4A497%497&497 A 4I497'# 497( 497) A 4974֢97 $4֪97 %4֫97 &4֮97 A 497 "' 497* A 4974֜97 4֝97 4֠97 !4֡97 (4ֳ97 ) A 497* A 4974օ97 4ֆ97 4և97 4֊97 4֋97 4֗97 + A 497+ , A 4I497,- 497- 497. 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On Julia v1.5-, always returns `nothing`. @/opt/julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/toplevel_generators.jlڻ @generate_main_file(src_name, pkg_uuid) Generate the main JLL file to Import `Artifacts`, set compiler options, perform forward declarations for JLL-internal APIs, load the wrappers, etc... @/opt/julia/packages/JLLWrappers/pG9bm/src/toplevel_generators.jlڻ generate_wrapper_load(src_name, pkg_uuid) Because each platform could have completely disjoint products, we embed the information for each in its own `.jl` file, named by triplet, and stored within the `src/wrappers` directory. This method generates the code to load `Artifacts.toml`, parse it for artifacts, find the one that matches the host platform, then load the matching wrapper. 7i 4977?/#9797,/#9797,%?#self#src_name7R+ I-Z497 I-!P. O?-!Z6+ I. L. L.OV6 3+3.!J97497.4976+.!J497.!J497.973+.!J497. I.!P . 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