jli  Linuxx86_641.10.3v1.10.30b4590a5507d3f3046e5bafc007cacbbfc9b310b: #ParsersPi i-+Y-7[0/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/Parsers.jlAj2 EY8pDatesrz9[viqUUIDs./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/utils.jlA3/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/components.jlA-/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/ints.jlA//opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/floats.jlA0/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/strings.jlA./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/bools.jlA./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/dates.jlA4/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/hexadecimal.jlA3/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/precompile.jlA *gnV@jjPrecompileToolsprecompile_workload CoremуJ5Basemу]J5MainmуJ5ArgToolsBń x(mуF K5 Artifactsmr-V3|mу K5Base64UlD*_mу> K5CRC32c\y.jmуj K5 FileWatchingXzsy`{,zmуh& K5LibdluVW59˗,mу-" K5LoggingT{VhUXM=mуrU" K5MmapP~:xg,Omу|' K5NetworkOptionsC0YW,mуʠ, K5SHAQ<$!<%mу1 K5 Serialization [)*k1mу-G K5Sockets1V$ bdސݗmуYBY K5UnicodeP>I>Nrmуeszo K5 LinearAlgebraSm7̏mуuux K5 OpenBLAS_jll[(Śb6EcQ FmуDux K5libblastrampoline_jllLSۆ }lxӠmу^} K5MarkdownZPn7z`smу/Ed~ K5Printfg^cX׸QDmу;h K5Random_ɢ?\Ymу? K5TarOi>աmу!t, K5DatesEY8pj2 mуX K5FuturebS;3{I xVMmуsD K5InteractiveUtilsWL ~@'ZmуVg K5LibGit2Z[&RPTv3EКRmу8J K5 LibGit2_jll YXg}]$mуD K5 MbedTLS_jllAX 3ȡ_mу- K5 LibSSH2_jlloTZk)߆sizeof(x), rev=true) asciival(c::Char) = isascii(c) asciival(b::UInt8) = b < 0x80 _match(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{String,UInt8,Char}} = a == b _match(a::T, b::S) where {T<:Union{String,UInt8,Char,Regex}, S<:Union{String,UInt8,Char}} = _match(b, a) _match(a::String, b::Regex) = (m = match(b, a); isnothing(m) ? false : m.match == a) _match(a::Char, b::Regex) = _match(string(a), b) _match(a::UInt8, b::Regex) = _match(Char(a), b) _match(a::UInt8, b::String) = ncodeunits(b) == 1 && Char(a) == first(b) _match(a::Char, b::String) = ncodeunits(a) == ncodeunits(b) && a == first(b) _match(a::UInt8, b::Char) = ncodeunits(b) == 1 && a == UInt8(b) _match(a::Nothing, b) = false _match(a, b::Nothing) = false _match(a::Nothing, b::Nothing) = false # TODO: this is not correct e.g. r"aa{1,1}a" is the same as r"aaa" # but we won't catch that. _match(a::Regex, b::Regex) = a == b _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::Union{String,Char}) = ncodeunits(prefix) == 1 && Char(s) == first(prefix) _startswith(s::Char, prefix::Union{String,Char}) = ncodeunits(s) >= ncodeunits(prefix) && s == first(prefix) _startswith(s::String, prefix::Union{Char,String,Regex}) = startswith(s, prefix) _startswith(s::String, prefix::UInt8) = startswith(s, Char(prefix)) _startswith(s::Char, prefix::Regex) = startswith(string(s), prefix) _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::Regex) = startswith(Char(s), prefix) _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::UInt8) = s == prefix _startswith(s::Char, prefix::UInt8) = first(codeunits(s)) == prefix _startswith(a::Nothing, b) = false _startswith(a, b::Nothing) = false _startswith(a::Nothing, b::Nothing) = false _nbytes(::UInt8) = 1 _nbytes(x::Char) = ncodeunits(x) const MaybeToken = Union{Nothing, UInt8, Char, String, Regex} function Options( sentinel::Union{Nothing, Missing, Vector}, wh1::Union{UInt8, Char}, wh2::Union{UInt8, Char}, openquotechar::MaybeToken, closequotechar::MaybeToken, escapechar::MaybeToken, delim::MaybeToken, decimal::Union{UInt8, Char}, trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}, dateformat::Union{Nothing, String, Dates.DateFormat, Format}, ignorerepeated::Bool, ignoreemptylines::Bool, comment::MaybeToken, quoted::Bool, debug::Bool=false, stripwhitespace::Bool=false, stripquoted::Bool=false, groupmark::Union{Nothing,Char,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) # backwards compat; users previously had to pass wh1/wh2 as non-wh to avoid stripping if wh1 != UInt8(' ') || wh2 != UInt8('\t') stripwhitespace = false end if sentinel isa Vector{String} for sent in sentinel if stripwhitespace && (_contains(sent, " ") || _contains(sent, "\t")) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain ' ' or '\t' characters if `stripwhitespace=true`")) end if quoted && (_contains(sent, openquotechar) || _contains(sent, closequotechar) || _contains(sent, escapechar)) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, or `escapechar` characters")) end if _contains(sent, delim) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain a delimiter character")) end end end oq = token(openquotechar, "openquotechar") cq = token(closequotechar, "closequotechar") e = token(escapechar, "escapechar") e.token isa UInt8 || throw(ArgumentError("`escapechar` must be a single ascii character")) e = e.token quoted && (isempty(oq) || isempty(cq) || isempty(e)) && throw(ArgumentError("quoted=true requires `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, and `escapechar` to be specified")) sent = (sentinel === nothing || sentinel === missing) ? Token[] : map(x -> token(x, "sentinel"), prepare!(sentinel)) checksentinel = sentinel !== nothing quoted && ((_match(openquotechar, delim) || _match(closequotechar, delim)) || _match(escapechar, delim)) && throw(ArgumentError("`delim` argument must be different than `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, and `escapechar` arguments")) del = delim delim = token(delim, "delim") checkdelim = delim !== nothing && !isempty(delim) spacedelim = checkdelim && _contains(delim, " ") tabdelim = checkdelim && _contains(delim, "\t") if trues !== nothing trues = prepare!(trues) end if falses !== nothing falses = prepare!(falses) end if groupmark !== nothing && ( _match(groupmark, decimal) || isnumeric(Char(groupmark)) || (_match(del, groupmark) && !quoted) || _match(openquotechar, groupmark) || _match(closequotechar, groupmark) || _nbytes(groupmark) != 1 ) throw(ArgumentError("`groupmark` cannot be a number, a quoting char, coincide with `decimal` and `delim` unless `quoted=true`.")) end _nbytes(decimal) == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("`decimal` must be a single ascii character")) !isnumeric(Char(decimal)) || throw(ArgumentError("`decimal` cannot be a number")) df = dateformat === nothing ? nothing : dateformat isa String ? Format(dateformat) : dateformat isa Dates.DateFormat ? Format(dateformat) : dateformat flags = Flags(spacedelim, tabdelim, stripquoted, stripwhitespace, quoted, checksentinel, checkdelim, ignorerepeated, ignoreemptylines) return Options(flags, decimal, oq, cq, e, sent, delim, token(comment, "comment"), trues, falses, df, groupmark === nothing ? nothing : groupmark % UInt8, rounding) end function token(x::MaybeToken, arg) x === nothing && return Token("") if x isa UInt8 asciival(x) || throw(ArgumentError("$arg argument must be ASCII")) return Token(x) elseif x isa Char return Token(asciival(x) ? UInt8(x) : String(x)) elseif x isa Regex return Token(mkregex(x)) else return Token(x) end end Options(; sentinel::Union{Nothing, Missing, Vector}=nothing, wh1::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8(' '), wh2::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8('\t'), openquotechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), closequotechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), escapechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), delim::MaybeToken=UInt8(','), decimal::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8('.'), trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, dateformat::Union{Nothing, String, Dates.DateFormat, Format}=nothing, ignorerepeated::Bool=false, ignoreemptylines::Bool=false, comment::MaybeToken=nothing, quoted::Bool=true, debug::Bool=false, stripwhitespace::Bool=false, stripquoted::Bool=false, groupmark::Union{Nothing,Char,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) = Options(sentinel, wh1, wh2, openquotechar, closequotechar, escapechar, delim, decimal, trues, falses, dateformat, ignorerepeated, ignoreemptylines, comment, quoted, debug, stripwhitespace, stripquoted, groupmark, rounding) # "beta" for now, but allows custom types to define their own "Options"-like struct # that can handle additional type-specific options abstract type AbstractConf{T} end struct DefaultConf{T} <: AbstractConf{T} end conf(::Type{T}, opts::Options; kw...) where {T} = DefaultConf{T}() result(::Type{T}, res::Result) where {T} = res include("components.jl") # high-level convenience functions like in Base """ Parsers.parse(T, source[, options, pos, len]) => T Parse a value of type `T` from `source`, which may be a byte buffer (`AbstractVector{UInt8}`), string, or `IO`. Optional arguments include `options`, a [`Parsers.Options`](@ref) struct, `pos` which indicates the byte position where parsing should begin in a byte buffer `source`, and `len` which is the byte position where parsing should stop in a byte buffer `source`. If parsing fails for any reason, either invalid value or non-value characters encountered before/after a value, an error will be thrown. To return `nothing` instead of throwing an error, use [`Parsers.tryparse`](@ref). """ function parse(::Type{T}, buf::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO}, options=OPTIONS, pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=buf isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(buf)) where {T} res = xparse2(T, buf isa AbstractString ? codeunits(buf) : buf, pos, len, options) code = res.code tlen = res.tlen fin = buf isa IO || (tlen == (len - pos + 1)) return ok(code) && fin ? (res.val::T) : throw(Error(buf, T, code, pos, tlen)) end """ Parsers.tryparse(T, source[, options, pos, len]) => Union{T, Nothing} Parse a value of type `T` from `source`, which may be a byte buffer (`AbstractVector{UInt8}`), string, or `IO`. Optional arguments include `options`, a [`Parsers.Options`](@ref) struct, `pos` which indicates the byte position where parsing should begin in a byte buffer `source`, and `len` which is the byte position where parsing should stop in a byte buffer `source`. If parsing fails for any reason, either invalid value or non-value characters encountered before/after a value, `nothing` will be returned. To instead throw an error, use [`Parsers.parse`](@ref). """ function tryparse(::Type{T}, buf::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO}, options=OPTIONS, pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=buf isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(buf)) where {T} res = xparse2(T, buf isa AbstractString ? codeunits(buf) : buf, pos, len, options) fin = buf isa IO || (res.tlen == (len - pos + 1)) return ok(res.code) && fin ? (res.val::T) : nothing end """ Parsers.xparse(T, buf, pos, len, options) => Parsers.Result{T} The core parsing function for any type `T`. Takes a `buf`, which can be an `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, `AbstractString`, or an `IO`. `pos` is the byte position to begin parsing at. `len` is the total # of bytes in `buf` (signaling eof). `options` is an instance of `Parsers.Options`. A [`Parsers.Result`](@ref) struct is returned, with the following fields: * `res.val` is a value of type `T`, but only if parsing succeeded; for parsed `String`s, no string is returned to avoid excess allocating; if you'd like the actual parsed string value, you can call [`Parsers.getstring`](@ref) * `res.code` is a bitmask of parsing codes, use `Parsers.codes(code)` or `Parsers.text(code)` to see the various bit values set. See [`Parsers.ReturnCode`](@ref) for additional details on the various parsing codes * `res.tlen`: the total # of bytes consumed while parsing a value, including any quote or delimiter characters; this can be added to the starting `pos` to allow calling `Parsers.xparse` again for a subsequent field/value """ function xparse end const SourceType = Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO} returntype(::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractString} = PosLen returntype(::Type{Number}) = Union{Int64, Int128, BigInt, Float32, Float64, BigFloat} returntype(::Type{T}) where {T} = T # for testing purposes only, it's much too slow to dynamically create Options for every xparse call xparse(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, S=nothing; pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=source isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(source), kw...) where {T} = S === nothing ? xparse(T, source, pos, len, Options(; kw...)) : xparse(T, source, pos, len, Options(; kw...), S) _xparse(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, IO}, pos, len, options::Options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = Result(emptysentinel(options)(delimiter(options)(whitespace(options)( quoted(options)(whitespace(options)(sentinel(options)(typeparser(options) )))))))(conf, source, pos, len, S) xparse(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = result(T, xparse(conf(T, options), source, pos, len, options, S)) function xparse(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} buf = source isa AbstractString ? codeunits(source) : source if T === Number || supportedtype(T) return _xparse(conf, buf, pos, len, options, S) else # generic fallback calls Base.tryparse res = _xparse(DefaultConf{String}(), source, pos, len, options) code = res.code pl = res.val if !Parsers.invalid(code) && !Parsers.sentinel(code) str = getstring(source, pl, options.e) x = Base.tryparse(T, str) if x === nothing return Result{S}(code | INVALID, res.tlen) else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen, x) end else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen) end end end # condensed version of xparse that doesn't worry about quoting or delimiters; called from Parsers.parse/Parsers.tryparse _xparse2(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, IO}, pos, len, opts::Options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = Result(whitespace(false, false, false, true)(typeparser(opts)))(conf, source, pos, len, S) @inline xparse2(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = result(T, xparse2(conf(T, options), source, pos, len, options, S)) @inline function xparse2(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} buf = source isa AbstractString ? codeunits(source) : source if T === Number || supportedtype(T) return _xparse2(conf, buf, pos, len, options, S) else # generic fallback calls Base.tryparse res = _xparse2(DefaultConf{String}(), source, pos, len, options) code = res.code pl = res.val if !Parsers.invalid(code) && !Parsers.sentinel(code) str = getstring(source, pl, options.e) x = Base.tryparse(T, str) if x === nothing return Result{S}(code | INVALID, res.tlen) else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen, x) end else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen) end end end function checkdelim!(source::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos, len, options::Options) eof(source, pos, len) && return pos delim = options.delim b = peekbyte(source, pos) if !options.flags.ignorerepeated # we're checking for a single appearance of a delimiter match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) else # keep parsing as long as we keep matching delim while true match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) (match && !eof(source, pos, len)) || break b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return pos end @inline function _has_groupmark(opts::Options, code::ReturnCode) if opts.groupmark !== nothing isquoted = (code & QUOTED) != 0 if isquoted || (opts.groupmark != opts.delim) return true end end return false end include("ints.jl") include("floats.jl") include("strings.jl") include("bools.jl") include("dates.jl") include("hexadecimal.jl") function __init__() nt = isdefined(Base.Threads, :maxthreadid) ? Threads.maxthreadid() : Threads.nthreads() resize!(empty!(BIGINT), nt) resize!(empty!(BIGFLOATS), nt) return end include("precompile.jl") end # module ./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/utils.jlSstruct Error <: Exception str::String T code end Error(buf::AbstractString, T, code, pos, tlen) = Error(buf, T, code) Error(buf::AbstractVector{UInt8}, T, code, pos, tlen) = Error(String(buf[pos:(pos + tlen - 1)]), T, code) function Error(buf::IO, T, code, pos, tlen) fastseek!(buf, pos - 1) bytes = read(buf, tlen) return Error(String(bytes), T, code) end function Base.showerror(io::IO, e::Error) c = e.code println(io, "Parsers.Error ($(codes(c))):") println(io, text(c)) println(io, "attempted to parse $(e.T) from: \"$(escape_string(e.str))\"") end # backwards compat neededdigits(::Type{Float64}) = 309 + 17 neededdigits(::Type{Float32}) = 39 + 9 + 2 neededdigits(::Type{Float16}) = 9 + 5 + 9 """ A bitmask value, with various bits corresponding to different parsing signals and scenarios. `Parsers.xparse` returns a `code` value with various bits set according to the various scenarios encountered while parsing a value. * `INVALID`: there are a number of invalid parsing states, all include the INVALID bit set (check via `Parsers.invalid(code)`) * `OK`: signals specifically that a valid value of type `T` was parsed (check via `Parsers.ok(code)`) * `SENTINEL`: signals that a valid sentinel value was detected while parsing, passed via the `sentinel` keyword argument to `Parsers.Options` (check via `Parsers.sentinel(code)`) * `QUOTED`: a `openquotechar` from `Parsers.Options` was detected at the beginning of parsing (check via `Parsers.quoted(code)`) * `DELIMITED`: a `delim` character or string from `Parsers.Options` was detected while parsing (check via `Parsers.delimited(code)`) * `NEWLINE`: a non-quoted newline character (`'\\n'`), return character (`'\\r'`), or CRLF (`"\\r\\n"`) was detected while parsing (check via `Parsers.newline(code)`) * `EOF`: the end of file was reached while parsing * `ESCAPED_STRING`: an `escapechar` from `Parsers.Options` was encountered while parsing (check via `Parsers.escapedstring(code)`) * `INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD`: a `openquotechar` were detected when parsing began, but no corresponding `closequotechar` were found to correctly close a quoted field, this is usually a fatal parsing error because parsing will continue until EOF to look for the close quote character (check via `Parsers.invalidquotedfield(code)`) * `INVALID_DELIMITER`: a `delim` character or string were eventually detected, but not at the expected position (directly after parsing a valid value), indicating there are extra, invalid characters between a valid value and the expected delimiter (check via `Parsers.invaliddelimiter(code)`) * `OVERFLOW`: overflow occurred while parsing a type, like `Integer`, that have limits on valid values (check via `Parsers.overflow(code)`) One additional convenience function is provided, `Parsers.quotednotescaped(code)`, which checks if a value was quoted, but didn't contain any escape characters, useful to indicate if a string may be used "as-is", instead of needing to be unescaped. """ const ReturnCode = Int16 const SUCCESS = 0b0000000000000000 % ReturnCode const INVALID = 0b1000000000000000 % ReturnCode # success flags const OK = 0b0000000000000001 % ReturnCode const SENTINEL = 0b0000000000000010 % ReturnCode # property flags const QUOTED = 0b0000000000000100 % ReturnCode const DELIMITED = 0b0000000000001000 % ReturnCode const NEWLINE = 0b0000000000010000 % ReturnCode const EOF = 0b0000000000100000 % ReturnCode const ESCAPED_STRING = 0b0000001000000000 % ReturnCode const SPECIAL_VALUE = 0b0000010000000000 % ReturnCode # invalid flags const INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD = 0b1000000001000000 % ReturnCode const INVALID_DELIMITER = 0b1000000010000000 % ReturnCode const OVERFLOW = 0b1000000100000000 % ReturnCode const INVALID_TOKEN = 0b1000010000000000 % ReturnCode const INEXACT = 0b1000100000000000 % ReturnCode valueok(x::ReturnCode) = (x & OK) == OK ok(x::ReturnCode) = (x & (OK | INVALID)) == OK invalid(x::ReturnCode) = x < SUCCESS sentinel(x::ReturnCode) = (x & SENTINEL) == SENTINEL quoted(x::ReturnCode) = (x & QUOTED) == QUOTED delimited(x::ReturnCode) = (x & DELIMITED) == DELIMITED newline(x::ReturnCode) = (x & NEWLINE) == NEWLINE escapedstring(x::ReturnCode) = (x & ESCAPED_STRING) == ESCAPED_STRING specialvalue(x::ReturnCode) = (x & SPECIAL_VALUE) == SPECIAL_VALUE invalidquotedfield(x::ReturnCode) = (x & INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD) == INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD invaliddelimiter(x::ReturnCode) = (x & INVALID_DELIMITER) == INVALID_DELIMITER overflow(x::ReturnCode) = (x & OVERFLOW) == OVERFLOW inexact(x::ReturnCode) = (x & INEXACT) == INEXACT quotednotescaped(x::ReturnCode) = (x & (QUOTED | ESCAPED_STRING)) == QUOTED invalidtoken(x::ReturnCode) = (x & INVALID_TOKEN) == INVALID_TOKEN eof(x::ReturnCode) = (x & EOF) == EOF memcmp(a::Ptr{UInt8}, b::Ptr{UInt8}, len::Int) = ccall(:memcmp, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t), a, b, len) == 0 struct RegexAndMatchData re::Regex data::Ptr{Cvoid} end function mkregex(re::Regex) Base.compile(re) return RegexAndMatchData(re, Base.PCRE.create_match_data(re.regex)) end const ByteStringRegex = Union{UInt8, String, RegexAndMatchData} struct Token token::ByteStringRegex end import Base: == function ==(a::Token, b::Token) t1 = a.token t2 = b.token if t1 isa UInt8 && t2 isa UInt8 return t1 == t2 elseif t1 isa String && t2 isa String return t1 == t2 elseif t1 isa RegexAndMatchData && t2 isa RegexAndMatchData return t1.re == t2.re else return false end end ==(a::Token, b::UInt8) = a.token isa UInt8 && a.token == b ==(a::UInt8, b::Token) = (b == a) # methods for `_contains(::Token, ::String)`: _contains(a::Token, str::String) = _contains(a.token, str) _contains(a::UInt8, str::String) = a == UInt8(str[1]) _contains(a::Char, str::String) = a == str[1] _contains(a::RegexAndMatchData, str::String) = contains(a.re.pattern, str) _contains(a::Token, char::Char) = _contains(a.token, char) _contains(a::UInt8, char::Char) = ncodeunits(char) == 1 && (Base.zext_int(UInt32, a) << 24) == Base.bitcast(UInt32, char) _contains(a::Char, char::Char) = a == char _contains(a::RegexAndMatchData, char::Char) = contains(a.re.pattern, char) _contains(a, b::UInt8) = _contains(a, Char(b)) _contains(a, b) = _contains(a, string(b)) _contains(a, b::Nothing) = false _contains(a::String, str::String) = contains(a, str) # methods for `_contains(::String, ::MaybeToken)`: _contains(a::String, b::UInt8) = _contains(a, Char(b)) _contains(a::String, b::Char) = _contains(a, string(b)) _contains(a::String, b::Regex) = contains(a, b.pattern) _contains(a::String, b::Nothing) = false function Base.isempty(x::Token) t = x.token return t isa String && isempty(t) end @noinline notsupported() = throw(ArgumentError("Regex matching not supported on this input type")) @inline function checktoken(source, pos, len, b, token::Token) tok = token.token if tok isa UInt8 check = tok == b check && incr!(source) return check, pos + check elseif tok isa String if source isa Vector{UInt8} # specialize common case return checktoken(source, pos, len, b, tok) else return checktoken(source, pos, len, b, tok) end elseif tok isa RegexAndMatchData if source isa Vector{UInt8} || source isa Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String} || source isa AbstractVector{UInt8} return checktoken(source, pos, len, b, tok) else notsupported() end else error() # unreachable end end @inline function checktoken(source, pos, len, b, tok::UInt8) check = tok == b check && incr!(source) return check, pos + check end @inline function checktoken(source::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos, len, b, tok::RegexAndMatchData) rc = ccall((:pcre2_match_8, Base.PCRE.PCRE_LIB), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Csize_t, UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}), tok.re.regex, source, len, pos - 1, tok.re.match_options, tok.data, Base.PCRE.get_local_match_context()) rc < -2 && error("PCRE.exec error: $(Base.PCRE.err_message(rc))") check = rc >= 0 return check, pos + (!check ? 0 : Base.PCRE.substring_length_bynumber(tok.data, 0)) end @inline function checktoken(source::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos, len, b, tok::String) sz = sizeof(tok) check = (pos + sz - 1) <= len && memcmp(pointer(source, pos), pointer(tok), sz) return check, pos + (check * sz) end @inline function checktoken(source::IO, pos, len, b, tok::String) bytes = codeunits(tok) startpos = pos blen = length(bytes) for i = 1:blen @inbounds b2 = bytes[i] if b2 != b fastseek!(source, startpos - 1) return false, startpos end pos += 1 incr!(source) i == blen && break if eof(source, pos, len) fastseek!(source, startpos - 1) return false, startpos end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end return true, pos end function checktokens(source, pos, len, b, tokens::Union{Vector{String}, Vector{Token}}, consume=false) if source isa IO && !consume origpos = position(source) end for token in tokens check, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, token) if check source isa IO && !consume && fastseek!(source, origpos) return true, pos end end source isa IO && !consume && fastseek!(source, origpos) return false, pos end function checkcmtemptylines(source, pos, len, cmt, ignoreemptylines) while !eof(source, pos, len) skipped = false if ignoreemptylines b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) skipped = true elseif b == UInt8('\r') pos += 1 incr!(source) if !eof(source, pos, len) && peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) end skipped = true end end matched = false if !isempty(cmt) && !eof(source, pos, len) b = peekbyte(source, pos) matched, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, cmt) if matched eof(source, pos, len) && break b = peekbyte(source, pos) while true # consume the rest of the line/row until we hit the newline if b == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) break elseif b == UInt8('\r') pos += 1 incr!(source) if !eof(source, pos, len) && peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) end break end pos += 1 incr!(source) eof(source, pos, len) && break b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end end (skipped | matched) || break end return pos end """ Parsers.fastseek!(io::IO, n::Integer) Without valididty checks, seek an `IO` to desired byte position `n`. Used in Parsers.jl to seek back to a previous location already parsed. """ function fastseek! end fastseek!(io::IO, n::Integer) = seek(io, n) function fastseek!(io::IOBuffer, n::Integer) io.ptr = n + 1 return end fastseek!(io::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString}, n::Integer) = nothing """ Parsers.readbyte(io::IO)::UInt8 Consume a single byte from an `IO` without checking `eof(io)`. """ function readbyte end """ Parsers.peekbyte(io::IO)::UInt8 Return, but do not consume, the next byte from an `IO` without checking `eof(io)`. """ function peekbyte end incr!(io::IO) = readbyte(io) readbyte(from::IO) = Base.read(from, UInt8) peekbyte(from::IO) = UInt8(Base.peek(from)) function readbyte(from::IOBuffer) i = from.ptr @inbounds byte = from.data[i] from.ptr = i + 1 return byte end function peekbyte(from::IOBuffer) @inbounds byte = from.data[from.ptr] return byte end function incr!(from::IOBuffer) from.ptr += 1 return end incr!(::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString}) = nothing peekbyte(from::IO, pos) = peekbyte(from) function peekbyte(from::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos) @inbounds b = from[pos] return b end function peekbyte(from::AbstractString, pos) @inbounds b = codeunit(from, pos) return b end eof(::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos::Integer, len::Integer) = pos > len eof(::AbstractString, pos::Integer, len::Integer) = pos > len eof(source::IO, pos::Integer, len::Integer) = Base.eof(source) eof(io::Base.GenericIOBuffer, pos::Integer, len::Integer) = (io.ptr - 1) >= io.size function text(r) str = "" if r & QUOTED > 0 str = "encountered an opening quote character, initial value parsing " else str = "initial value parsing " end if r & OK > 0 str *= "succeeded" else str *= "failed" end if r & (~INVALID & OVERFLOW) > 0 str *= ", value overflowed" end if r & (~INVALID & INEXACT) > 0 str *= ", value is inexactly represented" end if r & SENTINEL > 0 str *= ", a sentinel value was parsed" end if r & ESCAPED_STRING > 0 str *= ", encountered escape character" end if r & (~INVALID & INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD) > 0 str *= ", invalid quoted value" end if r & DELIMITED > 0 str *= ", a valid delimiter was parsed" end if r & NEWLINE > 0 str *= ", a newline was encountered" end if r & EOF > 0 str *= ", reached EOF" end if r & (~INVALID & INVALID_DELIMITER) > 0 str *= ", invalid delimiter" end return str end codes(r) = chop(chop(string( ifelse(r > 0, "SUCCESS: ", "INVALID: "), ifelse(r & OK > 0, "OK | ", ""), ifelse(r & SENTINEL > 0, "SENTINEL | ", ""), ifelse(r & QUOTED > 0, "QUOTED | ", ""), ifelse(r & ESCAPED_STRING > 0, "ESCAPED_STRING | ", ""), ifelse(r & DELIMITED > 0, "DELIMITED | ", ""), ifelse(r & NEWLINE > 0, "NEWLINE | ", ""), ifelse(r & EOF > 0, "EOF | ", ""), ifelse(r & (~INVALID & INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD) > 0, "INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD | ", ""), ifelse(r & (~INVALID & INVALID_DELIMITER) > 0, "INVALID_DELIMITER | ", ""), ifelse(r & (~INVALID & OVERFLOW) > 0, "OVERFLOW | ", ""), ifelse(r & (~INVALID & INEXACT) > 0, "INEXACT | ", ""), ))) """ PosLen(pos, len, ismissing, escaped) A custom 64-bit primitive that allows efficiently storing the byte position and length of a value within a byte array, along with whether a sentinel value was parsed, and whether the parsed value includes escaped characters. Specifically, the use of 64-bits is: * 1 bit to indicate whether a sentinel value was encountered while parsing * 1 bit to indicate whether the escape character was encountered while parsing * 42 bits to note the byte position as an integer where a value is located in a byte array (max array size ~4.4TB) * 20 bits to note the length of a parsed value (max length of ~1MB) These individual "fields" can be retrieved via dot access, like `PosLen.missingvalue`, `PosLen.escapedvalue`, `PosLen.pos`, `PosLen.len`. `Parsers.xparse(String, buf, pos, len, opts)` returns `Parsers.Result{PosLen}`, where the `x.val` is a `PosLen`. """ primitive type PosLen 64 end primitive type PosLen31 64 end const MISSING_BIT = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x8000000000000000) const ESCAPE_BIT = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x4000000000000000) _pos_shift(::Union{PosLen,Type{PosLen}}) = 20 _max_pos(::Union{PosLen,Type{PosLen}}) = 4398046511104 _max_len(::Union{PosLen,Type{PosLen}}) = 1048575 _pos_bits(::Union{PosLen,Type{PosLen}}) = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x3ffffffffff00000) _len_bits(::Union{PosLen,Type{PosLen}}) = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x00000000000fffff) _pos_shift(::Union{PosLen31,Type{PosLen31}}) = 31 _max_pos(::Union{PosLen31,Type{PosLen31}}) = Int64(2147483648) _max_len(::Union{PosLen31,Type{PosLen31}}) = Int64(2147483647) _pos_bits(::Union{PosLen31,Type{PosLen31}}) = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x3fffffff80000000) _len_bits(::Union{PosLen31,Type{PosLen31}}) = Base.bitcast(Int64, 0x000000007fffffff) @noinline postoolarge(::Type{T}, pos) where {T} = throw(ArgumentError("position argument to $T ($pos) is too large; max position allowed is $(_max_pos(T))")) @noinline lentoolarge(::Type{T}, len) where {T} = throw(ArgumentError("length argument to $T ($len) is too large; max length allowed is $(_max_len(T))")) for T in (:PosLen, :PosLen31) @eval @inline function $T(pos::Integer, len::Integer, ismissing=false, escaped=false) pos > _max_pos($T) && postoolarge($T, pos) len > _max_len($T) && lentoolarge($T, len) @assert pos >= 0 @assert len >= 0 pos = Int64(pos) << _pos_shift($T) pos |= ifelse(ismissing, MISSING_BIT, 0) pos |= ifelse(escaped, ESCAPE_BIT, 0) return Base.bitcast($T, pos | Int64(len)) end @eval @noinline invalidproperty(::Type{$T}, nm) = throw(ArgumentError("invalid property $nm for $($T)")) @eval function Base.getproperty(x::$T, nm::Symbol) y = Base.bitcast(Int64, x) nm === :pos && return (y & _pos_bits($T)) >> _pos_shift($T) nm === :len && return y & _len_bits($T) nm === :missingvalue && return (y & MISSING_BIT) == MISSING_BIT nm === :escapedvalue && return (y & ESCAPE_BIT) == ESCAPE_BIT invalidproperty($T, nm) end @eval Base.propertynames(::$T) = (:pos, :len, :missingvalue, :escapedvalue) @eval Base.show(io::IO, x::$T) = print(io, "$($T)(pos=$(x.pos), len=$(x.len), missingvalue=$(x.missingvalue), escapedvalue=$(x.escapedvalue))") end poslen(pos::Integer, len::Integer) = poslen(PosLen, pos, len) poslen(::Type{T}, pos::Integer, len::Integer) where {T} = Base.bitcast(PosLen, (Int64(pos) << _pos_shift(PosLen)) | Int64(len)) poslen(::Type{PosLen31}, pos::Integer, len::Integer) = Base.bitcast(PosLen31, (Int64(pos) << _pos_shift(PosLen31)) | Int64(len)) withlen(pl::T, len::Integer) where {T<:Union{PosLen,PosLen31}} = Base.bitcast(T, (Base.bitcast(Int64, pl) & (~_max_len(T))) | Int64(len)) withmissing(pl::T) where {T<:Union{PosLen,PosLen31}} = Base.or_int(pl, Base.bitcast(T, MISSING_BIT)) withescaped(pl::T) where {T<:Union{PosLen,PosLen31}} = Base.or_int(pl, Base.bitcast(T, ESCAPE_BIT)) """ Parsers.getstring(buf_or_io, poslen::PosLen, e::UInt8) => String When calling `Parsers.xparse` with a `String` type argument, a `Parsers.Result{PosLen}` is returned, which has 3 fields: * `val`: a [`PosLen`](@ref) value which stores the starting byte position and length of the parsed string value * `code`: a parsing return code indicating success/failure * `tlen`: the total number of bytes parsed, which may differ from `val.len` if delimiters or open/close quotes were parsed If the actual parsed `String` _is_ needed, however, you can pass your source and the `res.val::PosLen` to `Parsers.getstring` to get the actual parsed `String` value. """ function getstring end _unsafe_string(p, len) = ccall(:jl_pchar_to_string, Ref{String}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), p, len) getstring(source::Union{IO, AbstractVector{UInt8}}, x::Union{PosLen,PosLen31}, e::Token) = getstring(source, x, e.token::UInt8) @inline function getstring(source::Union{IO, AbstractVector{UInt8}}, x::Union{PosLen,PosLen31}, e::UInt8) x.escapedvalue && return unescape(source, x, e) if source isa AbstractVector{UInt8} return _unsafe_string(pointer(source, x.pos), x.len) else pos = position(source) vpos, vlen = x.pos, x.len fastseek!(source, vpos - 1) str = Base.StringVector(vlen) readbytes!(source, str, vlen) fastseek!(source, pos) # reset IO to earlier position return String(str) end end getstring(str::AbstractString, pl::Union{PosLen,PosLen31}, e::UInt8) = getstring(codeunits(str), pl, e) # if a cell value of a csv file has escape characters, we need to unescape it @noinline function unescape(origbuf, x::Union{PosLen,PosLen31}, e) n = x.len if origbuf isa AbstractVector{UInt8} source = view(origbuf, x.pos:(x.pos + x.len - 1)) else origpos = position(origbuf) fastseek!(origbuf, x.pos - 1) source = origbuf end out = Base.StringVector(n) len = 1 i = 1 @inbounds begin while i <= n b = peekbyte(source, i) if b == e incr!(source) i += 1 b = peekbyte(source, i) end out[len] = b len += 1 incr!(source) i += 1 end end if origbuf isa IO fastseek!(origbuf, origpos) end resize!(out, len - 1) return String(out) end 3/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/components.jlA# must be outermost layer function Result(parser) function(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, ::Type{RT}=T) where {T, RT} Base.@_inline_meta startpos = pos code = SUCCESS b = eof(source, pos, len) ? 0x00 : peekbyte(source, pos) # For almost all RTs, poslen(RT, ...) will return a Parsers.PosLen. For non-string # types, this pl is only used for internal bookkeeping, for strings however # we allow the user to provide a custom PosLen type (like PosLen31) in which case # they need to overload this method to get the instance here. pl = poslen(RT, pos, 0) pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) tlen = pos - startpos if valueok(code) y = x::RT return Result{RT}(code, tlen, y) elseif isgreedy(T) z = x::RT return Result{RT}(code, tlen, z) else return Result{RT}(code, tlen) end end end # Component design: # ComponentFunction: innermost layer/function; f(T, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) -> pos, code, pl, x # arguments are all dynamic, runtime parameters # ParserFunction: next innermost layer; f(::ComponentFunction) -> ComponentFunction # this layer allows "chaining" together however many ComponentFunctions as desired # ParserModifyingFunction: outermost layer; f(args...) -> ParserFunction # allows passing Options-time/static parameters down to customize the ComponentFunction behavior emptysentinel(opts::Options) = emptysentinel(opts.flags.checksentinel && isempty(opts.sentinel)) function emptysentinel(checksent::Bool) function(parser) function checkemptysentinel(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) if checksent && pl.len == 0 && (!isgreedy(T) || !quoted(code)) code &= ~(OK | INVALID) code |= SENTINEL pl = withmissing(pl) end return pos, code, pl, x end end end # just ' ' and '\t' iswh(b) = b == UInt8(' ') || b == UInt8('\t') iswh(b, spacedelim, tabdelim) = (!spacedelim && b == UInt8(' ')) || (!tabdelim && b == UInt8('\t')) whitespace(opts::Options) = whitespace(opts.flags.spacedelim, opts.flags.tabdelim, opts.flags.stripquoted, opts.flags.stripwhitespace) function whitespace(spacedelim, tabdelim, stripquoted, stripwh) function(parser) function stripwhitespace(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta # strip leading whitespace if !eof(source, pos, len) && ( # pre-quotes, if delim is not whitespace # note that we strip even if user didn't ask in order to consume any whitespace # that might be present before the oq; we just need to take care when resetting # the pl to account for whether the user actually asked to strip or not !quoted(code) || # within quotes, if non-string or user asked to strip quoted (quoted(code) && (!isgreedy(T) || stripquoted)) ) while iswh(b, spacedelim, tabdelim) pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end # for greedy, reset poslen if we're stripping whitespace if isgreedy(T) && ( # pre-quotes, if user asked to strip (!quoted(code) && stripwh) || # within quotes, if user asked to strip quoted (quoted(code) && stripquoted) ) pl = poslen(typeof(pl), pos, 0) end end pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) # strip trailing whitespace if !eof(source, pos, len) && ( # post non-quoted value, if delim is not whitespace, and non-string # (string already stripped in finddelimiter or findeof) (!quoted(code) && !isgreedy(T)) || # post-quoted value, if delim is not whitespace quoted(code) ) b = peekbyte(source, pos) while iswh(b, spacedelim, tabdelim) pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF return pos, code, pl, x end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return pos, code, pl, x end end end @inline function findendquoted(::Type{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, isquoted, cq, e, stripquoted) where {T} # for quoted fields, find the closing quote character # we should be positioned at the correct place to find the closing quote character if everything is as it should be # if we don't find the quote character immediately, something's wrong, so mark INVALID # for greedy (strings), we're positioned at the first byte after opening quote token. # we need to account for stripquoted by keeping track of lastnonwhitepos if isquoted lastnonwhitepos = pos same = cq == e first = true while true match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, e) if same && match # cq = '"', e = '"', and b = '"', so we might be done # e is either followed by cq or it *is* cq # checktoken already incremented pos for us if eof(source, pos, len) # we're done! cq was last possible byte code |= EOF if !first && !isgreedy(T) # this means we've parsed something like a number, # then immediately expected to find the closing quote # character, but didn't (!first), so something's wrong code |= INVALID end pl = withlen(pl, lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) break end # check if next byte is cq b = peekbyte(source, pos) match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, cq) if !match # we're done! e wasn't followed by cq if !first && !isgreedy(T) code |= INVALID end pl = withlen(pl, lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) break end # this means we had e followed by cq # so the next byte is escaped code |= ESCAPED_STRING pl = withescaped(pl) elseif match # e, so next byte is escaped code |= ESCAPED_STRING pl = withescaped(pl) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF | INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD break end pos += 1 incr!(source) else if !same # not e, so check for cq match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, cq) if match # we're done! found cq if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end if !first && !isgreedy(T) code |= INVALID end pl = withlen(pl, lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) break end end # we didn't match e or cq, so we're not done pos += 1 incr!(source) end wh = iswh(b) lastnonwhitepos = stripquoted ? (wh ? lastnonwhitepos : pos) : pos if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF | INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD pl = withlen(pl, lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) break end first = false b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return pos, code, pl, pl end quoted(opts::Options) = quoted(opts.flags.checkquoted, opts.oq, opts.cq, opts.e, opts.flags.stripquoted) function quoted(checkquoted, oq, cq, e, stripquoted) function(parser) function findquoted(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta isquoted = false if checkquoted && !eof(source, pos, len) isquoted, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, oq) end if isquoted code |= QUOTED pl = poslen(typeof(pl), pos, 0) if eof(source, pos, len) # "dangling" oq, not valid code |= INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD | EOF else b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) if isgreedy(T) && isquoted return pos, code, pl, x end if eof(source, pos, len) if isquoted # if we detected a quote character, it's an invalid quoted field due to eof in the middle code |= INVALID_QUOTED_FIELD | EOF end return pos, code, pl, x end b = peekbyte(source, pos) pos, code, pl, _ = findendquoted(T, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, isquoted, cq, e, stripquoted) return pos, code, pl, x end end end sentinel(opts::Options) = sentinel(opts.flags.checksentinel, opts.sentinel) function sentinel(chcksentinel, sentinel) function(parser) function checkforsentinel(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta match, sentinelpos = (!chcksentinel || isempty(sentinel) || eof(source, pos, len)) ? (false, 0) : checktokens(source, pos, len, b, sentinel) pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) # @show match, sentinelpos, pos, pl if match && sentinelpos > (pl.pos + pl.len - 1) # if we matched a sentinel value that was as long or longer than our type value code &= ~OK if isgreedy(T) pl = withlen(pl, sentinelpos - pl.pos) else code &= ~(INVALID | EOF | OVERFLOW | INEXACT) pos = sentinelpos fastseek!(source, pos - 1) end code |= SENTINEL pl = withmissing(pl) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end end return pos, code, pl, x end end end @inline function finddelimiter(::Type{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, delim, ignorerepeated, cmt, ignoreemptylines, stripwhitespace) where {T} # now we check for a delimiter; if we don't find it, keep parsing until we do # for greedy strings, we need to keep track of the last non-whitespace character # if we're stripping whitespace, but note we've already skipped leading whitespace lastnonwhitepos = pos while true if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF break end if !ignorerepeated # we're checking for a single appearance of a delimiter match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) if match code |= DELIMITED break end else # keep parsing as long as we keep matching delims/newlines matched = false matchednewline = false while true match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) if match matched = true code |= DELIMITED elseif !matchednewline && b == UInt8('\n') matchednewline = matched = true pos += 1 incr!(source) pos = checkcmtemptylines(source, pos, len, cmt, ignoreemptylines) code |= NEWLINE | ifelse(eof(source, pos, len), EOF, SUCCESS) elseif !matchednewline && b == UInt8('\r') matchednewline = matched = true pos += 1 incr!(source) if !eof(source, pos, len) && peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) end pos = checkcmtemptylines(source, pos, len, cmt, ignoreemptylines) code |= NEWLINE | ifelse(eof(source, pos, len), EOF, SUCCESS) else break end if eof(source, pos, len) if matched && !matchednewline code |= EOF end break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end if matched || eof(source, pos, len) break end end # didn't find delimiter, but let's check for a newline character if b == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) pos = checkcmtemptylines(source, pos, len, cmt, ignoreemptylines) code |= NEWLINE | ifelse(eof(source, pos, len), EOF, SUCCESS) break elseif b == UInt8('\r') pos += 1 incr!(source) if !eof(source, pos, len) && peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('\n') pos += 1 incr!(source) end pos = checkcmtemptylines(source, pos, len, cmt, ignoreemptylines) code |= NEWLINE | ifelse(eof(source, pos, len), EOF, SUCCESS) break end if !isgreedy(T) || quoted(code) # didn't find delimiter or newline, so we're invalid, keep parsing until we find delimiter, newline, or len code |= INVALID_DELIMITER end pos += 1 incr!(source) if !quoted(code) lastnonwhitepos = stripwhitespace ? (iswh(b) ? lastnonwhitepos : pos) : pos end if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end if !quoted(code) pl = withlen(pl, lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) end return pos, code, pl, pl end delimiter(opts::Options) = delimiter(opts.flags.checkdelim, opts.delim, opts.flags.ignorerepeated, opts.cmt, opts.flags.ignoreemptylines, opts.flags.stripwhitespace) function delimiter(checkdelim, delim, ignorerepeated, cmt, ignoreemptylines, stripwhitespace) function(parser) function _finddelimiter(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta pos, code, pl, x = parser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) if eof(source, pos, len) || !checkdelim || delimited(code) || newline(code) # greedy case return pos, code, pl, x end b = peekbyte(source, pos) pos, code, pl, _ = finddelimiter(T, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, delim, ignorerepeated, cmt, ignoreemptylines, stripwhitespace) return pos, code, pl, x end end end function typeparser(opts::Options) function(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} Base.@_inline_meta return typeparser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) end end # backwards compat @inline function typeparser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, opts::Options) pos, code, pl, x = typeparser(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, poslen(pos, 0), opts) return x, code, pos end @inline function typeparser(::Type{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, opts::Options) where {T} pos, code, pl, x = typeparser(DefaultConf{T}(), source, pos, len, b, code, poslen(pos, 0), opts) return x, code, pos end @inline typeparser(::Type{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl) where {T} = typeparser(DefaultConf{T}(), source, pos, len, b, code, pl, Options())-/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/ints.jloverflows(::Type{T}) where {T} = true overflows(::Type{BigInt}) = false overflowval(::Type{T}) where {T <: Integer} = div(typemax(T) - T(9), T(10)) # if we eventually support non-base 10 # overflowval(::Type{T}, base) where {T <: Integer} = div(typemax(T) - base + 1, base) @inline function typeparser(::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) where {T <: Integer} x = zero(T) neg = false has_groupmark = _has_groupmark(opts, code) groupmark0 = something(opts.groupmark, 0xff) - UInt8('0') # start actual int parsing neg = b == UInt8('-') if neg || b == UInt8('+') pos += 1 incr!(source) end if eof(source, pos, len) code |= INVALID | EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') if b > 0x09 # character isn't a digit, INVALID value code |= INVALID @goto done end prev_b0 = b while true if b <= 0x09 overflows(T) && x > overflowval(T) && break x = T(10) * x + unsafe_trunc(T, b) pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) x = ifelse(neg, -x, x) code |= OK | EOF @goto done end elseif has_groupmark && b == groupmark0 prev_b0 == groupmark0 && (code |= INVALID; @goto done) # two groupmarks in a row pos += 1 Parsers.incr!(source) Parsers.eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= INVALID | EOF; @goto done) # groupmark at end of input else # detected a non-digit, time to bail on value parsing x = ifelse(neg, -x, x) # Cannot end on a groupmark (has_groupmark && prev_b0 == groupmark0) ? (code |= INVALID) : (code |= OK) @goto done end prev_b0 = b b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') end # extra loop because we got too close to overflowing while parsing digits x = ifelse(neg, -x, x) while true if b <= 0x09 x, ov_mul = Base.mul_with_overflow(x, T(10)) x, ov_add = Base.add_with_overflow(x, ifelse(neg, -T(b), T(b))) if ov_mul | ov_add # we overflowed, mark as OVERFLOW code |= OVERFLOW # in this case, we know b is a digit that caused us # to overflow, so we don't really want to consider it for # a close quote character or delimiter, so if b is the last character # let's just bail as eof pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end @goto done end pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= OK | EOF @goto done end elseif has_groupmark && b == groupmark0 prev_b0 == groupmark0 && (code |= INVALID; @goto done) # two groupmarks in a row pos += 1 Parsers.incr!(source) Parsers.eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= INVALID | EOF; @goto done) # groupmark at end of input else # detected a non-digit, time to bail on value parsing x = ifelse(neg, -x, x) # Cannot end on a groupmark (has_groupmark && prev_b0 == groupmark0) ? (code |= INVALID) : (code |= OK) @goto done end prev_b0 = b b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') end @label done return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), x end @inline function typeparser(::AbstractConf{Number}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) x = Ref{Number}() pos, code = parsenumber(source, pos, len, b, y -> (x[] = y), opts) return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), isdefined(x, :x) ? x[] : (0::Number) end @inline function parsenumber(source, pos, len, b, f::F, opts=OPTIONS) where {F} startpos = pos code = startcode = SUCCESS # begin parsing neg = b == UInt8('-') if neg || b == UInt8('+') pos += 1 incr!(source) end if eof(source, pos, len) code |= INVALID | EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) # parse rest of number _, code, pos = parsedigits(DefaultConf{Number}(), source, pos, len, b, code, OPTIONS, Int64(0), neg, startpos, true, 0, f) if invalid(code) # by default, parsedigits only has up to Float64 precision; if we overflow # let's try BigFloat pos, code, _, x = typeparser(DefaultConf{BigFloat}(), source, startpos, len, b, startcode, poslen(pos, 0), opts) if ok(code) f(x) end end @label done return pos, code end //opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/floats.jlusing Base.MPFR, Base.GMP, Base.GMP.MPZ _widen(x::UInt64) = UInt128(x) _widen(x::Int64) = Int128(x) _unwiden(x::UInt128) = x % UInt64 _unwiden(x::Int128) = x % Int64 _unwiden(x::BigInt) = x % Int128 const BIGINT = BigInt[] function access_threaded(f, v::Vector) tid = Threads.threadid() 0 < tid <= length(v) || _length_assert() if @inbounds isassigned(v, tid) @inbounds x = v[tid] else x = f() @inbounds v[tid] = x end return x end @noinline _length_assert() = @assert false "0 < tid <= v" function _widen(v::T) where {T <: Union{Int128, UInt128}} x = access_threaded(() -> (@static VERSION > v"1.5" ? BigInt(; nbits=256) : BigInt()), BIGINT) ccall((:__gmpz_import, :libgmp), Int32, (Ref{BigInt}, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Ref{T}), x, 1, 1, 16, 0, 0, v) return x end # Base.exponent_max(T) + Base.significand_bits(T) + 3 # "-0." maxdigits(::Type{Float64}) = 1079 maxdigits(::Type{Float32}) = 154 maxdigits(::Type{Float16}) = 29 maxdigits(T) = typemax(Int64) ten(::Type{T}) where {T} = T(10) const TEN = BigInt(10) ten(::Type{BigInt}) = TEN _muladd(ten, digits, b) = ten * digits + b function _muladd(ten, digits::BigInt, b) Base.GMP.MPZ.mul!(digits, ten) Base.GMP.MPZ.add_ui!(digits, b) return digits end @enum FloatType FLOAT16 FLOAT32 FLOAT64 BIGFLOAT # for non SupportedFloat Reals, parse as Float64, then convert @inline function typeparser(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) where {T <: Real} pos, code, pl, x = typeparser(DefaultConf{Float64}(), source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) return pos, code, pl, T(x) end function typeparser(::AbstractConf{BigFloat}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) base = 0 rounding = Base.MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[] z = BigFloat(precision=Base.MPFR.DEFAULT_PRECISION[]) if source isa AbstractVector{UInt8} || source isa String str = source strpos = pos else _, _, _pl, _ = typeparser(String, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) _pos = position(source) vpos, vlen = _pl.pos, _pl.len fastseek!(source, vpos - 1) str = Base.StringVector(vlen) strpos = 1 readbytes!(source, str, vlen) fastseek!(source, _pos) # reset IO to earlier position end GC.@preserve str begin ptr = pointer(str, strpos) endptr = Ref{Ptr{UInt8}}() err = ccall((:mpfr_strtofr, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ptr{UInt8}, Ref{Ptr{UInt8}}, Int32, Base.MPFR.MPFRRoundingMode), z, ptr, endptr, base, rounding) code |= endptr[] == ptr ? INVALID : OK pos += Int(endptr[] - ptr) return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, max(0, pos - pl.pos)), z end end @inline function typeparser(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) where {T <: SupportedFloats} # keep track of starting pos in case of invalid, we can rewind to start of parsing startpos = pos x = zero(T) neg = b == UInt8('-') if neg || b == UInt8('+') pos += 1 incr!(source) end if eof(source, pos, len) # invalid because input is empty or contained only '-' or '+' code |= INVALID | EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b != options.decimal && (b - UInt8('0')) > 0x09 # character isn't a digit or decimal point, check for special values, otherwise INVALID if b == UInt8('n') || b == UInt8('N') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto invalid end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('a') || b == UInt8('A') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto invalid end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('n') || b == UInt8('N') x = T(NaN) pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end code |= OK | SPECIAL_VALUE @goto done end end elseif b == UInt8('i') || b == UInt8('I') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto invalid end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('n') || b == UInt8('N') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto invalid end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('f') || b == UInt8('F') x = ifelse(neg, T(-Inf), T(Inf)) code |= OK | SPECIAL_VALUE pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('i') || b == UInt8('I') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('n') || b == UInt8('N') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('i') || b == UInt8('I') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('t') || b == UInt8('T') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b == UInt8('y') || b == UInt8('Y') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end @goto done end end end end end @goto done end end else end @label invalid fastseek!(source, startpos - 1) pos = startpos code |= INVALID @goto done end # start parsing digits or decimal point; we start digits as UInt64(0) and can _widen type if needed x, code, pos = parsedigits(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, UInt64(0), neg, startpos) @label done return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), x end @inline function handlef(x::T, f::F) where {T, F} if f === nothing return x else f(x) return nothing end end rettype(::Type{T}) where {T} = T === Number ? Nothing : T # when a function is passed to apply to the parsed value, we have to be really careful that the `x` # returned from parsedigits is `Nothing`, otherwise we end up with an overall return type like # `Tuple{Union{Nothing, T}, ReturnCode, Int}`, which can cause dynamic dispatches/inlining issues # for callers. The rule to follow is that before any call to `@goto done`, we need to ensure `x` # has been "handled" properly: either applied or in error cases, set to `nothing` getx(x, f) = f === nothing ? x : nothing # if we need to _widen the type due to `digits` overflow, we want a non-inlined version so base case compilation doesn't get out of control @noinline _parsedigits(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits::IntType, neg::Bool, startpos, overflow_invalid::Bool, ndigits::Int, f::F) where {T, IntType, F} = parsedigits(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f)::Tuple{rettype(T), ReturnCode, Int} @inline function parsedigits(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits::IntType, neg::Bool, startpos, overflow_invalid::Bool=false, ndigits::Int=0, f::F=nothing) where {T, IntType, F} x = zero(T) anydigits = false has_groupmark = _has_groupmark(options, code) groupmark0 = something(options.groupmark, 0xff) - UInt8('0') # we already previously checked if `b` was decimal or a digit, so don't need to check explicitly again if b != options.decimal b -= UInt8('0') prev_b0 = b anydigits = b <= 0x09 while true if b <= 0x09 if overflows(IntType) && digits > overflowval(IntType) return _parsedigits(conf, source, pos, len, b + UInt8('0'), code, options, _widen(digits), neg, startpos, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f) elseif ndigits > maxdigits(T) # if input is way too big, just bail fastseek!(source, startpos - 1) pos = startpos code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) @goto done end digits = _muladd(ten(IntType), digits, b) pos += 1 incr!(source) ndigits += (!iszero(ndigits) || !iszero(b)) # only accumulate digits without leading zeros if eof(source, pos, len) # input is integer, like "1" if T === Number && IntType != Int64 && digits <= _unwiden(digits) # if T is Number, let's do a quick check if we tripped the # overflow and can actually unwiden y = _unwiden(digits) x = handlef(ifelse(neg, -y, y), f) else x, code = noscale(conf, digits, neg, code, ndigits, f, options) end code |= OK | EOF @goto done end elseif has_groupmark && b == groupmark0 prev_b0 == groupmark0 && (code |= INVALID; x = getx(x, f); @goto done) # two groupmarks in a row pos += 1 Parsers.incr!(source) Parsers.eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= INVALID | EOF; x = getx(x, f); @goto done) # groupmark at end of input else # if `b` isn't a digit or a groupmark, time to break out of digit parsing while loop ((has_groupmark && prev_b0 == groupmark0) || !anydigits) && (code |= INVALID; x = getx(x, f); @goto done) # ended with groupmark break end prev_b0 = b b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') end # b wasn't a digit, so add back '0' to recover original Char value b += UInt8('0') end if b == options.decimal pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) # if input is "." then invalid, otherwise ok, like "1." if T === Number x = handlef(ifelse(neg, -Float64(digits), Float64(digits)), f) else x, code = noscale(conf, digits, neg, code, ndigits, f, options) end code |= ((startpos + 1) == pos ? INVALID : OK) | EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if b - UInt8('0') > 0x09 && !(b == UInt8('e') || b == UInt8('E') || b == UInt8('f') || b == UInt8('F')) # if the next byte after decimal point isn't a digit or exponent char ('e', 'E', 'f', 'F') # and we haven't parsed any digits, like ".a", then invalid # otherwise ok, like "1.a" (only "1." is parsed) if !anydigits code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) @goto done else if T === Number x = handlef(ifelse(neg, -Float64(digits), Float64(digits)), f) else x, code = noscale(conf, digits, neg, code, ndigits, f, options) end code |= OK @goto done end end end # we've parsed any digits preceding decimal point and consumed decimal point if any # now we parse any digits following decimal point (if any); start `frac` at UInt64(0) # `digits` still receives any fractional digits, `frac` just keeps track of how many digits # were parsed to combine with any "e123" exponent numbers to determine final exponent value (overflows(IntType) && digits > overflowval(IntType)) && (digits = _widen(digits)) x, code, pos = parsefrac(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, UInt64(0), overflow_invalid, ndigits, f) @label done return x, code, pos end # same as above; if digits overflows, we want a non-inlined version to call with a wider type # note that we never expect `frac` to overflow, since it's just keep track of the # of digits # we parse post-decimal point @noinline _parsefrac(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits::IntType, neg::Bool, startpos, frac, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f::F) where {T, IntType, F} = parsefrac(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, frac, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f)::Tuple{rettype(T), ReturnCode, Int} @inline function parsefrac(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits::IntType, neg::Bool, startpos, frac, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f::F) where {T, IntType, F} x = zero(T) parsedanyfrac = false FT = FLOAT64 # check if `b` is a digit if b - UInt8('0') < 0x0a b -= UInt8('0') parsedanyfrac = true # if so, parse fractional digits while true digits = _muladd(ten(IntType), digits, b) ndigits += (!iszero(ndigits) || !iszero(b)) # only accumulate digits without leading zeros pos += 1 incr!(source) frac += UInt64(1) if eof(source, pos, len) # input is simple non-scientific-notation floating number, like "1.1" if overflow_invalid && -signed(frac) > 308 code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) else x, code = scale(conf, FT, digits, -signed(frac), neg, code, ndigits, f, options) code |= OK | EOF end @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') b > 0x09 && break if overflows(IntType) && digits > overflowval(IntType) return _parsefrac(conf, source, pos, len, b + UInt8('0'), code, options, _widen(digits), neg, startpos, frac, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f) end end b += UInt8('0') end # check for exponent notation if b == UInt8('e') || b == UInt8('E') || b == UInt8('f') || b == UInt8('F') if b == UInt8('f') || b == UInt8('F') FT = FLOAT32 end pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) # it's an error to have a "dangling" 'e', so input was something like "1.1e" code |= INVALID | EOF x = getx(x, f) @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) # check for plus or minus sign for exponent number negexp = b == UInt8('-') if negexp || b == UInt8('+') pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) # it's an error to have a "dangling" '-' or '+', so input was something like "1.1e-" code |= INVALID | EOF x = getx(x, f) @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end b -= UInt8('0') if b > 0x09 # invalid to have a "dangling" 'e' code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) @goto done end # at this point, we've parsed X and Y in "X.YeZ", but not Z in a scientific notation exponent number # we start our exponent number at UInt64(0) return parseexp(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, frac, UInt64(0), negexp, FT, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f) else # if no scientific notation, we're done, so scale digits + frac and return if parsedanyfrac if overflow_invalid && -signed(frac) > 308 code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) @goto done else x, code = scale(conf, FT, digits, -signed(frac), neg, code, ndigits, f, options) end else x, code = noscale(conf, digits, neg, code, ndigits, f, options) end code |= OK end @label done return x, code, pos end # same no-inline story, but this time for exponent number; probably even more rare to overflow the exponent number # compared to pre/post decimal digits, but we account for it all the same (a lot of float parsers don't account for this) @noinline _parseexp(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg::Bool, startpos, frac, exp::ExpType, negexp, FT, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f::F) where {T, ExpType, F} = parseexp(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, frac, exp, negexp, FT, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f)::Tuple{rettype(T), ReturnCode, Int} @inline function parseexp(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg::Bool, startpos, frac, exp::ExpType, negexp, FT, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f::F) where {T, ExpType, F} x = zero(T) # note that `b` has already had `b - UInt8('0')` applied to it for parseexp while true exp = ExpType(10) * exp + b pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) # we finished parsing input like "1.1e1" ee = ifelse(negexp, -signed(exp), signed(exp)) - signed(frac) if overflow_invalid && ee > 308 code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) else x, code = scale(conf, FT, digits, ee, neg, code, ndigits, f, options) code |= OK | EOF end @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') # if we encounter a non-digit, that must mean we're done if b > 0x09 ee = ifelse(negexp, -signed(exp), signed(exp)) - signed(frac) if overflow_invalid && ee > 308 code |= INVALID x = getx(x, f) else x, code = scale(conf, FT, digits, ifelse(negexp, -signed(exp), signed(exp)) - signed(frac), neg, code, ndigits, f, options) code |= OK end @goto done end if overflows(ExpType) && exp > overflowval(ExpType) return _parseexp(conf, source, pos, len, b, code, options, digits, neg, startpos, frac, _widen(exp), negexp, FT, overflow_invalid, ndigits, f) end end @label done return x, code, pos end # utilities for calculating final float value maxsig(::Type{Float16}) = 2048 maxsig(::Type{Float32}) = 16777216 maxsig(::Type{Float64}) = 9007199254740992 maxsig(::Type{BigFloat}) = 9007199254740992 ceillog5(::Type{Float16}) = 5 ceillog5(::Type{Float32}) = 11 ceillog5(::Type{Float64}) = 23 ceillog5(::Type{BigFloat}) = 23 const F16_SHORT_POWERS = [exp10(Float16(x)) for x = 0:ceillog5(Float16)-1] const F32_SHORT_POWERS = [exp10(Float32(x)) for x = 0:ceillog5(Float32)-1] const F64_SHORT_POWERS = [exp10(Float64(x)) for x = 0:ceillog5(Float64)-1] pow10(::Type{Float16}, e) = (@inbounds v = F16_SHORT_POWERS[e+1]; return v) pow10(::Type{Float32}, e) = (@inbounds v = F32_SHORT_POWERS[e+1]; return v) pow10(::Type{Float64}, e) = (@inbounds v = F64_SHORT_POWERS[e+1]; return v) pow10(::Type{BigFloat}, e) = (@inbounds v = F64_SHORT_POWERS[e+1]; return v) _unsigned(x::BigInt) = x _unsigned(x) = unsigned(x) # No fractional part or exponent, digits in `v` are already scaled @inline function noscale(::AbstractConf{T}, v::Integer, neg::Bool, code, ndigits, f::F, ::Options) where {T, F} return handlef(ifelse(neg, -T(v), T(v)), f), code end # Digits in `v` need to be scaled by `exp` @inline function scale(::AbstractConf{T}, FT::FloatType, v, exp, neg, code, ndigits, f::F, ::Options) where {T, F} if T === Float64 return handlef(__scale(Float64, _unsigned(v), exp, neg), f), code elseif T === Float32 return handlef(__scale(Float32, _unsigned(v), exp, neg), f), code elseif T === Float16 return handlef(__scale(Float16, _unsigned(v), exp, neg), f), code elseif FT == FLOAT64 f64 = __scale(Float64, _unsigned(v), exp, neg) if isfinite(f64) return handlef(f64, f), code else code |= INVALID return nothing, code end elseif FT == FLOAT32 f32 = __scale(Float32, _unsigned(v), exp, neg) if isfinite(f32) return handlef(f32, f), code else code |= INVALID return nothing, code end elseif FT == FLOAT16 f16 = __scale(Float16, _unsigned(v), exp, neg) if isfinite(f16) return handlef(f16, f), code else code |= INVALID return nothing, code end else error("invalid float type for scale: `$T`") end end function __scale(::Type{T}, v, exp, neg) where {T} ms = maxsig(T) cl = ceillog5(T) if v < ms # fastest path if 0 <= exp < cl x = T(v) * pow10(T, exp) return ifelse(neg, -x, x) elseif -cl < exp < 0 x = T(v) / pow10(T, -exp) return ifelse(neg, -x, x) end end v == 0 && return zero(T) if exp > 308 && T != BigFloat return T(neg ? -Inf : Inf) elseif exp < -326 # https://github.com/JuliaData/Parsers.jl/issues/83 return _scale(T, UInt128(v), exp, neg) end return _scale(T, v, exp, neg) end function _scale(::Type{T}, v::UInt64, exp, neg) where {T} mant, pow = pow10spl(exp + 326) lz = leading_zeros(v) newv = v << lz upper, lower = two_prod(newv, mant) if upper & 0x1FF == 0x1FF && (lower + newv < lower) mant_low = mant128(exp + 325) product_middle2, product_low = two_prod(newv, mant_low) product_middle1 = lower product_high = upper product_middle = product_middle1 + product_middle2 if product_middle < product_middle1 product_high += 1 # overflow carry end if (product_middle + 1 == 0) && (product_high & 0x1FF == 0x1FF) && (product_low + v < product_low) return _scale(T, UInt128(v), exp, neg) end upper = product_high lower = product_middle end upperbit = upper >> 63 mantissa = upper >> (upperbit + 9) lz += xor(1, upperbit) if (lower == 0) && upper & 0x1FF == 0 && mantissa & 3 == 1 return _scale(T, UInt128(v), exp, neg) end mantissa += mantissa & 1 mantissa >>= 1 if mantissa >= UInt64(1) << 53 mantissa = UInt64(1) << 52 lz -= 1 end mantissa &= ~(UInt64(1) << 52) real_exponent = pow - lz if real_exponent < 1 || real_exponent > 2046 return _scale(T, UInt128(v), exp, neg) end mantissa |= real_exponent << 52 mantissa |= (UInt64(neg) << 63) return T(Core.bitcast(Float64, mantissa)) end convert_and_apply_neg(::Type{T}, x, neg) where {T} = neg ? T(-x) : T(x) # Copied from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/c054dbc6d4e03d7168864fed018e3635b546d251/base/mpfr.jl#L1029-L1031 function unalias_bigfloat(x::BigFloat) d = x._d d′ = GC.@preserve d unsafe_string(pointer(d), sizeof(d)) # creates a definitely-new String return Base.MPFR._BigFloat(x.prec, x.sign, x.exp, d′) end # need to special-case here because `x` came from thread-local BIGFLOATS array # so we need to make a copy to get a fresh BigFloat # # See https://github.com/JuliaData/CSV.jl/issues/938 function convert_and_apply_neg(::Type{BigFloat}, x::BigFloat, neg) y = unalias_bigfloat(x) if neg ccall((:mpfr_neg, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Int32), y, y, MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[]) end return y end function _scale(::Type{T}, v::V, exp, neg) where {T, V <: UInt128} if exp == 23 # special-case concluded from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/38509 x = v * V(1e23) elseif 0 <= exp < 290 x = v * exp10(exp) elseif exp < -308 || exp > 308 || v > maxsig(T) # if v is too large, we lose precision by just doing # v / exp10(-exp) since that only promotes to Float64 # so detect and re-route to this branch where we widen v y = _widen(v) return _scale(T, y, exp, neg) else x = v / exp10(-exp) end return convert_and_apply_neg(T, x, neg) end const BIGEXP10 = [1 / exp10(BigInt(e)) for e = 309:327] const BIGFLOATS = BigFloat[] const BIGFLOATEXP10 = [exp10(BigFloat(i; precision=256)) for i = 1:308] function _scale(::Type{T}, v::V, exp, neg) where {T, V <: BigInt} x = access_threaded(BigFloat, BIGFLOATS) ccall((:mpfr_set_z, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigInt}, Int32), x, v, MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[]) if exp < -308 # v * (1 / exp10(-exp)) if exp < -327 y = 1 / exp10(BigInt(-exp)) else y = BIGEXP10[-exp - 308] end ccall((:mpfr_mul, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Int32), x, x, y, MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[]) elseif exp < 0 # v / exp10(-exp) y = BIGFLOATEXP10[-exp] ccall((:mpfr_div, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Int32), x, x, y, MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[]) else # v * exp10(V(exp)) if exp <= 308 y = BIGFLOATEXP10[exp] else y = exp10(BigFloat(exp; precision=256)) end ccall((:mpfr_mul, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Ref{BigFloat}, Int32), x, x, y, MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[]) end return convert_and_apply_neg(T, x, neg) end @inline function two_prod(a, b) x = UInt128(a) * b return UInt64(x >> 64), x % UInt64 end pow10spl(i) = (@inbounds x = POW10SPL[i + 1]; return x) mant128(i) = (@inbounds x = MANTISSA128[i + 1]; return x) const POW10SPL = [ (0xa5ced43b7e3e9188, 7), (0xa5ced43b7e3e9188, 7), (0xcf42894a5dce35ea, 10), (0x818995ce7aa0e1b2, 14), (0xa1ebfb4219491a1f, 17), (0xca66fa129f9b60a6, 20), (0xfd00b897478238d0, 23), (0x9e20735e8cb16382, 27), (0xc5a890362fddbc62, 30), (0xf712b443bbd52b7b, 33), (0x9a6bb0aa55653b2d, 37), (0xc1069cd4eabe89f8, 40), (0xf148440a256e2c76, 43), (0x96cd2a865764dbca, 47), (0xbc807527ed3e12bc, 50), (0xeba09271e88d976b, 53), (0x93445b8731587ea3, 57), (0xb8157268fdae9e4c, 60), (0xe61acf033d1a45df, 63), (0x8fd0c16206306bab, 67), (0xb3c4f1ba87bc8696, 70), (0xe0b62e2929aba83c, 73), (0x8c71dcd9ba0b4925, 77), (0xaf8e5410288e1b6f, 80), (0xdb71e91432b1a24a, 83), (0x892731ac9faf056e, 87), (0xab70fe17c79ac6ca, 90), (0xd64d3d9db981787d, 93), (0x85f0468293f0eb4e, 97), (0xa76c582338ed2621, 100), (0xd1476e2c07286faa, 103), (0x82cca4db847945ca, 107), (0xa37fce126597973c, 110), (0xcc5fc196fefd7d0c, 113), (0xff77b1fcbebcdc4f, 116), (0x9faacf3df73609b1, 120), (0xc795830d75038c1d, 123), (0xf97ae3d0d2446f25, 126), (0x9becce62836ac577, 130), (0xc2e801fb244576d5, 133), (0xf3a20279ed56d48a, 136), (0x9845418c345644d6, 140), (0xbe5691ef416bd60c, 143), (0xedec366b11c6cb8f, 146), (0x94b3a202eb1c3f39, 150), (0xb9e08a83a5e34f07, 153), (0xe858ad248f5c22c9, 156), (0x91376c36d99995be, 160), (0xb58547448ffffb2d, 163), (0xe2e69915b3fff9f9, 166), (0x8dd01fad907ffc3b, 170), (0xb1442798f49ffb4a, 173), (0xdd95317f31c7fa1d, 176), (0x8a7d3eef7f1cfc52, 180), (0xad1c8eab5ee43b66, 183), (0xd863b256369d4a40, 186), (0x873e4f75e2224e68, 190), (0xa90de3535aaae202, 193), (0xd3515c2831559a83, 196), (0x8412d9991ed58091, 200), (0xa5178fff668ae0b6, 203), (0xce5d73ff402d98e3, 206), (0x80fa687f881c7f8e, 210), (0xa139029f6a239f72, 213), (0xc987434744ac874e, 216), (0xfbe9141915d7a922, 219), (0x9d71ac8fada6c9b5, 223), (0xc4ce17b399107c22, 226), (0xf6019da07f549b2b, 229), (0x99c102844f94e0fb, 233), (0xc0314325637a1939, 236), (0xf03d93eebc589f88, 239), (0x96267c7535b763b5, 243), (0xbbb01b9283253ca2, 246), (0xea9c227723ee8bcb, 249), (0x92a1958a7675175f, 253), (0xb749faed14125d36, 256), (0xe51c79a85916f484, 259), (0x8f31cc0937ae58d2, 263), (0xb2fe3f0b8599ef07, 266), (0xdfbdcece67006ac9, 269), (0x8bd6a141006042bd, 273), (0xaecc49914078536d, 276), (0xda7f5bf590966848, 279), (0x888f99797a5e012d, 283), (0xaab37fd7d8f58178, 286), (0xd5605fcdcf32e1d6, 289), (0x855c3be0a17fcd26, 293), (0xa6b34ad8c9dfc06f, 296), (0xd0601d8efc57b08b, 299), (0x823c12795db6ce57, 303), (0xa2cb1717b52481ed, 306), (0xcb7ddcdda26da268, 309), (0xfe5d54150b090b02, 312), (0x9efa548d26e5a6e1, 316), (0xc6b8e9b0709f109a, 319), (0xf867241c8cc6d4c0, 322), (0x9b407691d7fc44f8, 326), (0xc21094364dfb5636, 329), (0xf294b943e17a2bc4, 332), (0x979cf3ca6cec5b5a, 336), (0xbd8430bd08277231, 339), (0xece53cec4a314ebd, 342), (0x940f4613ae5ed136, 346), (0xb913179899f68584, 349), (0xe757dd7ec07426e5, 352), (0x9096ea6f3848984f, 356), (0xb4bca50b065abe63, 359), (0xe1ebce4dc7f16dfb, 362), (0x8d3360f09cf6e4bd, 366), (0xb080392cc4349dec, 369), (0xdca04777f541c567, 372), (0x89e42caaf9491b60, 376), (0xac5d37d5b79b6239, 379), (0xd77485cb25823ac7, 382), (0x86a8d39ef77164bc, 386), (0xa8530886b54dbdeb, 389), (0xd267caa862a12d66, 392), (0x8380dea93da4bc60, 396), (0xa46116538d0deb78, 399), (0xcd795be870516656, 402), (0x806bd9714632dff6, 406), (0xa086cfcd97bf97f3, 409), (0xc8a883c0fdaf7df0, 412), (0xfad2a4b13d1b5d6c, 415), (0x9cc3a6eec6311a63, 419), (0xc3f490aa77bd60fc, 422), (0xf4f1b4d515acb93b, 425), (0x991711052d8bf3c5, 429), (0xbf5cd54678eef0b6, 432), (0xef340a98172aace4, 435), (0x9580869f0e7aac0e, 439), (0xbae0a846d2195712, 442), (0xe998d258869facd7, 445), (0x91ff83775423cc06, 449), (0xb67f6455292cbf08, 452), (0xe41f3d6a7377eeca, 455), (0x8e938662882af53e, 459), (0xb23867fb2a35b28d, 462), (0xdec681f9f4c31f31, 465), (0x8b3c113c38f9f37e, 469), (0xae0b158b4738705e, 472), (0xd98ddaee19068c76, 475), (0x87f8a8d4cfa417c9, 479), (0xa9f6d30a038d1dbc, 482), (0xd47487cc8470652b, 485), (0x84c8d4dfd2c63f3b, 489), (0xa5fb0a17c777cf09, 492), (0xcf79cc9db955c2cc, 495), (0x81ac1fe293d599bf, 499), (0xa21727db38cb002f, 502), (0xca9cf1d206fdc03b, 505), (0xfd442e4688bd304a, 508), (0x9e4a9cec15763e2e, 512), (0xc5dd44271ad3cdba, 515), (0xf7549530e188c128, 518), (0x9a94dd3e8cf578b9, 522), (0xc13a148e3032d6e7, 525), (0xf18899b1bc3f8ca1, 528), (0x96f5600f15a7b7e5, 532), (0xbcb2b812db11a5de, 535), (0xebdf661791d60f56, 538), (0x936b9fcebb25c995, 542), (0xb84687c269ef3bfb, 545), (0xe65829b3046b0afa, 548), (0x8ff71a0fe2c2e6dc, 552), (0xb3f4e093db73a093, 555), (0xe0f218b8d25088b8, 558), (0x8c974f7383725573, 562), (0xafbd2350644eeacf, 565), (0xdbac6c247d62a583, 568), (0x894bc396ce5da772, 572), (0xab9eb47c81f5114f, 575), (0xd686619ba27255a2, 578), (0x8613fd0145877585, 582), (0xa798fc4196e952e7, 585), (0xd17f3b51fca3a7a0, 588), (0x82ef85133de648c4, 592), (0xa3ab66580d5fdaf5, 595), (0xcc963fee10b7d1b3, 598), (0xffbbcfe994e5c61f, 601), (0x9fd561f1fd0f9bd3, 605), (0xc7caba6e7c5382c8, 608), (0xf9bd690a1b68637b, 611), (0x9c1661a651213e2d, 615), (0xc31bfa0fe5698db8, 618), (0xf3e2f893dec3f126, 621), (0x986ddb5c6b3a76b7, 625), (0xbe89523386091465, 628), (0xee2ba6c0678b597f, 631), (0x94db483840b717ef, 635), (0xba121a4650e4ddeb, 638), (0xe896a0d7e51e1566, 641), (0x915e2486ef32cd60, 645), (0xb5b5ada8aaff80b8, 648), (0xe3231912d5bf60e6, 651), (0x8df5efabc5979c8f, 655), (0xb1736b96b6fd83b3, 658), (0xddd0467c64bce4a0, 661), (0x8aa22c0dbef60ee4, 665), (0xad4ab7112eb3929d, 668), (0xd89d64d57a607744, 671), (0x87625f056c7c4a8b, 675), (0xa93af6c6c79b5d2d, 678), (0xd389b47879823479, 681), (0x843610cb4bf160cb, 685), (0xa54394fe1eedb8fe, 688), (0xce947a3da6a9273e, 691), (0x811ccc668829b887, 695), (0xa163ff802a3426a8, 698), (0xc9bcff6034c13052, 701), (0xfc2c3f3841f17c67, 704), (0x9d9ba7832936edc0, 708), (0xc5029163f384a931, 711), (0xf64335bcf065d37d, 714), (0x99ea0196163fa42e, 718), (0xc06481fb9bcf8d39, 721), (0xf07da27a82c37088, 724), (0x964e858c91ba2655, 728), (0xbbe226efb628afea, 731), (0xeadab0aba3b2dbe5, 734), (0x92c8ae6b464fc96f, 738), (0xb77ada0617e3bbcb, 741), (0xe55990879ddcaabd, 744), (0x8f57fa54c2a9eab6, 748), (0xb32df8e9f3546564, 751), (0xdff9772470297ebd, 754), (0x8bfbea76c619ef36, 758), (0xaefae51477a06b03, 761), (0xdab99e59958885c4, 764), (0x88b402f7fd75539b, 768), (0xaae103b5fcd2a881, 771), (0xd59944a37c0752a2, 774), (0x857fcae62d8493a5, 778), (0xa6dfbd9fb8e5b88e, 781), (0xd097ad07a71f26b2, 784), (0x825ecc24c873782f, 788), (0xa2f67f2dfa90563b, 791), (0xcbb41ef979346bca, 794), (0xfea126b7d78186bc, 797), (0x9f24b832e6b0f436, 801), (0xc6ede63fa05d3143, 804), (0xf8a95fcf88747d94, 807), (0x9b69dbe1b548ce7c, 811), (0xc24452da229b021b, 814), (0xf2d56790ab41c2a2, 817), (0x97c560ba6b0919a5, 821), (0xbdb6b8e905cb600f, 824), (0xed246723473e3813, 827), (0x9436c0760c86e30b, 831), (0xb94470938fa89bce, 834), (0xe7958cb87392c2c2, 837), (0x90bd77f3483bb9b9, 841), (0xb4ecd5f01a4aa828, 844), (0xe2280b6c20dd5232, 847), (0x8d590723948a535f, 851), (0xb0af48ec79ace837, 854), (0xdcdb1b2798182244, 857), (0x8a08f0f8bf0f156b, 861), (0xac8b2d36eed2dac5, 864), (0xd7adf884aa879177, 867), (0x86ccbb52ea94baea, 871), (0xa87fea27a539e9a5, 874), (0xd29fe4b18e88640e, 877), (0x83a3eeeef9153e89, 881), (0xa48ceaaab75a8e2b, 884), (0xcdb02555653131b6, 887), (0x808e17555f3ebf11, 891), (0xa0b19d2ab70e6ed6, 894), (0xc8de047564d20a8b, 897), (0xfb158592be068d2e, 900), (0x9ced737bb6c4183d, 904), (0xc428d05aa4751e4c, 907), (0xf53304714d9265df, 910), (0x993fe2c6d07b7fab, 914), (0xbf8fdb78849a5f96, 917), (0xef73d256a5c0f77c, 920), (0x95a8637627989aad, 924), (0xbb127c53b17ec159, 927), (0xe9d71b689dde71af, 930), (0x9226712162ab070d, 934), (0xb6b00d69bb55c8d1, 937), (0xe45c10c42a2b3b05, 940), (0x8eb98a7a9a5b04e3, 944), (0xb267ed1940f1c61c, 947), (0xdf01e85f912e37a3, 950), (0x8b61313bbabce2c6, 954), (0xae397d8aa96c1b77, 957), (0xd9c7dced53c72255, 960), (0x881cea14545c7575, 964), (0xaa242499697392d2, 967), (0xd4ad2dbfc3d07787, 970), (0x84ec3c97da624ab4, 974), (0xa6274bbdd0fadd61, 977), (0xcfb11ead453994ba, 980), (0x81ceb32c4b43fcf4, 984), (0xa2425ff75e14fc31, 987), (0xcad2f7f5359a3b3e, 990), (0xfd87b5f28300ca0d, 993), (0x9e74d1b791e07e48, 997), (0xc612062576589dda, 1000), (0xf79687aed3eec551, 1003), (0x9abe14cd44753b52, 1007), (0xc16d9a0095928a27, 1010), (0xf1c90080baf72cb1, 1013), (0x971da05074da7bee, 1017), (0xbce5086492111aea, 1020), (0xec1e4a7db69561a5, 1023), (0x9392ee8e921d5d07, 1027), (0xb877aa3236a4b449, 1030), (0xe69594bec44de15b, 1033), (0x901d7cf73ab0acd9, 1037), (0xb424dc35095cd80f, 1040), (0xe12e13424bb40e13, 1043), (0x8cbccc096f5088cb, 1047), (0xafebff0bcb24aafe, 1050), (0xdbe6fecebdedd5be, 1053), (0x89705f4136b4a597, 1057), (0xabcc77118461cefc, 1060), (0xd6bf94d5e57a42bc, 1063), (0x8637bd05af6c69b5, 1067), (0xa7c5ac471b478423, 1070), (0xd1b71758e219652b, 1073), (0x83126e978d4fdf3b, 1077), (0xa3d70a3d70a3d70a, 1080), (0xcccccccccccccccc, 1083), (0x8000000000000000, 1087), (0xa000000000000000, 1090), (0xc800000000000000, 1093), (0xfa00000000000000, 1096), (0x9c40000000000000, 1100), (0xc350000000000000, 1103), (0xf424000000000000, 1106), (0x9896800000000000, 1110), (0xbebc200000000000, 1113), (0xee6b280000000000, 1116), (0x9502f90000000000, 1120), (0xba43b74000000000, 1123), (0xe8d4a51000000000, 1126), (0x9184e72a00000000, 1130), (0xb5e620f480000000, 1133), (0xe35fa931a0000000, 1136), (0x8e1bc9bf04000000, 1140), (0xb1a2bc2ec5000000, 1143), (0xde0b6b3a76400000, 1146), (0x8ac7230489e80000, 1150), (0xad78ebc5ac620000, 1153), (0xd8d726b7177a8000, 1156), (0x878678326eac9000, 1160), (0xa968163f0a57b400, 1163), (0xd3c21bcecceda100, 1166), (0x84595161401484a0, 1170), (0xa56fa5b99019a5c8, 1173), (0xcecb8f27f4200f3a, 1176), (0x813f3978f8940984, 1180), (0xa18f07d736b90be5, 1183), (0xc9f2c9cd04674ede, 1186), (0xfc6f7c4045812296, 1189), (0x9dc5ada82b70b59d, 1193), (0xc5371912364ce305, 1196), (0xf684df56c3e01bc6, 1199), (0x9a130b963a6c115c, 1203), (0xc097ce7bc90715b3, 1206), (0xf0bdc21abb48db20, 1209), (0x96769950b50d88f4, 1213), (0xbc143fa4e250eb31, 1216), (0xeb194f8e1ae525fd, 1219), (0x92efd1b8d0cf37be, 1223), (0xb7abc627050305ad, 1226), (0xe596b7b0c643c719, 1229), (0x8f7e32ce7bea5c6f, 1233), (0xb35dbf821ae4f38b, 1236), (0xe0352f62a19e306e, 1239), (0x8c213d9da502de45, 1243), (0xaf298d050e4395d6, 1246), (0xdaf3f04651d47b4c, 1249), (0x88d8762bf324cd0f, 1253), (0xab0e93b6efee0053, 1256), (0xd5d238a4abe98068, 1259), (0x85a36366eb71f041, 1263), (0xa70c3c40a64e6c51, 1266), (0xd0cf4b50cfe20765, 1269), (0x82818f1281ed449f, 1273), (0xa321f2d7226895c7, 1276), (0xcbea6f8ceb02bb39, 1279), (0xfee50b7025c36a08, 1282), (0x9f4f2726179a2245, 1286), (0xc722f0ef9d80aad6, 1289), (0xf8ebad2b84e0d58b, 1292), (0x9b934c3b330c8577, 1296), (0xc2781f49ffcfa6d5, 1299), (0xf316271c7fc3908a, 1302), (0x97edd871cfda3a56, 1306), (0xbde94e8e43d0c8ec, 1309), (0xed63a231d4c4fb27, 1312), (0x945e455f24fb1cf8, 1316), (0xb975d6b6ee39e436, 1319), (0xe7d34c64a9c85d44, 1322), (0x90e40fbeea1d3a4a, 1326), (0xb51d13aea4a488dd, 1329), (0xe264589a4dcdab14, 1332), (0x8d7eb76070a08aec, 1336), (0xb0de65388cc8ada8, 1339), (0xdd15fe86affad912, 1342), (0x8a2dbf142dfcc7ab, 1346), (0xacb92ed9397bf996, 1349), (0xd7e77a8f87daf7fb, 1352), (0x86f0ac99b4e8dafd, 1356), (0xa8acd7c0222311bc, 1359), (0xd2d80db02aabd62b, 1362), (0x83c7088e1aab65db, 1366), (0xa4b8cab1a1563f52, 1369), (0xcde6fd5e09abcf26, 1372), (0x80b05e5ac60b6178, 1376), (0xa0dc75f1778e39d6, 1379), (0xc913936dd571c84c, 1382), (0xfb5878494ace3a5f, 1385), (0x9d174b2dcec0e47b, 1389), (0xc45d1df942711d9a, 1392), (0xf5746577930d6500, 1395), (0x9968bf6abbe85f20, 1399), (0xbfc2ef456ae276e8, 1402), (0xefb3ab16c59b14a2, 1405), (0x95d04aee3b80ece5, 1409), (0xbb445da9ca61281f, 1412), (0xea1575143cf97226, 1415), (0x924d692ca61be758, 1419), (0xb6e0c377cfa2e12e, 1422), (0xe498f455c38b997a, 1425), (0x8edf98b59a373fec, 1429), (0xb2977ee300c50fe7, 1432), (0xdf3d5e9bc0f653e1, 1435), (0x8b865b215899f46c, 1439), (0xae67f1e9aec07187, 1442), (0xda01ee641a708de9, 1445), (0x884134fe908658b2, 1449), (0xaa51823e34a7eede, 1452), (0xd4e5e2cdc1d1ea96, 1455), (0x850fadc09923329e, 1459), (0xa6539930bf6bff45, 1462), (0xcfe87f7cef46ff16, 1465), (0x81f14fae158c5f6e, 1469), (0xa26da3999aef7749, 1472), (0xcb090c8001ab551c, 1475), (0xfdcb4fa002162a63, 1478), (0x9e9f11c4014dda7e, 1482), (0xc646d63501a1511d, 1485), (0xf7d88bc24209a565, 1488), (0x9ae757596946075f, 1492), (0xc1a12d2fc3978937, 1495), (0xf209787bb47d6b84, 1498), (0x9745eb4d50ce6332, 1502), (0xbd176620a501fbff, 1505), (0xec5d3fa8ce427aff, 1508), (0x93ba47c980e98cdf, 1512), (0xb8a8d9bbe123f017, 1515), (0xe6d3102ad96cec1d, 1518), (0x9043ea1ac7e41392, 1522), (0xb454e4a179dd1877, 1525), (0xe16a1dc9d8545e94, 1528), (0x8ce2529e2734bb1d, 1532), (0xb01ae745b101e9e4, 1535), (0xdc21a1171d42645d, 1538), (0x899504ae72497eba, 1542), (0xabfa45da0edbde69, 1545), (0xd6f8d7509292d603, 1548), (0x865b86925b9bc5c2, 1552), (0xa7f26836f282b732, 1555), (0xd1ef0244af2364ff, 1558), (0x8335616aed761f1f, 1562), (0xa402b9c5a8d3a6e7, 1565), (0xcd036837130890a1, 1568), (0x802221226be55a64, 1572), (0xa02aa96b06deb0fd, 1575), (0xc83553c5c8965d3d, 1578), (0xfa42a8b73abbf48c, 1581), (0x9c69a97284b578d7, 1585), (0xc38413cf25e2d70d, 1588), (0xf46518c2ef5b8cd1, 1591), (0x98bf2f79d5993802, 1595), (0xbeeefb584aff8603, 1598), (0xeeaaba2e5dbf6784, 1601), (0x952ab45cfa97a0b2, 1605), (0xba756174393d88df, 1608), (0xe912b9d1478ceb17, 1611), (0x91abb422ccb812ee, 1615), (0xb616a12b7fe617aa, 1618), (0xe39c49765fdf9d94, 1621), (0x8e41ade9fbebc27d, 1625), (0xb1d219647ae6b31c, 1628), (0xde469fbd99a05fe3, 1631), (0x8aec23d680043bee, 1635), (0xada72ccc20054ae9, 1638), (0xd910f7ff28069da4, 1641), (0x87aa9aff79042286, 1645), (0xa99541bf57452b28, 1648), (0xd3fa922f2d1675f2, 1651), (0x847c9b5d7c2e09b7, 1655), (0xa59bc234db398c25, 1658), (0xcf02b2c21207ef2e, 1661), (0x8161afb94b44f57d, 1665), (0xa1ba1ba79e1632dc, 1668), (0xca28a291859bbf93, 1671), (0xfcb2cb35e702af78, 1674), (0x9defbf01b061adab, 1678), (0xc56baec21c7a1916, 1681), (0xf6c69a72a3989f5b, 1684), (0x9a3c2087a63f6399, 1688), (0xc0cb28a98fcf3c7f, 1691), (0xf0fdf2d3f3c30b9f, 1694), (0x969eb7c47859e743, 1698), (0xbc4665b596706114, 1701), (0xeb57ff22fc0c7959, 1704), (0x9316ff75dd87cbd8, 1708), (0xb7dcbf5354e9bece, 1711), (0xe5d3ef282a242e81, 1714), (0x8fa475791a569d10, 1718), (0xb38d92d760ec4455, 1721), (0xe070f78d3927556a, 1724), (0x8c469ab843b89562, 1728), (0xaf58416654a6babb, 1731), (0xdb2e51bfe9d0696a, 1734), (0x88fcf317f22241e2, 1738), (0xab3c2fddeeaad25a, 1741), (0xd60b3bd56a5586f1, 1744), (0x85c7056562757456, 1748), (0xa738c6bebb12d16c, 1751), (0xd106f86e69d785c7, 1754), (0x82a45b450226b39c, 1758), (0xa34d721642b06084, 1761), (0xcc20ce9bd35c78a5, 1764), (0xff290242c83396ce, 1767), (0x9f79a169bd203e41, 1771), (0xc75809c42c684dd1, 1774), (0xf92e0c3537826145, 1777), (0x9bbcc7a142b17ccb, 1781), (0xc2abf989935ddbfe, 1784), (0xf356f7ebf83552fe, 1787), (0x98165af37b2153de, 1791), (0xbe1bf1b059e9a8d6, 1794), (0xeda2ee1c7064130c, 1797), (0x9485d4d1c63e8be7, 1801), (0xb9a74a0637ce2ee1, 1804), (0xe8111c87c5c1ba99, 1807), (0x910ab1d4db9914a0, 1811), (0xb54d5e4a127f59c8, 1814), (0xe2a0b5dc971f303a, 1817), (0x8da471a9de737e24, 1821), (0xb10d8e1456105dad, 1824), (0xdd50f1996b947518, 1827), (0x8a5296ffe33cc92f, 1831), (0xace73cbfdc0bfb7b, 1834), (0xd8210befd30efa5a, 1837), (0x8714a775e3e95c78, 1841), (0xa8d9d1535ce3b396, 1844), (0xd31045a8341ca07c, 1847), (0x83ea2b892091e44d, 1851), (0xa4e4b66b68b65d60, 1854), (0xce1de40642e3f4b9, 1857), (0x80d2ae83e9ce78f3, 1861), (0xa1075a24e4421730, 1864), (0xc94930ae1d529cfc, 1867), (0xfb9b7cd9a4a7443c, 1870), (0x9d412e0806e88aa5, 1874), (0xc491798a08a2ad4e, 1877), (0xf5b5d7ec8acb58a2, 1880), (0x9991a6f3d6bf1765, 1884), (0xbff610b0cc6edd3f, 1887), (0xeff394dcff8a948e, 1890), (0x95f83d0a1fb69cd9, 1894), (0xbb764c4ca7a4440f, 1897), (0xea53df5fd18d5513, 1900), (0x92746b9be2f8552c, 1904), (0xb7118682dbb66a77, 1907), (0xe4d5e82392a40515, 1910), (0x8f05b1163ba6832d, 1914), (0xb2c71d5bca9023f8, 1917), (0xdf78e4b2bd342cf6, 1920), (0x8bab8eefb6409c1a, 1924), (0xae9672aba3d0c320, 1927), (0xda3c0f568cc4f3e8, 1930), (0x8865899617fb1871, 1934), (0xaa7eebfb9df9de8d, 1937), (0xd51ea6fa85785631, 1940), (0x8533285c936b35de, 1944), (0xa67ff273b8460356, 1947), (0xd01fef10a657842c, 1950), (0x8213f56a67f6b29b, 1954), (0xa298f2c501f45f42, 1957), (0xcb3f2f7642717713, 1960), (0xfe0efb53d30dd4d7, 1963), (0x9ec95d1463e8a506, 1967), (0xc67bb4597ce2ce48, 1970), (0xf81aa16fdc1b81da, 1973), (0x9b10a4e5e9913128, 1977), (0xc1d4ce1f63f57d72, 1980), (0xf24a01a73cf2dccf, 1983), (0x976e41088617ca01, 1987), (0xbd49d14aa79dbc82, 1990), (0xec9c459d51852ba2, 1993), (0x93e1ab8252f33b45, 1997), (0xb8da1662e7b00a17, 2000), (0xe7109bfba19c0c9d, 2003), (0x906a617d450187e2, 2007), (0xb484f9dc9641e9da, 2010), (0xe1a63853bbd26451, 2013), (0x8d07e33455637eb2, 2017), (0xb049dc016abc5e5f, 2020), (0xdc5c5301c56b75f7, 2023), (0x89b9b3e11b6329ba, 2027), (0xac2820d9623bf429, 2030), (0xd732290fbacaf133, 2033), (0x867f59a9d4bed6c0, 2037), (0xa81f301449ee8c70, 2040), (0xd226fc195c6a2f8c, 2043), (0x83585d8fd9c25db7, 2047), (0xa42e74f3d032f525, 2050), (0xcd3a1230c43fb26f, 2053), (0x80444b5e7aa7cf85, 2057), (0xa0555e361951c366, 2060), (0xc86ab5c39fa63440, 2063), (0xfa856334878fc150, 2066), (0x9c935e00d4b9d8d2, 2070), (0xc3b8358109e84f07, 2073), (0xf4a642e14c6262c8, 2076), (0x98e7e9cccfbd7dbd, 2080), (0xbf21e44003acdd2c, 2083), (0xeeea5d5004981478, 2086), (0x95527a5202df0ccb, 2090), (0xbaa718e68396cffd, 2093), (0xe950df20247c83fd, 2096), (0x91d28b7416cdd27e, 2100), (0xb6472e511c81471d, 2103), (0xe3d8f9e563a198e5, 2106), (0x8e679c2f5e44ff8f, 2110)] const MANTISSA128 = [0x419ea3bd35385e2d, 0x52064cac828675b9, 0x7343efebd1940993, 0x1014ebe6c5f90bf8, 0xd41a26e077774ef6, 0x8920b098955522b4, 0x55b46e5f5d5535b0, 0xeb2189f734aa831d, 0xa5e9ec7501d523e4, 0x47b233c92125366e, 0x999ec0bb696e840a, 0xc00670ea43ca250d, 0x380406926a5e5728, 0xc605083704f5ecf2, 0xf7864a44c633682e, 0x7ab3ee6afbe0211d, 0x5960ea05bad82964, 0x6fb92487298e33bd, 0xa5d3b6d479f8e056, 0x8f48a4899877186c, 0x331acdabfe94de87, 0x9ff0c08b7f1d0b14, 0x7ecf0ae5ee44dd9, 0xc9e82cd9f69d6150, 0xbe311c083a225cd2, 0x6dbd630a48aaf406, 0x92cbbccdad5b108, 0x25bbf56008c58ea5, 0xaf2af2b80af6f24e, 0x1af5af660db4aee1, 0x50d98d9fc890ed4d, 0xe50ff107bab528a0, 0x1e53ed49a96272c8, 0x25e8e89c13bb0f7a, 0x77b191618c54e9ac, 0xd59df5b9ef6a2417, 0x4b0573286b44ad1d, 0x4ee367f9430aec32, 0x229c41f793cda73f, 0x6b43527578c1110f, 0x830a13896b78aaa9, 0x23cc986bc656d553, 0x2cbfbe86b7ec8aa8, 0x7bf7d71432f3d6a9, 0xdaf5ccd93fb0cc53, 0xd1b3400f8f9cff68, 0x23100809b9c21fa1, 0xabd40a0c2832a78a, 0x16c90c8f323f516c, 0xae3da7d97f6792e3, 0x99cd11cfdf41779c, 0x40405643d711d583, 0x482835ea666b2572, 0xda3243650005eecf, 0x90bed43e40076a82, 0x5a7744a6e804a291, 0x711515d0a205cb36, 0xd5a5b44ca873e03, 0xe858790afe9486c2, 0x626e974dbe39a872, 0xfb0a3d212dc8128f, 0x7ce66634bc9d0b99, 0x1c1fffc1ebc44e80, 0xa327ffb266b56220, 0x4bf1ff9f0062baa8, 0x6f773fc3603db4a9, 0xcb550fb4384d21d3, 0x7e2a53a146606a48, 0x2eda7444cbfc426d, 0xfa911155fefb5308, 0x793555ab7eba27ca, 0x4bc1558b2f3458de, 0x9eb1aaedfb016f16, 0x465e15a979c1cadc, 0xbfacd89ec191ec9, 0xcef980ec671f667b, 0x82b7e12780e7401a, 0xd1b2ecb8b0908810, 0x861fa7e6dcb4aa15, 0x67a791e093e1d49a, 0xe0c8bb2c5c6d24e0, 0x58fae9f773886e18, 0xaf39a475506a899e, 0x6d8406c952429603, 0xc8e5087ba6d33b83, 0xfb1e4a9a90880a64, 0x5cf2eea09a55067f, 0xf42faa48c0ea481e, 0xf13b94daf124da26, 0x76c53d08d6b70858, 0x54768c4b0c64ca6e, 0xa9942f5dcf7dfd09, 0xd3f93b35435d7c4c, 0xc47bc5014a1a6daf, 0x359ab6419ca1091b, 0xc30163d203c94b62, 0x79e0de63425dcf1d, 0x985915fc12f542e4, 0x3e6f5b7b17b2939d, 0xa705992ceecf9c42, 0x50c6ff782a838353, 0xa4f8bf5635246428, 0x871b7795e136be99, 0x28e2557b59846e3f, 0x331aeada2fe589cf, 0x3ff0d2c85def7621, 0xfed077a756b53a9, 0xd3e8495912c62894, 0x64712dd7abbbd95c, 0xbd8d794d96aacfb3, 0xecf0d7a0fc5583a0, 0xf41686c49db57244, 0x311c2875c522ced5, 0x7d633293366b828b, 0xae5dff9c02033197, 0xd9f57f830283fdfc, 0xd072df63c324fd7b, 0x4247cb9e59f71e6d, 0x52d9be85f074e608, 0x67902e276c921f8b, 0xba1cd8a3db53b6, 0x80e8a40eccd228a4, 0x6122cd128006b2cd, 0x796b805720085f81, 0xcbe3303674053bb0, 0xbedbfc4411068a9c, 0xee92fb5515482d44, 0x751bdd152d4d1c4a, 0xd262d45a78a0635d, 0x86fb897116c87c34, 0xd45d35e6ae3d4da0, 0x8974836059cca109, 0x2bd1a438703fc94b, 0x7b6306a34627ddcf, 0x1a3bc84c17b1d542, 0x20caba5f1d9e4a93, 0x547eb47b7282ee9c, 0xe99e619a4f23aa43, 0x6405fa00e2ec94d4, 0xde83bc408dd3dd04, 0x9624ab50b148d445, 0x3badd624dd9b0957, 0xe54ca5d70a80e5d6, 0x5e9fcf4ccd211f4c, 0x7647c3200069671f, 0x29ecd9f40041e073, 0xf468107100525890, 0x7182148d4066eeb4, 0xc6f14cd848405530, 0xb8ada00e5a506a7c, 0xa6d90811f0e4851c, 0x908f4a166d1da663, 0x9a598e4e043287fe, 0x40eff1e1853f29fd, 0xd12bee59e68ef47c, 0x82bb74f8301958ce, 0xe36a52363c1faf01, 0xdc44e6c3cb279ac1, 0x29ab103a5ef8c0b9, 0x7415d448f6b6f0e7, 0x111b495b3464ad21, 0xcab10dd900beec34, 0x3d5d514f40eea742, 0xcb4a5a3112a5112, 0x47f0e785eaba72ab, 0x59ed216765690f56, 0x306869c13ec3532c, 0x1e414218c73a13fb, 0xe5d1929ef90898fa, 0xdf45f746b74abf39, 0x6b8bba8c328eb783, 0x66ea92f3f326564, 0xc80a537b0efefebd, 0xbd06742ce95f5f36, 0x2c48113823b73704, 0xf75a15862ca504c5, 0x9a984d73dbe722fb, 0xc13e60d0d2e0ebba, 0x318df905079926a8, 0xfdf17746497f7052, 0xfeb6ea8bedefa633, 0xfe64a52ee96b8fc0, 0x3dfdce7aa3c673b0, 0x6bea10ca65c084e, 0x486e494fcff30a62, 0x5a89dba3c3efccfa, 0xf89629465a75e01c, 0xf6bbb397f1135823, 0x746aa07ded582e2c, 0xa8c2a44eb4571cdc, 0x92f34d62616ce413, 0x77b020baf9c81d17, 0xace1474dc1d122e, 0xd819992132456ba, 0x10e1fff697ed6c69, 0xca8d3ffa1ef463c1, 0xbd308ff8a6b17cb2, 0xac7cb3f6d05ddbde, 0x6bcdf07a423aa96b, 0x86c16c98d2c953c6, 0xe871c7bf077ba8b7, 0x11471cd764ad4972, 0xd598e40d3dd89bcf, 0x4aff1d108d4ec2c3, 0xcedf722a585139ba, 0xc2974eb4ee658828, 0x733d226229feea32, 0x806357d5a3f525f, 0xca07c2dcb0cf26f7, 0xfc89b393dd02f0b5, 0xbbac2078d443ace2, 0xd54b944b84aa4c0d, 0xa9e795e65d4df11, 0x4d4617b5ff4a16d5, 0x504bced1bf8e4e45, 0xe45ec2862f71e1d6, 0x5d767327bb4e5a4c, 0x3a6a07f8d510f86f, 0x890489f70a55368b, 0x2b45ac74ccea842e, 0x3b0b8bc90012929d, 0x9ce6ebb40173744, 0xcc420a6a101d0515, 0x9fa946824a12232d, 0x47939822dc96abf9, 0x59787e2b93bc56f7, 0x57eb4edb3c55b65a, 0xede622920b6b23f1, 0xe95fab368e45eced, 0x11dbcb0218ebb414, 0xd652bdc29f26a119, 0x4be76d3346f0495f, 0x6f70a4400c562ddb, 0xcb4ccd500f6bb952, 0x7e2000a41346a7a7, 0x8ed400668c0c28c8, 0x728900802f0f32fa, 0x4f2b40a03ad2ffb9, 0xe2f610c84987bfa8, 0xdd9ca7d2df4d7c9, 0x91503d1c79720dbb, 0x75a44c6397ce912a, 0xc986afbe3ee11aba, 0xfbe85badce996168, 0xfae27299423fb9c3, 0xdccd879fc967d41a, 0x5400e987bbc1c920, 0x290123e9aab23b68, 0xf9a0b6720aaf6521, 0xf808e40e8d5b3e69, 0xb60b1d1230b20e04, 0xb1c6f22b5e6f48c2, 0x1e38aeb6360b1af3, 0x25c6da63c38de1b0, 0x579c487e5a38ad0e, 0x2d835a9df0c6d851, 0xf8e431456cf88e65, 0x1b8e9ecb641b58ff, 0xe272467e3d222f3f, 0x5b0ed81dcc6abb0f, 0x98e947129fc2b4e9, 0x3f2398d747b36224, 0x8eec7f0d19a03aad, 0x1953cf68300424ac, 0x5fa8c3423c052dd7, 0x3792f412cb06794d, 0xe2bbd88bbee40bd0, 0x5b6aceaeae9d0ec4, 0xf245825a5a445275, 0xeed6e2f0f0d56712, 0x55464dd69685606b, 0xaa97e14c3c26b886, 0xd53dd99f4b3066a8, 0xe546a8038efe4029, 0xde98520472bdd033, 0x963e66858f6d4440, 0xdde7001379a44aa8, 0x5560c018580d5d52, 0xaab8f01e6e10b4a6, 0xcab3961304ca70e8, 0x3d607b97c5fd0d22, 0x8cb89a7db77c506a, 0x77f3608e92adb242, 0x55f038b237591ed3, 0x6b6c46dec52f6688, 0x2323ac4b3b3da015, 0xabec975e0a0d081a, 0x96e7bd358c904a21, 0x7e50d64177da2e54, 0xdde50bd1d5d0b9e9, 0x955e4ec64b44e864, 0xbd5af13bef0b113e, 0xecb1ad8aeacdd58e, 0x67de18eda5814af2, 0x80eacf948770ced7, 0xa1258379a94d028d, 0x96ee45813a04330, 0x8bca9d6e188853fc, 0x775ea264cf55347d, 0x95364afe032a819d, 0x3a83ddbd83f52204, 0xc4926a9672793542, 0x75b7053c0f178293, 0x5324c68b12dd6338, 0xd3f6fc16ebca5e03, 0x88f4bb1ca6bcf584, 0x2b31e9e3d06c32e5, 0x3aff322e62439fcf, 0x9befeb9fad487c2, 0x4c2ebe687989a9b3, 0xf9d37014bf60a10, 0x538484c19ef38c94, 0x2865a5f206b06fb9, 0xf93f87b7442e45d3, 0xf78f69a51539d748, 0xb573440e5a884d1b, 0x31680a88f8953030, 0xfdc20d2b36ba7c3d, 0x3d32907604691b4c, 0xa63f9a49c2c1b10f, 0xfcf80dc33721d53, 0xd3c36113404ea4a8, 0x645a1cac083126e9, 0x3d70a3d70a3d70a3, 0xcccccccccccccccc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4000000000000000, 0x5000000000000000, 0xa400000000000000, 0x4d00000000000000, 0xf020000000000000, 0x6c28000000000000, 0xc732000000000000, 0x3c7f400000000000, 0x4b9f100000000000, 0x1e86d40000000000, 0x1314448000000000, 0x17d955a000000000, 0x5dcfab0800000000, 0x5aa1cae500000000, 0xf14a3d9e40000000, 0x6d9ccd05d0000000, 0xe4820023a2000000, 0xdda2802c8a800000, 0xd50b2037ad200000, 0x4526f422cc340000, 0x9670b12b7f410000, 0x3c0cdd765f114000, 0xa5880a69fb6ac800, 0x8eea0d047a457a00, 0x72a4904598d6d880, 0x47a6da2b7f864750, 0x999090b65f67d924, 0xfff4b4e3f741cf6d, 0xbff8f10e7a8921a4, 0xaff72d52192b6a0d, 0x9bf4f8a69f764490, 0x2f236d04753d5b4, 0x1d762422c946590, 0x424d3ad2b7b97ef5, 0xd2e0898765a7deb2, 0x63cc55f49f88eb2f, 0x3cbf6b71c76b25fb, 0x8bef464e3945ef7a, 0x97758bf0e3cbb5ac, 0x3d52eeed1cbea317, 0x4ca7aaa863ee4bdd, 0x8fe8caa93e74ef6a, 0xb3e2fd538e122b44, 0x60dbbca87196b616, 0xbc8955e946fe31cd, 0x6babab6398bdbe41, 0xc696963c7eed2dd1, 0xfc1e1de5cf543ca2, 0x3b25a55f43294bcb, 0x49ef0eb713f39ebe, 0x6e3569326c784337, 0x49c2c37f07965404, 0xdc33745ec97be906, 0x69a028bb3ded71a3, 0xc40832ea0d68ce0c, 0xf50a3fa490c30190, 0x792667c6da79e0fa, 0x577001b891185938, 0xed4c0226b55e6f86, 0x544f8158315b05b4, 0x696361ae3db1c721, 0x3bc3a19cd1e38e9, 0x4ab48a04065c723, 0x62eb0d64283f9c76, 0x3ba5d0bd324f8394, 0xca8f44ec7ee36479, 0x7e998b13cf4e1ecb, 0x9e3fedd8c321a67e, 0xc5cfe94ef3ea101e, 0xbba1f1d158724a12, 0x2a8a6e45ae8edc97, 0xf52d09d71a3293bd, 0x593c2626705f9c56, 0x6f8b2fb00c77836c, 0xb6dfb9c0f956447, 0x4724bd4189bd5eac, 0x58edec91ec2cb657, 0x2f2967b66737e3ed, 0xbd79e0d20082ee74, 0xecd8590680a3aa11, 0xe80e6f4820cc9495, 0x3109058d147fdcdd, 0xbd4b46f0599fd415, 0x6c9e18ac7007c91a, 0x3e2cf6bc604ddb0, 0x84db8346b786151c, 0xe612641865679a63, 0x4fcb7e8f3f60c07e, 0xe3be5e330f38f09d, 0x5cadf5bfd3072cc5, 0x73d9732fc7c8f7f6, 0x2867e7fddcdd9afa, 0xb281e1fd541501b8, 0x1f225a7ca91a4226, 0x3375788de9b06958, 0x52d6b1641c83ae, 0xc0678c5dbd23a49a, 0xf840b7ba963646e0, 0xb650e5a93bc3d898, 0xa3e51f138ab4cebe, 0xc66f336c36b10137, 0xb80b0047445d4184, 0xa60dc059157491e5, 0x87c89837ad68db2f, 0x29babe4598c311fb, 0xf4296dd6fef3d67a, 0x1899e4a65f58660c, 0x5ec05dcff72e7f8f, 0x76707543f4fa1f73, 0x6a06494a791c53a8, 0x487db9d17636892, 0x45a9d2845d3c42b6, 0xb8a2392ba45a9b2, 0x8e6cac7768d7141e, 0x3207d795430cd926, 0x7f44e6bd49e807b8, 0x5f16206c9c6209a6, 0x36dba887c37a8c0f, 0xc2494954da2c9789, 0xf2db9baa10b7bd6c, 0x6f92829494e5acc7, 0xcb772339ba1f17f9, 0xff2a760414536efb, 0xfef5138519684aba, 0x7eb258665fc25d69, 0xef2f773ffbd97a61, 0xaafb550ffacfd8fa, 0x95ba2a53f983cf38, 0xdd945a747bf26183, 0x94f971119aeef9e4, 0x7a37cd5601aab85d, 0xac62e055c10ab33a, 0x577b986b314d6009, 0xed5a7e85fda0b80b, 0x14588f13be847307, 0x596eb2d8ae258fc8, 0x6fca5f8ed9aef3bb, 0x25de7bb9480d5854, 0xaf561aa79a10ae6a, 0x1b2ba1518094da04, 0x90fb44d2f05d0842, 0x353a1607ac744a53, 0x42889b8997915ce8, 0x69956135febada11, 0x43fab9837e699095, 0x94f967e45e03f4bb, 0x1d1be0eebac278f5, 0x6462d92a69731732, 0x7d7b8f7503cfdcfe, 0x5cda735244c3d43e, 0x3a0888136afa64a7, 0x88aaa1845b8fdd0, 0x8aad549e57273d45, 0x36ac54e2f678864b, 0x84576a1bb416a7dd, 0x656d44a2a11c51d5, 0x9f644ae5a4b1b325, 0x873d5d9f0dde1fee, 0xa90cb506d155a7ea, 0x9a7f12442d588f2, 0xc11ed6d538aeb2f, 0x8f1668c8a86da5fa, 0xf96e017d694487bc, 0x37c981dcc395a9ac, 0x85bbe253f47b1417, 0x93956d7478ccec8e, 0x387ac8d1970027b2, 0x6997b05fcc0319e, 0x441fece3bdf81f03, 0xd527e81cad7626c3, 0x8a71e223d8d3b074, 0xf6872d5667844e49, 0xb428f8ac016561db, 0xe13336d701beba52, 0xecc0024661173473, 0x27f002d7f95d0190, 0x31ec038df7b441f4, 0x7e67047175a15271, 0xf0062c6e984d386, 0x52c07b78a3e60868, 0xa7709a56ccdf8a82, 0x88a66076400bb691, 0x6acff893d00ea435, 0x583f6b8c4124d43, 0xc3727a337a8b704a, 0x744f18c0592e4c5c, 0x1162def06f79df73, 0x8addcb5645ac2ba8, 0x6d953e2bd7173692, 0xc8fa8db6ccdd0437, 0x1d9c9892400a22a2, 0x2503beb6d00cab4b, 0x2e44ae64840fd61d, 0x5ceaecfed289e5d2, 0x7425a83e872c5f47, 0xd12f124e28f77719, 0x82bd6b70d99aaa6f, 0x636cc64d1001550b, 0x3c47f7e05401aa4e, 0x65acfaec34810a71, 0x7f1839a741a14d0d, 0x1ede48111209a050, 0x934aed0aab460432, 0xf81da84d5617853f, 0x36251260ab9d668e, 0xc1d72b7c6b426019, 0xb24cf65b8612f81f, 0xdee033f26797b627, 0x169840ef017da3b1, 0x8e1f289560ee864e, 0xf1a6f2bab92a27e2, 0xae10af696774b1db, 0xacca6da1e0a8ef29, 0x17fd090a58d32af3, 0xddfc4b4cef07f5b0, 0x4abdaf101564f98e, 0x9d6d1ad41abe37f1, 0x84c86189216dc5ed, 0x32fd3cf5b4e49bb4, 0x3fbc8c33221dc2a1, 0xfabaf3feaa5334a, 0x29cb4d87f2a7400e, 0x743e20e9ef511012, 0x914da9246b255416, 0x1ad089b6c2f7548e, 0xa184ac2473b529b1, 0xc9e5d72d90a2741e, 0x7e2fa67c7a658892, 0xddbb901b98feeab7, 0x552a74227f3ea565, 0xd53a88958f87275f, 0x8a892abaf368f137, 0x2d2b7569b0432d85, 0x9c3b29620e29fc73, 0x8349f3ba91b47b8f, 0x241c70a936219a73, 0xed238cd383aa0110, 0xf4363804324a40aa, 0xb143c6053edcd0d5, 0xdd94b7868e94050a, 0xca7cf2b4191c8326, 0xfd1c2f611f63a3f0, 0xbc633b39673c8cec, 0xd5be0503e085d813, 0x4b2d8644d8a74e18, 0xddf8e7d60ed1219e, 0xcabb90e5c942b503, 0x3d6a751f3b936243, 0xcc512670a783ad4, 0x27fb2b80668b24c5, 0xb1f9f660802dedf6, 0x5e7873f8a0396973, 0xdb0b487b6423e1e8, 0x91ce1a9a3d2cda62, 0x7641a140cc7810fb, 0xa9e904c87fcb0a9d, 0x546345fa9fbdcd44, 0xa97c177947ad4095, 0x49ed8eabcccc485d, 0x5c68f256bfff5a74, 0x73832eec6fff3111, 0xc831fd53c5ff7eab, 0xba3e7ca8b77f5e55, 0x28ce1bd2e55f35eb, 0x7980d163cf5b81b3, 0xd7e105bcc332621f, 0x8dd9472bf3fefaa7, 0xb14f98f6f0feb951, 0x6ed1bf9a569f33d3, 0xa862f80ec4700c8, 0xcd27bb612758c0fa, 0x8038d51cb897789c, 0xe0470a63e6bd56c3, 0x1858ccfce06cac74, 0xf37801e0c43ebc8, 0xd30560258f54e6ba, 0x47c6b82ef32a2069, 0x4cdc331d57fa5441, 0xe0133fe4adf8e952, 0x58180fddd97723a6, 0x570f09eaa7ea7648 ]; 0/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/strings.jlW isgreedy(::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractString} = true isgreedy(::Type{Symbol}) = true isgreedy(T) = false @inline function typeparser(::AbstractConf{T}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) where {T <: AbstractString} if quoted(code) code |= OK return findendquoted(T, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, true, opts.cq, opts.e, opts.flags.stripquoted) elseif opts.flags.checkdelim code |= OK return finddelimiter(T, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts.delim, opts.flags.ignorerepeated, opts.cmt, opts.flags.ignoreemptylines, opts.flags.stripwhitespace) else code |= OK return findeof(source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) end end function findeof(source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) # no delimiter, so read until EOF # if stripwhitespace, then we need to keep track of the last non-whitespace character # in order to strip trailing whitespace lastnonwhitepos = pos while !eof(source, pos, len) b = peekbyte(source, pos) wh = iswh(b) lastnonwhitepos = opts.flags.stripwhitespace ? (wh ? lastnonwhitepos : pos) : pos pos += 1 incr!(source) end code |= EOF pl = poslen(typeof(pl), pl.pos, (lastnonwhitepos - pl.pos) + 1) return pos, code, pl, pl end function typeparser(::AbstractConf{Char}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) startpos = pos l = 8 * (4 - leading_ones(b)) c = UInt32(b) << 24 if eof(source, pos, len) code |= INVALID | EOF @goto done end s = 16 while true pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) if l >= 24 || s < l || (b & 0xc0) != 0x80 @goto done end c |= UInt32(b) << s s -= 8 end @label done # Char is *almost* not greedy; it's not greedy in that we know how much # to parse, independent of parsing stream contents, but we still need # to account for the possibility of the Options.delim being a Char # and treating that as a delim instead of a successfully parsed Char # hence the checkdelim + _contains check before setting OK ch = reinterpret(Char, c) if Base.isoverlong(ch) || Base.ismalformed(ch) code |= INVALID elseif opts.flags.checkdelim && _contains(opts.delim, ch) code |= INVALID code &= ~EOF pos = startpos fastseek!(source, startpos) else code |= OK end return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), ch end function typeparser(::AbstractConf{Symbol}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) if quoted(code) code |= OK pos, code, pl, _ = findendquoted(Symbol, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, true, opts.cq, opts.e, opts.stripquoted) elseif opts.flags.checkdelim code |= OK pos, code, pl, _ = finddelimiter(Symbol, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts.delim, opts.flags.ignorerepeated, opts.cmt, opts.ignoreemptylines, opts.flags.stripwhitespace) else code |= OK pos, code, pl, _ = findeof(source, pos, len, b, code, pl, opts) end if source isa AbstractVector{UInt8} sym = ccall(:jl_symbol_n, Ref{Symbol}, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), pointer(source, pl.pos), pl.len) else sym = Symbol(getstring(source, pl, opts.e)) end return pos, code, pl, sym end ./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/bools.jleconst DEFAULT_TRUE = "true" const DEFAULT_FALSE = "false" @inline function typeparser(::AbstractConf{Bool}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options::Options) x = false trues = options.trues falses = options.falses if trues === nothing check, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, DEFAULT_TRUE) if check x = true code |= OK eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) @goto done else intpos, intcode, intpl, intx = typeparser(DefaultConf{UInt8}(), source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) if ok(intcode) && intx < 0x02 x = intx == 0x01 code = intcode pos = intpos pl = intpl @goto done end end else check, pos = checktokens(source, pos, len, b, trues, true) if check x = true code |= OK eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) @goto done end end if falses === nothing check, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, DEFAULT_FALSE) if check x = false code |= OK eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) @goto done end else check, pos = checktokens(source, pos, len, b, falses, true) if check x = false code |= OK eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) @goto done end end code |= INVALID | (eof(source, pos, len) ? EOF : SUCCESS) @label done return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), x end./opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/dates.jl=struct Delim{T} <: Dates.AbstractDateToken d::T end charactercode(::Dates.DatePart{c}) where {c} = c function Format(f::AbstractString, locale::Dates.DateLocale=Dates.ENGLISH) tokens = Dates.AbstractDateToken[] prev = () prev_offset = 1 letters = String(collect(keys(Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS))) for m in eachmatch(Regex("(? s"\1") if !isempty(prev) letter, width = prev typ = Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS[letter] push!(tokens, Dates.DatePart{letter}(width, isempty(tran))) end if !isempty(tran) push!(tokens, length(tran) == 1 ? Delim(first(tran)) : Delim(tran)) end letter = f[m.offset] width = length(m.match) prev = (letter, width) prev_offset = m.offset + width end tran = replace(f[prev_offset:lastindex(f)], r"\\(.)" => s"\1") if !isempty(prev) letter, width = prev typ = Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS[letter] push!(tokens, Dates.DatePart{letter}(width, false)) end if !isempty(tran) push!(tokens, length(tran) == 1 ? Delim(first(tran)) : Delim(tran)) end return Format(tokens, locale) end function Format(f::AbstractString, locale::AbstractString) Format(f, Dates.LOCALES[locale]) end function Format(df::Dates.DateFormat{S, T}) where {S, T} N = fieldcount(T) dftokens = df.tokens tokens = Vector{Dates.AbstractDateToken}(undef, fieldcount(T)) Base.@nexprs 15 i -> begin if i <= N @inbounds tok = dftokens[i] @inbounds tokens[i] = tok isa Dates.Delim ? Delim(tok.d) : dftokens[i] end end if N > 15 for i = 16:N @inbounds tok = dftokens[i] @inbounds tokens[i] = tok isa Dates.Delim ? Delim(tok.d) : dftokens[i] end end return Format(tokens, df.locale) end function Base.show(io::IO, df::Format) print(io, "Parsers.dateformat\"") for t in df.tokens _show_content(io, t) end print(io, '"') end Base.Broadcast.broadcastable(x::Format) = Ref(x) function _show_content(io::IO, d::Dates.DatePart{c}) where c for i = 1:d.width print(io, c) end end function _show_content(io::IO, d::Delim{<:AbstractChar}) if d.d in keys(Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS) for i = 1:1 print(io, '\\', d.d) end else for i = 1:1 print(io, d.d) end end end function _show_content(io::IO, d::Delim) for c in d.d if c in keys(Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS) print(io, '\\') end print(io, c) end end function Base.show(io::IO, d::Delim) print(io, "Delim(") _show_content(io, d) print(io, ")") end macro dateformat_str(str) Format(str) end # Standard formats const ISODateTimeFormat = Format("yyyy-mm-dd\\THH:MM:SS.s") const ISODateFormat = Format("yyyy-mm-dd") const ISOTimeFormat = Format("HH:MM:SS.s") const RFC1123Format = Format("e, dd u yyyy HH:MM:SS") default_format(::Type{DateTime}) = ISODateTimeFormat default_format(::Type{Date}) = ISODateFormat default_format(::Type{Time}) = ISOTimeFormat maxdigits(d::Dates.DatePart) = d.fixed ? d.width : typemax(Int64) for c in "yYmdHIMS" @eval begin @inline function tryparsenext(d::Dates.DatePart{$c}, source, pos, len, b, code) return tryparsenext_base10(source, pos, len, b, code, maxdigits(d)) end end end @inline function tryparsenext_base10(source, pos, len, b, code, maxdigits) x::Int64 = 0 b -= UInt8('0') if b > 0x09 # character isn't a digit, INVALID value code |= INVALID b += UInt8('0') @goto done end ndigits = 0 @inbounds while true x = Int64(10) * x + Int64(b) ndigits += 1 pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF @goto done end b = peekbyte(source, pos) - UInt8('0') if b > 0x09 || ndigits == maxdigits b += UInt8('0') @goto done end end @label done return x, pos, b, code end ascii_lc(c::UInt8) = c in UInt8('A'):UInt8('Z') ? c + 0x20 : c function tryparsenext(d::Dates.DatePart{'p'}, source, pos, len, b, code) ap = ascii_lc(b) pos += 1 incr!(source) if !(ap == UInt8('a') || ap == UInt8('p')) || eof(source, pos, len) code |= INVALID_TOKEN else b = peekbyte(source, pos) if ascii_lc(b) != UInt8('m') code |= INVALID_TOKEN end pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF else b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return ap == UInt8('a') ? Dates.AM : Dates.PM, pos, b, code end function nextchar(source, pos, len, b) u = UInt32(b) << 24 if !Base.between(b, 0x80, 0xf7) pos += 1 incr!(source) return reinterpret(Char, u), pos end return nextchar_continued(source, pos, len, u) end function nextchar_continued(source, pos, len, u) u < 0xc0000000 && (pos += 1; incr!(source); @goto ret) # first continuation byte pos += 1 incr!(source) eof(source, pos, len) && @goto ret b = peekbyte(source, pos) b & 0xc0 == 0x80 || @goto ret u |= UInt32(b) << 16 # second continuation byte pos += 1 incr!(source) (eof(source, pos, len)) | (u < 0xe0000000) && @goto ret b = peekbyte(source, pos) b & 0xc0 == 0x80 || @goto ret u |= UInt32(b) << 8 # third continuation byte pos += 1 incr!(source) (eof(source, pos, len)) | (u < 0xf0000000) && @goto ret b = peekbyte(source, pos) b & 0xc0 == 0x80 || @goto ret u |= UInt32(b); pos += 1; incr!(source) @label ret return reinterpret(Char, u), pos end for (tok, fn) in zip("uUeE", Any[Dates.monthabbr_to_value, Dates.monthname_to_value, Dates.dayabbr_to_value, Dates.dayname_to_value]) @eval function tryparsenext(d::Dates.DatePart{$tok}, source, pos, len, b, code, locale) startpos = pos while true c, pos = nextchar(source, pos, len, b) if !isletter(c) || eof(source, pos, len) pos -= 1 break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end val = 0 if startpos == pos code |= INVALID_TOKEN else if source isa AbstractVector{UInt8} word = unsafe_string(pointer(source, startpos), pos - startpos) else # source isa IO fastseek!(source, startpos - 1) word = String(read(source, pos - startpos)) end val = $fn(word, locale) if val == 0 code |= INVALID_TOKEN end end return Int64(val), pos, b, code end end @inline function tryparsenext(d::Dates.DatePart{'s'}, source, pos, len, b, code, options) ms0, newpos, b, code = tryparsenext_base10(source, pos, len, b, code, maxdigits(d)) invalid(code) && return ms0, newpos, b, code rounding = options.rounding len = newpos - pos if len > 3 if rounding === nothing ms, r = divrem(ms0, Int64(10) ^ (len - 3)) if r != 0 code |= INEXACT end elseif rounding === RoundNearest ms = div(ms0, Int64(10) ^ (len - 3), RoundNearest) elseif rounding === RoundToZero ms = div(ms0, Int64(10) ^ (len - 3), RoundToZero) else ms = div(ms0, Int64(10) ^ (len - 3), rounding::RoundingMode) end else ms = ms0 * Int64(10) ^ (3 - len) end return ms, newpos, b, code end @inline function tryparsenext(d::Delim{<:AbstractChar}, source, pos, len, b, code) u = bswap(reinterpret(UInt32, d.d)) while true if b != (u & 0x000000ff) code |= INVALID_TOKEN break end u >>= 8 pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF | (u == UInt32(0) ? SUCCESS : INVALID_TOKEN) break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) u == UInt32(0) && break end return pos, b, code end function tryparsenext(d::Delim{String}, source, pos, len, b, code) bytes = codeunits(d.d) tlen = length(bytes) for dpos = 1:tlen @inbounds c = bytes[dpos] if b != c code |= INVALID_TOKEN break end pos += 1 incr!(source) if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF | (dpos == tlen ? SUCCESS : INVALID_TOKEN) break end b = peekbyte(source, pos) end return pos, b, code end # fallback that would call custom DatePart overloads that are expecting a string function tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code)::Tuple{Any, Int, UInt8, ReturnCode} strlen = min(len - pos + 1, 64) str = getstring(source, PosLen(pos, strlen), 0x00) res = Dates.tryparsenext(tok, str, 1, strlen) if res === nothing val = nothing code |= INVALID_TOKEN else val, i = res pos += i - 1 if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF else b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return val, pos, b, code end @inline function typeparser(::AbstractConf{T}, source::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, IO}, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) where {T <: Dates.TimeType} fmt = options.dateformat df = fmt === nothing ? default_format(T) : fmt tokens = df.tokens locale::Dates.DateLocale = df.locale year = month = day = Int64(1) hour = minute = second = millisecond = Int64(0) tz = "" ampm = Dates.TWENTYFOURHOUR extras = nothing for tok in tokens # @show pos, Char(b), code, typeof(tok) eof(code) && break if tok isa Delim{Char} pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif tok isa Delim{String} pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'y'} year, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'Y'} year, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'m'} month, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'u'} month, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code, locale) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'U'} month, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code, locale) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'d'} day, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'e'} _, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code, locale) elseif T !== Time && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'E'} _, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code, locale) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'H'} hour, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'I'} hour, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'M'} minute, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'S'} second, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'p'} ampm, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif T !== Date && tok isa Dates.DatePart{'s'} millisecond, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code, options) elseif tok isa Dates.DatePart{'z'} tz, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) elseif tok isa Dates.DatePart{'Z'} tz, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code) else # non-Dates defined character code # allocate extras if not already and parse if extras === nothing extras = IdDict{Type, Any}() end extraval, pos, b, code = tryparsenext(tok, source, pos, len, b, code)::Tuple{Any, Int, UInt8, ReturnCode} extras[Dates.CONVERSION_SPECIFIERS[charactercode(tok)]] = extraval end if invalid(code) if invalidtoken(code) code &= ~INVALID_TOKEN end break end # @show pos, Char(b), code end if T === Time @static if VERSION >= v"1.3-DEV" valid = Dates.validargs(T, hour, minute, second, millisecond, Int64(0), Int64(0), ampm) else valid = Dates.validargs(T, hour, minute, second, millisecond, Int64(0), Int64(0)) end elseif T === Date valid = Dates.validargs(T, year, month, day) elseif T === DateTime @static if VERSION >= v"1.3-DEV" valid = Dates.validargs(T, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, ampm) else valid = Dates.validargs(T, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) end elseif T.name.name === :ZonedDateTime valid = Dates.validargs(T, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, tz) else # custom TimeType if extras === nothing extras = IdDict{Type, Any}() end extras[Year] = year; extras[Month] = month; extras[Day] = day; extras[Hour] = hour; extras[Minute] = minute; extras[Second] = second; extras[Millisecond] = millisecond; types = Dates.CONVERSION_TRANSLATIONS[T] vals = Vector{Any}(undef, length(types)) for (i, type) in enumerate(types) vals[i] = get(extras, type) do Dates.CONVERSION_DEFAULTS[type] end end valid = Dates.validargs(T, vals...) end if invalid(code) || valid !== nothing if T.name.name === :ZonedDateTime x = T(0, TimeZone("UTC")) else x = T(0) end code |= INVALID else if T === Time @static if VERSION >= v"1.3-DEV" x = Time(Nanosecond(1000000 * millisecond + 1000000000 * second + 60000000000 * minute + 3600000000000 * (Dates.adjusthour(hour, ampm)))) else x = Time(Nanosecond(1000000 * millisecond + 1000000000 * second + 60000000000 * minute + 3600000000000 * hour)) end elseif T === Date x = Date(Dates.UTD(Dates.totaldays(year, month, day))) elseif T === DateTime @static if VERSION >= v"1.3-DEV" x = DateTime(Dates.UTM(millisecond + 1000 * (second + 60 * minute + 3600 * (Dates.adjusthour(hour, ampm)) + 86400 * Dates.totaldays(year, month, day)))) else x = DateTime(Dates.UTM(millisecond + 1000 * (second + 60 * minute + 3600 * hour + 86400 * Dates.totaldays(year, month, day)))) end elseif T.name.name === :ZonedDateTime x = T(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, tz) else # custom TimeType x = T(vals...) end code |= OK end if eof(source, pos, len) code |= EOF end return pos, code, PosLen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), x end 4/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/hexadecimal.jl# All bytes that are not hex digits are 0x0000FFFF const _HEX_LUT = UInt32[ b in UInt8('0'):UInt8('9') ? UInt32(b - UInt8('0')) : b in UInt8('a'):UInt8('f') ? UInt32(b - UInt8('a') + 0x0a) : b in UInt8('A'):UInt8('F') ? UInt32(b - UInt8('A') + 0x0a) : 0xFFFF for b in UInt8(0):UInt8(255) ] const _HEX_LUT_INV = UInt8.(( '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', )) ### SHA1 ### struct SHA1 h::NTuple{5,UInt32} end function Base.string(s::SHA1) out = Base.StringVector(40) i = 40 @inbounds for j in 5:-1:1 h = s.h[j] for _ in 1:8 out[i] = _HEX_LUT_INV[0x01 + (h & 0x0f)] h >>= 4 i -= 1 end end return String(out) end # give SHA1 scalar behavior in broadcasting Base.broadcastable(x::SHA1) = Ref(x) supportedtype(::Type{SHA1}) = true _set_tup5_at(t::NTuple{5,UInt32}, i, x::UInt32) = ntuple(j -> j == i ? x : t[j], 5) function typeparser(::AbstractConf{SHA1}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) if len - pos + 1 < 40 @inbounds while pos <= len && _HEX_LUT[peekbyte(source, pos) + 0x01] != 0xFFFF pos += 1 incr!(source) end eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | INVALID, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), SHA1((0,0,0,0,0))) end check = UInt32(0) out = ntuple(j -> UInt32(0), 5) @inbounds for i in 1:5 h = UInt32(0) for _ in 0:7 # Maybe unroll? b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c h = ((h << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end # Only check validity every 8 bytes to hopefully enable some vectorization if check == 0xFFFF pos -= 8 # Backtrack to the start of the invalid hex fastseek!(source, pos - 1) while _HEX_LUT[peekbyte(source, pos) + 0x01] != 0xFFFF pos += 1 incr!(source) end return pos, code | INVALID, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), SHA1(out) end out = _set_tup5_at(out, i, h) end eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | OK, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), SHA1(out)) end ### UUID ### supportedtype(::Type{UUID}) = true function typeparser(::AbstractConf{UUID}, source, pos, len, b, code, pl, options) check = UInt32(0) hi = UInt64(0) lo = UInt64(0) @inbounds begin if len - pos + 1 < 36 while (_HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] != 0xFFFF || b == UInt8('-')) pos += 1 incr!(source) pos <= len || break b = peekbyte(source, pos) end eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | INVALID, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), UUID((hi, lo))) end segment_len = 8 for _ in 1:segment_len b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c hi = ((hi << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end check != 0xFFFF || (return _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl)) peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('-') || @goto error pos += 1 incr!(source) segment_len = 4 for _ in 1:segment_len b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c hi = ((hi << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end check != 0xFFFF || (return _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl)) peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('-') || @goto error pos += 1 incr!(source) segment_len = 4 for _ in 1:segment_len b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c hi = ((hi << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end check != 0xFFFF || (return _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl)) peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('-') || @goto error pos += 1 incr!(source) segment_len = 4 for _ in 1:segment_len b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c lo = ((lo << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end check != 0xFFFF || (return _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl)) peekbyte(source, pos) == UInt8('-') || @goto error pos += 1 incr!(source) segment_len = 12 for _ in 1:segment_len b = peekbyte(source, pos) c = _HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] check |= c lo = ((lo << 4) | c) pos += 1 incr!(source) end check != 0xFFFF || (return _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl)) end # @inbounds eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | OK, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), UUID((hi, lo))) @label error eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | INVALID, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), UUID((hi, lo))) end @noinline function _backtrack_error(source, pos, len, code, segment_len, hi, lo, pl) pos -= segment_len # Backtrack to the start of the invalid hex fastseek!(source, pos - 1) b = peekbyte(source, pos) while (_HEX_LUT[b + 0x01] != 0xFFFF || b == UInt8('-')) pos += 1 incr!(source) pos <= len || break b = peekbyte(source, pos) end eof(source, pos, len) && (code |= EOF) return (pos, code | INVALID, poslen(pl.pos, pos - pl.pos), UUID((hi, lo))) end 3/opt/julia/packages/Parsers/fKIy3/src/precompile.jlusing PrecompileTools @setup_workload begin # Putting some things in `setup` can reduce the size of the # precompile file and potentially make loading faster. options = Parsers.Options() pos = 1 val = "123" len = length(val) @compile_workload begin # all calls in this block will be precompiled, regardless of whether # they belong to your package or not (on Julia 1.8 and higher) for T in (String, Int32, Int64, Float64, BigFloat, Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime, Dates.Time, Bool) for buf in (codeunits(val), Vector(codeunits(val))) Parsers.xparse(T, buf, pos, len, options) Parsers.xparse(T, buf, pos, len, options, Any) end end for T in (Int32, Int64, Float64, BigFloat, Dates.Date, Dates.DateTime, Dates.Time, Bool) for buf in (val, SubString(val, 1:3), Vector(codeunits(val)), view(Vector(codeunits(val)), 1:3)) try Parsers.parse(T, buf, options) catch end Parsers.tryparse(T, buf, options) end end end end .qr