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AGGGG7?/#9.69.6,1?#self#msgcalling_funcname*/opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻS unescapeuri(str) Percent-decode a string according to the URI escaping rules. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ escapepath(path) Escape the path portion of a URI, given the string `path` containing embedded `/` characters which separate the path segments. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jl0ڻ absuri(uri::Union{URI,AbstractString}, context::Union{URI,AbstractString}) -> URI Construct an absolute URI, using `uri.path` and `uri.query` and filling in other components from `context`. ```  #&)*/opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlCڻe joinpath(uri::URI, path::AbstractString) -> URI Join the path component of URI and other parts. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ queryparampairs(::URI) -> Vector{Pair{String, String}} queryparampairs(query_str::AbstractString) -> Vector{Pair{String, String}} Identical to `queryparams`, but returns a `Vector{Pair{String, String}}` containing the `query` parameter string parsed according to the key=value pair formatting convention. Note that this is not part of the formal URI grammar, merely a common parsing convention — see [RFC 3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.4). ` */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻbhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3.1 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3 */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlZڻu resolvereference(base::Union{URI,AbstractString}, ref::Union{URI,AbstractString}) -> URI Resolve a URI reference `ref` relative to the absolute base URI `base`, complying with [RFC 3986 Section 5.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2). If `ref` is an absolute URI, return `ref` unchanged. # Examples ```jldoctest; setup = :(using URIs) julia> u = resolvereference("http://example.org/foo/bar/", "/baz/") URI("http://example.org/baz/") julia> resolvereference(u, "./hello/world") URI("http://example.org/baz/hello/world") julia> resolvereference(u, "http://localhost:8000") URI("http://localhost:8000") ``` +/opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/debug.jlڻW @ensure postcondition [message] Throw `ArgumentError` if `postcondition` is false. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ0https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-4.1 */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻchecks if a `URI` is valid*/opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ queryparams(::URI) -> Dict queryparams(query_str::AbstractString) -> Dict Returns a `Dict` containing the `query` parameter string parsed according to the key=value pair formatting convention. Note that duplicate query param values are not supported; if needed, use `queryparampairs`. Note that this is not part of the formal URI grammar, merely a common parsing convention — see [RFC 3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.4). */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻM _bytes(s::String) Get a `Vector{UInt8}`, a vector of bytes of a string. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻR escapeuri(x) Apply URI percent-encoding to escape special characters in `x`. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ escapeuri(key, value) escapeuri(query_vals) Percent-encode and concatenate a value pair(s) as they would conventionally be encoded within the query part of a URI. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ URIs.normpath(url) Normalize the path portion of a URI by removing dot segments. This function corresponds to the `remove_dot_segments` function described in Sec. 5.2.4 of IETF RFC 3986. Refer to: * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4 */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ resolveref_merge(base, ref) Implementation of the "merge" routine described in RFC 3986 Sec. 5.2.3 for merging a relative-path reference with the path of the base URI. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ.https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3 */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ URI(; scheme="", host="", port="", etc...) URI(str) = parse(URI, str::String) A type representing a URI (e.g. a URL). Can be constructed from distinct parts using the various supported keyword arguments, or from a string. The `URI` constructors will automatically escape any provided `query` arguments, typically provided as `"key"=>"value"::Pair` or `Dict("key"=>"value")`. For all other components, you need to manually percent encode them before passing them to the `URI` constructor. Note that multiple values for a single query key can provided like `Dict("key"=>["value1", "value2"])`, in which case the constructor will percent encode _only_ the values you pass in as the `query` part. When constructing a `URI` from a `String`, you need to ensure that the string is correctly percent encoded already. The `URI` struct stores the complete URI in the `uri::String` field and the component parts in the following `SubString` fields: * `scheme`, e.g. `"http"` or `"https"` * `userinfo`, e.g. `"username:password"` * `host` e.g. `"julialang.org"` * `port` e.g. `"80"` or `""` * `path` e.g `"/"` * `query` e.g. `"Foo=1&Bar=2"` * `fragment` The `queryparams(::URI)` function returns a `Dict` containing the `query`. Note that you manually need to percent decode the content of the individual component fields before you further use their content, as they are returned in percent-encoded form. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ URIs.splitpath(path|uri; rstrip_empty_segment=true) Splits the path into component segments based on `/`, according to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3. Any fragment and query parts of the string are ignored if present. A final empty path segment (trailing '/') is removed, if present. This is technically incompatible with the segment grammar of RFC3986, but it seems to be a common recommendation to make paths with and without a trailing slash equivalent. To preserve any final empty path segment, set `rstrip_empty_segment=false`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> URIs.splitpath(URI("http://example.com/foo/bar?a=b&c=d")) 2-element Array{String,1}: "foo" "bar" julia> URIs.splitpath("/foo/bar/") 2-element Array{String,1}: "foo" "bar" ``` +/opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/debug.jlڻV @require precondition [message] Throw `ArgumentError` if `precondition` is false. */opt/julia/packages/URIs/7Tg5r/src/URIs.jlڻ0https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-4.3 .6?- A 4A4k- A9.6 A 4A49.6 A 4A4U A 49.64-9.6 A 49.67 ?/#9.69.6,-?+#self#__source____module__conditionmsg.6`tH? A!y9.69.6 A7?/#9.69.6,-?'#self#__source____module__condition.6 () requires unknown ? I.OV6 I9.63 I I A!y9.6- 7 ?/#9.69.6,#/#9.69.6,$?.#self#msgcalling_funcnamecalling_funcname.6#self#-g9.6.Z40--g9.6- A 4A49.6 A 49.64V7?/#9.69.6,?#self#.6U-9.6-7?/#9.69.6,? #self#x.69.6. 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