module ConcurrentUtilities export Lockable, OrderedSynchronizer, reset!, ReadWriteLock, readlock, readunlock, @wkspawn, Workers, remote_eval, remote_fetch, Worker, terminate!, WorkerTerminatedException, Pool, acquire, release, drain!, try_with_timeout, TimeoutException macro samethreadpool_spawn(expr) if VERSION >= v"1.9.2" esc(:(Threads.@spawn Threads.threadpool() $expr)) else esc(:(Threads.@spawn $expr)) end end include("try_with_timeout.jl") include("workers.jl") using .Workers isdefined(Base, :Lockable) ? (using Base: Lockable) : include("lockable.jl") # include("spawn.jl") include("synchronizer.jl") include("rwlock.jl") include("pools.jl") using .Pools function clear_current_task() current_task().storage = nothing current_task().code = nothing return end """ @wkspawn [:default|:interactive] expr Create a `Task` and `schedule` it to run on any available thread in the specified threadpool (`:default` if unspecified). The task is allocated to a thread once one becomes available. To wait for the task to finish, call `wait` on the result of this macro, or call `fetch` to wait and then obtain its return value. Values can be interpolated into `@wkspawn` via `\$`, which copies the value directly into the constructed underlying closure. This allows you to insert the _value_ of a variable, isolating the asynchronous code from changes to the variable's value in the current task. """ macro wkspawn(args...) e = args[end] expr = quote ret = $e $(clear_current_task)() ret end @static if isdefined(Base.Threads, :maxthreadid) q = esc(:(Threads.@spawn $(args[1:end-1]...) $expr)) else q = esc(:(Threads.@spawn $expr)) end return q end end # module