const WORK_QUEUE = Channel{Task}(0) const WORKER_TASKS = Task[] """ ConcurrentUtilities.@spawn expr ConcurrentUtilities.@spawn passthroughstorage::Bool expr Similar to `Threads.@spawn`, schedule and execute a task (given by `expr`) that will be run on a "background worker" (see [`ConcurrentUtilities.init`]((@ref))). In the 2-argument invocation, `passthroughstorage` controls whether the task-local storage of the `current_task()` should be "passed through" to the spawned task. """ macro spawn(thunk) esc(quote tsk = @task $thunk = current_task().storage put!(ConcurrentUtilities.WORK_QUEUE, tsk) tsk end) end """ ConcurrentUtilities.@spawn expr ConcurrentUtilities.@spawn passthroughstorage::Bool expr Similar to `Threads.@spawn`, schedule and execute a task (given by `expr`) that will be run on a "background worker" (see [`ConcurrentUtilities.init`]((@ref))). In the 2-argument invocation, `passthroughstorage` controls whether the task-local storage of the `current_task()` should be "passed through" to the spawned task. """ macro spawn(passthroughstorage, thunk) esc(quote tsk = @task $thunk if $passthroughstorage = current_task().storage end put!(ConcurrentUtilities.WORK_QUEUE, tsk) tsk end) end """ ConcurrentUtilities.init(nworkers=Threads.nthreads() - 1) Initialize background workers that will execute tasks spawned via [`ConcurrentUtilities.@spawn`](@ref). If `nworkers == 1`, a single worker will be started on thread 1 where tasks will be executed in contention with other thread 1 work. Background worker tasks can be inspected by looking at `ConcurrentUtilities.WORKER_TASKS`. """ function init(nworkers=Threads.nthreads()-1) maxthreadid = nworkers + 1 tids = Threads.nthreads() == 1 ? (1:1) : 2:maxthreadid resize!(WORKER_TASKS, max(nworkers, 1)) @static if VERSION < v"1.8.0" Threads.@threads for tid in 1:maxthreadid if tid in tids WORKER_TASKS[tid == 1 ? 1 : (tid - 1)] = Base.@async begin for task in WORK_QUEUE schedule(task) wait(task) end end end end else Threads.@threads :static for tid in 1:maxthreadid if tid in tids WORKER_TASKS[tid == 1 ? 1 : (tid - 1)] = Base.@async begin for task in WORK_QUEUE schedule(task) wait(task) end end end end end return end