using ConcurrentUtilities.Workers using Test, IOCapture @testset "Worker basics" verbose=true begin w = Worker() @testset "correct connected/running states ($w)" begin @test > 0 @test process_running(w.process) @test isopen(w.pipe) @test !Workers.terminated(w) if !(istaskstarted(w.messages) && !istaskdone(w.messages)) @show w.messages end @test istaskstarted(w.messages) && !istaskdone(w.messages) if !(istaskstarted(w.output) && !istaskdone(w.output)) @show w.output end @test istaskstarted(w.output) && !istaskdone(w.output) @test isempty(w.futures) end @testset "clean shutdown ($w)" begin close(w) @test !process_running(w.process) @test !isopen(w.pipe) @test Workers.terminated(w) @test istaskstarted(w.messages) && istaskdone(w.messages) @test istaskstarted(w.output) && istaskdone(w.output) @test isempty(w.futures) end w = Worker() @testset "more forceful shutdown ($w)" begin @test > 0 terminate!(w) wait(w) @test !process_running(w.process) @test !isopen(w.pipe) @test Workers.terminated(w) @test istaskstarted(w.messages) && istaskdone(w.messages) @test istaskstarted(w.output) && istaskdone(w.output) @test isempty(w.futures) end w = Worker() @testset "remote_eval/remote_fetch ($w)" begin expr = quote global x x = 101 end ret = remote_fetch(w, expr) @test ret == 101 @test isempty(w.futures) # should be empty since we're not waiting for a response # now fetch the remote value expr = quote global x x end fut = remote_eval(w, expr) @test fetch(fut) == 101 @test isempty(w.futures) # should be empty since we've received all expected responses # test remote_call w/ exception expr = quote error("oops") end fut = remote_eval(w, expr) @test_throws CapturedException fetch(fut) close(w) end # avoid crash logs escaping to stdout, as it confuses PkgEval # w = Worker(; worker_redirect_io=devnull) @testset "worker crashing ($w)" begin expr = quote ccall(:abort, Cvoid, ()) end fut = remote_eval(w, expr) @test_throws Workers.WorkerTerminatedException fetch(fut) wait(w) @test !process_running(w.process) @test !isopen(w.pipe) @test Workers.terminated(w) @test istaskstarted(w.messages) && istaskdone(w.messages) @test istaskstarted(w.output) && istaskdone(w.output) @test isempty(w.futures) close(w) end w = Worker() @testset "remote_eval ($w)" begin fut = remote_eval(w, :(1 + 2)) @test fetch(fut) == 3 # test remote module loading fut = remote_eval(w, :(using Test; @test 1 == 1)) @test fetch(fut) isa Test.Pass close(w) end end @testset "Workers print in color" begin project_path = pkgdir(ConcurrentUtilities) code = """ using ConcurrentUtilities.Workers remote_fetch(Worker(), :(printstyled("this better ber red\n", color=:red))) """ # Need to run in a separate process to force --color=yes in CI. logs = IOCapture.capture(color=true) do run(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --project=$project_path --color=yes -e $code`) end @test contains(logs.output, "\e[31mthis better ber red\e[39m\n") end