using Conda, Pkg, Test, VersionParsing exe = Sys.iswindows() ? ".exe" : "" Conda.update() if Conda.USE_MINIFORGE default_channel = "conda-forge" alt_channel = "defaults" else default_channel = "defaults" alt_channel = "conda-forge" end env = :test_conda_jl rm(Conda.prefix(env); force=true, recursive=true) @testset "Install Python package" begin Conda.add("python", env) pythonpath = joinpath(Conda.python_dir(env), "python" * exe) @test isfile(pythonpath) cmd = Conda._set_conda_env(`$pythonpath -c "import six"`, env) @test_throws Exception run(cmd) Conda.add("six", env) run(cmd) end @testset "Install executable package" begin @test Conda.exists("curl", env) Conda.add("curl", env) curlvers = Conda.version("curl",env) @test curlvers >= v"1.0" @test Conda.exists("curl==$curlvers", env) curl_path = joinpath(Conda.bin_dir(env), "curl" * exe) @test isfile(curl_path) @test "curl" in"cu*", env) Conda.rm("curl", env) @test !isfile(curl_path) end pythonpath = joinpath(Conda.PYTHONDIR, "python" * exe) @test isfile(pythonpath) pyversion = read(`$pythonpath -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"`, String) @test pyversion[1:1] == Conda.MINICONDA_VERSION condarc_path = joinpath(homedir(), ".condarc") last_modified = mtime(condarc_path) Conda.add_channel("foo", env) @test Conda.channels(env) == ["foo", default_channel] # Testing that calling the function twice do not fail Conda.add_channel("foo", env) # Validate that only the Conda.jl RC file was modified @test occursin("foo", read(Conda.conda_rc(env), String)) @test !isfile(condarc_path) || !occursin("foo", read(condarc_path, String)) Conda.rm_channel("foo", env) @test mtime(condarc_path) == last_modified @test Conda.channels(env) == [default_channel] # Add a package from a specific channel Conda.add("zlib", env; channel=alt_channel) @testset "Batch install and uninstall" begin mktempdir() do env Conda.create(env) Conda.add(["affine", "ansi2html"], env) installed = Conda._installed_packages(env) @test "affine" ∈ installed @test "ansi2html" ∈ installed Conda.rm(["affine", "ansi2html"], env) installed = Conda._installed_packages(env) @test "affine" ∉ installed @test "ansi2html" ∉ installed end end @testset "Install Numpy with Satisfied Skip Solve" begin mktempdir() do env Conda.create(env) # Add with low version number constraint Conda.add("numpy=1.14", env) ver = Conda.version("numpy", env) @test ver >= v"1.14" && ver < v"1.15" # Readd with satisified skip solve, version should not change Conda.add("numpy", env; satisfied_skip_solve = true) ver = Conda.version("numpy", env) @test ver >= v"1.14" && ver < v"1.15" # Readd with -S, version should not change Conda.add("numpy", env; args=`-S`) ver = Conda.version("numpy", env) @test ver >= v"1.14" && ver < v"1.15" end end # Run conda clean Conda.clean(; debug=true) @testset "Exporting and creating environments" begin mktempdir() do env new_env = :test_conda_jl_2 Conda.create(env) Conda.add("curl", env) Conda.export_list("conda-pkg.txt", env) # Create a new environment rm(Conda.prefix(new_env); force=true, recursive=true) Conda.import_list( IOBuffer(read("conda-pkg.txt")), new_env; channels=["foo", alt_channel, default_channel] ) # Ensure that our new environment has our channels and package installed. @test Conda.channels(new_env) == ["foo", alt_channel, default_channel] installed = Conda._installed_packages(new_env) @test "curl" ∈ installed rm("conda-pkg.txt") end end @testset "Conda.pip_interop" begin Conda.pip_interop(false, env) @test_throws Exception Conda.check_pip_interop(env) @test !Conda.pip_interop(env) Conda.pip_interop(true, env) @test Conda.pip_interop(env) @test Conda.check_pip_interop(env) end @testset "Conda.pip" begin Conda.pip("install", "affine", env) @test "affine" ∈ Conda._installed_packages(env) Conda.pip("uninstall -y", "affine", env) @test "affine" ∉ Conda._installed_packages(env) Conda.pip("install", ["affine", "ansi2html"], env) installed = Conda._installed_packages(env) @test "affine" ∈ installed @test "ansi2html" ∈ installed Conda.pip("uninstall -y", ["affine", "ansi2html"], env) installed = Conda._installed_packages(env) @test "affine" ∉ installed @test "ansi2html" ∉ installed end @testset "build" begin condadir = abspath(first(DEPOT_PATH), "conda") depsfile = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "deps.jl") function preserve_build(body) condadir_bak = condadir * "-backup" depsfile_bak = depsfile * "-backup" # Backup contents that may be changed by a build. ispath(condadir) && mv(condadir, condadir_bak) ispath(depsfile) && mv(depsfile, depsfile_bak) try body() finally # Restore content ispath(condadir_bak) && mv(condadir_bak, condadir; force=true) ispath(depsfile_bak) && mv(depsfile_bak, depsfile; force=true) end end function default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @static if Sys.iswindows() p = joinpath(ROOTENV, "Scripts") conda_bat = joinpath(p, "conda.bat") isfile(conda_bat) ? conda_bat : joinpath(p, "conda.exe") else joinpath(ROOTENV, "bin", "conda") end end if Sys.ARCH in [:x86, :i686] CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT = "false" else CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT = "true" end @testset "defaults" begin preserve_build() do # In order to test the defaults no depsfiles must be present @test !isfile(depsfile) @test !isfile(joinpath(condadir, "deps.jl")) withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_HOME" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "3" const USE_MINIFORGE = $(CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT) const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end end end @testset "miniforge" begin preserve_build() do # In order to test the defaults no depsfiles must be present @test !isfile(depsfile) @test !isfile(joinpath(condadir, "deps.jl")) withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_HOME" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => "1", "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "3" const USE_MINIFORGE = true const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end end preserve_build() do # In order to test the defaults no depsfiles must be present @test !isfile(depsfile) @test !isfile(joinpath(condadir, "deps.jl")) withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_HOME" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => "0", "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "3" const USE_MINIFORGE = false const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end end end @testset "custom home" begin preserve_build() do mktempdir() do dir withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => "3", "CONDA_JL_HOME" => dir, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(dir) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(dir))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "3" const USE_MINIFORGE = $(CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT) const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end end end end #= # This is broken @testset "version mismatch" begin preserve_build() do # Mismatch in written file local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) write(depsfile, """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "2" const USE_MINIFORGE = $(CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT) const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """) withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_HOME" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "2" const USE_MINIFORGE = $(CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT) const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end # ROOTENV should be replaced since CONDA_JL_HOME wasn't explicitly set withenv("CONDA_JL_VERSION" => "3", "CONDA_JL_HOME" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE" => nothing, "CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE" => nothing) do"Conda") local ROOTENV=joinpath(condadir, "3", string(Sys.ARCH)) local CONDA_EXE=default_conda_exe(ROOTENV) @test read(depsfile, String) == """ const ROOTENV = "$(escape_string(ROOTENV))" const MINICONDA_VERSION = "3" const USE_MINIFORGE = $(CONDA_JL_USE_MINIFORGE_DEFAULT) const CONDA_EXE = "$(escape_string(CONDA_EXE))" """ end end end =# end