struct DuplicatedAliasError <: Exception name::String end function Base.showerror(io::IO, err::DuplicatedAliasError) print(io, "DuplicatedAliasError: duplicated alias name: ") return printstyled(io,; color=:cyan) end struct InvalidKeyError <: Exception got::Union{Symbol, String} keys::Union{Vector{Symbol}, Vector{String}} end function Base.showerror(io::IO, err::InvalidKeyError) print(io, "InvalidKeyError: invalid key ") printstyled(io,; color=:light_blue) print(io, ", possible keys are: ") if length(err.keys) > 8 for idx in 1:8 printstyled(io, err.keys[idx]; color=:light_blue) if idx != 8 print(io, ", ") end end print(io, "... please check documentation for other valid keys") else for idx in eachindex(err.keys) printstyled(io, err.keys[idx]; color=:light_blue) if idx != lastindex(err.keys) print(io, ", ") end end end return nothing end """ DuplicatedFieldError(name, type) A field with `name` of given option `type` is duplicated in the subfields option type. Thus one cannot use the field keyword convention when seeing this error. """ struct DuplicatedFieldError <: Exception name::Symbol type end function Base.showerror(io::IO, err::DuplicatedFieldError) print(io, "DuplicatedFieldError: duplicated field ") printstyled(io,; color=:light_blue) print(io, " in type ") printstyled(io, err.type; color=:green) return print(io, " and its sub-fields") end """ FieldTypeConversionError(type, fieldname, fieldtype, optiontype) A conversion from `type` to `fieldtype` belonging to `fieldname` in an `optiontype` failed. """ struct FieldTypeConversionError <: Exception type fieldname::Symbol fieldtype optiontype end function Base.showerror(io::IO, err::FieldTypeConversionError) print(io, "FieldTypeConversionError: conversion from ") printstyled(io, err.type; color=:red) print(io, " to type ") printstyled(io, err.fieldtype; color=:green) print(io, " for field ") printstyled(io, err.fieldname; color=:light_blue) print(io, " in type ") printstyled(io, err.optiontype; color=:green) return print(io, " failed") end