function assert_option(x) return is_option(x) || error("$(typeof(x)) is not an option type") end @option struct ToDictOption include_defaults::Bool = true exclude_nothing::Bool = false end """ TOMLStyle::ToDictOption Predefined option for TOML compatible [`to_dict`](@ref) option. """ const TOMLStyle = ToDictOption(; include_defaults=true, exclude_nothing=true) """ YAMLStyle::ToDictOption Predefined option for YAML compatible [`to_dict`](@ref) option. """ const YAMLStyle = ToDictOption(; include_defaults=true, exclude_nothing=false) """ JSONStyle::ToDictOption Predefined option for JSON compatible [`to_dict`](@ref) option. """ const JSONStyle = ToDictOption(; include_defaults=true, exclude_nothing=false) """ to_dict(x; include_defaults=true, exclude_nothing=false) -> OrderedDict Convert an object `x` to an `OrderedDict`. # Kwargs - `include_defaults`: include the default value, default is `true`. - `exclude_nothing`: exclude fields that have value `nothing`, this supersedes `include_defaults` when they are both `true`. # Format Compatibilty When mapping an option struct from Julia to TOML/YAML/JSON/etc. format, there are some subtle semantic compatibilty one need to deal with, we provide some convenient predefined conversion option constants as [`TOMLStyle`](@ref), [`YAMLStyle`](@ref), [`JSONStyle`](@ref). !!! tips `to_dict` does not export fields that are of the same values as the defaults. In most cases, this should be the default behaviour, and users should not use `include_defaults`, however, this can be overridden by changing `include_defaults` to `true`. """ function to_dict(x; kw...) return to_dict(x, ToDictOption(; kw...)) end """ to_dict(x, option::ToDictOption) -> OrderedDict Convert an object `x` to an `OrderedDict` with `ToDictOption` specified. # Example ```julia to_dict(x, TOMLStyle) # TOML compatible to_dict(x, YAMLStyle) # YAML compatible to_dict(x, JSONStyle) # JSON compatible ``` """ function to_dict(x, option::ToDictOption) assert_option(x) return to_dict(typeof(x), x, option) end # disambiguity to_dict(x::Type, ::ToDictOption) = error("$x is not an option type") """ to_dict(::Type{T}, x, option::ToDictOption) where T Convert `x` when `x` is inside an option type `T`. `option` is a set of options to determine the conversion behaviour. this can be overloaded to change the behaviour of `to_dict(x; kw...)`. to_dict(::Type{T}, x) where T One can also use the 2-arg version when `x` is not or does not contain an option type for convenience. # Example The following is a builtin overload to handle list of options. ```julia function Configurations.to_dict(::Type{T}, x::Vector, option::ToDictOption) where T if is_option(eltype(x)) return map(p->to_dict(T, p, include_defaults), x) else return x end end ``` The following overloads the 2-arg `to_dict` to convert all `VersionNumber` to a `String` for all kinds of option types. ```julia Configurations.to_dict(::Type, x::VersionNumber) = string(x) ``` """ function to_dict(::Type{T}, x, option::ToDictOption) where {T} if is_option(x) return _option_to_dict(x, option) else return to_dict(T, x) # fall through 2-arg version end end to_dict(::Type, x) = x # handle list of options as builtin function to_dict(::Type{T}, x::Vector, option::ToDictOption) where {T} return map(x) do each d = to_dict(T, each, option) if eltype(x) isa Union && is_option(each) FieldType = typeof(each) alias = type_alias(FieldType) idx = find_reflect_field(FieldType) if alias !== nothing && idx === nothing return OrderedDict{String,Any}(alias => d) end end return d end end function _option_to_dict(x, option::ToDictOption) assert_option(x) d = OrderedDict{String,Any}() T = typeof(x) for name in fieldnames(T) type = fieldtype(T, name) value = getfield(x, name) name_str = string(name) if option.exclude_nothing && value === nothing continue end if option.include_defaults || value != field_default(T, name) field_dict = to_dict(T, value, option) # 1. option type contains field of type Reflect # 2. option type contains field of Union{options...} # 3. other types # # NOTE: # we always add an alias if it's a Union # of multiple option types if type === Reflect # we don't implement this via `to_dict` # because we want it error when `Reflect` # is used as a normal type # `Reflect` should be only used to denote # a field contains the type info as a `String`. if type_alias(T) === nothing d[name_str] = full_typename(T) else d[name_str] = type_alias(T) end elseif is_option(value) && is_union_of_multiple_options(type) if contains_reflect_type(typeof(value)) d[name_str] = field_dict continue end alias = type_alias(typeof(value)) if alias === nothing error("please define an alias for option type $(typeof(value))") end d[name_str] = OrderedDict{String,Any}(alias => field_dict) else d[name_str] = field_dict end end end return d end """ is_option_maybe(::Type{T}) where T `T` is an option struct or if `T` is an union, one of the types is an option struct. """ function is_option_maybe(::Type{T}) where {T} is_option(T) && return true T isa Union || return false return is_option_maybe(T.a) || is_option_maybe(T.b) end """ to_toml([f::Function], io::IO, option; sorted=false, by=identity, kw...) Convert an instance `option` of option type to TOML and write it to `IO`. See [`to_dict`](@ref) for other valid keyword options. See also `TOML.print` in the stdlib for the explaination of `sorted`, `by` and `f`. # Exclude `nothing` In TOML specification, there is [no null type]( One should exclude the field if it is not specified (of value `nothing` in Julia). In `to_toml` the option `exclude_nothing` is always `true`. In most cases, `nothing` is used with another type to denote optional or not specified field, thus one should always put a default value `nothing` to the option struct, e.g One should define ```julia @option struct OptionX a::Union{Nothing, Int} = nothing b::Maybe{Int} = nothing end ``` Here `Maybe{T}` is a convenient alias of `Union{Nothing, T}`. """ function to_toml(f, io::IO, x; sorted::Bool=false, by=identity, kw...) is_option(x) || error("argument is not an option type") d = to_dict(x; exclude_nothing=true, kw...) return TOML.print(f, io, d; sorted=sorted, by=by) end """ to_toml([f::Function], filename::String, option; sorted=false, by=identity, kw...) Convert an instance `option` of option type to TOML and write it to `filename`. See also `TOML.print`. """ function to_toml(f, filename::String, x; sorted::Bool=false, by=identity, kw...) open(filename, "w+") do io to_toml(f, io, x; sorted=sorted, by=by, kw...) end end function to_toml(io::IO, x; sorted::Bool=false, by=identity, kw...) return to_toml(identity, io, x; sorted=sorted, by=by, kw...) end function to_toml(filename::String, x; sorted::Bool=false, by=identity, kw...) return to_toml(identity, filename, x; sorted=sorted, by=by, kw...) end """ to_toml(x; sorted=false, by=identity, kw...) Convert an instance `x` of option type to TOML and write it to `String`. See also `TOML.print`. `to_toml` does not export fields that are of the same values as the defaults. This can be overridden by changing `include_defaults` to `true`. """ function to_toml(x; sorted::Bool=false, by=identity, kw...) return sprint(x) do io, x to_toml(io, x; sorted=sorted, by=by, kw...) end end