# HISTORY Please also see the [release notes](https://github.com/JuliaIO/HDF5.jl/releases) for additional details. ## v0.18.0 (in development) * Refactor Dataspaces (#1104) ## v0.17.2 * Fix variable length strings as attributes (#1130) * Fix `h5_is_library_threadsafe` (#1138) * Fix `HF5_LIBVER_LATEST` up to HDF5 v1.15 (#1145) * Add Julia 1.11 nightly to tests (#1146) * Add fix for `Base.ReinterpretArrays` in Julia 1.11 (#1146) * Marked Windows virtual dataset tests as broken (#1146) ## v0.17.1 * Added `set_libraries!` to conveniently set the preferences for a custom HDF5 library * Added new `HDF5.Filters.Registered` module containing information about registered filters * Miscellaneous documentation fixes ## v0.17.0 * Replace build step by using Preferences.jl to use system HDF5 library ## v0.16.14 * Allow `begin` to work in a dataset * Simplify MPIO tests and internals * Minor updates to docs and several docstrings ## v0.16.13 * Writing compound data set support * Invalidation fixes * Support read-only s3 virtual driver * Locks around API calls (may introduce a minor regression around API calls) ## v0.16.12 * Virtual dataset support * More informative errors when missing a filter * Add BlockRange object to represent a slab of a hyperslab selection ## v0.16.11 * Doc improvements * Internal code re-organization and cleanup * Fixed `track_order` usage in do block syntax * Implement `copy` for `Properties` type * Additional H5P functions * Introduction of experimental context based API for property lists (internal API subject to change) ## v0.16.10 * New attribute dictionary interface * Additional `h5f` coverage * Better error handling for iterators * Expande DatasetAccessProperties coverage * New `copyto!` and `similar` methods for Datasets ## v0.16.9 * Resize buffer in h5p_get_external if no null is found * Fix duplicate h5p_set_meta_block_size ## v0.16.8 * Fix issue related to seg fault when loading with MPI * Add `create_dataset` convenience forms for dataspace * Add `meta_block_size` property to H5P and add additional H5P coverage * Add fapl and fcpl as keywords for h5open ## v0.16.7 * Fix issue related to serial driver loading when MPI is called ## v0.16.6 * Add filespace management API calls ## v0.16.5 * Core driver API support * Addition of `fill_time` and `fill_value` dataset properties * Add type order precision API methods ## v0.16.4 * Anonymous dataset support * Allow property lists to be passed into `create_dataset` ## v0.16.3 * `track_order` support in `write` and `read`, integration with FileIO and `OrderedDict`'s automatic detection * `ExternalFilter` addition as the public interface and new documentation * External dataset support ## v0.16.2 * Minimum Blosc.jl version has been updated * Support for the BITSHUFFLE option with the Blosc filter ## v0.16.1 * Minor bug fix to the test suite to ensure package tests pass ## v0.16.0 * Adds HDF5 support for ARM M1 * Revamped filter interface with the flexiblility to allow specification of a filter pipeline and external filter hooks * New filter compression methods defined by external packaged: `H5Zblosc`, `H5Zlz4`, `H5Zbzip2`, `H5Zzstd` * `filter` property name renamed to `filters` * Generalized chunking API to accept `AbstractArray` - New `move_link` method, which effectively renames an object - Revamed internal `Properties` interface (non-user facing) ## v0.15.6 * Add `FileIO` integration ## v0.15.5 * Add the ability to use `attributes` for HDF5 datatypes ## v0.15.4 * Minor imporovement to an internal `ccall` wrapper ## v0.15.3 * Additional documentation on row/column ordering differences * Improve iteration in order to support certain architectures, where the existing callbacks were failing. ## v0.15.2 * Fix `show` for `Attribute` printing ## v0.15.1 * Fix build system settings when using system provided HDF5 binaries ## v0.15.0 * Support reading of opaque data recursively * Add support for a subset of libhdf5 table methods * Improved error handling * Improved `show` method printing heuristics * Improved iteration protocol performance through the use of callbacks ## v0.14.2 * Fix performance of reading long strings * Add additional `Dataspace` methods ## v0.14.2 * We no longer ship binaries for Linux on i686 and armv7 for the v1.12 release of HDF5_jll. ## v0.14 ### Breaking Changes * The following functions have been unexported and do not have an automatic deprecation warning. Please use the `HDF5` module prefix to call these functions: - `file` - `filename` - `name` - `get_chunk` - `get_datasets` - `iscontiguous` - `ishdf5` - `ismmappable` - `root` - `readmmap` - `set_dims!` - `get_access_properties` - `get_create_properties` - `create_external_dataset` * Properties are now set using keyword arguments instead of by pairs of string and value positional arguments. For example `dset = d_create(h5f, "A", datatype(Int64), dataspace(10,10), "chunk", (3,3))` is now written as `dset = d_create(h5f, "A", datatype(Int64), dataspace(10,10), chunk=(3,3))`. Additionally the key type used for directly setting `HDF5Properties` objects has changed from a `String` to a `Symbol`, e.g. `apl["fclose_degree"] = H5F_CLOSE_STRONG` is now written as `apl[:fclose_degree] = H5F_CLOSE_STRONG` ([#632](https://github.com/JuliaIO/HDF5.jl/pull/632)).