module HDF5 using Base: unsafe_convert using Requires: @require using Mmap: Mmap # needed for filter(f, tuple) in julia 1.3 using Compat using UUIDs: uuid4 using Printf: @sprintf ### PUBLIC API ### export @read, @write, h5open, h5read, h5write, h5rewrite, h5writeattr, h5readattr, create_attribute, open_attribute, read_attribute, write_attribute, delete_attribute, rename_attribute, attributes, attrs, create_dataset, open_dataset, read_dataset, write_dataset, create_group, open_group, copy_object, open_object, delete_object, move_link, create_datatype, commit_datatype, open_datatype, create_property, group_info, object_info, dataspace, datatype, Filters, Drivers ### The following require module scoping ### # file, filename, name, # get_chunk, get_datasets, # get_access_properties, get_create_properties, # root, readmmap, # iscontiguous, iscompact, ischunked, # ishdf5, ismmappable, # refresh # start_swmr_write # create_external, create_external_dataset ### Types # H5DataStore, Attribute, File, Group, Dataset, Datatype, Opaque, # Dataspace, Object, Properties, VLen, ChunkStorage, Reference h5doc(name) = "[`$name`]($(name))" include("api/api.jl") include("properties.jl") include("context.jl") include("types.jl") include("file.jl") include("objects.jl") include("groups.jl") include("datatypes.jl") include("typeconversions.jl") include("dataspaces.jl") include("virtual.jl") include("datasets.jl") include("attributes.jl") include("readwrite.jl") include("references.jl") include("show.jl") include("api_midlevel.jl") include("highlevel.jl") # Functions that require special handling const libversion = API.h5_get_libversion() const HAS_PARALLEL = Ref(false) const HAS_ROS3 = Ref(false) """ has_parallel() Returns `true` if the HDF5 libraries were compiled with MPI parallel support via the [`Drivers.MPIO`](@ref) driver. See [Parallel HDF5](@ref) for more details. """ has_parallel() = HAS_PARALLEL[] """ has_ros3() Returns `true` if the HDF5 libraries were compiled with ros3 support """ has_ros3() = HAS_ROS3[] function __init__() # HDF5.API.__init__() is run first # # initialize default properties ASCII_LINK_PROPERTIES.char_encoding = :ascii ASCII_LINK_PROPERTIES.create_intermediate_group = true UTF8_LINK_PROPERTIES.char_encoding = :utf8 UTF8_LINK_PROPERTIES.create_intermediate_group = true ASCII_ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTIES.char_encoding = :ascii UTF8_ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTIES.char_encoding = :utf8 @require FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549" include("fileio.jl") @require H5Zblosc = "c8ec2601-a99c-407f-b158-e79c03c2f5f7" begin set_blosc!(p::Properties, val::Bool) = val && push!(Filters.FilterPipeline(p), H5Zblosc.BloscFilter()) set_blosc!(p::Properties, level::Integer) = push!(Filters.FilterPipeline(p), H5Zblosc.BloscFilter(; level=level)) end return nothing end include("deprecated.jl") end # module