""" HDF5.Dataspace A dataspace defines the size and the shape of a dataset or an attribute. A dataspace is typically constructed by calling [`dataspace`](@ref). The following functions have methods defined for `Dataspace` objects - `==` - `ndims` - `size` - `length` - `isempty` - [`isnull`](@ref) """ Dataspace # defined in types.jl Base.:(==)(dspace1::Dataspace, dspace2::Dataspace) = API.h5s_extent_equal(checkvalid(dspace1), checkvalid(dspace2)) Base.hash(dspace::Dataspace, h::UInt) = hash(dspace.id, hash(Dataspace, h)) Base.copy(dspace::Dataspace) = Dataspace(API.h5s_copy(checkvalid(dspace))) function Base.close(obj::Dataspace) if obj.id != -1 if isvalid(obj) API.h5s_close(obj) end obj.id = -1 end nothing end """ dataspace(obj::Union{Attribute, Dataset, Dataspace}) The [`Dataspace`](@ref) of `obj`. """ dataspace(ds::Dataspace) = ds # Create a dataspace from in-memory types """ dataspace(data) The default `Dataspace` used for representing a Julia object `data`: - strings or numbers: a scalar `Dataspace` - arrays: a simple `Dataspace` - `struct` types: a scalar `Dataspace` - `nothing` or an `EmptyArray`: a null dataspace """ dataspace(x::T) where {T} = if isstructtype(T) Dataspace(API.h5s_create(API.H5S_SCALAR)) else throw(MethodError(dataspace, x)) end dataspace(x::Union{T,Complex{T}}) where {T<:ScalarType} = Dataspace(API.h5s_create(API.H5S_SCALAR)) dataspace(::AbstractString) = Dataspace(API.h5s_create(API.H5S_SCALAR)) function _dataspace(sz::Dims{N}, max_dims::Union{Dims{N},Tuple{}}=()) where {N} dims = API.hsize_t[sz[i] for i in N:-1:1] if isempty(max_dims) maxd = dims else # This allows max_dims to be specified as -1 without triggering an overflow # exception due to the signed -> unsigned conversion. maxd = API.hsize_t[API.hssize_t(max_dims[i]) % API.hsize_t for i in N:-1:1] end return Dataspace(API.h5s_create_simple(length(dims), dims, maxd)) end dataspace(A::AbstractArray{T,N}; max_dims::Union{Dims{N},Tuple{}}=()) where {T,N} = _dataspace(size(A), max_dims) # special array types dataspace(v::VLen; max_dims::Union{Dims,Tuple{}}=()) = _dataspace(size(v.data), max_dims) dataspace(A::EmptyArray) = Dataspace(API.h5s_create(API.H5S_NULL)) dataspace(n::Nothing) = Dataspace(API.h5s_create(API.H5S_NULL)) # for giving sizes explicitly """ dataspace(dims::Tuple; max_dims::Tuple=dims) dataspace(dims::Tuple, max_dims::Tuple) Construct a simple `Dataspace` for the given dimensions `dims`. The maximum dimensions `maxdims` specifies the maximum possible size: `-1` can be used to indicate unlimited dimensions. """ dataspace(sz::Dims{N}; max_dims::Union{Dims{N},Tuple{}}=()) where {N} = _dataspace(sz, max_dims) dataspace(sz::Dims{N}, max_dims::Union{Dims{N},Tuple{}}) where {N} = _dataspace(sz, max_dims) dataspace(dims::Tuple{Dims{N},Dims{N}}) where {N} = _dataspace(first(dims), last(dims)) dataspace(sz1::Int, sz2::Int, sz3::Int...; max_dims::Union{Dims,Tuple{}}=()) = _dataspace(tuple(sz1, sz2, sz3...), max_dims) function Base.ndims(dspace::Dataspace) API.h5s_get_simple_extent_ndims(checkvalid(dspace)) end function Base.size(dspace::Dataspace) h5_dims = API.h5s_get_simple_extent_dims(checkvalid(dspace), nothing) N = length(h5_dims) return ntuple(i -> @inbounds(Int(h5_dims[N - i + 1])), N) end function Base.size(dspace::Dataspace, d::Integer) d > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("invalid dimension d; must be positive integer")) N = ndims(dspace) d > N && return 1 h5_dims = API.h5s_get_simple_extent_dims(dspace, nothing) return @inbounds Int(h5_dims[N - d + 1]) end function Base.length(dspace::Dataspace) isnull(dspace) && return 0 h5_dims = API.h5s_get_simple_extent_dims(checkvalid(dspace), nothing) return Int(prod(h5_dims)) end Base.isempty(dspace::Dataspace) = length(dspace) == 0 """ isnull(dspace::Union{HDF5.Dataspace, HDF5.Dataset, HDF5.Attribute}) Determines whether the given object has no size (consistent with the `API.H5S_NULL` dataspace). # Examples ```julia-repl julia> HDF5.isnull(dataspace(HDF5.EmptyArray{Float64}())) true julia> HDF5.isnull(dataspace((0,))) false ``` """ function isnull(dspace::Dataspace) return API.h5s_get_simple_extent_type(checkvalid(dspace)) == API.H5S_NULL end """ HDF5.get_regular_hyperslab(dspace)::Tuple Get the hyperslab selection from `dspace`. Returns a tuple of [`BlockRange`](@ref) objects. """ function get_regular_hyperslab(dspace::Dataspace) start0, stride, count, block = API.h5s_get_regular_hyperslab(dspace) N = length(start0) ntuple(N) do i ri = N - i + 1 @inbounds BlockRange(start0[ri], stride[ri], count[ri], block[ri]) end end struct BlockRange start0::API.hsize_t stride::API.hsize_t count::API.hsize_t block::API.hsize_t end """ HDF5.BlockRange(;start::Integer, stride::Integer=1, count::Integer=1, block::Integer=1) A `BlockRange` represents a selection along a single dimension of a HDF5 hyperslab. It is similar to a Julia `range` object, with some extra features for selecting multiple contiguous blocks. - `start`: the index of the first element in the first block (1-based). - `stride`: the step between the first element of each block (must be >0) - `count`: the number of blocks (can be -1 for an unlimited number of blocks) - `block`: the number of elements in each block. HDF5.BlockRange(obj::Union{Integer, OrdinalRange}) Convert `obj` to a `BlockRange` object. # External links - [HDF5 User Guide, section "Selecting Hyperslabs"](https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/UG/HDF5_Users_Guide-Responsive%20HTML5/index.html#t=HDF5_Users_Guide%2FDataspaces%2FHDF5_Dataspaces_and_Partial_I_O.htm%23TOC_7_4_2_Programming_Modelbc-8&rhtocid=7.2.0_2) """ function BlockRange(; start::Integer, stride::Integer=1, count::Integer=1, block::Integer=1) if count == -1 count = API.H5S_UNLIMITED end BlockRange(start - 1, stride, count, block) end BlockRange(start::Integer; stride=1, count=1, block=1) = BlockRange(; start=start, stride=stride, count=count, block=block) BlockRange(r::AbstractUnitRange; stride=max(length(r), 1), count=1) = BlockRange(; start=first(r), stride=stride, count=count, block=length(r)) BlockRange(r::OrdinalRange) = BlockRange(; start=first(r), stride=step(r), count=length(r)) BlockRange(br::BlockRange) = br Base.to_index(d::Dataset, br::BlockRange) = br Base.length(br::BlockRange) = Int(br.count * br.block) function Base.range(br::BlockRange) start = Int(br.start0 + 1) if br.count == 1 # UnitRange return range(start; length=Int(br.block)) elseif br.block == 1 && br.count != API.H5S_UNLIMITED # StepRange return range(start; step=Int(br.stride), length=Int(br.count)) else error("$br cannot be converted to a Julia range") end end Base.convert(::Type{T}, br::BlockRange) where {T<:AbstractRange} = convert(T, range(br)) """ HDF5.select_hyperslab!(dspace::Dataspace, [op, ], idxs::Tuple) Selects a hyperslab region of the `dspace`. `idxs` should be a tuple of integers, ranges or [`BlockRange`](@ref) objects. - `op` determines how the new selection is to be combined with the already selected dataspace: - `:select` (default): replace the existing selection with the new selection. - `:or`: adds the new selection to the existing selection. Aliases: `|`, `∪`, `union`. - `:and`: retains only the overlapping portions of the new and existing selection. Aliases: `&`, `∩`, `intersect`. - `:xor`: retains only the elements that are members of the new selection or the existing selection, excluding elements that are members of both selections. Aliases: `⊻`, `xor` - `:notb`: retains only elements of the existing selection that are not in the new selection. Alias: `setdiff`. - `:nota`: retains only elements of the new selection that are not in the existing selection. """ function select_hyperslab!( dspace::Dataspace, op::Union{Symbol,typeof.((&, |, ⊻, ∪, ∩, setdiff))...}, idxs::Tuple ) N = ndims(dspace) length(idxs) == N || error("Number of indices does not match dimension of Dataspace") blockranges = map(BlockRange, idxs) _start0 = API.hsize_t[blockranges[N - i + 1].start0 for i in 1:N] _stride = API.hsize_t[blockranges[N - i + 1].stride for i in 1:N] _count = API.hsize_t[blockranges[N - i + 1].count for i in 1:N] _block = API.hsize_t[blockranges[N - i + 1].block for i in 1:N] _op = if op == :select API.H5S_SELECT_SET elseif (op == :or || op === (|) || op === (∪)) API.H5S_SELECT_OR elseif (op == :and || op === (&) || op === (∩)) API.H5S_SELECT_AND elseif (op == :xor || op === (⊻)) API.H5S_SELECT_XOR elseif op == :notb || op === setdiff API.H5S_SELECT_NOTB elseif op == :nota API.H5S_SELECT_NOTA else error("invalid operator $op") end API.h5s_select_hyperslab(dspace, _op, _start0, _stride, _count, _block) return dspace end select_hyperslab!(dspace::Dataspace, idxs::Tuple) = select_hyperslab!(dspace, :select, idxs) hyperslab(dspace::Dataspace, I::Union{AbstractRange{Int},Integer,BlockRange}...) = hyperslab(dspace, I) function hyperslab(dspace::Dataspace, I::Tuple) select_hyperslab!(copy(dspace), I) end # methods for Dataset/Attribute which operate on Dataspace function Base.ndims(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return Base.ndims(dspace) finally close(dspace) end end function Base.size(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return Base.size(dspace) finally close(dspace) end end function Base.size(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}, d::Integer) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return Base.size(dspace, d) finally close(dspace) end end function Base.length(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return Base.length(dspace) finally close(dspace) end end function Base.isempty(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return Base.isempty(dspace) finally close(dspace) end end function isnull(obj::Union{Dataset,Attribute}) dspace = dataspace(obj) try return isnull(dspace) finally close(dspace) end end function hyperslab(dset::Dataset, I::Union{AbstractRange{Int},Int}...) dspace = dataspace(dset) try return hyperslab(dspace, I...) finally close(dspace) end end