module Drivers export POSIX, ROS3 import ..API import ..HDF5: HDF5, Properties, h5doc using Libdl: dlopen, dlsym if !isdefined(Base, :get_extension) using Requires: @require end function get_driver(p::Properties) driver_id = API.h5p_get_driver(p) D = get(DRIVERS, driver_id) do error("Unknown driver type") end get_driver(p, D) end abstract type Driver end const DRIVERS = Dict{API.hid_t,Type{<:Driver}}() """ Core([increment::Csize_t, backing_store::Cuint, [write_tracking::Cuint, page_size::Csize_t]]) Core(; increment::Csize_t = 8192, backing_store::Cuint = true, write_tracking::Cuint = false, page_size::Csize_t = 524288) # Arguments * `increment`: specifies the increment by which allocated memory is to be increased each time more memory is required. (default: 8192) * `backing_store`: Boolean flag indicating whether to write the file contents to disk when the file is closed. (default: true) * `write_tracking`: Boolean flag indicating whether write tracking is enabled. (default: false) * `page_size`: Size, in bytes, of write aggregation pages. (default: 524288) """ struct Core <: Driver increment::Csize_t backing_store::Cuint #Bool write_tracking::Cuint #Bool page_size::Csize_t end Core(increment, backing_store) = Core(increment, backing_store, false, 524288) Core(; increment=8192, backing_store=true, write_tracking=false, page_size=524288) = Core(increment, backing_store, write_tracking, page_size) function get_driver(p::Properties, ::Type{Core}) r_increment = Ref{Csize_t}(0) r_backing_store = Ref{Bool}(0) r_write_tracking = Ref{Bool}(0) r_page_size = Ref{Csize_t}(0) API.h5p_get_fapl_core(p, r_increment, r_backing_store) API.h5p_get_core_write_tracking(p, r_write_tracking, r_page_size) return Core(r_increment[], r_backing_store[], r_write_tracking[], r_page_size[]) end function set_driver!(fapl::Properties, driver::Core) HDF5.init!(fapl) API.h5p_set_fapl_core(fapl, driver.increment, driver.backing_store) API.h5p_set_core_write_tracking(fapl, driver.write_tracking, driver.page_size) DRIVERS[API.h5p_get_driver(fapl)] = Core return nothing end """ POSIX() Also referred to as SEC2, this driver uses POSIX file-system functions like read and write to perform I/O to a single, permanent file on local disk with no system buffering. This driver is POSIX-compliant and is the default file driver for all systems. """ struct POSIX <: Driver end function get_driver(fapl::Properties, ::Type{POSIX}) POSIX() end function set_driver!(fapl::Properties, ::POSIX) HDF5.init!(fapl) API.h5p_set_fapl_sec2(fapl) DRIVERS[API.h5p_get_driver(fapl)] = POSIX return nothing end function __init__() # Initialize POSIX key in DRIVERS HDF5.FileAccessProperties() do fapl set_driver!(fapl, POSIX()) end # Check whether the libhdf5 was compiled with parallel support. HDF5.HAS_PARALLEL[] = API._has_symbol(:H5Pset_fapl_mpio) HDF5.HAS_ROS3[] = API._has_symbol(:H5Pset_fapl_ros3) @static if !isdefined(Base, :get_extension) @require MPI = "da04e1cc-30fd-572f-bb4f-1f8673147195" include("../../ext/MPIExt.jl") end end # The docstring for `MPIO` basically belongs to the struct `MPIO` in # ext/MPIExt/MPIExt.jl. However, we need to document it here to make it # work smoothly both for Julia without package extensions (up to v1.8) and # with package extensions (v1.9 and newer). @doc """ MPIO(comm::MPI.Comm, info::MPI.Info) MPIO(comm::MPI.Comm; kwargs....) The parallel MPI file driver. This requires the use of [MPI.jl](, and a custom HDF5 binary that has been built with MPI support. - `comm` is the communicator over which the file will be opened. - `info`/`kwargs` are MPI-IO options, and are passed to `MPI_FILE_OPEN`. # See also - [`HDF5.has_parallel`](@ref) - [Parallel HDF5](@ref) # External links - $(h5doc("H5P_SET_FAPL_MPIO")) - [Parallel HDF5]( """ function MPIO end include("ros3.jl") end # module