using Pkg, Libdl Pkg.activate(dirname(@__DIR__)) Pkg.instantiate() # Configure the test setup based on environment variables set in CI. # First, we get the settings and remove all local preference configurations # that may still exist. const JULIA_HDF5_PATH = get(ENV, "JULIA_HDF5_PATH", "") rm(joinpath(dirname(@__DIR__), "LocalPreferences.toml"); force=true) # Next, we configure MPI.jl appropriately. import MPIPreferences MPIPreferences.use_system_binary() # Finally, we configure HDF5.jl as desired. import UUIDs, Preferences Preferences.set_preferences!( UUIDs.UUID("f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"), # UUID of HDF5.jl "libhdf5" => joinpath(JULIA_HDF5_PATH, "libhdf5." * Libdl.dlext), "libhdf5_hl" => joinpath(JULIA_HDF5_PATH, "libhdf5_hl." * Libdl.dlext); force=true )