using HDF5 using Test @testset "external" begin # roughly following fn1 = tempname() fn2 = tempname() source_file = h5open(fn1, "w") agroup = create_group(source_file, "agroup") target_file = h5open(fn2, "w") target_group = create_group(target_file, "target_group") target_group["abc"] = "abc" target_group["1"] = 1 target_group["1.1"] = 1.1 close(target_file) # create external link such that source_file["ext_link"] points to target_file["target_group"] # test both an HDF5.File and an HDF5.Group for first argument HDF5.create_external(source_file, "ext_link", target_file.filename, "target_group") HDF5.create_external(agroup, "ext_link", target_file.filename, "target_group") close(agroup) # write some things via the external link new_group = create_group(source_file["ext_link"], "new_group") new_group["abc"] = "abc" new_group["1"] = 1 new_group["1.1"] = 1.1 close(new_group) # read things from target_group via exernal link created with HDF5File argument group = source_file["ext_link"] @test read(group["abc"]) == "abc" @test read(group["1"]) == 1 @test read(group["1.1"]) == 1.1 close(group) # read things from target_group via the external link created with HDF5.Group argument groupalt = source_file["agroup/ext_link"] @test read(groupalt["abc"]) == "abc" @test read(groupalt["1"]) == 1 @test read(groupalt["1.1"]) == 1.1 close(groupalt) close(source_file) ##### tests that should be included but don't work # when ggggggggg restarts julia and keeps track of target_file.filename, # these tests succeed # reopening the target_file crashes due to "file close degree doesn't match" # target_file = h5open(target_file.filename, "r") # group2 = target_file["target_group"]["new_group"] # @test read(group2["abc"])=="abc" # @test read(group2["1"])==1 # @test read(group2["1.1"])==1.1 rm(fn1) # rm(fn2) end # testset external