using MPI using HDF5 using Test @testset "mpio" begin HDF5.FileAccessProperties() do fapl Drivers.set_driver!(fapl, Drivers.Core()) end MPI.Init() comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD if !HDF5.has_parallel() @test_throws ErrorException( "HDF5.jl has no parallel support. Make sure that you're using MPI-enabled HDF5 libraries, and that MPI was loaded before HDF5. See HDF5.jl docs for details." ) HDF5.FileAccessProperties(driver=HDF5.Drivers.MPIO(comm)) else nprocs = MPI.Comm_size(comm) myrank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm) # Check that serial drivers are still there after loading MPI (#928) @test Drivers.Core ∈ values(Drivers.DRIVERS) @test Drivers.POSIX ∈ values(Drivers.DRIVERS) let fileprop = HDF5.FileAccessProperties() fileprop.driver = HDF5.Drivers.MPIO(comm) driver = fileprop.driver h5comm = driver.comm h5info = # check that the two communicators point to the same group if isdefined(MPI, :Comm_compare) # requires recent MPI.jl version @test MPI.Comm_compare(comm, h5comm) == MPI.CONGRUENT end HDF5.close(fileprop) end # open file in parallel and write dataset fn = MPI.bcast(tempname(), 0, comm) A = [myrank + i for i in 1:10] h5open(fn, "w", comm) do f @test isopen(f) g = create_group(f, "mygroup") dset = create_dataset( g, "B", datatype(Int64), dataspace(10, nprocs); chunk=(10, 1), dxpl_mpio=:collective ) dset[:, myrank + 1] = A end MPI.Barrier(comm) h5open(fn, comm) do f # default: opened in read mode, with default MPI.Info() @test isopen(f) @test keys(f) == ["mygroup"] B = read(f, "mygroup/B"; dxpl_mpio=:collective) @test !isempty(B) @test A == vec(B[:, myrank + 1]) B = f["mygroup/B", dxpl_mpio=:collective] @test !isempty(B) @test A == vec(B[:, myrank + 1]) end MPI.Barrier(comm) B = h5read(fn, "mygroup/B"; driver=HDF5.Drivers.MPIO(comm), dxpl_mpio=:collective) @test A == vec(B[:, myrank + 1]) MPI.Barrier(comm) B = h5read( fn, "mygroup/B", (:, myrank + 1); driver=HDF5.Drivers.MPIO(comm), dxpl_mpio=:collective ) @test A == vec(B) end MPI.Finalize() end # testset mpio