using HDF5 using CRC32c using H5Zblosc using Test gatherf(dst_buf, dst_buf_bytes_used, op_data) = HDF5.API.herr_t(0) gatherf_bad(dst_buf, dst_buf_bytes_used, op_data) = HDF5.API.herr_t(-1) gatherf_data(dst_buf, dst_buf_bytes_used, op_data) = HDF5.API.herr_t((op_data == 9) - 1) function scatterf(src_buf, src_buf_bytes_used, op_data) A = [1, 2, 3, 4] unsafe_store!(src_buf, pointer(A)) unsafe_store!(src_buf_bytes_used, sizeof(A)) return HDF5.API.herr_t(0) end scatterf_bad(src_buf, src_buf_bytes_used, op_data) = HDF5.API.herr_t(-1) function scatterf_data(src_buf, src_buf_bytes_used, op_data) A = [1, 2, 3, 4] unsafe_store!(src_buf, pointer(A)) unsafe_store!(src_buf_bytes_used, sizeof(A)) return HDF5.API.herr_t((op_data == 9) - 1) end @testset "plain" begin # Create a new file fn = tempname() f = h5open(fn, "w") @test isopen(f) # Write scalars f["Float64"] = 3.2 f["Int16"] = Int16(4) # compression of empty array (issue #246) f["compressedempty", shuffle=true, deflate=4] = Int64[] # compression of zero-dimensional array (pull request #445) f["compressed_zerodim", shuffle=true, deflate=4] = fill(Int32(42), ()) f["bloscempty", blosc=4] = Int64[] # test creation of an anonymouse dataset f[nothing] = 5 # Create arrays of different types A = randn(3, 5) write(f, "Afloat64", convert(Matrix{Float64}, A)) write(f, "Afloat32", convert(Matrix{Float32}, A)) Ai = rand(1:20, 2, 4) write(f, "Aint8", convert(Matrix{Int8}, Ai)) f["Aint16"] = convert(Matrix{Int16}, Ai) write(f, "Aint32", convert(Matrix{Int32}, Ai)) write(f, "Aint64", convert(Matrix{Int64}, Ai)) write(f, "Auint8", convert(Matrix{UInt8}, Ai)) write(f, "Auint16", convert(Matrix{UInt16}, Ai)) # test writing multiple variable (issue #599) write(f, "Auint32", convert(Matrix{UInt32}, Ai), "Auint64", convert(Matrix{UInt64}, Ai)) # Arrays of bools (pull request #540) Abool = [false, true, false] write(f, "Abool", Abool) salut = "Hi there" ucode = "uniçº∂e" write(f, "salut", salut) write(f, "ucode", ucode) # Manually write a variable-length string (issue #187) let dtype = HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.API.h5t_copy(HDF5.API.H5T_C_S1)) HDF5.API.h5t_set_size(dtype, HDF5.API.H5T_VARIABLE) HDF5.API.h5t_set_cset(dtype, HDF5.cset(typeof(salut))) dspace = dataspace(salut) dset = create_dataset(f, "salut-vlen", dtype, dspace) GC.@preserve salut begin HDF5.API.h5d_write( dset, dtype, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5P_DEFAULT, [pointer(salut)] ) end end # Arrays of strings salut_split = ["Hi", "there"] write(f, "salut_split", salut_split) salut_2d = ["Hi" "there"; "Salut" "friend"] write(f, "salut_2d", salut_2d) # Arrays of strings as vlen vlen = HDF5.VLen(salut_split) write_dataset(f, "salut_vlen", vlen) # Arrays of scalars as vlen vlen_int = [[3], [1], [4]] vleni = HDF5.VLen(vlen_int) write_dataset(f, "int_vlen", vleni) write_attribute(f["int_vlen"], "vlen_attr", vleni) # Empty arrays empty = UInt32[] write(f, "empty", empty) write(f, nothing, empty) # Empty strings empty_string = "" write(f, "empty_string", empty_string) # Empty array of strings empty_string_array = String[] write(f, "empty_string_array", empty_string_array) # Array of empty string empty_array_of_strings = [""] write(f, "empty_array_of_strings", empty_array_of_strings) # attributes species = [["N", "C"]; ["A", "B"]] attributes(f)["species"] = species @test read(attributes(f)["species"]) == species @test attributes(f)["species"][] == species C∞ = 42 attributes(f)["C∞"] = C∞ dset = f["salut"] @test !isempty(dset) label = "This is a string" attributes(dset)["typeinfo"] = label @test read(attributes(dset)["typeinfo"]) == label @test attributes(dset)["typeinfo"][] == label @test dset["typeinfo"][] == label close(dset) # Scalar reference values in attributes attributes(f)["ref_test"] = HDF5.Reference(f, "empty_array_of_strings") @test read(attributes(f)["ref_test"]) === HDF5.Reference(f, "empty_array_of_strings") # Group g = create_group(f, "mygroup") # Test dataset with compression R = rand(1:20, 20, 40) g["CompressedA", chunk=(5, 6), shuffle=true, deflate=9] = R g["BloscA", chunk=(5, 6), shuffle=true, blosc=9] = R close(g) # Copy group containing dataset copy_object(f, "mygroup", f, "mygroup2") # Copy dataset g = create_group(f, "mygroup3") copy_object(f["mygroup/CompressedA"], g, "CompressedA") copy_object(f["mygroup/BloscA"], g, "BloscA") close(g) # Writing hyperslabs dset = create_dataset( f, "slab", datatype(Float64), dataspace(20, 20, 5); chunk=(5, 5, 1) ) Xslab = randn(20, 20, 5) for i in 1:5 dset[:, :, i] = Xslab[:, :, i] end dset = create_dataset( f, nothing, datatype(Float64), dataspace(20, 20, 5); chunk=(5, 5, 1) ) dset[:, :, :] = 3.0 # More complex hyperslab and assignment with "incorrect" types (issue #34) d = create_dataset(f, "slab2", datatype(Float64), ((10, 20), (100, 200)); chunk=(1, 1)) d[:, :] = 5 d[1, 1] = 4 # 1d indexing d = create_dataset(f, "slab3", datatype(Int), ((10,), (-1,)); chunk=(5,)) @test d[:] == zeros(Int, 10) d[3:5] = 3:5 # Create a dataset designed to be deleted f["deleteme"] = 17.2 close(f) @test !isopen(f) # Test the h5read/write interface, with attributes W = copy(reshape(1:120, 15, 8)) Wa = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2) h5write(fn, "newgroup/W", W) h5writeattr(fn, "newgroup/W", Wa) # Read the file back in fr = h5open(fn) x = read(fr, "Float64") @test x == 3.2 && isa(x, Float64) y = read(fr, "Int16") @test y == 4 && isa(y, Int16) zerodim = read(fr, "compressed_zerodim") @test zerodim == 42 && isa(zerodim, Int32) bloscempty = read(fr, "bloscempty") @test bloscempty == Int64[] && isa(bloscempty, Vector{Int64}) Af32 = read(fr, "Afloat32") @test convert(Matrix{Float32}, A) == Af32 @test eltype(Af32) == Float32 Af64 = read(fr, "Afloat64") @test convert(Matrix{Float64}, A) == Af64 @test eltype(Af64) == Float64 @test eltype(fr["Afloat64"]) == Float64 # issue 167 Ai8 = read(fr, "Aint8") @test Ai == Ai8 @test eltype(Ai8) == Int8 Ai16 = read(fr, "Aint16") @test Ai == Ai16 @test eltype(Ai16) == Int16 Ai32 = read(fr, "Aint32") @test Ai == Ai32 @test eltype(Ai32) == Int32 Ai64 = read(fr, "Aint64") @test Ai == Ai64 @test eltype(Ai64) == Int64 Ai8 = read(fr, "Auint8") @test Ai == Ai8 @test eltype(Ai8) == UInt8 Ai16 = read(fr, "Auint16") @test Ai == Ai16 @test eltype(Ai16) == UInt16 Ai32 = read(fr, "Auint32") @test Ai == Ai32 @test eltype(Ai32) == UInt32 Ai64 = read(fr, "Auint64") @test Ai == Ai64 @test eltype(Ai64) == UInt64 Abool_read = read(fr, "Abool") @test Abool_read == Abool @test eltype(Abool_read) == Bool salutr = read(fr, "salut") @test salut == salutr salutr = read(fr, "salut-vlen") @test salut == salutr ucoder = read(fr, "ucode") @test ucode == ucoder salut_splitr = read(fr, "salut_split") @test salut_splitr == salut_split salut_2dr = read(fr, "salut_2d") @test salut_2d == salut_2dr salut_vlenr = read(fr, "salut_vlen") @test HDF5.vlen_get_buf_size(fr["salut_vlen"]) == 7 @test HDF5.API.h5d_get_access_plist(fr["salut-vlen"]) != 0 #@test salut_vlenr == salut_split vlen_intr = read(fr, "int_vlen") @test vlen_intr == vlen_int vlen_attrr = read(fr["int_vlen"]["vlen_attr"]) @test vlen_attrr == vlen_int Rr = read(fr, "mygroup/CompressedA") @test Rr == R Rr2 = read(fr, "mygroup2/CompressedA") @test Rr2 == R Rr3 = read(fr, "mygroup3/CompressedA") @test Rr3 == R Rr4 = read(fr, "mygroup/BloscA") @test Rr4 == R Rr5 = read(fr, "mygroup2/BloscA") @test Rr5 == R Rr6 = read(fr, "mygroup3/BloscA") @test Rr6 == R dset = fr["mygroup/CompressedA"] @test HDF5.get_chunk(dset) == (5, 6) @test == "/mygroup/CompressedA" dset2 = fr["mygroup/BloscA"] @test HDF5.get_chunk(dset2) == (5, 6) @test == "/mygroup/BloscA" Xslabr = read(fr, "slab") @test Xslabr == Xslab Xslabr = h5read(fn, "slab", (:, :, :)) # issue #87 @test Xslabr == Xslab Xslab2r = read(fr, "slab2") target = fill(5, 10, 20) target[1] = 4 @test Xslab2r == target dset = fr["slab3"] @test dset[3:5] == [3:5;] emptyr = read(fr, "empty") @test isempty(emptyr) empty_stringr = read(fr, "empty_string") @test empty_stringr == empty_string empty_string_arrayr = read(fr, "empty_string_array") @test empty_string_arrayr == empty_string_array empty_array_of_stringsr = read(fr, "empty_array_of_strings") @test empty_array_of_stringsr == empty_array_of_strings @test read_attribute(fr, "species") == species @test read_attribute(fr, "C∞") == C∞ dset = fr["salut"] @test read_attribute(dset, "typeinfo") == label close(dset) # Test ref-based reading Aref = fr["Afloat64"] sel = (2:3, 1:2:5) Asub = Aref[sel...] @test Asub == A[sel...] close(Aref) # Test iteration, name, and parent for obj in fr @test HDF5.filename(obj) == fn n = p = parent(obj) end # Test reading multiple vars at once z = read(fr, "Float64", "Int16") @test z == (3.2, 4) @test typeof(z) == Tuple{Float64,Int16} # Test reading entire file at once z = read(fr) @test z["Float64"] == 3.2 close(fr) # Test object deletion fr = h5open(fn, "r+") @test haskey(fr, "deleteme") delete_object(fr, "deleteme") @test !haskey(fr, "deleteme") close(fr) # Test object move h5open(fn, "r+") do io io["moveme"] = [1, 2, 3] create_group(io, "moveto") end h5open(fn, "r+") do io @test haskey(io, "moveme") @test haskey(io, "moveto") && !haskey(io, "moveto/moveme") move_link(io, "moveme", io["moveto"]) @test haskey(io, "moveto/moveme") && !haskey(io, "moveme") end # Test the h5read interface Wr = h5read(fn, "newgroup/W") @test Wr == W rng = (2:3:15, 3:5) Wr = h5read(fn, "newgroup/W", rng) @test Wr == W[rng...] War = h5readattr(fn, "newgroup/W") @test War == Wa # issue #618 # Test that invalid writes treat implicit creation as a transaction, cleaning up the partial # operation hid = h5open(fn, "w") A = rand(3, 3)' @test !haskey(hid, "A") @test_throws ArgumentError write(hid, "A", A) @test !haskey(hid, "A") dset = create_dataset(hid, "attr", datatype(Int), dataspace(0)) @test !haskey(attributes(dset), "attr") # broken test - writing attributes does not check that the stride is correct @test_skip @test_throws ArgumentError write(dset, "attr", A) @test !haskey(attributes(dset), "attr") close(hid) # more do syntax h5open(fn, "w") do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "x", 3.2) end fid = h5open(fn, "r") @test keys(fid) == ["mygroup"] g = fid["mygroup"] @test keys(g) == ["x"] close(g) close(fid) rm(fn) # more do syntax: atomic rename version tmpdir = mktempdir() outfile = joinpath(tmpdir, "test.h5") # create a new file h5rewrite(outfile) do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "x", 3.3) end @test length(readdir(tmpdir)) == 1 h5open(outfile, "r") do fid @test keys(fid) == ["mygroup"] @test keys(fid["mygroup"]) == ["x"] end # fail to overwrite @test_throws ErrorException h5rewrite(outfile) do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "oops", 3.3) error("failed") end @test length(readdir(tmpdir)) == 1 h5open(outfile, "r") do fid @test keys(fid) == ["mygroup"] @test keys(fid["mygroup"]) == ["x"] end # overwrite h5rewrite(outfile) do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "y", 3.3) end @test length(readdir(tmpdir)) == 1 h5open(outfile, "r") do fid @test keys(fid) == ["mygroup"] @test keys(fid["mygroup"]) == ["y"] end rm(tmpdir; recursive=true) test_files = joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files") d = h5read(joinpath(test_files, "compound.h5"), "/data") @test typeof(d[1]) == NamedTuple{ (:wgt, :xyz, :uvw, :E),Tuple{Float64,Array{Float64,1},Array{Float64,1},Float64} } # get-datasets fn = tempname() fd = h5open(fn, "w") fd["level_0"] = [1, 2, 3] grp = create_group(fd, "mygroup") fd["mygroup/level_1"] = [4, 5] grp2 = create_group(grp, "deep_group") fd["mygroup/deep_group/level_2"] = [6.0, 7.0] datasets = HDF5.get_datasets(fd) @test sort(map(, datasets)) == sort(["/level_0", "/mygroup/deep_group/level_2", "/mygroup/level_1"]) close(fd) rm(fn) # File creation and access property lists fid = h5open( fn, "w"; userblock=1024, libver_bounds=(HDF5.API.H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST, HDF5.API.H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) ) write(fid, "intarray", [1, 2, 3]) close(fid) h5open( fn, "r"; libver_bounds=(HDF5.API.H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST, HDF5.API.H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) ) do fid intarray = read(fid, "intarray") @test intarray == [1, 2, 3] end # Test null terminated ASCII string (e.g. exported by h5py) #332 h5open(joinpath(test_files, "nullterm_ascii.h5"), "r") do fid str = read(fid["test"]) @test str == "Hello World" end @test HDF5.unpad(UInt8[0x43, 0x43, 0x41], 1) == "CCA" # Test the h5read/write interface with a filename as a first argument, when # the file does not exist rm(fn) h5write(fn, "newgroup/W", W) Wr = h5read(fn, "newgroup/W") @test Wr == W close(f) rm(fn) # Test dataspace convenience versions of create_dataset try h5open(fn, "w") do f create_dataset(f, "test", Int, (128, 32)) create_dataset(f, "test2", Float64, 128, 64) @test size(f["test"]) == (128, 32) @test size(f["test2"]) == (128, 64) end finally rm(fn) end @testset "h5d_fill" begin val = 5 h5open(fn, "w") do f d = create_dataset(f, "dataset", datatype(Int), dataspace(6, 6); chunk=(2, 3)) buf = Array{Int,2}(undef, (6, 6)) dtype = datatype(Int) HDF5.API.h5d_fill(Ref(val), dtype, buf, datatype(Int), dataspace(d)) @test all(buf .== 5) HDF5.API.h5d_write( d, dtype, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5P_DEFAULT, buf ) end h5open(fn, "r") do f @test all(f["dataset"][:, :] .== 5) end rm(fn) end # testset "Test h5d_fill @testset "h5d_gather" begin src_buf = rand(Int, (4, 4)) dst_buf = Array{Int,2}(undef, (4, 4)) h5open(fn, "w") do f d = create_dataset(f, "dataset", datatype(Int), dataspace(4, 4); chunk=(2, 2)) @test isnothing( HDF5.API.h5d_gather( dataspace(d), src_buf, datatype(Int), sizeof(dst_buf), dst_buf, C_NULL, C_NULL ) ) @test src_buf == dst_buf gatherf_ptr = @cfunction( gatherf, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}) ) @test isnothing( HDF5.API.h5d_gather( dataspace(d), src_buf, datatype(Int), sizeof(dst_buf) ÷ 2, dst_buf, gatherf_ptr, C_NULL ) ) gatherf_bad_ptr = @cfunction( gatherf_bad, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ptr{Nothing}) ) @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error HDF5.API.h5d_gather( dataspace(d), src_buf, datatype(Int), sizeof(dst_buf) ÷ 2, dst_buf, gatherf_bad_ptr, C_NULL ) gatherf_data_ptr = @cfunction( gatherf_data, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Nothing}, Csize_t, Ref{Int}) ) @test isnothing( HDF5.API.h5d_gather( dataspace(d), src_buf, datatype(Int), sizeof(dst_buf) ÷ 2, dst_buf, gatherf_data_ptr, Ref(9) ) ) @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error HDF5.API.h5d_gather( dataspace(d), src_buf, datatype(Int), sizeof(dst_buf) ÷ 2, dst_buf, gatherf_data_ptr, 10 ) end rm(fn) end @testset "h5d_scatter" begin h5open(fn, "w") do f dst_buf = Array{Int,2}(undef, (4, 4)) d = create_dataset(f, "dataset", datatype(Int), dataspace(4, 4); chunk=(2, 2)) scatterf_ptr = @cfunction( scatterf, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{Csize_t}, Ptr{Nothing}) ) @test isnothing( HDF5.API.h5d_scatter( scatterf_ptr, C_NULL, datatype(Int), dataspace(d), dst_buf ) ) scatterf_bad_ptr = @cfunction( scatterf_bad, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}, Ptr{Csize_t}, Ptr{Nothing}) ) @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error HDF5.API.h5d_scatter( scatterf_bad_ptr, C_NULL, datatype(Int), dataspace(d), dst_buf ) scatterf_data_ptr = @cfunction( scatterf_data, HDF5.API.herr_t, (Ptr{Ptr{Int}}, Ptr{Csize_t}, Ref{Int}) ) @test isnothing( HDF5.API.h5d_scatter( scatterf_data_ptr, Ref(9), datatype(Int), dataspace(d), dst_buf ) ) end rm(fn) end # Test that switching time tracking off results in identical files fn1 = tempname() fn2 = tempname() h5open(fn1, "w") do f f["x", obj_track_times=false] = [1, 2, 3] end sleep(1) h5open(fn2, "w") do f f["x", obj_track_times=false] = [1, 2, 3] end @test open(crc32c, fn1) == open(crc32c, fn2) rm(fn1) rm(fn2) end # testset plain @testset "complex" begin HDF5.enable_complex_support() fn = tempname() f = h5open(fn, "w") f["ComplexF64"] = 1.0 + 2.0im attributes(f["ComplexF64"])["ComplexInt64"] = 1im Acmplx = rand(ComplexF64, 3, 5) write(f, "Acmplx64", convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx)) write(f, "Acmplx32", convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx)) dset = create_dataset( f, "Acmplx64_hyperslab", datatype(Complex{Float64}), dataspace(Acmplx) ) for i in 1:size(Acmplx, 2) dset[:, i] = Acmplx[:, i] end HDF5.disable_complex_support() @test_throws ErrorException f["_ComplexF64"] = 1.0 + 2.0im @test_throws ErrorException write(f, "_Acmplx64", convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx)) @test_throws ErrorException write(f, "_Acmplx32", convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx)) HDF5.enable_complex_support() close(f) fr = h5open(fn) z = read(fr, "ComplexF64") @test z == 1.0 + 2.0im && isa(z, ComplexF64) z_attrs = attributes(fr["ComplexF64"]) @test read(z_attrs["ComplexInt64"]) == 1im Acmplx32 = read(fr, "Acmplx32") @test convert(Matrix{ComplexF32}, Acmplx) == Acmplx32 @test eltype(Acmplx32) == ComplexF32 Acmplx64 = read(fr, "Acmplx64") @test convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx) == Acmplx64 @test eltype(Acmplx64) == ComplexF64 dset = fr["Acmplx64_hyperslab"] Acmplx64_hyperslab = zeros(eltype(dset), size(dset)) for i in 1:size(dset, 2) Acmplx64_hyperslab[:, i] = dset[:, i] end @test convert(Matrix{ComplexF64}, Acmplx) == Acmplx64_hyperslab HDF5.disable_complex_support() z = read(fr, "ComplexF64") @test isa(z, NamedTuple{(:r, :i),Tuple{Float64,Float64}}) Acmplx32 = read(fr, "Acmplx32") @test eltype(Acmplx32) == NamedTuple{(:r, :i),Tuple{Float32,Float32}} Acmplx64 = read(fr, "Acmplx64") @test eltype(Acmplx64) == NamedTuple{(:r, :i),Tuple{Float64,Float64}} close(fr) HDF5.enable_complex_support() end # test strings with null and undefined references @testset "undefined and null" begin fn = tempname() f = h5open(fn, "w") # don't silently truncate data @test_throws ArgumentError write(f, "test", ["hello", "there", "\0"]) @test_throws ArgumentError write(f, "trunc1", "\0") @test_throws ArgumentError write(f, "trunc2", "trunc\0ateme") # test writing uninitialized string arrays undefstrarr = similar(Vector(1:3), String) # strs = String[#undef, #undef, #undef] @test_throws UndefRefError write(f, "undef", undefstrarr) close(f) rm(fn) end # testset null and undefined # test writing abstract arrays @testset "abstract arrays" begin # test writing reinterpreted data fn = tempname() try h5open(fn, "w") do f data = reinterpret(UInt8, [true, false, false]) write(f, "reinterpret array", data) end @test h5open(fn, "r") do f read(f, "reinterpret array") end == UInt8[0x01, 0x00, 0x00] finally rm(fn) end # don't silently fail for arrays with a different stride fn = tempname() try data = rand(UInt16, 2, 3) pdv_data = PermutedDimsArray(data, (2, 1)) @test_throws ArgumentError h5write(fn, "pdv_data", pdv_data) finally rm(fn) end # test alignment fn = tempname() h5open(fn, "w"; alignment=(0, 8)) do fid fid["x"] = zeros(10, 10) end end # writing abstract arrays # issue #705 @testset "empty and 0-size arrays" begin fn = tempname() hfile = h5open(fn, "w") # Write datasets with various 0-sizes write(hfile, "empty", HDF5.EmptyArray{Int64}()) # HDF5 empty write(hfile, "zerodim", fill(1.0π)) # 0-dimensional write(hfile, "zerovec", zeros(0)) # 1-dimensional, size 0 write(hfile, "zeromat", zeros(0, 0)) # 2-dimensional, size 0 write(hfile, "zeromat2", zeros(0, 1)) # 2-dimensional, size 0 with non-zero axis dempty = hfile["empty"] dzerodim = hfile["zerodim"] dzerovec = hfile["zerovec"] dzeromat = hfile["zeromat"] dzeromat2 = hfile["zeromat2"] # Test that eltype is preserved (especially for EmptyArray) @test eltype(dempty) == Int64 @test eltype(dzerodim) == Float64 @test eltype(dzerovec) == Float64 @test eltype(dzeromat) == Float64 @test eltype(dzeromat2) == Float64 # Test sizes are as expected @test size(dempty) == () @test size(dzerovec) == (0,) @test size(dzeromat) == (0, 0) @test size(dzeromat2) == (0, 1) @test HDF5.isnull(dempty) @test !HDF5.isnull(dzerovec) @test !HDF5.isnull(dzeromat) @test !HDF5.isnull(dzeromat2) # Reading back must preserve emptiness @test read(dempty) isa HDF5.EmptyArray # but 0-dimensional Array{T,0} are stored as HDF5 scalar @test size(dzerodim) == () @test !HDF5.isnull(dzerodim) @test read(dzerodim) == 1.0π # Similar tests for writing to attributes write(dempty, "attr", HDF5.EmptyArray{Float64}()) write(dzerodim, "attr", fill(1.0ℯ)) write(dzerovec, "attr", zeros(Int64, 0)) write(dzeromat, "attr", zeros(Int64, 0, 0)) write(dzeromat2, "attr", zeros(Int64, 0, 1)) aempty = dempty["attr"] azerodim = dzerodim["attr"] azerovec = dzerovec["attr"] azeromat = dzeromat["attr"] azeromat2 = dzeromat2["attr"] # Test that eltype is preserved (especially for EmptyArray) @test eltype(aempty) == Float64 @test eltype(azerodim) == Float64 @test eltype(azerovec) == Int64 @test eltype(azeromat) == Int64 @test eltype(azeromat2) == Int64 # Test sizes are as expected @test size(aempty) == () @test size(azerovec) == (0,) @test size(azeromat) == (0, 0) @test size(azeromat2) == (0, 1) @test HDF5.isnull(aempty) @test !HDF5.isnull(azerovec) @test !HDF5.isnull(azeromat) @test !HDF5.isnull(azeromat2) # Reading back must preserve emptiness @test read(aempty) isa HDF5.EmptyArray # but 0-dimensional Array{T,0} are stored as HDF5 scalar @test size(azerodim) == () @test !HDF5.isnull(azerodim) @test read(azerodim) == 1.0ℯ # Concatenation of EmptyArrays is not supported x = HDF5.EmptyArray{Float64}() @test_throws ErrorException [x x] @test_throws ErrorException [x; x] @test_throws ErrorException [x x; x x] close(hfile) rm(fn) # check that printing EmptyArray doesn't error buf = IOBuffer() show(buf, HDF5.EmptyArray{Int64}()) @test String(take!(buf)) == "HDF5.EmptyArray{Int64}()" show(buf, MIME"text/plain"(), HDF5.EmptyArray{Int64}()) @test String(take!(buf)) == "HDF5.EmptyArray{Int64}()" end # empty and 0-size arrays @testset "generic read of native types" begin fn = tempname() hfile = h5open(fn, "w") dtype_varstring = HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.API.h5t_copy(HDF5.API.H5T_C_S1)) HDF5.API.h5t_set_size(dtype_varstring, HDF5.API.H5T_VARIABLE) write(hfile, "uint8_array", UInt8[(1:8)...]) write(hfile, "bool_scalar", true) fixstring = "fix" varstring = "var" write(hfile, "fixed_string", fixstring) vardset = create_dataset( hfile, "variable_string", dtype_varstring, dataspace(varstring) ) GC.@preserve varstring begin HDF5.API.h5d_write( vardset, dtype_varstring, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5S_ALL, HDF5.API.H5P_DEFAULT, [pointer(varstring)] ) end flush(hfile) close(dtype_varstring) # generic read() handles concrete types with definite sizes transparently d = read(hfile["uint8_array"], UInt8) @test d isa Vector{UInt8} @test d == 1:8 d = read(hfile["bool_scalar"], Bool) @test d isa Bool @test d == true d = read(hfile["fixed_string"], HDF5.FixedString{length(fixstring),0}) @test d isa String @test d == fixstring d = read(hfile["variable_string"], Cstring) @test d isa String @test d == varstring # will also accept memory-compatible reinterpretations d = read(hfile["uint8_array"], Int8) @test d isa Vector{Int8} @test d == 1:8 d = read(hfile["bool_scalar"], UInt8) @test d isa UInt8 @test d == 0x1 # but should throw on non-compatible types @test_throws ErrorException(""" Type size mismatch sizeof(UInt16) = 2 sizeof($(sprint(show, datatype(UInt8)))) = 1 """) read(hfile["uint8_array"], UInt16) # Strings are not fixed size, but generic read still handles them if given the correct # underlying FixedString or Cstring type; a method overload makes String work, too. d = read(hfile["fixed_string"], String) @test d isa String @test d == fixstring d = read(hfile["variable_string"], String) @test d isa String @test d == varstring close(hfile) rm(fn) end # generic read of native types @testset "show" begin fn = tempname() # First create data objects and sure they print useful outputs hfile = h5open(fn, "w"; swmr=true) @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (read-write, swmr) $fn" group = create_group(hfile, "group") @test sprint(show, group) == "HDF5.Group: /group (file: $fn)" dset = create_dataset(group, "dset", datatype(Int), dataspace((1,))) @test sprint(show, dset) == "HDF5.Dataset: /group/dset (file: $fn xfer_mode: 0)" meta = create_attribute(dset, "meta", datatype(Bool), dataspace((1,))) @test sprint(show, meta) == "HDF5.Attribute: meta" dsetattrs = attributes(dset) @test sprint(show, dsetattrs) == "Attributes of HDF5.Dataset: /group/dset (file: $fn xfer_mode: 0)" prop = HDF5.init!(HDF5.LinkCreateProperties()) @test sprint(show, prop) == """ HDF5.LinkCreateProperties( create_intermediate_group = false, char_encoding = :ascii, )""" prop = HDF5.DatasetCreateProperties() @test sprint(show, prop) == "HDF5.DatasetCreateProperties()" dtype = HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.API.h5t_copy(HDF5.API.H5T_IEEE_F64LE)) @test sprint(show, dtype) == "HDF5.Datatype: H5T_IEEE_F64LE" commit_datatype(hfile, "type", dtype) @test sprint(show, dtype) == "HDF5.Datatype: /type H5T_IEEE_F64LE" dtypemeta = create_attribute(dtype, "dtypemeta", datatype(Bool), dataspace((1,))) @test sprint(show, dtypemeta) == "HDF5.Attribute: dtypemeta" dtypeattrs = attributes(dtype) @test sprint(show, dtypeattrs) == "Attributes of HDF5.Datatype: /type H5T_IEEE_F64LE" dspace_null = HDF5.Dataspace(HDF5.API.h5s_create(HDF5.API.H5S_NULL)) dspace_scal = HDF5.Dataspace(HDF5.API.h5s_create(HDF5.API.H5S_SCALAR)) dspace_norm = dataspace((100, 4)) dspace_maxd = dataspace((100, 4); max_dims=(256, 4)) dspace_slab = HDF5.hyperslab(dataspace((100, 4)), 1:20:100, 1:4) if HDF5.libversion ≥ v"1.10.7" dspace_irrg = HDF5.Dataspace( HDF5.API.h5s_combine_select( HDF5.API.h5s_copy(dspace_slab), HDF5.API.H5S_SELECT_OR, HDF5.hyperslab(dataspace((100, 4)), 2, 2) ) ) @test sprint(show, dspace_irrg) == "HDF5.Dataspace: (100, 4) [irregular selection]" end @test sprint(show, dspace_null) == "HDF5.Dataspace: H5S_NULL" @test sprint(show, dspace_scal) == "HDF5.Dataspace: H5S_SCALAR" @test sprint(show, dspace_norm) == "HDF5.Dataspace: (100, 4)" @test sprint(show, dspace_maxd) == "HDF5.Dataspace: (100, 4) / (256, 4)" @test sprint(show, dspace_slab) == "HDF5.Dataspace: (1:20:81, 1:4) / (1:100, 1:4)" # Now test printing after closing each object close(dspace_null) @test sprint(show, dspace_null) == "HDF5.Dataspace: (invalid)" close(dtype) @test sprint(show, dtype) == "HDF5.Datatype: (invalid)" close(prop) @test sprint(show, prop) == "HDF5.DatasetCreateProperties: (invalid)" close(meta) @test sprint(show, meta) == "HDF5.Attribute: (invalid)" close(dtypemeta) @test sprint(show, dtypemeta) == "HDF5.Attribute: (invalid)" close(dset) @test sprint(show, dset) == "HDF5.Dataset: (invalid)" @test sprint(show, dsetattrs) == "Attributes of HDF5.Dataset: (invalid)" close(group) @test sprint(show, group) == "HDF5.Group: (invalid)" close(hfile) @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (closed) $fn" # Go back and check different access modes for file printing hfile = h5open(fn, "r+"; swmr=true) @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (read-write, swmr) $fn" close(hfile) hfile = h5open(fn, "r"; swmr=true) @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (read-only, swmr) $fn" close(hfile) hfile = h5open(fn, "r") @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (read-only) $fn" close(hfile) hfile = h5open(fn, "cw") @test sprint(show, hfile) == "HDF5.File: (read-write) $fn" close(hfile) rm(fn) # Make an interesting file tree hfile = h5open(fn, "w") # file level hfile["version"] = 1.0 attributes(hfile)["creator"] = "HDF5.jl" # group level create_group(hfile, "inner") attributes(hfile["inner"])["dirty"] = true # dataset level hfile["inner/data"] = collect(-5:5) attributes(hfile["inner/data"])["mode"] = 1 # non-trivial committed datatype # TODO: print more datatype information tmeta = HDF5.Datatype( HDF5.API.h5t_create(HDF5.API.H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(Int) + sizeof(Float64)) ) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(tmeta, "scale", 0, HDF5.hdf5_type_id(Int)) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(tmeta, "bias", sizeof(Int), HDF5.hdf5_type_id(Float64)) tstr = datatype("fixed") t = HDF5.Datatype( HDF5.API.h5t_create(HDF5.API.H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(tmeta) + sizeof(tstr)) ) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(t, "meta", 0, tmeta) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(t, "type", sizeof(tmeta), tstr) commit_datatype(hfile, "dtype", t) buf = IOBuffer() iobuf = IOContext(buf, :limit => true, :module => Main) show3(io::IO, x) = show(IOContext(io, iobuf), MIME"text/plain"(), x) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 🗂️ HDF5.File: .*$ ├─ 🏷️ creator ├─ 📄 dtype ├─ 📂 inner │ ├─ 🏷️ dirty │ └─ 🔢 data │ └─ 🏷️ mode └─ 🔢 version"""m, msg ) @test sprint(show3, hfile) == msg HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile; attributes=false) @test occursin( r""" 🗂️ HDF5.File: .*$ ├─ 📄 dtype ├─ 📂 inner │ └─ 🔢 data └─ 🔢 version"""m, String(take!(buf)) ) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, attributes(hfile)) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 🗂️ Attributes of HDF5.File: .*$ └─ 🏷️ creator"""m, msg ) @test sprint(show3, attributes(hfile)) == msg HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["inner"]) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 📂 HDF5.Group: /inner .*$ ├─ 🏷️ dirty └─ 🔢 data └─ 🏷️ mode"""m, msg ) @test sprint(show3, hfile["inner"]) == msg HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["inner"]; attributes=false) @test occursin( r""" 📂 HDF5.Group: /inner .*$ └─ 🔢 data"""m, String(take!(buf)) ) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["inner/data"]) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 🔢 HDF5.Dataset: /inner/data .*$ └─ 🏷️ mode"""m, msg ) # xfer_mode changes between printings, so need regex again @test occursin( r""" 🔢 HDF5.Dataset: /inner/data .*$ └─ 🏷️ mode"""m, sprint(show3, hfile["inner/data"]) ) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["inner/data"]; attributes=false) @test occursin( r""" 🔢 HDF5.Dataset: /inner/data .*$"""m, String(take!(buf)) ) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["dtype"]) @test occursin( r""" 📄 HDF5.Datatype: /dtype""", String(take!(buf)) ) HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile["inner/data"]["mode"]; attributes=true) @test occursin( r""" 🏷️ HDF5.Attribute: mode""", String(take!(buf)) ) # configurable options # no emoji icons HDF5.SHOW_TREE_ICONS[] = false @test occursin( r""" \[F\] HDF5.File: .*$ ├─ \[A\] creator ├─ \[T\] dtype ├─ \[G\] inner │ ├─ \[A\] dirty │ └─ \[D\] data │ └─ \[A\] mode └─ \[D\] version"""m, sprint(show3, hfile) ) HDF5.SHOW_TREE_ICONS[] = true # no tree printing show(IOContext(iobuf, :compact => true), MIME"text/plain"(), hfile) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test msg == sprint(show, hfile) close(hfile) # Now test the print-limiting heuristics for large/complex datasets # group with a large number of children; tests child entry truncation heuristic h5open(fn, "w") do hfile dt, ds = datatype(Int), dataspace(()) opts = Iterators.product('A':'Z', 1:9) for ii in opts create_dataset(hfile, string(ii...), dt, ds) end def = HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_CHILDREN[] HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_CHILDREN[] = 5 HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 🗂️ HDF5.File: .*$ ├─ 🔢 A1 ├─ 🔢 A2 ├─ 🔢 A3 ├─ 🔢 A4 ├─ 🔢 A5 └─ \(229 more children\)"""m, msg ) @test sprint(show3, hfile) == msg HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_CHILDREN[] = def # IOContext can halt limiting HDF5.show_tree(IOContext(iobuf, :limit => false), hfile) @test countlines(seekstart(buf)) == length(opts) + 1 truncate(buf, 0) end # deeply nested set of elements; test that the tree is truncated h5open(fn, "w") do hfile p = HDF5.root(hfile)::HDF5.Group opts = 'A':'Z' for ii in opts p = create_group(p, string(ii)) end def = HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_DEPTH[] HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_DEPTH[] = 5 HDF5.show_tree(iobuf, hfile) msg = String(take!(buf)) @test occursin( r""" 🗂️ HDF5.File: .*$ └─ 📂 A └─ 📂 B └─ 📂 C └─ 📂 D └─ 📂 E └─ \(1 child\)"""m, msg ) @test sprint(show3, hfile) == msg HDF5.SHOW_TREE_MAX_DEPTH[] = def # IOContext can halt limiting HDF5.show_tree(IOContext(iobuf, :limit => false), hfile) @test countlines(seekstart(buf)) == length(opts) + 1 truncate(buf, 0) end rm(fn) end # show tests @testset "split1" begin @test HDF5.split1("/") == ("/", "") @test HDF5.split1("a") == ("a", "") @test HDF5.split1("/a/b/c") == ("/", "a/b/c") @test HDF5.split1("a/b/c") == ("a", "b/c") @test HDF5.split1(GenericString("a")) == ("a", "") @test HDF5.split1(GenericString("/a/b/c")) == ("/", "a/b/c") @test HDF5.split1(GenericString("a/b/c")) == ("a", "b/c") # The following two paths have the same graphemes but different code unit structures: # the first one is # "/" # while the second one is # "a" "/" circa = "â" # acomb = "â" # "a" + path1 = circa * "/α" path2 = acomb * "/α" # Sanity checks that the two strings are different but equivalent under normalization @test path1 != path2 @test Base.Unicode.normalize(path1, :NFC) == Base.Unicode.normalize(path2, :NFC) # Check split1 operates correctly @test HDF5.split1(path1) == (circa, "α") @test HDF5.split1(path2) == (acomb, "α") @test HDF5.split1("/" * path1) == ("/", path1) @test HDF5.split1("/" * path2) == ("/", path2) end # split1 tests # Also tests AbstractString interface @testset "haskey" begin fn = tempname() hfile = h5open(fn, "w") group1 = create_group(hfile, "group1") group2 = create_group(group1, "group2") @test haskey(hfile, "/") @test haskey(hfile, GenericString("group1")) @test !haskey(hfile, GenericString("groupna")) @test haskey(hfile, "group1/group2") @test !haskey(hfile, "group1/groupna") @test_throws KeyError hfile["nothing"] dset1 = create_dataset(hfile, "dset1", datatype(Int), dataspace((1,))) dset2 = create_dataset(group1, "dset2", datatype(Int), dataspace((1,))) @test haskey(hfile, "dset1") @test !haskey(hfile, "dsetna") @test haskey(hfile, "group1/dset2") @test !haskey(hfile, "group1/dsetna") meta1 = create_attribute(dset1, "meta1", datatype(Bool), dataspace((1,))) @test haskey(dset1, "meta1") @test !haskey(dset1, "metana") @test_throws KeyError dset1["nothing"] attribs = attributes(hfile) attribs["test1"] = true attribs["test2"] = "foo" @test haskey(attribs, "test1") @test haskey(attribs, "test2") @test !haskey(attribs, "testna") @test_throws KeyError attribs["nothing"] attribs = attributes(dset2) attribs["attr"] = "foo" @test haskey(attribs, GenericString("attr")) close(hfile) rm(fn) end # haskey tests @testset "AbstractString" begin fn = GenericString(tempname()) hfile = h5open(fn, "w") close(hfile) hfile = h5open(fn) close(hfile) hfile = h5open(fn, "w") @test_nowarn create_group(hfile, GenericString("group1")) @test_nowarn create_dataset( hfile, GenericString("dset1"), datatype(Int), dataspace((1,)) ) @test_nowarn create_dataset(hfile, GenericString("dset2"), 1) @test_nowarn hfile[GenericString("group1")] @test_nowarn hfile[GenericString("dset1")] dset1 = hfile["dset1"] @test_nowarn create_attribute( dset1, GenericString("meta1"), datatype(Bool), dataspace((1,)) ) @test_nowarn create_attribute(dset1, GenericString("meta2"), 1) @test_nowarn dset1[GenericString("meta1")] @test_nowarn dset1[GenericString("x")] = 2 array_of_strings = ["test",] write(hfile, "array_of_strings", array_of_strings) @test_nowarn attributes(hfile)[GenericString("ref_test")] = HDF5.Reference( hfile, GenericString("array_of_strings") ) @test read(attributes(hfile)[GenericString("ref_test")]) === HDF5.Reference(hfile, "array_of_strings") hfile[GenericString("test")] = 17.2 @test_nowarn delete_object(hfile, GenericString("test")) @test_nowarn delete_attribute(dset1, GenericString("meta1")) # transient types memtype_id = HDF5.API.h5t_copy(HDF5.API.H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE) dt = HDF5.Datatype(memtype_id) @test !HDF5.API.h5t_committed(dt) commit_datatype(hfile, GenericString("dt"), dt) @test HDF5.API.h5t_committed(dt) dt = datatype(Int) ds = dataspace(0) d = create_dataset(hfile, GenericString("d"), dt, ds) g = create_group(hfile, GenericString("g")) a = create_attribute(hfile, GenericString("a"), dt, ds) for obj in (d, g) @test_nowarn write_attribute(obj, GenericString("a"), 1) @test_nowarn read_attribute(obj, GenericString("a")) @test_nowarn write(obj, GenericString("aa"), 1) @test_nowarn attributes(obj)["attr1"] = GenericString("b") end @test_nowarn write(d, "attr2", GenericString("c")) @test_nowarn write_dataset(g, GenericString("ag"), GenericString("gg")) @test_nowarn write_dataset( g, GenericString("ag_array"), [GenericString("a1"), GenericString("a2")] ) genstrs = GenericString["fee", "fi", "foo"] @test_nowarn write_attribute(d, GenericString("myattr"), genstrs) @test genstrs == read(d["myattr"]) for obj in (hfile,) @test_nowarn open_dataset(obj, GenericString("d")) @test_nowarn write_dataset(obj, GenericString("dd"), 1) @test_nowarn read_dataset(obj, GenericString("dd")) @test_nowarn read(obj, GenericString("dd")) @test_nowarn read(obj, GenericString("dd") => Int) end read(attributes(hfile), GenericString("a")) write(hfile, GenericString("ASD"), GenericString("Aa")) write(g, GenericString("ASD"), GenericString("Aa")) write(g, GenericString("ASD1"), [GenericString("Aa")]) # test writing multiple variable @test_nowarn write( hfile, GenericString("a1"), rand(2, 2), GenericString("a2"), rand(2, 2) ) # copy methods d1 = create_dataset(hfile, GenericString("d1"), dt, ds) d1["x"] = 32 @test_nowarn copy_object(hfile, GenericString("d1"), hfile, GenericString("d1copy1")) @test_nowarn copy_object(d1, hfile, GenericString("d1copy2")) fn = GenericString(tempname()) A = Matrix(reshape(1:120, 15, 8)) @test_nowarn h5write(fn, GenericString("A"), A) @test_nowarn h5read(fn, GenericString("A")) @test_nowarn h5read(fn, GenericString("A"), (2:3:15, 3:5)) @test_nowarn h5write(fn, GenericString("x"), 1) @test_nowarn h5read(fn, GenericString("x") => Int) @test_nowarn h5rewrite(fn) do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "x", 3.3) end @test_nowarn h5rewrite(fn) do fid g = create_group(fid, "mygroup") write(g, "y", 3.3) end @test_nowarn h5write(fn, "W", [1 2; 3 4]) @test_nowarn h5writeattr(fn, GenericString("W"), Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2)) @test_nowarn h5readattr(fn, GenericString("W")) fn_external = GenericString(tempname()) dset = HDF5.create_external_dataset(hfile, "ext", fn_external, Int, (10, 20)) dcpl = HDF5.get_create_properties(dset) @test HDF5.API.h5p_get_external_count(dcpl) == 1 ext_prop = HDF5.API.h5p_get_external(dcpl) @test == fn_external @test ext_prop.offset == 0 @test ext_prop.size == 10 * 20 * sizeof(Int) dapl = HDF5.get_access_properties(dset) dapl.efile_prefix = "efile_test" @test HDF5.API.h5p_get_efile_prefix(dapl) == "efile_test" close(hfile) end @testset "opaque data" begin mktemp() do path, io close(io) fid = h5open(path, "w") num = 1 olen = 4 otype = HDF5.Datatype(HDF5.API.h5t_create(HDF5.API.H5T_OPAQUE, olen)) HDF5.API.h5t_set_tag(otype, "opaque test") # scalar dat0 = rand(UInt8, olen) create_dataset(fid, "scalar", otype, dataspace(())) write_dataset(fid["scalar"], otype, dat0) # vector dat1 = [rand(UInt8, olen) for _ in 1:4] buf1 = reduce(vcat, dat1) create_dataset(fid, "vector", otype, dataspace(dat1)) write_dataset(fid["vector"], otype, buf1) # matrix dat2 = [rand(UInt8, olen) for _ in 1:4, _ in 1:2] buf2 = reduce(vcat, dat2) create_dataset(fid, "matrix", otype, dataspace(dat2)) write_dataset(fid["matrix"], otype, buf2) # opaque data within a compound data type ctype = HDF5.Datatype( HDF5.API.h5t_create(HDF5.API.H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(num) + sizeof(otype)) ) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(ctype, "v", 0, datatype(num)) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(ctype, "d", sizeof(num), otype) cdat = vcat(reinterpret(UInt8, [num]), dat0) create_dataset(fid, "compound", ctype, dataspace(())) write_dataset(fid["compound"], ctype, cdat) opaque0 = read(fid["scalar"]) @test opaque0.tag == "opaque test" @test == dat0 opaque1 = read(fid["vector"]) @test opaque1.tag == "opaque test" @test == dat1 opaque2 = read(fid["matrix"]) @test opaque2.tag == "opaque test" @test == dat2 # Note: opaque tag is lost compound = read(fid["compound"]) @test compound == (v=num, d=dat0) close(fid) end end @testset "FixedStrings and FixedArrays" begin # properties for FixedString fix = HDF5.FixedString{4,0}((b"test"...,)) @test length(typeof(fix)) == 4 @test length(fix) == 4 @test HDF5.pad(typeof(fix)) == 0 @test HDF5.pad(fix) == 0 # issue #742, large fixed strings are readable mktemp() do path, io close(io) num = Int64(9) ref = join('a':'z')^1000 fid = h5open(path, "w") # long string serialized as FixedString fid["longstring"] = ref # compound datatype containing a FixedString compound_dtype = HDF5.Datatype( HDF5.API.h5t_create(HDF5.API.H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(num) + sizeof(ref)) ) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(compound_dtype, "n", 0, datatype(num)) HDF5.API.h5t_insert(compound_dtype, "a", sizeof(num), datatype(ref)) c = create_dataset(fid, "compoundlongstring", compound_dtype, dataspace(())) # normally this is done with a `struct name{N}; n::Int64; a::NTuple{N,Char}; end`, # but we need to not actually instantiate the `NTuple`. buf = IOBuffer() write(buf, num, ref) @assert position(buf) == sizeof(compound_dtype) write_dataset(c, compound_dtype, take!(buf)) # Test reading without stalling d = fid["longstring"] T = HDF5.get_jl_type(d) @test T <: HDF5.FixedString @test length(T) == length(ref) @test read(d) == ref T = HDF5.get_jl_type(c) @test T <: NamedTuple @test fieldnames(T) == (:n, :a) @test read(c) == (n=num, a=ref) close(fid) end fix = HDF5.FixedArray{Float64,(2, 2),4}((1, 2, 3, 4)) @test size(typeof(fix)) == (2, 2) @test size(fix) == (2, 2) @test eltype(typeof(fix)) == Float64 @test eltype(fix) == Float64 # large fixed arrays are readable mktemp() do path, io close(io) ref = rand(Float64, 3000) t = HDF5.Datatype( HDF5.API.h5t_array_create(datatype(Float64), ndims(ref), collect(size(ref))) ) scalarspace = dataspace(()) fid = h5open(path, "w") d = create_dataset(fid, "longnums", t, scalarspace) write_dataset(d, t, ref) T = HDF5.get_jl_type(d) @test T <: HDF5.FixedArray @test size(T) == size(ref) @test eltype(T) == eltype(ref) @test read(d) == ref close(fid) end end @testset "Object Exists" begin hfile = h5open(tempname(), "w") g1 = create_group(hfile, "group1") @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error create_group(hfile, "group1") create_group(g1, "group1a") @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error create_group(hfile, "/group1/group1a") @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error create_group(g1, "group1a") # issue #1055 create_group(hfile, SubString("abcdef", 1, 3)) @test haskey(hfile, "abc") @test !haskey(hfile, "abcdef") create_dataset(hfile, "dset1", 1) create_dataset(hfile, "/group1/dset1", 1) @test_throws ErrorException create_dataset(hfile, "dset1", 1) @test_throws ErrorException create_dataset(hfile, "group1", 1) @test_throws ErrorException create_dataset(g1, "dset1", 1) close(hfile) end @testset "HDF5 existance" begin fn1 = tempname() fn2 = tempname() open(fn1, "w") do f write(f, "Hello text file") end @test !HDF5.ishdf5(fn1) # check that a non-hdf5 file retuns false @test !HDF5.ishdf5(fn2) # checks that a file that does not exist returns false @test_throws ErrorException h5write(fn1, "x", 1) # non hdf5 file throws h5write(fn2, "x", 1) @test HDF5.ishdf5(fn2) rm(fn1) rm(fn2) end @testset "bounds" begin # issue #954 h5open(tempname(), "w") do f a, _ = create_attribute(f, "a", zeros(4)) @test_throws ArgumentError write(a, ones(2)) d, _ = create_dataset(f, "dd", zeros(4)) @test_throws ArgumentError write(d, ones(2)) end end