using HDF5 using Test @testset "properties" begin fn = tempname() h5open( fn, "w"; userblock=1024, alignment=(0, sizeof(Int)), libver_bounds=(:earliest, :latest), meta_block_size=1024, strategy=:fsm_aggr, persist=1, threshold=2, file_space_page_size=0x800 ) do hfile # generic g = create_group(hfile, "group") if HDF5.API.h5_get_libversion() >= v"1.10.5" kwargs = (:no_attrs_hint => true,) else kwargs = () end d = create_dataset( g, "dataset", datatype(Int), dataspace((500, 50)); alloc_time=HDF5.API.H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY, chunk=(5, 10), fill_value=1, fill_time=:never, obj_track_times=false, chunk_cache=(522, 0x200000, 0.80), efile_prefix=:origin, virtual_prefix="virtual", virtual_printf_gap=2, virtual_view=:last_available, kwargs... ) attributes(d)["metadata"] = "test" flush(hfile) fcpl = HDF5.get_create_properties(hfile) fapl = HDF5.get_access_properties(hfile) gcpl = HDF5.get_create_properties(hfile["group"]) dcpl = HDF5.get_create_properties(d) dapl = HDF5.get_access_properties(d) acpl = HDF5.get_create_properties(attributes(d)["metadata"]) # Retrievability of properties @test isvalid(fcpl) @test isvalid(fapl) @test isvalid(gcpl) @test isvalid(dcpl) @test isvalid(dapl) @test isvalid(acpl) # Retrieving property values: @test fcpl.userblock == 1024 @test fcpl.obj_track_times @test fcpl.file_space_page_size == 0x800 @test fcpl.strategy == :fsm_aggr @test fcpl.persist == 1 @test fcpl.threshold == 2 @test fapl.alignment == (0, sizeof(Int)) @test fapl.driver == Drivers.POSIX() @test_throws HDF5.API.H5Error fapl.driver_info @test fapl.fclose_degree == :strong @test fapl.libver_bounds == (:earliest, HDF5.libver_bound_from_enum(HDF5.API.H5F_LIBVER_LATEST)) @test fapl.meta_block_size == 1024 @test gcpl.local_heap_size_hint == 0 @test gcpl.obj_track_times @test HDF5.UTF8_LINK_PROPERTIES.char_encoding == :utf8 @test HDF5.UTF8_LINK_PROPERTIES.create_intermediate_group @test dcpl.alloc_time == :early @test dcpl.chunk == (5, 10) @test dcpl.layout == :chunked @test !dcpl.obj_track_times @test dcpl.fill_time == :never @test dcpl.fill_value == 1.0 if HDF5.API.h5_get_libversion() >= v"1.10.5" @test dcpl.no_attrs_hint == true end @test dapl.chunk_cache.nslots == 522 @test dapl.chunk_cache.nbytes == 0x200000 @test dapl.chunk_cache.w0 == 0.8 @test dapl.efile_prefix == raw"$ORIGIN" @test dapl.virtual_prefix == "virtual" # We probably need to actually use a virtual dataset @test_broken dapl.virtual_printf_gap == 2 if HDF5.API.h5_get_libversion() >= v"1.14.0" @test dapl.virtual_view == :last_available else @test_broken dapl.virtual_view == :last_available end @test acpl.char_encoding == :utf8 # Test auto-initialization of property lists on get dcpl2 = HDF5.DatasetCreateProperties() # uninitialized @test < 1 # 0 or -1 @test !isvalid(dcpl2) @test dcpl2.alloc_time == :late @test isvalid(dcpl2) # Test H5Pcopy dapl2 = copy(dapl) @test != @test dapl2.virtual_prefix == dapl.virtual_prefix dapl2.virtual_prefix = "somewhere_else" @test dapl2.virtual_prefix != dapl.virtual_prefix nothing end file_image = read(fn) rm(fn; force=true) fapl = HDF5.FileAccessProperties() fapl.driver = HDF5.Drivers.Core(; backing_store=false) fapl.file_image = copy(file_image) @test fapl.file_image == file_image file_image2 = h5open(fn, "r"; fapl) do f @test haskey(f, "group") convert(Vector{UInt8}, f) end # file_image2 does not include user block @test file_image2 == @view(file_image[1025:end]) rm(fn; force=true) end