using HDF5 using Test using LinearAlgebra: norm @testset "readremote" begin # check that we can read the official HDF5 example files # download and save test file via: # urlbase = "" test_files = joinpath(@__DIR__, "test_files") # if !isdir(test_files) # mkdir(test_files) # end # function joinpath(test_files, name) # file = joinpath(test_files, name) # if !isfile(file) # file = download(urlbase*name, file) # end # file # end #! format: off fcmp = [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1.66667 2.4 3.28571 4.22222 5.18182 6.15385 4 2.33333 2.8 3.57143 4.44444 5.36364 6.30769 6 3 3.2 3.85714 4.66667 5.54545 6.46154 ]' icmp = [ 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ]' SOLID, LIQUID, GAS, PLASMA = 0, 1, 2, 3 ecmp = [ SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID SOLID LIQUID GAS PLASMA SOLID LIQUID GAS SOLID GAS SOLID GAS SOLID GAS SOLID SOLID PLASMA GAS LIQUID SOLID PLASMA GAS ]' scmp = ["Parting", "is such", "sweet", "sorrow."] vicmp = Array{Int32}[[3, 2, 1], [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144]] opq = Array{UInt8}[ [0x4f, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x55, 0x45, 0x30], [0x4f, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x55, 0x45, 0x31], [0x4f, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x55, 0x45, 0x32], [0x4f, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x55, 0x45, 0x33] ] # For H5T_ARRAY AA = Array{Int,2}[ [0 0 0; 0 -1 -2; 0 -2 -4; 0 -3 -6; 0 -4 -8], [0 1 2; 1 1 1; 2 1 0; 3 1 -1; 4 1 -2], [0 2 4; 2 3 4; 4 4 4; 6 5 4; 8 6 4], [0 3 6; 3 5 7; 6 7 8; 9 9 9; 12 11 10]] #! format: on file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_floatatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test norm(a - fcmp) < 1.5e-5 close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_float.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test norm(d - fcmp) < 1.5e-5 close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_intatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a == icmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_int.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d == icmp close(fid) if HDF5.API.h5_get_libversion() >= v"1.8.11" file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_enumatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a == ecmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_enum.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d == ecmp close(fid) end file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_objrefatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") g = fid[a[1]] @test isa(g, HDF5.Group) ds2 = fid[a[2]] ds2v = read(ds2) @test isa(ds2v, HDF5.EmptyArray{Int32}) @test isempty(ds2v) close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_objref.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") g = fid[d[1]] @test isa(g, HDF5.Group) ds2 = fid[d[2]] ds2v = read(ds2) @test isa(ds2v, HDF5.EmptyArray{Int32}) @test isempty(ds2v) close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_stringatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a == scmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_string.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d == scmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_vlenatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a == vicmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_vlen.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d == vicmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_vlstringatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a == scmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_vlstring.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d == scmp close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_opaqueatt.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") dset = fid["DS1"] a = read_attribute(dset, "A1") @test a.tag == "Character array" @test == opq close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_opaque.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") d = read(fid, "DS1") @test d.tag == "Character array" @test == opq close(fid) file = joinpath(test_files, "h5ex_t_array.h5") fid = h5open(file, "r") A = read(fid, "DS1") @test A == AA close(fid) end # testset readremote