using Documenter, HTTP, Sockets, URIs, Changelog # Generate Documenter-consumable changelog Changelog.generate( Changelog.Documenter(), joinpath(@__DIR__, "../"), joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/"); repo = "JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl", ) """ Loops through the files in the examples folder and adds them (with any header comments) to the markdown file. """ function generateExamples() f = IOBuffer() write( f, "```@meta # NOTE this file is autogenerated, do not edit directly. To make an example, upload the .jl file to the examples folder. Header comments may be included at the top of the file using \"\"\" syntax ``` ", ) write(f, "\n") write(f, "# Examples") write( f, "\nSome examples that may prove potentially useful for those using `HTTP.jl`. The code for these examples can also be found on Github in the `docs/examples` folder.", ) for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(joinpath(@__DIR__, "examples")) #set order of files so simple is first, and Readme examples are last temp = files[1] files[findfirst(isequal("simple_server.jl"), files)] = temp files[1] = "simple_server.jl" temp = files[2] files[findfirst(isequal("cors_server.jl"), files)] = temp files[2] = "cors_server.jl" temp = files[length(files)] files[findfirst(isequal("readme_examples.jl"), files)] = temp files[length(files)] = "readme_examples.jl" for file in files println(file) #extract title from example write(f, "\n") title = file title = replace(title, "_" => " ") title = replace(title, ".jl" => "") title = titlecase(title) title = "## " * title * "\n" write(f, title) #open each file and read contents opened = open(joinpath(@__DIR__, "examples/") * file) lines = readlines(opened, keep = true) index = 1 #find doc string intro if exists if "\"\"\"\n" in lines index = findall(isequal("\"\"\"\n"), lines)[2] print(index) for i = 2:index-1 write(f, lines[i]) end lines = lines[index+1:end] end write(f, "```julia") write(f, "\n") for line in lines write(f, line) end write(f, "\n") write(f, "```") close(opened) end end file = joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/") current_content = isfile(file) ? read(file, String) : "" updated_content = String(take!(f)) # Only update content if something changed so that the file watcher in # LiveServer.jl isn't triggering itself when running make.jl. if updated_content != current_content write(file, updated_content) end end generateExamples() makedocs( # modules = [HTTP], sitename = "HTTP.jl", pages = [ "Home" => "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], ) deploydocs( repo = "", push_preview = true, )