module Exceptions export @try, HTTPError, ConnectError, TimeoutError, StatusError, RequestError, current_exceptions_to_string using LoggingExtras, ExceptionUnwrapping import ..HTTP # for doc references @eval begin """ @try Permitted Error Types expr Convenience macro for wrapping an expression in a try/catch block where thrown exceptions are ignored. """ macro $(:try)(exes...) errs = Any[exes...] ex = pop!(errs) isempty(errs) && error("no permitted errors") quote try $(esc(ex)) catch e e isa InterruptException && rethrow(e) |($([:(e isa $(esc(err))) for err in errs]...)) || rethrow(e) end end end end # @eval abstract type HTTPError <: Exception end """ HTTP.ConnectError Raised when an error occurs while trying to establish a request connection to the remote server. To see the underlying error, see the `error` field. """ struct ConnectError <: HTTPError url::String # the URL of the request error::Any # underlying error end ExceptionUnwrapping.unwrap_exception(e::ConnectError) = e.error function Base.showerror(io::IO, e::ConnectError) print(io, "HTTP.ConnectError for url = `$(e.url)`: ") Base.showerror(io, e.error) end """ HTTP.TimeoutError Raised when a request times out according to `readtimeout` keyword argument provided. """ struct TimeoutError <: HTTPError readtimeout::Int end Base.showerror(io::IO, e::TimeoutError) = print(io, "TimeoutError: Connection closed after $(e.readtimeout) seconds") """ HTTP.StatusError Raised when an `HTTP.Response` has a `4xx`, `5xx` or unrecognised status code. Fields: - `status::Int16`, the response status code. - `method::String`, the request method. - `target::String`, the request target. - `response`, the [`HTTP.Response`](@ref) """ struct StatusError <: HTTPError status::Int16 method::String target::String response::Any end """ HTTP.RequestError Raised when an error occurs while physically sending a request to the remote server or reading the response back. To see the underlying error, see the `error` field. """ struct RequestError <: HTTPError request::Any error::Any end ExceptionUnwrapping.unwrap_exception(e::RequestError) = e.error function Base.showerror(io::IO, e::RequestError) println(io, "HTTP.RequestError:") println(io, "HTTP.Request:"), e.request) println(io, "Underlying error:") Base.showerror(io, e.error) end function current_exceptions_to_string() buf = IOBuffer() println(buf) println(buf, "\n===========================\nHTTP Error message:\n") exc = @static if VERSION >= v"1.8.0-" Base.current_exceptions() else Base.catch_stack() end Base.display_error(buf, exc) return String(take!(buf)) end end # module Exceptions