module Streams export Stream, closebody, isaborted, setstatus, readall! using Sockets, LoggingExtras using ..IOExtras, ..Messages, ..Connections, ..Conditions, ..Exceptions import ..HTTP # for doc references mutable struct Stream{M <: Message, S <: IO} <: IO message::M stream::S writechunked::Bool readchunked::Bool warn_not_to_read_one_byte_at_a_time::Bool ntoread::Int nwritten::Int end """ Stream(::Request, ::IO) Creates a `HTTP.Stream` that wraps an existing `IO` stream. - `startwrite(::Stream)` sends the `Request` headers to the `IO` stream. - `write(::Stream, body)` sends the `body` (or a chunk of the body). - `closewrite(::Stream)` sends the final `0` chunk (if needed) and calls `closewrite` on the `IO` stream. - `startread(::Stream)` calls `startread` on the `IO` stream then reads and parses the `Response` headers. - `eof(::Stream)` and `readavailable(::Stream)` parse the body from the `IO` stream. - `closeread(::Stream)` reads the trailers and calls `closeread` on the `IO` stream. When the `IO` stream is a [`HTTP.Connections.Connection`](@ref), calling `closeread` releases the connection back to the connection pool for reuse. If a complete response has not been received, `closeread` throws `EOFError`. """ Stream(r::M, io::S) where {M, S} = Stream{M, S}(r, io, false, false, true, 0, -1) Messages.header(http::Stream, a...) = header(http.message, a...) setstatus(http::Stream, status) = (http.message.response.status = status) Messages.setheader(http::Stream, a...) = setheader(http.message.response, a...) Connections.getrawstream(http::Stream) = getrawstream( Sockets.getsockname(http::Stream) = Sockets.getsockname(IOExtras.tcpsocket(getrawstream(http))) function Sockets.getpeername(http::Stream) # TODO: MbedTLS only forwards getsockname(::SSLContext) # so we use IOExtras.tcpsocket to reach into the MbedTLS internals # for now to keep compatibility with older MbedTLS versions. # return Sockets.getpeername(getrawstream(http)) return Sockets.getpeername(IOExtras.tcpsocket(getrawstream(http))) end IOExtras.isopen(http::Stream) = isopen( # Writing HTTP Messages messagetowrite(http::Stream{<:Response}) = http.message.request::Request messagetowrite(http::Stream{<:Request}) = http.message.response IOExtras.iswritable(http::Stream) = iswritable( function IOExtras.startwrite(http::Stream) if !iswritable( startwrite( end m = messagetowrite(http) if !hasheader(m, "Content-Length") && !hasheader(m, "Transfer-Encoding") && !hasheader(m, "Upgrade") && (m isa Request || (m.request.version >= v"1.1" && bodylength(m) > 0)) http.writechunked = true setheader(m, "Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked") else http.writechunked = ischunked(m) end n = writeheaders(, m) # nwritten starts at -1 so that we can tell if we've written anything yet http.nwritten = 0 # should not include headers return n end function Base.unsafe_write(http::Stream, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt) if n == 0 return 0 end if !iswritable(http) && isopen( startwrite(http) end nw = if !http.writechunked unsafe_write(, p, n) else write(, string(n, base=16), "\r\n") + unsafe_write(, p, n) + write(, "\r\n") end http.nwritten += nw return nw end """ closebody(::Stream) Write the final `0` chunk if needed. """ function closebody(http::Stream) if http.writechunked http.writechunked = false @try Base.IOError write(, "0\r\n\r\n") end end function IOExtras.closewrite(http::Stream{<:Response}) if !iswritable(http) return end closebody(http) closewrite( end function IOExtras.closewrite(http::Stream{<:Request}) if iswritable(http) closebody(http) closewrite( end if hasheader(http.message, "Connection", "close") || hasheader(http.message, "Connection", "upgrade") || http.message.version < v"1.1" && !hasheader(http.message, "Connection", "keep-alive") @debugv 1 "✋ \"Connection: close\": $(" close( end end # Reading HTTP Messages IOExtras.isreadable(http::Stream) = isreadable( Base.bytesavailable(http::Stream) = min(ntoread(http), bytesavailable( function IOExtras.startread(http::Stream) if !isreadable( startread( end readheaders(, http.message) handle_continue(http) http.readchunked = ischunked(http.message) http.ntoread = bodylength(http.message) return http.message end """ 100 Continue """ function handle_continue(http::Stream{<:Response}) if http.message.status == 100 @debugv 1 "✅ Continue: $(" readheaders(, http.message) end end function handle_continue(http::Stream{<:Request}) if hasheader(http.message, "Expect", "100-continue") if !iswritable( startwrite( end @debugv 1 "✅ Continue: $(" writeheaders(, Response(100)) end end function Base.eof(http::Stream) if !headerscomplete(http.message) startread(http) end if http.ntoread == 0 return true end return eof( end @inline function ntoread(http::Stream) if !headerscomplete(http.message) startread(http) end # Find length of next chunk if http.ntoread == unknown_length && http.readchunked http.ntoread = readchunksize(, http.message) end return http.ntoread end @inline function update_ntoread(http::Stream, n) if http.ntoread != unknown_length http.ntoread -= n end if http.readchunked if http.ntoread == 0 http.ntoread = unknown_length end end @ensure http.ntoread >= 0 end function Base.readavailable(http::Stream, n::Int=typemax(Int)) ntr = ntoread(http) if ntr == 0 return UInt8[] end bytes = read(, min(n, ntr)) update_ntoread(http, length(bytes)) return bytes end, n::Integer) = readavailable(http, Int(n)) function, ::Type{UInt8}) if http.warn_not_to_read_one_byte_at_a_time @warn "Reading one byte at a time from HTTP.Stream is inefficient.\n" * "Use: io = BufferedInputStream(http::HTTP.Stream) instead.\n" * "See:" http.warn_not_to_read_one_byte_at_a_time = false end if ntoread(http) == 0 throw(EOFError()) end update_ntoread(http, 1) return read(, UInt8) end function http_unsafe_read(http::Stream, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt)::Int ntr = UInt(ntoread(http)) ntr == 0 && return 0 # If there is spare space in `p` # read two extra bytes # (`\r\n` at end ofchunk). unsafe_read(, p, min(n, ntr + (http.readchunked ? 2 : 0))) n = min(n, ntr) update_ntoread(http, n) return n end function Base.readbytes!(http::Stream, buf::AbstractVector{UInt8}, n=length(buf)) n > length(buf) && resize!(buf, n) return GC.@preserve buf http_unsafe_read(http, pointer(buf), UInt(n)) end function Base.unsafe_read(http::Stream, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt) nread = 0 while nread < n if eof(http) throw(EOFError()) end nread += http_unsafe_read(http, p + nread, n - nread) end nothing end function Base.readbytes!(http::Stream, buf::Base.GenericIOBuffer, n=bytesavailable(http)) p, nbmax = Base.alloc_request(buf, UInt(n)) nbmax < n && throw(ArgumentError("Unable to grow response stream IOBuffer $nbmax large enough for response body size: $n")) GC.@preserve buf unsafe_read(http, p, UInt(n)) # TODO: use `Base.notify_filled(buf, Int(n))` here, but only once it is identical to this: if buf.append buf.size += Int(n) else buf.ptr += Int(n) buf.size = max(buf.size, buf.ptr - 1) end return n end function, buf::Base.GenericIOBuffer=PipeBuffer()) readall!(http, buf) return take!(buf) end function readall!(http::Stream, buf::Base.GenericIOBuffer=PipeBuffer()) n = 0 if ntoread(http) == unknown_length while !eof(http) n += readbytes!(http, buf) end else # even if we know the length, we still need to read until eof # because Transfer-Encoding: chunked comes in piece-by-piece while !eof(http) n += readbytes!(http, buf, ntoread(http)) end end return n end function IOExtras.readuntil(http::Stream, f::Function) UInt(ntoread(http)) == 0 && return Connections.nobytes try bytes = IOExtras.readuntil(, f) update_ntoread(http, length(bytes)) return bytes catch ex ex isa EOFError || rethrow() # if we error, it means we didn't find what we were looking for # TODO: this seems very sketchy return UInt8[] end end """ isaborted(::Stream{<:Response}) Has the server signaled that it does not wish to receive the message body? "If [the response] indicates the server does not wish to receive the message body and is closing the connection, the client SHOULD immediately cease transmitting the body and close the connection." [RFC7230, 6.5]( """ function isaborted(http::Stream{<:Response}) if iswritable( && iserror(http.message) && hasheader(http.message, "Connection", "close") @debugv 1 "✋ Abort on $(sprint(writestartline, http.message)): " * "$(" @debugv 2 "✋ $(http.message)" return true end return false end Messages.isredirect(http::Stream{<:Response}) = isredirect(http.message) && isredirect(http.message.request) Messages.retryable(http::Stream{<:Response}) = retryable(http.message) && retryable(http.message.request) incomplete(http::Stream) = http.ntoread > 0 && (http.readchunked || http.ntoread != unknown_length) function IOExtras.closeread(http::Stream{<:Response}) if hasheader(http.message, "Connection", "close") # Close conncetion if server sent "Connection: close"... @debugv 1 "✋ \"Connection: close\": $(" close( # Error if Message is not complete... incomplete(http) && throw(EOFError()) else # Discard body bytes that were not read... @try Base.IOError EOFError while !eof(http) readavailable(http) end if incomplete(http) # Error if Message is not complete... close( throw(EOFError()) elseif isreadable( closeread( end end return http.message end function IOExtras.closeread(http::Stream{<:Request}) if incomplete(http) # Error if Message is not complete... close( throw(EOFError()) end if isreadable(http) closeread( end end end #module Streams