module Strings export HTTPVersion, escapehtml, tocameldash, iso8859_1_to_utf8, ascii_lc_isequal using ..IOExtras # A `Base.VersionNumber` is a SemVer spec, whereas a HTTP versions is just 2 digits, # This allows us to use a smaller type and more importantly write a simple parse method # that avoid allocations. """ HTTPVersion(major, minor) The HTTP version number consists of two digits separated by a "." (period or decimal point). The first digit (`major` version) indicates the HTTP messaging syntax, whereas the second digit (`minor` version) indicates the highest minor version within that major version to which the sender is conformant and able to understand for future communication. See [RFC7230 2.6]( """ struct HTTPVersion major::UInt8 minor::UInt8 end HTTPVersion(major::Integer) = HTTPVersion(major, 0x00) HTTPVersion(v::AbstractString) = parse(HTTPVersion, v) HTTPVersion(v::VersionNumber) = convert(HTTPVersion, v) # Lossy conversion. We ignore patch/prerelease/build parts even if non-zero/non-empty, # because we don't want to add overhead for a case that should never be relevant. Base.convert(::Type{HTTPVersion}, v::VersionNumber) = HTTPVersion(v.major, v.minor) Base.VersionNumber(v::HTTPVersion) = VersionNumber(v.major, v.minor), v::HTTPVersion) = print(io, "HTTPVersion(\"", string(v.major), ".", string(v.minor), "\")") Base.:(==)(va::VersionNumber, vb::HTTPVersion) = va == VersionNumber(vb) Base.:(==)(va::HTTPVersion, vb::VersionNumber) = VersionNumber(va) == vb Base.isless(va::VersionNumber, vb::HTTPVersion) = isless(va, VersionNumber(vb)) Base.isless(va::HTTPVersion, vb::VersionNumber) = isless(VersionNumber(va), vb) function Base.isless(va::HTTPVersion, vb::HTTPVersion) va.major < vb.major && return true va.major > vb.major && return false va.minor < vb.minor && return true return false end function Base.parse(::Type{HTTPVersion}, v::AbstractString) ver = tryparse(HTTPVersion, v) ver === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("invalid HTTP version string: $(repr(v))")) return ver end # We only support single-digits for major and minor versions # - we can parse 0.9 but not 0.10 # - we can parse 9.0 but not 10.0 function Base.tryparse(::Type{HTTPVersion}, v::AbstractString) isempty(v) && return nothing len = ncodeunits(v) i = firstindex(v) d1 = v[i] if isdigit(d1) major = parse(UInt8, d1) else return nothing end i = nextind(v, i) i > len && return HTTPVersion(major) dot = v[i] dot == '.' || return nothing i = nextind(v, i) i > len && return HTTPVersion(major) d2 = v[i] if isdigit(d2) minor = parse(UInt8, d2) else return nothing end return HTTPVersion(major, minor) end """ escapehtml(i::String) Returns a string with special HTML characters escaped: &, <, >, ", ' """ function escapehtml(i::AbstractString) # Refer to for spec. links o = replace(i, "&" =>"&") o = replace(o, "\""=>""") o = replace(o, "'" =>"'") o = replace(o, "<" =>"<") o = replace(o, ">" =>">") return o end """ tocameldash(s::String) Ensure the first character and characters that follow a '-' are uppercase. """ function tocameldash(s::String) toUpper = UInt8('A') - UInt8('a') v = Vector{UInt8}(bytes(s)) upper = true for i = 1:length(v) @inbounds b = v[i] if upper islower(b) && (v[i] = b + toUpper) else isupper(b) && (v[i] = lower(b)) end upper = b == UInt8('-') end return String(v) end tocameldash(s::AbstractString) = tocameldash(String(s)) @inline islower(b::UInt8) = UInt8('a') <= b <= UInt8('z') @inline isupper(b::UInt8) = UInt8('A') <= b <= UInt8('Z') @inline lower(c::UInt8) = c | 0x20 """ iso8859_1_to_utf8(bytes::AbstractVector{UInt8}) Convert from ISO8859_1 to UTF8. """ function iso8859_1_to_utf8(bytes::AbstractVector{UInt8}) io = IOBuffer() for b in bytes if b < 0x80 write(io, b) else write(io, 0xc0 | (b >> 6)) write(io, 0x80 | (b & 0x3f)) end end return String(take!(io)) end """ Convert ASCII (RFC20) character `c` to lower case. """ ascii_lc(c::UInt8) = c in UInt8('A'):UInt8('Z') ? c + 0x20 : c """ Case insensitive ASCII character comparison. """ ascii_lc_isequal(a::UInt8, b::UInt8) = ascii_lc(a) == ascii_lc(b) """ HTTP.ascii_lc_isequal(a::String, b::String) Case insensitive ASCII string comparison. """ function ascii_lc_isequal(a, b) acu = codeunits(a) bcu = codeunits(b) len = length(acu) len != length(bcu) && return false for i = 1:len @inbounds !ascii_lc_isequal(acu[i], bcu[i]) && return false end return true end end # module Strings