module WebSockets using Base64, LoggingExtras, UUIDs, Sockets, Random using MbedTLS: digest, MD_SHA1, SSLContext using ..IOExtras, ..Streams, ..Connections, ..Messages, ..Conditions, ..Servers using ..Exceptions: current_exceptions_to_string import import ..HTTP # for doc references export WebSocket, send, receive, ping, pong # 1st 2 bytes of a frame primitive type FrameFlags 16 end uint16(x::FrameFlags) = Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) FrameFlags(x::UInt16) = Base.bitcast(FrameFlags, x) const WS_FINAL = 0b1000000000000000 const WS_RSV1 = 0b0100000000000000 const WS_RSV2 = 0b0010000000000000 const WS_RSV3 = 0b0001000000000000 const WS_OPCODE = 0b0000111100000000 const WS_MASK = 0b0000000010000000 const WS_LEN = 0b0000000001111111 @enum OpCode::UInt8 CONTINUATION=0x00 TEXT=0x01 BINARY=0x02 CLOSE=0x08 PING=0x09 PONG=0x0A iscontrol(opcode::OpCode) = opcode > BINARY Base.propertynames(x::FrameFlags) = (:final, :rsv1, :rsv2, :rsv3, :opcode, :mask, :len) function Base.getproperty(x::FrameFlags, nm::Symbol) ux = uint16(x) if nm == :final return ux & WS_FINAL > 0 elseif nm == :rsv1 return ux & WS_RSV1 > 0 elseif nm == :rsv2 return ux & WS_RSV2 > 0 elseif nm == :rsv3 return ux & WS_RSV3 > 0 elseif nm == :opcode return OpCode(((ux & WS_OPCODE) >> 8) % UInt8) elseif nm == :masked return ux & WS_MASK > 0 elseif nm == :len return ux & WS_LEN end end FrameFlags(final::Bool, opcode::OpCode, masked::Bool, len::Integer; rsv1::Bool=false, rsv2::Bool=false, rsv3::Bool=false) = FrameFlags( (final ? WS_FINAL : UInt16(0)) | (rsv1 ? WS_RSV1 : UInt16(0)) | (rsv2 ? WS_RSV2 : UInt16(0)) | (rsv3 ? WS_RSV3 : UInt16(0)) | (UInt16(opcode) << 8) | (masked ? WS_MASK : UInt16(0)) | (len % UInt16) ), x::FrameFlags) = print(io, "FrameFlags(", "final=",, ", ", "opcode=", x.opcode, ", ", "masked=", x.masked, ", ", "len=", x.len, ")") primitive type Mask 32 end Base.UInt32(x::Mask) = Base.bitcast(UInt32, x) Mask(x::UInt32) = Base.bitcast(Mask, x) Base.getindex(x::Mask, i::Int) = (UInt32(x) >> (8 * ((i - 1) % 4))) % UInt8 mask() = Mask(rand(Random.RandomDevice(), UInt32)) const EMPTY_MASK = Mask(UInt32(0)) # representation of a single websocket frame struct Frame flags::FrameFlags extendedlen::Union{Nothing, UInt16, UInt64} mask::Mask # when sending, Vector{UInt8} if client, any AbstractVector{UInt8} if server # when receiving: # CONTINUATION: String or Vector{UInt8} based on first fragment frame opcode TEXT/BINARY # TEXT: String # BINARY/PING/PONG: Vector{UInt8} # CLOSE: CloseFrameBody payload::Any end # given a payload total length, split into 7-bit length + 16-bit or 64-bit extended length wslength(l) = l < 0x7E ? (UInt8(l), nothing) : l <= 0xFFFF ? (0x7E, UInt16(l)) : (0x7F, UInt64(l)) # give a mutable byte payload + mask, perform client websocket masking function mask!(bytes::Vector{UInt8}, mask) for i in 1:length(bytes) @inbounds bytes[i] = bytes[i] ⊻ mask[i] end return end # send method Frame constructor function Frame(final::Bool, opcode::OpCode, client::Bool, payload::AbstractVector{UInt8}; rsv1::Bool=false, rsv2::Bool=false, rsv3::Bool=false) len, extlen = wslength(length(payload)) if client msk = mask() mask!(payload, msk) else msk = EMPTY_MASK end return Frame(FrameFlags(final, opcode, client, len; rsv1, rsv2, rsv3), extlen, msk, payload) end, x::Frame) = print(io, "Frame(", "flags=", x.flags, ", ", "extendedlen=", x.extendedlen, ", ", "mask=", x.mask, ", ", "payload=", x.payload, ")") # reading a single frame # If _The WebSocket Connection is Closed_ and no Close control frame was received by the # endpoint (such as could occur if the underlying transport connection # is lost), _The WebSocket Connection Close Code_ is considered to be 1006. @noinline iocheck(io) = isopen(io) || throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1006, "WebSocket connection is closed"))) """ WebSockets.readframe(ws) -> WebSockets.Frame WebSockets.readframe(io, Frame, buffer, first_fragment_opcode) -> WebSockets.Frame Read a single websocket frame from a `WebSocket` or `IO` stream. Frame may be a control frame with `PING`, `PONG`, or `CLOSE` opcode. Frame may also be part of fragmented message, with opcdoe `CONTINUATION`; `first_fragment_opcode` should be passed from the 1st frame of a fragmented message to ensure each subsequent frame payload is converted correctly (String or Vector{UInt8}). """ function readframe(io::IO, ::Type{Frame}, buffer::Vector{UInt8}=UInt8[], first_fragment_opcode::OpCode=CONTINUATION) iocheck(io) flags = FrameFlags(ntoh(read(io, UInt16))) if flags.len == 0x7E extlen = ntoh(read(io, UInt16)) len = UInt64(extlen) elseif flags.len == 0x7F extlen = ntoh(read(io, UInt64)) len = extlen else extlen = nothing len = UInt64(flags.len) end mask = flags.masked ? Mask(read(io, UInt32)) : EMPTY_MASK # even if len is 0, we need to resize! so previously filled buffers aren't erroneously reused resize!(buffer, len) if len > 0 # NOTE: we could support a pure streaming case by allowing the caller to pass # an IO instead of buffer and writing directly from io -> out_io. # The tricky case would be server-side streaming, where we need to unmask # the incoming client payload; we could just buffer the payload + unmask # and then write out to the out_io. read!(io, buffer) end if flags.masked mask!(buffer, mask) end if flags.opcode == CONTINUATION && first_fragment_opcode == CONTINUATION throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Continuation frame cannot be the first frame in a message"))) elseif first_fragment_opcode != CONTINUATION && flags.opcode in (TEXT, BINARY) throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Received unfragmented frame while still processing fragmented frame"))) end op = flags.opcode == CONTINUATION ? first_fragment_opcode : flags.opcode if op == TEXT # TODO: possible avoid the double copy from read!(io, buffer) + unsafe_string? payload = unsafe_string(pointer(buffer), len) elseif op == CLOSE if len == 1 throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Close frame cannot have body of length 1"))) end control_len_check(len) if len >= 2 st = Int(UInt16(buffer[1]) << 8 | buffer[2]) validclosecheck(st) status = st else status = 1005 end payload = CloseFrameBody(status, len > 2 ? unsafe_string(pointer(buffer) + 2, len - 2) : "") utf8check(payload.message) else # BINARY payload = copy(buffer) end return Frame(flags, extlen, mask, payload) end # writing a single frame function writeframe(io::IO, x::Frame) n = write(, hton(uint16(x.flags))) if x.extendedlen !== nothing n += write(, hton(x.extendedlen)) end if x.mask != EMPTY_MASK n += write(, UInt32(x.mask)) end pl = x.payload # manually unroll a few known type cases to help the compiler if pl isa Vector{UInt8} n += write(, pl) elseif pl isa Base.CodeUnits{UInt8, String} n += write(, pl) else n += write(, pl) end return n end "Status codes according to RFC 6455 7.4.1" const STATUS_CODE_DESCRIPTION = Dict{Int, String}( 1000=>"Normal", 1001=>"Going Away", 1002=>"Protocol Error", 1003=>"Unsupported Data", 1004=>"Reserved", 1005=>"No Status Recvd- reserved", 1006=>"Abnormal Closure- reserved", 1007=>"Invalid frame payload data", 1008=>"Policy Violation", 1009=>"Message too big", 1010=>"Missing Extension", 1011=>"Internal Error", 1012=>"Service Restart", 1013=>"Try Again Later", 1014=>"Bad Gateway", 1015=>"TLS Handshake") @noinline validclosecheck(x) = (1000 <= x < 5000 && !(x in (1004, 1005, 1006, 1016, 1100, 2000, 2999))) || throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Invalid close status code"))) """ WebSockets.CloseFrameBody(status, message) Represents the payload of a CLOSE control websocket frame. For error close `status`, it can be wrapped in a `WebSocketError` and thrown. """ struct CloseFrameBody status::Int message::String end struct WebSocketError <: Exception message::Union{String, CloseFrameBody} end """ WebSockets.isok(x::WebSocketError) -> Bool Returns true if the `WebSocketError` has a non-error status code. When calling `receive(websocket)`, if a CLOSE frame is received, the CLOSE frame body is parsed and thrown inside the `WebSocketError`, but if the CLOSE frame has a non-error status code, it's safe to ignore the error and return from the `` or `WebSockets.listen` calls without throwing. """ isok(x) = x isa WebSocketError && x.message isa CloseFrameBody && (x.message.status == 1000 || x.message.status == 1001 || x.message.status == 1005) """ WebSocket(io::HTTP.Connection, req, resp; client=true) Representation of a websocket connection. Use `` to open a websocket connection, passing a handler function `f(ws)` to send and receive messages. Use `WebSockets.listen` to listen for incoming websocket connections, passing a handler function `f(ws)` to send and receive messages. Call `send(ws, msg)` to send a message; if `msg` is an `AbstractString`, a TEXT websocket message will be sent; if `msg` is an `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, a BINARY websocket message will be sent. Otherwise, `msg` should be an iterable of either `AbstractString` or `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, and a fragmented message will be sent, one frame for each iterated element. Control frames can be sent by calling `ping(ws[, data])`, `pong(ws[, data])`, or `close(ws[, body::WebSockets.CloseFrameBody])`. Calling `close` will initiate the close sequence and close the underlying connection. To receive messages, call `receive(ws)`, which will block until a non-control, full message is received. PING messages will automatically be responded to when received. CLOSE messages will also be acknowledged and then a `WebSocketError` will be thrown with the `WebSockets.CloseFrameBody` payload, which may include a non-error CLOSE frame status code. `WebSockets.isok(err)` can be called to check if the CLOSE was normal or unexpected. Fragmented messages will be received until the final frame is received and the full concatenated payload can be returned. `receive(ws)` returns a `Vector{UInt8}` for BINARY messages, and a `String` for TEXT messages. For convenience, `WebSocket`s support the iteration protocol, where each iteration will `receive` a non-control message, with iteration terminating when the connection is closed. E.g.: ```julia do ws for msg in ws # do cool stuff with msg end end ``` """ mutable struct WebSocket id::UUID io::Connection request::Request response::Response maxframesize::Int maxfragmentation::Int client::Bool readbuffer::Vector{UInt8} writebuffer::Vector{UInt8} readclosed::Bool writeclosed::Bool end const DEFAULT_MAX_FRAG = 1024 IOExtras.tcpsocket(ws::WebSocket) = tcpsocket( WebSocket(io::Connection, req=Request(), resp=Response(); client::Bool=true, maxframesize::Integer=typemax(Int), maxfragmentation::Integer=DEFAULT_MAX_FRAG) = WebSocket(uuid4(), io, req, resp, maxframesize, maxfragmentation, client, UInt8[], UInt8[], false, false) """ WebSockets.isclosed(ws) -> Bool Check whether a `WebSocket` has sent and received CLOSE frames. """ isclosed(ws::WebSocket) = ws.readclosed && ws.writeclosed # Handshake "Check whether a HTTP.Request or HTTP.Response is a websocket upgrade request/response" function isupgrade(r::Message) ((r isa Request && r.method == "GET") || (r isa Response && r.status == 101)) && (hasheader(r, "Connection", "upgrade") || hasheader(r, "Connection", "keep-alive, upgrade")) && hasheader(r, "Upgrade", "websocket") end # Renamed in HTTP@1 @deprecate is_upgrade isupgrade @noinline handshakeerror() = throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Websocket handshake failed"))) function hashedkey(key) hashkey = "$(strip(key))258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" return base64encode(digest(MD_SHA1, hashkey)) end """, url; verbose=false, kw...) Initiate a websocket connection to `url` (which should have schema like `ws://` or `wss://`), and call `handler(ws)` with the websocket connection. Passing `verbose=true` or `verbose=2` will enable debug logging for the life of the websocket connection. `handler` should be a function of the form `f(ws) -> nothing`, where `ws` is a [`WebSocket`](@ref). Supported keyword arguments are the same as supported by [`HTTP.request`](@ref). Typical websocket usage is: ```julia do ws # iterate incoming websocket messages for msg in ws # send message back to server or do other logic here send(ws, msg) end # iteration ends when the websocket connection is closed by server or error end ``` """ function open(f::Function, url; suppress_close_error::Bool=false, verbose=false, headers=[], maxframesize::Integer=typemax(Int), maxfragmentation::Integer=DEFAULT_MAX_FRAG, kw...) key = base64encode(rand(Random.RandomDevice(), UInt8, 16)) headers = [ "Upgrade" => "websocket", "Connection" => "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Key" => key, "Sec-WebSocket-Version" => "13", headers... ] # open("GET", url, headers; verbose=verbose, kw...) do http startread(http) isupgrade(http.message) || handshakeerror() if header(http, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept") != hashedkey(key) throw(WebSocketError("Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept\n" * "$(http.message)")) end # later stream logic checks to see if the HTTP message is "complete" # by seeing if ntoread is 0, which is typemax(Int) for websockets by default # so set it to 0 so it's correctly viewed as "complete" once we're done # doing websocket things http.ntoread = 0 io = ws = WebSocket(io, http.message.request, http.message; maxframesize, maxfragmentation) @debugv 2 "$( WebSocket opened" try f(ws) catch e if !isok(e) suppress_close_error || @error "$( error" (e, catch_backtrace()) end if !isclosed(ws) if e isa WebSocketError && e.message isa CloseFrameBody close(ws, e.message) else close(ws, CloseFrameBody(1008, "Unexpected client websocket error")) end end if !isok(e) rethrow() end finally if !isclosed(ws) close(ws, CloseFrameBody(1000, "")) end end end end """ WebSockets.listen(handler, host, port; verbose=false, kw...) WebSockets.listen!(handler, host, port; verbose=false, kw...) -> HTTP.Server Listen for websocket connections on `host` and `port`, and call `handler(ws)`, which should be a function taking a single `WebSocket` argument. Keyword arguments `kw...` are the same as supported by [`HTTP.listen`](@ref). Typical usage is like: ```julia WebSockets.listen(host, port) do ws # iterate incoming websocket messages for msg in ws # send message back to client or do other logic here send(ws, msg) end # iteration ends when the websocket connection is closed by client or error end ``` """ function listen end listen(f, args...; kw...) = Servers.listen(http -> upgrade(f, http; kw...), args...; kw...) listen!(f, args...; kw...) = Servers.listen!(http -> upgrade(f, http; kw...), args...; kw...) function upgrade(f::Function, http::Streams.Stream; suppress_close_error::Bool=false, maxframesize::Integer=typemax(Int), maxfragmentation::Integer=DEFAULT_MAX_FRAG, nagle=false, quickack=true, kw...) @debugv 2 "Server websocket upgrade requested" isupgrade(http.message) || handshakeerror() if !hasheader(http, "Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13") throw(WebSocketError("Expected \"Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\"!\n" * "$(http.message)")) end if !hasheader(http, "Sec-WebSocket-Key") throw(WebSocketError("Expected \"Sec-WebSocket-Key header\"!\n" * "$(http.message)")) end setstatus(http, 101) setheader(http, "Upgrade" => "websocket") setheader(http, "Connection" => "Upgrade") key = header(http, "Sec-WebSocket-Key") setheader(http, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" => hashedkey(key)) startwrite(http) io = req = http.message # tune websocket tcp connection for performance : @static if VERSION >= v"1.3" sock = tcpsocket(io) # I don't understand why uninitializd sockets can get here, but they can if sock.status ∉ (Base.StatusInit, Base.StatusUninit) && isopen(sock) Sockets.nagle(sock, nagle) Sockets.quickack(sock, quickack) end end ws = WebSocket(io, req, req.response; client=false, maxframesize, maxfragmentation) @debugv 2 "$( WebSocket upgraded; connection established" try f(ws) catch e if !isok(e) suppress_close_error || @error begin msg = current_exceptions_to_string() "$( Unexpected websocket server error. $msg" end end if !isclosed(ws) if e isa WebSocketError && e.message isa CloseFrameBody close(ws, e.message) else close(ws, CloseFrameBody(1011, "Unexpected server websocket error")) end end if !isok(e) rethrow() end finally if !isclosed(ws) close(ws, CloseFrameBody(1000, "")) end end end # Sending messages isbinary(x) = x isa AbstractVector{UInt8} istext(x) = x isa AbstractString opcode(x) = isbinary(x) ? BINARY : TEXT function payload(ws, x) if ws.client # if we're client, we need to mask the payload, so use our writebuffer for masking pload = isbinary(x) ? x : codeunits(string(x)) len = length(pload) resize!(ws.writebuffer, len) copyto!(ws.writebuffer, pload) return ws.writebuffer else # if we're server, we just need to make sure payload is AbstractVector{UInt8} return isbinary(x) ? x : codeunits(string(x)) end end """ send(ws::WebSocket, msg) Send a message on a websocket connection. If `msg` is an `AbstractString`, a TEXT websocket message will be sent; if `msg` is an `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, a BINARY websocket message will be sent. Otherwise, `msg` should be an iterable of either `AbstractString` or `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, and a fragmented message will be sent, one frame for each iterated element. Control frames can be sent by calling `ping(ws[, data])`, `pong(ws[, data])`, or `close(ws[, body::WebSockets.CloseFrameBody])`. Calling `close` will initiate the close sequence and close the underlying connection. """ function Sockets.send(ws::WebSocket, x) @debugv 2 "$( Writing non-control message" @require !ws.writeclosed if !isbinary(x) && !istext(x) # if x is not single binary or text, then assume it's an iterable of binary or text # and we'll send fragmented message first = true n = 0 state = iterate(x) if state === nothing # x was not binary or text, but is an empty iterable, send single empty frame x = "" @goto write_single_frame end @debugv 2 "$( Writing fragmented message" item, st = state # we prefetch next state so we know if we're on the last item or not # so we can appropriately set the FIN bit for the last fragmented frame nextstate = iterate(x, st) while true n += writeframe(, Frame(nextstate === nothing, first ? opcode(item) : CONTINUATION, ws.client, payload(ws, item))) first = false nextstate === nothing && break item, st = nextstate nextstate = iterate(x, st) end else # single binary or text frame for message @label write_single_frame return writeframe(, Frame(true, opcode(x), ws.client, payload(ws, x))) end end # control frames """ ping(ws, data=[]) Send a PING control frame on a websocket connection. `data` is an optional body to send with the message. PONG messages are automatically responded to when a PING message is received by a websocket connection. """ function ping(ws::WebSocket, data=UInt8[]) @require !ws.writeclosed @debugv 2 "$( sending ping" return writeframe(, Frame(true, PING, ws.client, payload(ws, data))) end """ pong(ws, data=[]) Send a PONG control frame on a websocket connection. `data` is an optional body to send with the message. Note that PING messages are automatically responded to internally by the websocket connection with a corresponding PONG message, but in certain cases, a unidirectional PONG message can be used as a one-way heartbeat. """ function pong(ws::WebSocket, data=UInt8[]) @require !ws.writeclosed @debugv 2 "$( sending pong" return writeframe(, Frame(true, PONG, ws.client, payload(ws, data))) end """ close(ws, body::WebSockets.CloseFrameBody=nothing) Initiate a close sequence on a websocket connection. `body` is an optional `WebSockets.CloseFrameBody` with a status code and optional reason message. If a CLOSE frame has already been received, then a responding CLOSE frame is sent and the connection is closed. If a CLOSE frame hasn't already been received, the CLOSE frame is sent and `receive` is attempted to receive the responding CLOSE frame. """ function Base.close(ws::WebSocket, body::CloseFrameBody=CloseFrameBody(1000, "")) isclosed(ws) && return @debugv 2 "$( Closing websocket" ws.writeclosed = true data = Vector{UInt8}(body.message) prepend!(data, reinterpret(UInt8, [hton(UInt16(body.status))])) try writeframe(, Frame(true, CLOSE, ws.client, data)) catch # ignore thrown errors here because we're closing anyway end # if we're initiating the close, wait until we receive the # responding close frame or timeout if !ws.readclosed Timer(5) do t ws.readclosed = true !ws.client && isopen( && close( end end while !ws.readclosed try receive(ws) catch # ignore thrown errors here because we're closing anyway # but set readclosed so we don't keep trying to read ws.readclosed = true end end # we either recieved the responding CLOSE frame and readclosed was set # or there was an error/timeout reading it; in any case, readclosed should be closed now @assert ws.readclosed # if we're the server, it's our job to close the underlying socket !ws.client && isopen( && close( return end # Receiving messages # returns whether additional frames should be read # true if fragmented message or a ping/pong frame was handled @noinline control_len_check(len) = len > 125 && throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Invalid length for control frame"))) @noinline utf8check(x) = isvalid(x) || throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1007, "Invalid UTF-8"))) function checkreadframe!(ws::WebSocket, frame::Frame) if frame.flags.rsv1 || frame.flags.rsv2 || frame.flags.rsv3 throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Reserved bits set in control frame"))) end opcode = frame.flags.opcode if iscontrol(opcode) && ! throw(WebSocketError(CloseFrameBody(1002, "Fragmented control frame"))) end if opcode == CLOSE ws.readclosed = true # reply with Close control frame if we didn't initiate close if !ws.writeclosed close(ws) end throw(WebSocketError(frame.payload)) elseif opcode == PING control_len_check(frame.flags.len) pong(ws, frame.payload) return false elseif opcode == PONG control_len_check(frame.flags.len) return false elseif && frame.flags.opcode == TEXT && frame.payload isa String utf8check(frame.payload) end return end _append(x::AbstractVector{UInt8}, y::AbstractVector{UInt8}) = append!(x, y) _append(x::String, y::String) = string(x, y) # low-level for reading a single frame readframe(ws::WebSocket) = readframe(, Frame, ws.readbuffer) """ receive(ws::WebSocket) -> Union{String, Vector{UInt8}} Receive a message from a websocket connection. Returns a `String` if the message was TEXT, or a `Vector{UInt8}` if the message was BINARY. If control frames (ping or pong) are received, they are handled automatically and a non-control message is waited for. If a CLOSE message is received, it is responded to and a `WebSocketError` is thrown with the `WebSockets.CloseFrameBody` as the error value. This error can be checked with `WebSockets.isok(err)` to see if the closing was "normal" or if an actual error occurred. For fragmented messages, the incoming frames will continue to be read until the final fragment is received. The bodies of each fragment are concatenated into the final message returned by `receive`. Note that `WebSocket` objects can be iterated, where each iteration yields a message until the connection is closed. """ function receive(ws::WebSocket) @debugv 2 "$( Reading message" @require !ws.readclosed frame = readframe(, Frame, ws.readbuffer) @debugv 2 "$( Received frame: $frame" done = checkreadframe!(ws, frame) # common case of reading single non-control frame done && return frame.payload opcode = frame.flags.opcode iscontrol(opcode) && return receive(ws) # if we're here, we're reading a fragmented message payload = frame.payload while true frame = readframe(, Frame, ws.readbuffer, opcode) @debugv 2 "$( Received frame: $frame" done = checkreadframe!(ws, frame) if !iscontrol(frame.flags.opcode) payload = _append(payload, frame.payload) @debugv 2 "$( payload len = $(length(payload))" end done && break end payload isa String && utf8check(payload) @debugv 2 "Read message: $(payload[1:min(1024, sizeof(payload))])" return payload end """ iterate(ws) Continuously call `receive(ws)` on a `WebSocket` connection, with each iteration yielding a message until the connection is closed. E.g. ```julia for msg in ws # do something with msg end ``` """ function Base.iterate(ws::WebSocket, st=nothing) isclosed(ws) && return nothing try return receive(ws), nothing catch e isok(e) && return nothing rethrow(e) end end end # module WebSockets