@doc raw""" logfmt"..." Parse an [NGINX-style log format string](https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_log_module.html#log_format) and return a function mapping `(io::IO, http::HTTP.Stream) -> body` suitable for passing to [`HTTP.listen`](@ref) using the `access_log` keyword argument. The following variables are currently supported: - `$http_name`: arbitrary request header (with `-` replaced with `_`, e.g. `http_user_agent`) - `$sent_http_name`: arbitrary response header (with `-` replaced with `_`) - `$request`: the request line, e.g. `GET /index.html HTTP/1.1` - `$request_method`: the request method - `$request_uri`: the request URI - `$remote_addr`: client address - `$remote_port`: client port - `$remote_user`: user name supplied with the Basic authentication - `$server_protocol`: server protocol - `$time_iso8601`: local time in ISO8601 format - `$time_local`: local time in Common Log Format - `$status`: response status code - `$body_bytes_sent`: number of bytes in response body ## Examples ```julia logfmt"[$time_iso8601] \\"$request\\" $status" # [2021-05-01T12:34:40+0100] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 logfmt"$remote_addr \\"$http_user_agent\\"" # "curl/7.47.0" ``` """ macro logfmt_str(s) return logfmt_parser(s) end function logfmt_parser(s) s = String(s) vars = Symbol[] ex = Expr(:call, :print, :io) i = 1 while i <= lastindex(s) j = findnext(==('\$'), s, i) if j === nothing j = lastindex(s) push!(ex.args, String(s[i:j])) break end if j > i push!(ex.args, String(s[i:prevind(s, j)])) end sym, j = Meta.parse(s, nextind(s, j); greedy=false) e = symbol_mapping(sym) isa(e, Tuple) ? push!(ex.args, e...) : push!(ex.args, e) i = j end f = Expr(:->, Expr(:tuple, :io, :http), ex) return f end function symbol_mapping(s::Symbol) str = string(s) if (m = match(r"^http_(.+)$", str); m !== nothing) hdr = replace(String(m[1]), '_' => '-') :(HTTP.header(http.message, $hdr, "-")) elseif (m = match(r"^sent_http_(.+)$", str); m !== nothing) hdr = replace(String(m[1]), '_' => '-') :(HTTP.header(http.message.response, $hdr, "-")) elseif s === :remote_addr :(http.stream.peerip) elseif s === :remote_port :(http.stream.peerport) elseif s === :remote_user :("-") # TODO: find from Basic auth... elseif s === :time_iso8601 if !Sys.iswindows() :(Libc.strftime("%FT%T%z", time())) else # TODO: Libc.strftime doesn't seem to work properly on Windows # so format without timezone using Dates stdlib :(Dates.format(now(), dateformat"yyyy-mm-dd\THH:MM:SS")) end elseif s === :time_local if !Sys.iswindows() :(Libc.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z", time())) else # TODO: Libc.strftime doesn't seem to work properly on Windows # so format without timezone using Dates stdlib :(Dates.format(now(), dateformat"dd/u/yyyy:HH:MM:SS")) end elseif s === :request m = symbol_mapping(:request_method) t = symbol_mapping(:request_uri) p = symbol_mapping(:server_protocol) (m, " ", t, " ", p...) elseif s === :request_method :(http.message.method) elseif s === :request_uri :(http.message.target) elseif s === :server_protocol ("HTTP/", :(http.message.version.major), ".", :(http.message.version.minor)) elseif s === :status :(http.message.response.status) elseif s === :body_bytes_sent return :(max(0, http.nwritten)) else error("unknown variable in logfmt: $s") end end """ common_logfmt(io::IO, http::HTTP.Stream) Format a log message in the Common Log Format and write to `io`. """ const common_logfmt = logfmt"$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent" """ combined_logfmt(io::IO, http::HTTP.Stream) Format a log message in the Combined Log Format and write to `io`. """ const combined_logfmt = logfmt"$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\""