""" CookieJar() A thread-safe object for storing cookies returned in "Set-Cookie" response headers. Keyed by appropriate host from the original request made. Can be created manually and passed like `HTTP.get(url; cookiejar=mycookiejar)` to avoid using the default global `CookieJar`. The 2 main functions for interacting with a `CookieJar` are [`Cookies.getcookies!`](@ref), which returns a `Vector{Cookie}` for a given url (and will remove expired cookies from the jar), and [`Cookies.setcookies!`](@ref), which will store "Set-Cookie" response headers in the cookie jar. """ struct CookieJar lock::ReentrantLock # map of host to cookies mapped by id(::Cookie) entries::Dict{String, Dict{String, Cookie}} end CookieJar() = CookieJar(ReentrantLock(), Dict{String, Dict{String, Cookie}}()) Base.empty!(c::CookieJar) = lock(() -> empty!(c.entries), c.lock) # shouldsend determines whether e's cookie qualifies to be included in a # request to host/path. It is the caller's responsibility to check if the # cookie is expired. function shouldsend(cookie::Cookie, https::Bool, host, path) return domainmatch(cookie, host) && pathmatch(cookie, path) && (https || !cookie.secure) end # domainMatch implements "domain-match" of RFC 6265 section 5.1.3. function domainmatch(cookie::Cookie, host) cookie.domain == host && return true return !cookie.hostonly && hasdotsuffix(host, cookie.domain) end # hasdotsuffix reports whether s ends in "."+suffix. function hasdotsuffix(s, suffix) return length(s) > length(suffix) && s[length(s)-length(suffix)] == '.' && s[(length(s)-length(suffix)+1):end] == suffix end # pathMatch implements "path-match" according to RFC 6265 section 5.1.4. function pathmatch(cookie::Cookie, requestpath) requestpath == cookie.path && return true if startswith(requestpath, cookie.path) if length(cookie.path) > 0 && cookie.path[end] == '/' return true # The "/any/" matches "/any/path" case. elseif length(requestpath) >= length(cookie.path) + 1 && requestpath[length(cookie.path)+1] == '/' return true # The "/any" matches "/any/path" case. end end return false end """ Cookies.getcookies!(jar::CookieJar, url::URI) Retrieve valid `Cookie`s from the `CookieJar` according to the provided `url`. Cookies will be returned as a `Vector{Cookie}`. Only cookies for `http` or `https` scheme in the url will be returned. Cookies will be checked according to the canonical host of the url and any cookie max age or expiration will be accounted for. Expired cookies will not be returned and will be removed from the cookie jar. """ function getcookies!(jar::CookieJar, url::URI, now::DateTime=Dates.now(Dates.UTC))::Vector{Cookie} cookies = Cookie[] if url.scheme != "http" && url.scheme != "https" return cookies end host = canonicalhost(url.host) host == "" && return cookies Base.@lock jar.lock begin !haskey(jar.entries, host) && return cookies entries = jar.entries[host] https = url.scheme == "https" path = url.path if path == "" path = "/" end modified = false expired = Cookie[] for (id, e) in entries if e.persistent && e.expires != DateTime(1) && e.expires < now @debugv 1 "Deleting expired cookie: $(e.name)" push!(expired, e) continue end if !shouldsend(e, https, host, path) continue end e.lastaccess = now @debugv 1 "Including cookie in request: $(e.name) to $(url.host)" push!(cookies, e) end for c in expired delete!(entries, id(c)) end end sort!(cookies; lt=(x, y) -> begin if length(x.path) != length(y.path) return length(x.path) > length(y.path) end if x.creation != y.creation return x.creation < y.creation end return x.name < y.name end) return cookies end """ Cookies.setcookies!(jar::CookieJar, url::URI, headers::Headers) Identify, "Set-Cookie" response headers from `headers`, parse the `Cookie`s, and store valid entries in the cookie `jar` according to the canonical host in `url`. Cookies can be retrieved from the `jar` via [`Cookies.getcookies!`](@ref). """ function setcookies!(jar::CookieJar, url::URI, headers::Headers) cookies = readsetcookies(headers) isempty(cookies) && return if url.scheme != "http" && url.scheme != "https" return end host = canonicalhost(url.host) host == "" && return defPath = defaultPath(url.path) now = Dates.now(Dates.UTC) Base.@lock jar.lock begin entries = get!(() -> Dict{String, Cookie}(), jar.entries, host) for c in cookies if c.path == "" || c.path[1] != '/' c.path = defPath end domainAndType!(jar, c, host) || continue cid = id(c) if c.maxage < 0 @goto remove elseif c.maxage > 0 c.expires = now + Dates.Second(c.maxage) c.persistent = true else if c.expires == DateTime(1) c.expires = endOfTime c.persistent = false else if c.expires < now @debugv 1 "Cookie expired: $(c.name)" @goto remove end c.persistent = true end end if haskey(entries, cid) old = entries[cid] c.creation = old.creation else c.creation = now end c.lastaccess = now entries[cid] = c continue @label remove delete!(entries, cid) end end return end function canonicalhost(host) if hasport(host) host, _, err = splithostport(host) err && return "" end if host[end] == '.' host = chop(host) end return isascii(host) ? lowercase(host) : "" end function hasport(host) colons = count(":", host) colons == 0 && return false colons == 1 && return true return host[1] == '[' && contains(host, "]:") end function defaultPath(path) if isempty(path) || path[1] != '/' return "/" end i = findlast('/', path) if i === nothing || i == 1 return "/" end return path[1:i] end const endOfTime = DateTime(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0) function domainAndType!(jar::CookieJar, c::Cookie, host::String) domain = c.domain if domain == "" # No domain attribute in the SetCookie header indicates a # host cookie. c.domain = host c.hostonly = true return true end if isIP(host) # RFC 6265 is not super clear here, a sensible interpretation # is that cookies with an IP address in the domain-attribute # are allowed. # RFC 6265 section 5.2.3 mandates to strip an optional leading # dot in the domain-attribute before processing the cookie. # # Most browsers don't do that for IP addresses, only curl # version 7.54) and and IE (version 11) do not reject a # Set-Cookie: a=1; domain=. # This leading dot is optional and serves only as hint for # humans to indicate that a cookie with "domain=.bbc.co.uk" # would be sent to every subdomain of bbc.co.uk. # It just doesn't make sense on IP addresses. # The other processing and validation steps in RFC 6265 just # collaps to: if host != domain c.domain = "" c.hostonly = false return false end # According to RFC 6265 such cookies should be treated as # domain cookies. # As there are no subdomains of an IP address the treatment # according to RFC 6265 would be exactly the same as that of # a host-only cookie. Contemporary browsers (and curl) do # allows such cookies but treat them as host-only cookies. # So do we as it just doesn't make sense to label them as # domain cookies when there is no domain; the whole notion of # domain cookies requires a domain name to be well defined. c.domain = host c.hostonly = true return true end # From here on: If the cookie is valid, it is a domain cookie (with # the one exception of a public suffix below). # See RFC 6265 section 5.2.3. if domain[1] == '.' domain = chop(domain; head=1, tail=0) end if length(domain) == 0 || domain[1] == '.' # Received either "Domain=." or "Domain=..some.thing", # both are illegal. c.domain = "" c.hostonly = false return false end if !isascii(domain) # Received non-ASCII domain, e.g. "perché.com" instead of "xn--perch-fsa.com" c.domain = "" c.hostonly = false return false end domain = lowercase(domain) if domain[end] == '.' # We received stuff like "Domain=www.example.com.". # Browsers do handle such stuff (actually differently) but # RFC 6265 seems to be clear here (e.g. section in # requiring a reject. is not normative, but # "Domain Matching" (5.1.3) and "Canonicalized Host Names" # (5.1.2) are. c.domain = "" c.hostonly = false return false end # The domain must domain-match host: www.mycompany.com cannot # set cookies for .ourcompetitors.com. if host != domain && !hasdotsuffix(host, domain) c.domain = "" c.hostonly = false return false end c.domain = domain c.hostonly = false return true end # SplitHostPort splits a network address of the form "host:port", # "host%zone:port", "[host]:port" or "[host%zone]:port" into host or # host%zone and port. # # A literal IPv6 address in hostport must be enclosed in square # brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[::1%lo0]:80". # # See func Dial for a description of the hostport parameter, and host # and port results. function splithostport(hostport) j = k = 1 # The port starts after the last colon. i = findlast(':', hostport) if i === nothing return "", "", true end if hostport[1] == '[' # Expect the first ']' just before the last ':'. z = findfirst(']', hostport) if z === nothing return "", "", true end if z == length(hostport) return "", "", true elseif (z + 1) == i # expected else # Either ']' isn't followed by a colon, or it is # followed by a colon that is not the last one. return "", "", true end host = SubString(hostport, 2:(z-1)) j = 2 k = z + 1 # there can't be a '[' resp. ']' before these positions else host = SubString(hostport, 1:i-1) if contains(host, ":") return "", "", true end end len = length(hostport) if findfirst('[', SubString(hostport, j:len)) !== nothing return "", "", true end if findfirst(']', SubString(hostport, k:len)) !== nothing return "", "", true end port = SubString(hostport, (i+1):len) return host, port, false end