module Sniff export sniff, isjson const CodeUnits = Union{Vector{UInt8}, Base.CodeUnits} # compression detection const ZIP = UInt8[0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04] const GZIP = UInt8[0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08] iscompressed(bytes::CodeUnits) = length(bytes) > 3 && (all(bytes[1:4] .== ZIP) || all(bytes[1:3] .== GZIP)) iscompressed(str::String) = iscompressed(codeunits(str)) iscompressed(d::Dict) = false iscompressed(d) = false # Based on the net/http/sniff.go implementation of DetectContentType # sniff implements the algorithm described # at to determine the # Content-Type of the given data. It considers at most the # first 512 bytes of data. sniff always returns # a valid MIME type: if it cannot determine a more specific one, it # returns "application/octet-stream". const MAXSNIFFLENGTH = 512 const WHITESPACE = Set{UInt8}([UInt8('\t'),UInt8('\n'),UInt8('\u0c'),UInt8('\r'),UInt8(' ')]) """ HTTP.sniff(content::Union{Vector{UInt8}, String, IO}) => String (mimetype) `HTTP.sniff` will look at the first 512 bytes of `content` to try and determine a valid mimetype. If a mimetype can't be determined appropriately, `"application/octet-stream"` is returned. Supports JSON detection through the `HTTP.isjson(content)` function. ## Examples ```julia julia> HTTP.sniff("Hello world!!") "text/plain; charset=utf-8" julia> HTTP.sniff("Hello world!!") "text/html; charset=utf-8" julia> HTTP.sniff("{\"a\": -1.0}") "application/json; charset=utf-8" ``` """ function sniff end function sniff(body::IO) alreadymarked = ismarked(body) mark(body) data = read(body, MAXSNIFFLENGTH) reset(body) alreadymarked && mark(body) return sniff(data) end sniff(str::String) = sniff(codeunits(str)[1:min(length(codeunits(str)), MAXSNIFFLENGTH)]) function sniff(data::CodeUnits) firstnonws = 1 while firstnonws < length(data) && data[firstnonws] in WHITESPACE firstnonws += 1 end for sig in SNIFF_SIGNATURES ismatch(sig, data, firstnonws) && return contenttype(sig) end return "application/octet-stream" # fallback end struct Exact sig::CodeUnits contenttype::String end contenttype(e::Exact) = e.contenttype function ismatch(e::Exact, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) length(data) < length(e.sig) && return false for i = eachindex(e.sig) e.sig[i] == data[i] || return false end return true end struct Masked mask::CodeUnits pat::CodeUnits skipws::Bool contenttype::String end Masked(mask::CodeUnits, pat::CodeUnits, contenttype::String) = Masked(mask, pat, false, contenttype) contenttype(m::Masked) = m.contenttype function ismatch(m::Masked, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) # pattern matching algorithm section 6 # sk = (m.skipws ? firstnonws : 1) - 1 length(m.pat) != length(m.mask) && return false length(data) < length(m.mask) && return false for (i, mask) in enumerate(m.mask) (data[i+sk] & mask) != m.pat[i] && return false end return true end struct HTMLSig html::CodeUnits HTMLSig(str::String) = new(codeunits(str)) end contenttype(h::HTMLSig) = "text/html; charset=utf-8" function ismatch(h::HTMLSig, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) length(data) < length(h.html)+1 && return false for (i, b) in enumerate(h.html) db = data[i+firstnonws-1] (UInt8('A') <= b && b <= UInt8('Z')) && (db &= 0xDF) b != db && return false end data[length(h.html)+firstnonws] in (UInt8(' '), UInt8('>')) || return false return true end struct MP4Sig end contenttype(::Type{MP4Sig}) = "video/mp4" function byteequal(data1, ind, data2) for i = eachindex(data2) @inbounds data1[ind+i-1] == data2[i] || return false end return true end const mp4ftype = codeunits("ftyp") const mp4 = codeunits("mp4") # Byte swap int bigend(b) = UInt32(b[4]) | UInt32(b[3])<<8 | UInt32(b[2])<<16 | UInt32(b[1])<<24 function ismatch(::Type{MP4Sig}, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) # # c.f. section 6.2.1 length(data) < 12 && return false boxsize = Int(bigend(data)) (boxsize % 4 != 0 || length(data) < boxsize) && return false byteequal(data, 5, mp4ftype) || return false for st = 9:4:boxsize+1 st == 13 && continue byteequal(data, st, mp4) && return true end return false end struct TextSig end contenttype(::Type{TextSig}) = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" function ismatch(::Type{TextSig}, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) # c.f. section 5, step 4. for i = firstnonws:min(length(data),MAXSNIFFLENGTH) b = data[i] (b <= 0x08 || b == 0x0B || 0x0E <= b <= 0x1A || 0x1C <= b <= 0x1F) && return false end return true end struct JSONSig end contenttype(::Type{JSONSig}) = "application/json; charset=utf-8" ismatch(::Type{JSONSig}, data::CodeUnits, firstnonws) = isjson(data)[1] const DISPLAYABLE_TYPES = ["text/html; charset=utf-8", "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "application/json; charset=utf-8", "text/xml; charset=utf-8", "text/plain; charset=utf-16be", "text/plain; charset=utf-16le"] # Data matching the table in section 6. const SNIFF_SIGNATURES = [ HTMLSig("= maxlen && return true, 0x00, i @inbounds b = bytes[i] return false, b, i end function restofstring(bytes, i, maxlen) while true eof, b, i = nextbyte(bytes, i, maxlen) eof && return i b == DOUBLE_QUOTE && return i if b == ESCAPE eof, b, i = nextbyte(bytes, i, maxlen) end end end macro expect(ch) return esc(quote eof, b, i = ignorewhitespace(bytes, i, maxlen) eof && return true, i b == $ch || return false, i end) end const OPEN_CURLY_BRACE = UInt8('{') const CLOSE_CURLY_BRACE = UInt8('}') const OPEN_SQUARE_BRACE = UInt8('[') const CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACE = UInt8(']') const DOUBLE_QUOTE = UInt8('"') const ESCAPE = UInt8('\\') const COMMA = UInt8(',') const COLON = UInt8(':') const MINUS = UInt8('-') const ZERO = UInt8('0') const NINE = UInt8('9') const LITTLE_N = UInt8('n') const LITTLE_U = UInt8('u') const LITTLE_L = UInt8('l') const LITTLE_T = UInt8('t') const LITTLE_R = UInt8('r') const LITTLE_E = UInt8('e') const LITTLE_F = UInt8('f') const LITTLE_A = UInt8('a') const LITTLE_S = UInt8('s') const PERIOD = UInt8('.') const REF = Vector{Ptr{UInt8}}(undef, 1) function isjson(bytes, i=0, maxlen=min(length(bytes), MAXSNIFFLENGTH)) # ignore leading whitespace isempty(bytes) && return false, 0 eof, b, i = ignorewhitespace(bytes, i, maxlen) eof && return true, i # must start with: if b == OPEN_CURLY_BRACE # '{' start of object # must then read a string key, potential whitespace, then colon, potential whitespace then recursively check `isjson` while true @expect DOUBLE_QUOTE i = restofstring(bytes, i, maxlen) @expect COLON ret, i = isjson(bytes, i, maxlen) ret || return false, i eof, b, i = ignorewhitespace(bytes, i, maxlen) (eof || b == CLOSE_CURLY_BRACE) && return true, i b != COMMA && return false, i end elseif b == OPEN_SQUARE_BRACE # '[' start of array # peek at next byte to check for empty array ia = i eof, b, i = nextbyte(bytes, i, maxlen) if b != CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACE i = ia # recursively check `isjson`, then potential whitespace, then ',' or ']' while true ret, i = isjson(bytes, i, maxlen) ret || return false, i eof, b, i = ignorewhitespace(bytes, i, maxlen) (eof || b == CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACE) && return true, i b != COMMA && return false, i end end elseif b == DOUBLE_QUOTE # '"' start of string # must read until end of string w/ potential escaped '"' i = restofstring(bytes, i, maxlen) elseif (ZERO <= b <= NINE) || (b == MINUS) # must read until end of number v = zero(Float64) ptr = pointer(bytes) + i - 1 v = ccall(:jl_strtod_c, Float64, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}), ptr, REF) i += REF[1] - ptr - 1 elseif b == LITTLE_N # null @expect LITTLE_U @expect LITTLE_L @expect LITTLE_L elseif b == LITTLE_T # true @expect LITTLE_R @expect LITTLE_U @expect LITTLE_E elseif b == LITTLE_F # false @expect LITTLE_A @expect LITTLE_L @expect LITTLE_S @expect LITTLE_E else return false, i end return true, i end end # module