module TestLoopback using Test using HTTP using HTTP.IOExtras using HTTP.Parsers using HTTP.Messages using HTTP.Sockets import ..httpbin mutable struct FunctionIO <: IO f::Function buf::IOBuffer done::Bool end FunctionIO(f::Function) = FunctionIO(f, IOBuffer(), false) mutable struct Loopback <: IO got_headers::Bool buf::IOBuffer io::Base.BufferStream end Loopback() = Loopback(false, IOBuffer(), Base.BufferStream()) pool = HTTP.Pool(1) config = [ :socket_type => Loopback, :retry => false, :pool => pool, ] server_events = [] call(fio::FunctionIO) = !fio.done && (fio.buf = IOBuffer(fio.f()) ; fio.done = true) Base.bytesavailable(fio::FunctionIO) = (call(fio); bytesavailable(fio.buf)) Base.bytesavailable(lb::Loopback) = bytesavailable( Base.close(lb::Loopback) = (close(; close(lb.buf)) Base.eof(fio::FunctionIO) = (call(fio); eof(fio.buf)) Base.eof(lb::Loopback) = eof( Base.isopen(lb::Loopback) = isopen(, a...) = (call(fio); read(fio.buf, a...)) Base.readavailable(fio::FunctionIO) = (call(fio); readavailable(fio.buf)) Base.readavailable(lb::Loopback) = readavailable( Base.unsafe_read(lb::Loopback, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt) = unsafe_read(, p, n) HTTP.IOExtras.tcpsocket(::Loopback) = TCPSocket() lbreq(req, headers, body; method="GET", kw...) = HTTP.request(method, "http://test/$req", headers, body; config..., kw...) lbopen(f, req, headers) =, "PUT", "http://test/$req", headers; config...) function reset(lb::Loopback) truncate(lb.buf, 0) lb.got_headers = false end """ escapelines(string) Escape `string` and insert '\n' after escaped newline characters. """ function escapelines(s::String) s = Base.escape_string(s) s = replace(s, "\\n" => "\\n\n ") return string(" ", strip(s)) end function on_headers(f::Function, lb::Loopback) if lb.got_headers return end buf = copy(lb.buf) seek(buf, 0) req = Request() try readheaders(buf, req) lb.got_headers = true catch e if !(e isa EOFError || e isa HTTP.ParseError) rethrow(e) end end if lb.got_headers f(req) end end function on_body(f::Function, lb::Loopback) s = String(take!(copy(lb.buf))) req = nothing try req = parse(HTTP.Request, s) catch e if !(e isa EOFError || e isa HTTP.ParseError) rethrow(e) end end if req !== nothing reset(lb) @async try f(req) catch e println("⚠️ on_body exception: $(sprint(showerror, e))\n$(stacktrace(catch_backtrace()))") end end end function Base.unsafe_write(lb::Loopback, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt) global server_events if !isopen(lb.buf) throw(ArgumentError("stream is closed or unusable")) end n = unsafe_write(lb.buf, p, n) on_headers(lb) do req println("📡 $(HTTP.sprintcompact(req))") push!(server_events, "Request: $(HTTP.sprintcompact(req))") if == "/abort" reset(lb) response = HTTP.Response(403, ["Connection" => "close", "Content-Length" => 0]; request=req) push!(server_events, "Response: $(HTTP.sprintcompact(response))") write(, response) end end on_body(lb) do req l = length(req.body) response = HTTP.Response(200, ["Content-Length" => l], body = req.body; request=req) if == "/echo" push!(server_events, "Response: $(HTTP.sprintcompact(response))") write(, response) elseif (m = match(r"^/delay([0-9]*)$", !== nothing t = parse(Int, first(m.captures)) sleep(t/10) push!(server_events, "Response: $(HTTP.sprintcompact(response))") write(, response) else response = HTTP.Response(403, ["Connection" => "close", "Content-Length" => 0]; request=req) push!(server_events, "Response: $(HTTP.sprintcompact(response))") write(, response) end end return n end function HTTP.Connections.getconnection(::Type{Loopback}, host::AbstractString, port::AbstractString; kw...)::Loopback return Loopback() end function async_test(m=["GET","GET","GET","GET","GET"];kw...) r1 = r2 = r3 = r4 = r5 = nothing t1 = time() @sync begin @async r1 = lbreq("delay1", [], FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.00); "Hello World! 1")); method=m[1], kw...) @async r2 = lbreq("delay2", [], FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.01); "Hello World! 2")); method=m[2], kw...) @async r3 = lbreq("delay3", [], FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.02); "Hello World! 3")); method=m[3], kw...) @async r4 = lbreq("delay4", [], FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.03); "Hello World! 4")); method=m[4], kw...) @async r5 = lbreq("delay5", [], FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.04); "Hello World! 5")); method=m[5], kw...) end t2 = time() @test String(r1.body) == "Hello World! 1" @test String(r2.body) == "Hello World! 2" @test String(r3.body) == "Hello World! 3" @test String(r4.body) == "Hello World! 4" @test String(r5.body) == "Hello World! 5" return t2 - t1 end @testset "loopback" begin global server_events @testset "FunctionIO" begin io = FunctionIO(()->"Hello World!") @test String(read(io)) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbreq - IOBuffer" begin r = lbreq("echo", [], ["Hello", IOBuffer(" "), "World!"]); @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbreq - FunctionIO" begin r = lbreq("echo", [], FunctionIO(()->"Hello World!")) @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbreq - Array of Strings" begin r = lbreq("echo", [], ["Hello", " ", "World!"]); @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbreq - Array of Bytes - Echo" begin r = lbreq("echo", [], [HTTP.bytes("Hello"), HTTP.bytes(" "), HTTP.bytes("World!")]); @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbreq - Array of Bytes - Delay" begin r = lbreq("delay10", [], [HTTP.bytes("Hello"), HTTP.bytes(" "), HTTP.bytes("World!")]); @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" end @testset "lbopen - Body - Delay" begin body = Ref{Any}(nothing) body_sent = Ref(false) r = lbopen("delay10", []) do http @sync begin @async begin write(http, "Hello World!") closewrite(http) body_sent[] = true end startread(http) body[] = read(http) closeread(http) end end @test String(body[]) == "Hello World!" end # "If [the response] indicates the server does not wish to receive the # message body and is closing the connection, the client SHOULD # immediately cease transmitting the body and close the connection." # @testset "lbopen - Body - Abort" begin body = nothing body_aborted = false body_sent = false @test_throws HTTP.StatusError begin r = lbopen("abort", []) do http @sync begin event = Base.Event() @async try wait(event) write(http, "Hello World!") closewrite(http) body_sent = true catch e if e isa ArgumentError && e.msg == "stream is closed or unusable" body_aborted = true else rethrow(e) end end startread(http) body = read(http) closeread(http) notify(event) end end end @test body_aborted == true @test body_sent == false end @testset "libreq - Sleep" begin r = lbreq("echo", [], [ FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.1); "Hello")), FunctionIO(()->(sleep(0.1); " World!"))]) @test String(r.body) == "Hello World!" hello_sent = Ref(false) world_sent = Ref(false) @test_throws HTTP.RequestError begin r = lbreq("abort", [], [ FunctionIO(()->(hello_sent[] = true; sleep(1.0); "Hello")), FunctionIO(()->(world_sent[] = true; " World!"))]) end @test hello_sent[] @test !world_sent[] end @testset "ASync - Pipeline limit = 0" begin server_events = [] t = async_test(;pipeline_limit=0) if haskey(ENV, "HTTP_JL_TEST_TIMING_SENSITIVE") @test server_events == [ "Request: GET /delay1 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay1 HTTP/1.1)", "Request: GET /delay2 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay2 HTTP/1.1)", "Request: GET /delay3 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay3 HTTP/1.1)", "Request: GET /delay4 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay4 HTTP/1.1)", "Request: GET /delay5 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay5 HTTP/1.1)"] end end @testset "ASync - " begin server_events = [] t = async_test() if haskey(ENV, "HTTP_JL_TEST_TIMING_SENSITIVE") @test server_events == [ "Request: GET /delay1 HTTP/1.1", "Request: GET /delay2 HTTP/1.1", "Request: GET /delay3 HTTP/1.1", "Request: GET /delay4 HTTP/1.1", "Request: GET /delay5 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay1 HTTP/1.1)", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay2 HTTP/1.1)", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay3 HTTP/1.1)", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay4 HTTP/1.1)", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (GET /delay5 HTTP/1.1)"] end end # "A user agent SHOULD NOT pipeline requests after a # non-idempotent method, until the final response # status code for that method has been received" # @testset "ASync - " begin server_events = [] t = async_test(["POST","GET","GET","GET","GET"]) @test server_events[1:2] == [ "Request: POST /delay1 HTTP/1.1", "Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK <= (POST /delay1 HTTP/1.1)"] end end end # module