using Test, Sockets, HTTP, HTTP.WebSockets, JSON const DIR = abspath(joinpath(dirname(pathof(HTTP)), "../test/websockets")) havedocker = success(`which docker`) && success(`docker images crossbario/autobahn-testsuite`) !havedocker && @warn "Docker not found, skipping Autobahn tests" # 32-bit not supported by autobahn if Int === Int64 && !Sys.iswindows() && havedocker if length(split(read(`docker images crossbario/autobahn-testsuite`, String), '\n'; keepempty=false)) < 2 @assert success(`docker pull crossbario/autobahn-testsuite`) end function _remove_report(DIR, report_file) report_path = joinpath("/reports", report_file) run(Cmd(`docker run --rm -v "$DIR/reports:/reports" crossbario/autobahn-testsuite /bin/bash -c 'rm -f $report_path'`; dir=DIR)) end @testset "Autobahn WebSocket Tests" begin @testset "Client" begin # Run the autobahn test suite in a docker container serverproc = run(Cmd(`docker run --rm -v "$DIR/config:/config" -v "$DIR/reports:/reports" -p 9001:9001 --name fuzzingserver crossbario/autobahn-testsuite`; dir=DIR), stdin, stdout, stdout; wait=false) try sleep(5) # give time for server to get setup cases = Ref(0) runtests = Ref(true) try"ws://") do ws for msg in ws cases[] = parse(Int, msg) end end catch e @error "problem getting autobahn case count" exception=(e, catch_backtrace()) @show serverproc runtests[] = false end if runtests[] for i = 1:cases[] println("Running test case = $i") verbose = false try"ws://$(i)&agent=main"; verbose, suppress_close_error=true) do ws for msg in ws send(ws, msg) end end catch # ignore errors here since we want to run all cases + some are expected to throw end end _remove_report(DIR, "clients/index.json") sleep(1) try"ws://") do ws receive(ws) end catch"ws://") do ws receive(ws) end end report = JSON.parsefile(joinpath(DIR, "reports/clients/index.json")) for (k, v) in pairs(report["main"]) @test v["behavior"] in ("OK", "NON-STRICT", "INFORMATIONAL") end end finally # stop/remove server process kill(serverproc) end end # @testset "Autobahn testsuite" @testset "Server" begin server = WebSockets.listen!(9002; suppress_close_error=true) do ws for msg in ws send(ws, msg) end end try _remove_report(DIR, "server/index.json") @test success(run(Cmd(`docker run --rm --net="host" -v "$DIR/config:/config" -v "$DIR/reports:/reports" --name fuzzingclient crossbario/autobahn-testsuite wstest -m fuzzingclient -s /config/fuzzingclient.json`; dir=DIR), stdin, stdout, stdout; wait=false)) report = JSON.parsefile(joinpath(DIR, "reports/server/index.json")) for (k, v) in pairs(report["main"]) @test v["behavior"] in ("OK", "NON-STRICT", "INFORMATIONAL", "UNIMPLEMENTED") end finally close(server) end end end # @testset "WebSockets" end # 64-bit only