module CommManager using IJulia import IJulia: Msg, uuid4, send_ipython, msg_pub export Comm, comm_target, msg_comm, send_comm, close_comm, register_comm, comm_msg, comm_open, comm_close, comm_info_request mutable struct Comm{target} id::String primary::Bool on_msg::Function on_close::Function function (::Type{Comm{target}})(id, primary, on_msg, on_close) where {target} comm = new{target}(id, primary, on_msg, on_close) comms[id] = comm return comm end end # This dict holds a map from CommID to Comm so that we can # pick out the right Comm object when messages arrive # from the front-end. const comms = Dict{String, Comm}() noop_callback(msg) = nothing function Comm(target, id=uuid4(), primary=true, on_msg=noop_callback, on_close=noop_callback; data=Dict(), metadata=Dict()) comm = Comm{Symbol(target)}(id, primary, on_msg, on_close) if primary # Request a secondary object be created at the front end send_ipython(IJulia.publish[], msg_comm(comm, IJulia.execute_msg, "comm_open", data, metadata, target_name=string(target))) end return comm end comm_target(comm :: Comm{target}) where {target} = target function comm_info_request(sock, msg) reply = if haskey(msg.content, "target_name") t = Symbol(msg.content["target_name"]) filter(kv -> comm_target(kv.second) == t, comms) else # reply with all comms. comms end _comms = Dict{String, Dict{Symbol,Symbol}}() for (comm_id,comm) in reply _comms[comm_id] = Dict(:target_name => comm_target(comm)) end content = Dict(:comms => _comms) send_ipython(IJulia.publish[], msg_reply(msg, "comm_info_reply", content)) end function msg_comm(comm::Comm, m::IJulia.Msg, msg_type, data=Dict{String,Any}(), metadata=Dict{String, Any}(); kwargs...) content = Dict("comm_id"=>, "data"=>data) for (k, v) in kwargs content[string(k)] = v end return msg_pub(m, msg_type, content, metadata) end function send_comm(comm::Comm, data::Dict, metadata::Dict = Dict(); kwargs...) msg = msg_comm(comm, IJulia.execute_msg, "comm_msg", data, metadata; kwargs...) send_ipython(IJulia.publish[], msg) end function close_comm(comm::Comm, data::Dict = Dict(), metadata::Dict = Dict(); kwargs...) msg = msg_comm(comm, IJulia.execute_msg, "comm_close", data, metadata; kwargs...) send_ipython(IJulia.publish[], msg) end function register_comm(comm::Comm, data) # no-op, widgets must override for their targets. # Method dispatch on Comm{t} serves # the purpose of register_target in IPEP 21. end # handlers for incoming comm_* messages function comm_open(sock, msg) if haskey(msg.content, "comm_id") comm_id = msg.content["comm_id"] if haskey(msg.content, "target_name") target = msg.content["target_name"] if !haskey(msg.content, "data") msg.content["data"] = Dict() end comm = Comm(target, comm_id, false) register_comm(comm, msg) comms[comm_id] = comm else # Tear down comm to maintain consistency # if a target_name is not present send_ipython(IJulia.publish[], msg_comm(Comm(:notarget, comm_id), msg, "comm_close")) end end end function comm_msg(sock, msg) if haskey(msg.content, "comm_id") comm_id = msg.content["comm_id"] if haskey(comms, comm_id) comm = comms[comm_id] else # We don't have that comm open return end if !haskey(msg.content, "data") msg.content["data"] = Dict() end comm.on_msg(msg) end end function comm_close(sock, msg) if haskey(msg.content, "comm_id") comm_id = msg.content["comm_id"] comm = comms[comm_id] if !haskey(msg.content, "data") msg.content["data"] = Dict() end comm.on_close(msg) delete!(comms, end end end # module