using .CommManager # Don't send previous lines to the completions function, # due to issue #380. Find the start of the first line # (if any) where the expression is parseable. Replace # with find_parsestart(c,p) = start(c) once julia#9467 is merged. parseok(s) = !Meta.isexpr(Meta.parse(s, raise=false), :error) function find_parsestart(code, cursorpos) s = firstindex(code) while s < cursorpos parseok(code[s:cursorpos]) && return s s = nextind(code, s) while s < cursorpos && code[s] ∉ ('\n','\r') s = nextind(code, s) end end return firstindex(code) # failed to find parseable lines end # As described in jupyter/jupyter_client#259, Jupyter's cursor # positions are actually measured in UTF-16 code units, not # Unicode characters. Hence, these functions are similar to # Base.chr2ind and Base.ind2chr but count non-BMP characters # as 2 code units. function utf16_to_ind(str, ic) i = 0 e = lastindex(str) while ic > 0 && i < e i = nextind(str, i) ic -= UInt32(str[i]) < 0x10000 ? 1 : 2 end return i end function ind_to_utf16(str, i) ic = 0 i = min(i, lastindex(str)) while i > 0 ic += UInt32(str[i]) < 0x10000 ? 1 : 2 i = prevind(str, i) end return ic end # protocol change in Jupyter 5.2 (jupyter/jupyter_client#262) chr2ind(m::Msg, str::String, ic::Integer) = ic == 0 ? 0 : VersionNumber(m.header["version"]) ≥ v"5.2" ? nextind(str, 0, ic) : utf16_to_ind(str, ic) ind2chr(m::Msg, str::String, i::Integer) = i == 0 ? 0 : VersionNumber(m.header["version"]) ≥ v"5.2" ? length(str, 1, i) : ind_to_utf16(str, i) #Compact display of types for Jupyterlab completion import REPL: REPLCompletions import REPL.REPLCompletions: sorted_keywords, emoji_symbols, latex_symbols complete_type(::Type{<:Function}) = "function" complete_type(::Type{<:Type}) = "type" complete_type(::Type{<:Tuple}) = "tuple" complete_type(::Any) = "" function complete_type(T::DataType) s = string(T) (textwidth(s) ≤ 20 || isempty(T.parameters)) && return s buf = IOBuffer() print(buf, position(buf) > 19 && return String(take!(buf)) print(buf, '{') comma = false for p in T.parameters s = string(p) if position(buf) + sizeof(s) > 20 comma || print(buf, '…') break end comma && print(buf, ',') comma = true print(buf, s) end print(buf, '}') return String(take!(buf)) end #Get typeMap for Jupyter completions function complete_types(comps) typeMap = [] for c in comps ctype = "" if !isempty(searchsorted(sorted_keywords, c)) ctype = "keyword" elseif startswith(c, "\\:") ctype = get(emoji_symbols, c, "") isempty(ctype) || (ctype = "emoji: $ctype") elseif startswith(c, "\\") ctype = get(latex_symbols, c, "") else expr = Meta.parse(c, raise=false) if typeof(expr) == Symbol try ctype = complete_type(Core.eval(current_module[], :(typeof($expr)))) catch end elseif !isa(expr, Expr) ctype = complete_type(expr) elseif expr.head == :macrocall ctype = "macro" end end isempty(ctype) || push!(typeMap, Dict("text" => c, "type" => ctype)) end return typeMap end function complete_request(socket, msg) code = msg.content["code"] cursor_chr = msg.content["cursor_pos"] cursorpos = chr2ind(msg, code, cursor_chr) if all(isspace, code[1:cursorpos]) send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "complete_reply", Dict("status" => "ok", "metadata" => Dict(), "matches" => String[], "cursor_start" => cursor_chr, "cursor_end" => cursor_chr))) return end codestart = find_parsestart(code, cursorpos) comps_, positions, should_complete = REPLCompletions.completions(code[codestart:end], cursorpos-codestart+1, current_module[]) comps = unique!(REPLCompletions.completion_text.(comps_)) # julia#26930 # positions = positions .+ (codestart - 1) on Julia 0.7 positions = (first(positions) + codestart - 1):(last(positions) + codestart - 1) metadata = Dict() if isempty(comps) # issue #530: REPLCompletions returns inconsistent results # for positions when no completions are found cursor_start = cursor_end = cursor_chr elseif isempty(positions) # true if comps to be inserted without replacement cursor_start = (cursor_end = ind2chr(msg, code, last(positions))) else cursor_start = ind2chr(msg, code, prevind(code, first(positions))) cursor_end = ind2chr(msg, code, last(positions)) if should_complete metadata["_jupyter_types_experimental"] = complete_types(comps) else # should_complete is false for cases where we only want to show # a list of possible completions but not complete, e.g. foo(\t pushfirst!(comps, code[positions]) end end send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "complete_reply", Dict("status" => "ok", "matches" => comps, "metadata" => metadata, "cursor_start" => cursor_start, "cursor_end" => cursor_end))) end function kernel_info_request(socket, msg) send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "kernel_info_reply", Dict("protocol_version" => "5.0", "implementation" => "ijulia", # TODO: "implementation_version" => IJulia version string from Pkg "language_info" => Dict("name" => "julia", "version" => string(VERSION.major, '.', VERSION.minor, '.', VERSION.patch), "mimetype" => "application/julia", "file_extension" => ".jl"), "banner" => "Julia: A fresh approach to technical computing.", "help_links" => [ Dict("text"=>"Julia Home Page", "url"=>""), Dict("text"=>"Julia Documentation", "url"=>""), Dict("text"=>"Julia Packages", "url"=>"") ], "status" => "ok"))) end function connect_request(socket, msg) send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "connect_reply", Dict("shell_port" => profile["shell_port"], "iopub_port" => profile["iopub_port"], "stdin_port" => profile["stdin_port"], "hb_port" => profile["hb_port"]))) end function shutdown_request(socket, msg) send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "shutdown_reply", msg.content)) sleep(0.1) # short delay (like in ipykernel), to hopefully ensure shutdown_reply is sent exit() end docdict(s::AbstractString) = display_dict(Core.eval(Main, helpmode(devnull, s))) import Base: is_id_char, is_id_start_char function get_token(code, pos) # given a string and a cursor position, find substring to request # help on by: # 1) searching backwards, skipping invalid identifier chars # ... search forward for end of identifier # 2) search backwards to find the biggest identifier (including .) # 3) if nothing found, do return empty string # TODO: detect operators? startpos = pos while startpos > firstindex(code) if is_id_char(code[startpos]) break else startpos = prevind(code, startpos) end end endpos = startpos while startpos >= firstindex(code) && (is_id_char(code[startpos]) || code[startpos] == '.') startpos = prevind(code, startpos) end startpos = startpos < pos ? nextind(code, startpos) : pos if !is_id_start_char(code[startpos]) return "" end while endpos < lastindex(code) && is_id_char(code[endpos]) endpos = nextind(code, endpos) end if !is_id_char(code[endpos]) endpos = prevind(code, endpos) end return code[startpos:endpos] end function inspect_request(socket, msg) try code = msg.content["code"] s = get_token(code, chr2ind(msg, code, msg.content["cursor_pos"])) if isempty(s) content = Dict("status" => "ok", "found" => false) else d = docdict(s) content = Dict("status" => "ok", "found" => !isempty(d), "data" => d) end send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "inspect_reply", content)) catch e content = error_content(e, backtrace_top=:inspect_request); content["status"] = "error" send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "inspect_reply", content)) end end function history_request(socket, msg) # we will just send back empty history for now, pending clarification # as requested in ipython/ipython#3806 send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "history_reply", Dict("history" => []))) end function is_complete_request(socket, msg) ex = Meta.parse(msg.content["code"], raise=false) status = Meta.isexpr(ex, :incomplete) ? "incomplete" : Meta.isexpr(ex, :error) ? "invalid" : "complete" send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "is_complete_reply", Dict("status"=>status, "indent"=>""))) end function interrupt_request(socket, msg) @async Base.throwto(requests_task[], InterruptException()) send_ipython(requests[], msg_reply(msg, "interrupt_reply", Dict())) end const handlers = Dict{String,Function}( "execute_request" => execute_request, "complete_request" => complete_request, "kernel_info_request" => kernel_info_request, "inspect_request" => inspect_request, "connect_request" => connect_request, "shutdown_request" => shutdown_request, "history_request" => history_request, "is_complete_request" => is_complete_request, "interrupt_request" => interrupt_request, "comm_open" => comm_open, "comm_info_request" => comm_info_request, "comm_msg" => comm_msg, "comm_close" => comm_close )