# Run modified JSON checker tests const JSON_DATA_DIR = joinpath(dirname(pathof(JSON)), "../data") for i in 1:38 file = "fail$(lpad(string(i), 2, "0")).json" filepath = joinpath(JSON_DATA_DIR, "jsonchecker", file) @test_throws ErrorException JSON.parsefile(filepath) end for i in 1:3 # Test that the files parse successfully and match streaming parser tf = joinpath(JSON_DATA_DIR, "jsonchecker", "pass$(lpad(string(i), 2, "0")).json") @test JSON.parsefile(tf) == open(JSON.parse, tf) end # Run JSON roundtrip tests (check consistency of .json) roundtrip(data) = JSON.json(JSON.Parser.parse(data)) for i in 1:27 file = "roundtrip$(lpad(string(i), 2, "0")).json" filepath = joinpath(JSON_DATA_DIR, "roundtrip", file) rt = roundtrip(read(filepath, String)) @test rt == roundtrip(rt) end