@testset begin test_str = """ { "x": NaN, "y": Infinity, "z": -Infinity, "q": [true, null, "hello", 1, -1, 1.5, -1.5, [true]] }""" test_dict = Dict( "x" => NaN, "y" => Inf, "z" => -Inf, "q" => [true, nothing, "hello", 1, -1, 1.5, -1.5, [true]] ) @test_throws ErrorException JSON.parse(test_str, allownan=false) val = JSON.parse(test_str) @test isequal(val, test_dict) @test_throws ErrorException JSON.parse(IOBuffer(test_str), allownan=false) val2 = JSON.parse(IOBuffer(test_str)) @test isequal(val2, test_dict) # Test that the number following -Infinity parses correctly @test isequal(JSON.parse("[-Infinity, 1]"), [-Inf, 1]) @test isequal(JSON.parse("[-Infinity, -1]"), [-Inf, -1]) @test isequal(JSON.parse("""{"a": -Infinity, "b": 1.0}"""), Dict("a" => -Inf, "b"=> 1.0)) @test isequal(JSON.parse("""{"a": -Infinity, "b": -1.0}"""), Dict("a" => -Inf, "b"=> -1.0)) @test isequal(JSON.parse(IOBuffer("[-Infinity, 1]")), [-Inf, 1]) @test isequal(JSON.parse(IOBuffer("[-Infinity, -1]")), [-Inf, -1]) @test isequal(JSON.parse(IOBuffer("""{"a": -Infinity, "b": 1.0}""")), Dict("a" => -Inf, "b"=> 1.0)) @test isequal(JSON.parse(IOBuffer("""{"a": -Infinity, "b": -1.0}""")), Dict("a" => -Inf, "b"=> -1.0)) end