using JSON using Test using Dates using Distributed: RemoteChannel using OffsetArrays import DataStructures include("json-samples.jl") @testset "Parser" begin @testset "Parser Failures" begin include("parser/invalid-input.jl") end @testset "parsefile" begin include("parser/parsefile.jl") end @testset "dicttype" begin include("parser/dicttype.jl") end @testset "inttype" begin include("parser/inttype.jl") end @testset "nan_inf" begin include("parser/nan-inf.jl") end @testset "null" begin include("parser/null.jl") end @testset "Miscellaneous" begin # test for single values @test JSON.parse("true") == true @test JSON.parse("null") == nothing @test JSON.parse("\"hello\"") == "hello" @test JSON.parse("\"a\"") == "a" @test JSON.parse("1") == 1 @test JSON.parse("1.5") == 1.5 @test JSON.parse("[true]") == [true] end end @testset "Serializer" begin @testset "Standard Serializer" begin include("standard-serializer.jl") end @testset "Lowering" begin include("lowering.jl") end @testset "Custom Serializer" begin include("serializer.jl") end end @testset "Integration" begin # ::Nothing values should be encoded as null testDict = Dict("a" => nothing) nothingJson = JSON.json(testDict) nothingDict = JSON.parse(nothingJson) @test testDict == nothingDict @testset "async" begin include("async.jl") end @testset "indentation" begin include("indentation.jl") end @testset "JSON Checker" begin include("json-checker.jl") end end @testset "Regression" begin @testset "for issue #$i" for i in [21, 26, 57, 109, 152, 163] include("regression/issue$(lpad(string(i), 3, "0")).jl") end end mutable struct R1 id::Int obj end struct MyCustomWriteContext <: JSON.Writer.RecursiveCheckContext io objectids::Set{UInt64} recursive_cycle_token end MyCustomWriteContext(io) = MyCustomWriteContext(io, Set{UInt64}(), nothing) Base.print(io::MyCustomWriteContext, x::UInt8) = Base.print(, x) for delegate in [:indent, :delimit, :separate, :begin_array, :end_array, :begin_object, :end_object] @eval JSON.Writer.$delegate(io::MyCustomWriteContext) = JSON.Writer.$delegate( end @testset "RecursiveCheckContext" begin x = R1(1, nothing) x.obj = x str = JSON.json(x) @test str == "{\"id\":1,\"obj\":null}" io = IOBuffer() str = JSON.show_json(MyCustomWriteContext(JSON.Writer.CompactContext(io)), JSON.Serializations.StandardSerialization(), x) @test String(take!(io)) == "{\"id\":1,\"obj\":null}" end # Check that printing to the default stdout doesn't fail