using LazilyInitializedFields const LI = LazilyInitializedFields using Documenter using Test @lazy mutable struct Foo{T} a::T @lazy b::Int @lazy c::Union{Float64, Nothing} @lazy d::Union{Int, Nothing} e::Float64 end f = Foo{Int}(1, uninit, 2.0, uninit, 3.0) @lazy struct Mut{T} a::T @lazy b::Int end m = Mut(1, uninit) abstract type TestType end abstract type ParamTestType{T} end # A utility function that takes in a closure, and returns the exception that is thrown when # that closure is run. function get_thrown_exception(f::Function) threw = false ex = try f() catch ex threw = true ex end threw || throw(ErrorException("no exception was thrown")) return ex end # A utility macro to check if the lazy, supertyped, structure initializes without error # macro no_error(ex) quote try $(esc(ex)) true catch false end end end @testset "LazilyInitializedFields" begin @test f.a == 1 @test_throws UninitializedFieldException f.b @test f.c == 2.0 @test_throws UninitializedFieldException f.d @test f.e == 3.0 @test f.e == 3.0 # @test map(i->@isinit(f.$i), (:a, :b, :c, :d, :e)) == (true, false, true, false, true) rt = Core.Compiler.return_type @test rt((f -> f.a), Tuple{Foo{Int}}) == Int @test rt((f -> f.b), Tuple{Foo}) == Int @test rt((f -> f.c), Tuple{Foo}) == Union{Float64, Nothing} @test rt((f -> f.d), Tuple{Foo}) == Union{Int, Nothing} @test rt((f -> f.e), Tuple{Foo}) == Float64 @test @no_error (@lazy struct Bar{T} <: TestType a::T @lazy b::Vector{T} end) b = Bar{Int}(1, uninit) @test b.a == 1 @test_throws UninitializedFieldException b.b @test @no_error (@lazy struct Baz{T} <: ParamTestType{T} a::T @lazy b::Vector{T} end) b = Baz{Float64}(1.0, uninit) @test b.a == 1.0 @test_throws UninitializedFieldException b.b @test LI.islazyfield.(Foo, (:a, :b, :c, :d, :e)) == (false, true, true, true, false) @test_throws NonLazyFieldException @init! f.a = 2 @test_throws NonLazyFieldException @isinit f.a @test_throws NonLazyFieldException @uninit! f.a @init! f.b = 2 @test_throws AlreadyInitializedException @init! f.b = 2.0 @test_throws AlreadyInitializedException @init! f.c = 2.0 @test @isinit(f.c) f.c = nothing @test f.c == nothing @uninit! f.c @test !@isinit(f.c) @test_throws UninitializedFieldException f.d @static if Base.VERSION >= v"1.7-" # On Julia 1.7+, `@macroexpand` will throw the actual exception type. @test_throws ErrorException @macroexpand @lazy a::Int else # On Julia 1.6 and earlier, `@macroexpand` will always throw `LoadError`, # regardless of the actual exception type. @test_throws LoadError @macroexpand @lazy a::Int end @test_throws ErrorException m.a = 2 @test_throws ErrorException m.b = 2 @testset "Experimental" begin @static if isdefined(Base, :Experimental) && isdefined(Base.Experimental, :register_error_hint) @lazy struct FooExperimental @lazy a::Int @lazy b::Int @lazy c::Int end FooExperimental() = FooExperimental(uninit, uninit, uninit) Base.Experimental.register_error_hint(UninitializedFieldException) do io, exc if exc.T === FooExperimental if exc.s === :b print(io, "\nThis is a custom hint for the `:b` field of the `Foo` struct") elseif exc.s === :c print(io, "\nHere's my `Foo.c` custom hint") end end end test_cases = [ (:a, "field `a` in struct of type `FooExperimental` is not initialized",), (:b, "field `b` in struct of type `FooExperimental` is not initialized\nThis is a custom hint for the `:b` field of the `Foo` struct",), (:c, "field `c` in struct of type `FooExperimental` is not initialized\nHere's my `Foo.c` custom hint",), ] for (s, msg) in test_cases my_closure = () -> getproperty(FooExperimental(), s) @test_throws UninitializedFieldException my_closure() ex = get_thrown_exception(my_closure) @test sprint(io -> Base.showerror(io, ex)) == msg end else @warn "Skipping the experimental tests" @test_skip false end end end DocMeta.setdocmeta!(LazilyInitializedFields, :DocTestSetup, :(using LazilyInitializedFields)) doctest(LazilyInitializedFields; manual=false)