module MPIPreferences export use_jll_binary, use_system_binary using Preferences, Libdl if !(VersionNumber(@load_preference("_format", "1.0")) <= v"1.1") error("The preferences attached to MPIPreferences are incompatible with this version of the package.") end const PREFS_CHANGED = Ref(false) const DEPS_LOADED = Ref(false) """ MPIPreferences.binary :: String The currently selected binary. The possible values are - `"MPICH_jll"`: use the binary provided by [MPICH_jll]( - `"OpenMPI_jll"`: use the binary provided by [OpenMPI_jll]( - `"MicrosoftMPI_jll"`: use binary provided by [MicrosoftMPI_jll]( - `"MPItrampoline_jll"`: use the binary provided by [MPItrampoline_jll]( - `"system"`: use a system-provided binary. """ const binary = @load_preference("binary", Sys.iswindows() ? "MicrosoftMPI_jll" : "MPICH_jll") """ MPIPreferences.abi :: String The ABI (application binary interface) of the currently selected binary. Supported values are: - `"MPICH"`: MPICH-compatible ABI ( - `"OpenMPI"`: Open MPI compatible ABI (Open MPI, IBM Spectrum MPI, Fujitsu MPI) - `"MicrosoftMPI"`: Microsoft MPI - `"MPItrampoline"`: MPItrampoline - `"HPE MPT"`: HPE MPT """ const abi = if binary == "system" @load_preference("abi") elseif binary == "MicrosoftMPI_jll" "MicrosoftMPI" elseif binary == "MPICH_jll" "MPICH" elseif binary == "OpenMPI_jll" "OpenMPI" elseif binary == "MPItrampoline_jll" "MPItrampoline" else error("Unknown binary: $binary") end include("preloads.jl") using .Preloads: dlopen_preloads, preloads, preloads_env_switch include("parse_cray_cc.jl") @static if binary == "system" include("system.jl") end """ use_jll_binary([binary]; export_prefs=false, force=true) Switches the underlying MPI implementation to one provided by JLL packages. A restart of Julia is required for the changes to take effect. Available options are: - `"MicrosoftMPI_jll"` (Only option and default on Winddows) - `"MPICH_jll"` (Default on all other platform) - `"OpenMPI_jll"` - `"MPItrampoline_jll"` The `export_prefs` option determines whether the preferences being set should be stored within `LocalPreferences.toml` or `Project.toml`. """ function use_jll_binary(binary = Sys.iswindows() ? "MicrosoftMPI_jll" : "MPICH_jll"; export_prefs=false, force=true) known_binaries = ("MicrosoftMPI_jll", "MPICH_jll", "OpenMPI_jll", "MPItrampoline_jll") binary in known_binaries || error(""" Unknown jll: $binary. Accepted options are: $(join(known_binaries, ", "))""") set_preferences!(MPIPreferences, "_format" => "1.0", "binary" => binary, "libmpi" => nothing, "abi" => nothing, "mpiexec" => nothing, "preloads" => [], "preloads_env_switch" => nothing, "cclibs" => nothing; export_prefs=export_prefs, force=force ) if VERSION <= v"1.6.5" || VERSION == v"1.7.0" @warn """ Due to a bug in Julia (until 1.6.5 and 1.7.1), setting preferences in transitive dependencies is broken ( To fix this either update your version of Julia, or add MPIPreferences as a direct dependency to your project. """ end if binary == MPIPreferences.binary @info "MPIPreferences unchanged" binary else PREFS_CHANGED[] = true @info "MPIPreferences changed" binary if DEPS_LOADED[] error("You will need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect") end end return nothing end """ use_system_binary(; library_names = ["libmpi", "libmpi_ibm", "msmpi", "libmpich", "libmpi_cray", "libmpitrampoline"], extra_paths = String[], mpiexec = "mpiexec", abi = nothing, vendor = nothing, export_prefs = false, force = true) Switches the underlying MPI implementation to a system provided one. A restart of Julia is required for the changes to take effect. Options: - `library_names`: a name or collection of names of the MPI library, passed to [`Libdl.find_library`]( If the library isn't in the library search path, you can specify the full path to the library. - `extra_paths`: indicate extra directories where to search for the MPI library, besides the default ones of the dynamic linker. - `mpiexec`: the MPI launcher executable. The default is `mpiexec`, but some clusters require using the scheduler launcher interface (e.g. `srun` on Slurm, `aprun` on PBS). It is also possible to pass a [`Cmd` object]( to include specific command line options. - `abi`: the ABI of the MPI library. By default this is determined automatically using [`identify_abi`](@ref). See [`abi`](@ref) for currently supported values. - `vendor`: can be either `nothing` or a vendor name (such a `"cray"`). If `vendor` has the value "cray", then the output from `cc --cray-print-opts=all` is parsed for which libraries are linked by the Cray Compiler Wrappers. Note that if `mpi_gtl_*` is present, then this .so will be added to the preloads. Also note that the inputs to `library_names` will be overwritten by the library name used by the compiler wrapper. - `export_prefs`: if `true`, the preferences into the `Project.toml` instead of `LocalPreferences.toml`. - `force`: if `true`, the preferences are set even if they are already set. """ function use_system_binary(; library_names=["libmpi", "libmpi_ibm", "msmpi", "libmpich", "libmpi_cray", "libmpitrampoline"], extra_paths=String[], mpiexec="mpiexec", abi=nothing, vendor=nothing, export_prefs=false, force=true ) binary = "system" # vendor workarounds preloads = [] preloads_env_switch = nothing cclibs = [] if isnothing(vendor) elseif vendor == "cray" cray_pe = CrayParser.analyze_cray_cc() library_names = [cray_pe.libmpi] # if there is no preload, then set preloads to "nothing" instead of # "[nothing]" -- the later of which would cause an error when trying to # dump as toml preloads = isnothing(cray_pe.libgtl) ? nothing : [cray_pe.libgtl] preloads_env_switch = cray_pe.gtl_env_switch cclibs = cray_pe.cclibs else error("Unknown vendor $vendor") end # Set `ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN` to work around libmpi = withenv("ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN" => "1") do find_library(library_names, extra_paths) end if libmpi == "" error(""" MPI library could not be found with the following name(s): $(library_names) in the following extra directories (in addition to the default ones): $(extra_paths) If you want to try different name(s) for the MPI library, use MPIPreferences.use_system_binary(; library_names=[...])""") end if isnothing(abi) abi = identify_abi(libmpi) end if mpiexec isa Cmd mpiexec = collect(mpiexec) end set_preferences!(MPIPreferences, "_format" => isnothing(vendor) ? "1.0" : "1.1", "binary" => binary, "libmpi" => libmpi, "abi" => abi, "mpiexec" => mpiexec, "preloads" => preloads, "preloads_env_switch" => preloads_env_switch, "cclibs" => cclibs; export_prefs=export_prefs, force=force ) if VERSION <= v"1.6.5" || VERSION == v"1.7.0" @warn """ Due to a bug in Julia (until 1.6.5 and 1.7.1), setting preferences in transitive dependencies is broken ( To fix this either update your version of Julia, or add MPIPreferences as a direct dependency to your project. """ end if binary == MPIPreferences.binary && abi == MPIPreferences.abi && libmpi == System.libmpi && mpiexec == System.mpiexec_path @info "MPIPreferences unchanged" binary libmpi abi mpiexec preloads preloads_env_switch else PREFS_CHANGED[] = true @info "MPIPreferences changed" binary libmpi abi mpiexec preloads preloads_env_switch if DEPS_LOADED[] error("You will need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect") end end return nothing end """ MPIPreferences.check_unchanged() Throws an error if the preferences have been modified in the current Julia session, or if they are modified after this function is called. This is should be called from the `__init__()` function of any package which relies on the values of MPIPreferences. """ function check_unchanged() if PREFS_CHANGED[] error("MPIPreferences have changed, you will need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect") end DEPS_LOADED[] = true return nothing end function identify_implementation_version_abi(version_string::AbstractString) impl = "unknown" version = v"0" if startswith(version_string, "MPICH") impl = "MPICH" # "MPICH Version:\t%s\n" / "MPICH2 Version:\t%s\n" if (m = match(r"^MPICH2? Version:\s+(\d+.\d+(?:.\d+)?\w*)\n", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "Open MPI") # Open MPI / Spectrum MPI impl = occursin("IBM Spectrum MPI", version_string) ? "IBMSpectrumMPI" : "OpenMPI" if (m = match(r"^Open MPI v(\d+.\d+.\d+\w*)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "Microsoft MPI") impl = "MicrosoftMPI" # "Microsoft MPI %u.%u.%u.%u%S" # ignore last 2 (build numbers) if (m = match(r"^Microsoft MPI (\d+.\d+)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "Intel") impl = "IntelMPI" # Old IntelMPI: # "Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 4 for Linux* OS" # New oneAPI MPI: # "Intel(R) MPI Library 2021.6 for Linux* OS\n" if (m = match(r"^Intel\(R\) MPI Library (\d+)(?:(?: Update |\.)?(\d+))?", version_string)) !== nothing if m.captures[2] === nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) else version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]*"."*m.captures[2]) end end elseif startswith(version_string, "MVAPICH") impl = "MVAPICH" # "MVAPICH2 Version :\t%s\n") if (m = match(r"^MVAPICH2? Version\s*:\t(\S*)\n", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif occursin("CRAY MPICH", version_string) impl = "CrayMPICH" # "MPI VERSION : CRAY MPICH version 7.7.10 (ANL base 3.2)\n" if (m = match(r"CRAY MPICH version (\d+.\d+.\d+)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "FUJITSU MPI") impl = "FujitsuMPI" # "FUJITSU MPI Library 4.0.0 (4.0.1fj4.0.0)\0" if (m = match(r"^FUJITSU MPI Library (\d+.\d+.\d+)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "MPIwrapper") impl = "MPIwrapper" # MPIwrapper 2.2.2 if (m = match(r"^MPIwrapper Version:\t(\d+.\d+.\d+\w*)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "HPE MPT") impl = "HPE MPT" # HPE MPT 2.23 08/26/20 02:54:49-root if (m = match(r"^HPE MPT (\d+.\d+)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end elseif startswith(version_string, "HPE HMPT") impl = "HPE HMPT" # HPE HMPT 2.23 08/26/20 02:59:48-root if (m = match(r"^HPE HMPT (\d+.\d+)", version_string)) !== nothing version = VersionNumber(m.captures[1]) end end # 3) determine the abi from the implementation + version if (impl == "MPICH" && version >= v"3.1" || impl == "IntelMPI" && version > v"2014" || impl == "MVAPICH" && version >= v"2" || impl == "CrayMPICH" && version >= v"7" || # impl == "HPE HMPT") abi = "MPICH" elseif impl == "OpenMPI" || impl == "IBMSpectrumMPI" || impl == "FujitsuMPI" abi = "OpenMPI" elseif impl == "MicrosoftMPI" abi = "MicrosoftMPI" elseif impl == "MPIwrapper" abi = "MPItrampoline" elseif impl == "HPE MPT" abi = "HPE MPT" else abi = "unknown" end return (impl, version, abi) end """ identify_abi(libmpi) Identify the MPI implementation from the library version string """ function identify_abi(libmpi) # 1) query MPI_Get_version # There is no way to query at runtime what the length of the buffer should be. # # 8192 is the maximum value of MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING across known # implementations. buf = Array{UInt8}(undef, 8192) buflen = Ref{Cint}() hndl = @static if Sys.isunix() # Again, work around withenv("ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN" => "1") do # need to open libmpi with RTLD_GLOBAL flag for Linux, before # any ccall cannot use RTLD_DEEPBIND; this leads to segfaults # at least on Ubuntu 15.10 Libdl.dlopen(libmpi, Libdl.RTLD_LAZY | Libdl.RTLD_GLOBAL) end else Libdl.dlopen(libmpi) end try ptr = dlsym(hndl, :MPI_Get_library_version) ccall(ptr, Cint, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ref{Cint}), buf, buflen) finally Libdl.dlclose(hndl) end @assert buflen[] < 8192 resize!(buf, buflen[]) version_string = String(buf) # 2) try to identify the MPI implementation impl, version, abi = identify_implementation_version_abi(version_string) @info "MPI implementation identified" libmpi version_string impl version abi return abi end end # module