include("debug.jl") # Data Structures mutable struct SSLConfig data::Ptr{Cvoid} rng chain::CRT dbg cert key alpn_protos function SSLConfig() conf = new() = Libc.malloc(1000) # 360 ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_config_init, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), finalizer(x->begin data = @async begin ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_config_free, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), data) end end, conf) conf end end, c::SSLConfig) = print(io, "MbedTLS.SSLConfig()") mutable struct SSLContext <: IO data::Ptr{Cvoid} datalock::ReentrantLock waitlock::ReentrantLock config::SSLConfig isreadable::Bool bytesavailable::Int close_notify_sent::Bool bio function SSLContext() ctx = new() = Libc.malloc(1000) # 488 ctx.datalock = ReentrantLock() ctx.waitlock = ReentrantLock() ctx.isreadable = false ctx.bytesavailable = -1 ctx.close_notify_sent = false ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_init, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), finalizer(x->begin data = @async begin ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_free, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), end end, ctx) ctx end end # Handshake function handshake(ctx::SSLContext) ctx.isreadable && throw(ArgumentError("handshake() already done!")) ;@😬 "🤝 ..." while true n = ssl_handshake(ctx) if n == 0 break elseif n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ;@😬 "🤝 ⌛️" if eof( throw(EOFError()) ;@💀 "🤝 🛑" end else ssl_abandon(ctx) ;@💀 "🤝 💥" mbed_ioerr(n) end end ;@😬 "🤝 ✅" ctx.isreadable = true ctx.bytesavailable = 0 ctx.close_notify_sent = false nothing end # Fatal Errors """ The documentation for `ssl_read`, `ssl_write` and `ssl_close_notify` all say: > If this function returns something other than 0 or > MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, you must stop using the SSL context > for reading or writing, and either free it or call This function ensures that the `SSLContext` is won't be used again. """ function ssl_abandon(ctx::SSLContext) ;@💀 "ssl_abandon 💥" ctx.isreadable = false ctx.bytesavailable = 0 ctx.close_notify_sent = true close( n = ssl_session_reset(ctx) n == 0 || mbed_ioerr(n) nothing end # Base ::IO Connection State Methods Sockets.getsockname(ctx::SSLContext) = Sockets.getsockname( """ isreadable(ctx::SSLContext) True unless: - TLS `close_notify` was received, or - the peer closed the connection (and the TLS buffer is empty), or - an un-handled exception occurred while reading. """ function Base.isreadable(ctx::SSLContext) ctx.isreadable || return false # It's possible we received the shutdown, but didn't process it yet - if so, # do that now. if bytesavailable( > 0 || ssl_check_pending(ctx) ssl_unsafe_read(ctx, Ptr{UInt8}(C_NULL), UInt(0)) end return ctx.isreadable end """ iswritable(ctx::SSLContext) True unless: - `close(::SSLContext)` is called, or - `closewrite(::SSLContext)` is called, or - the peer closed the connection. """ Base.iswritable(ctx::SSLContext) = !ctx.close_notify_sent && isopen( """ isopen(ctx::SSLContext) Same as `iswritable(ctx)`. > "...a closed stream may still have data to read in its buffer, > use eof to check for the ability to read data." [?Base.isopen] """ Base.isopen(ctx::SSLContext) = iswritable(ctx) @static if isdefined(Base, :bytesavailable) """ bytesavailable(ctx::SSLContext) Number of decrypted bytes waiting in the TLS buffer. """ Base.bytesavailable(ctx::SSLContext) = ctx.bytesavailable else Base.nb_available(ctx::SSLContext) = ctx.bytesavailable end """ close(ctx::SSLContext) Send a TLS `close_notify` message to the peer. """ function Base.close(ctx::SSLContext) ;@💀 "close iswritable=$(iswritable(ctx))" if iswritable(ctx) closewrite(ctx) end @static if Sys.iswindows() && VERSION < v"1.9.0" # work-around for a libuv regression where we check the wrong flags during closing # introduced by in v1.42.0 # fixed by in v1.44.2 isa TCPSocket && isreadable( && Base.start_reading( end close( nothing end if isdefined(Base, :closewrite) # Julia v1.7 VERSION const closewrite = Base.closewrite end """ closewrite(ctx::SSLContext) Send a TLS `close_notify` message to the peer. """ function closewrite(ctx::SSLContext) ;@💀 "close iswritable=$(iswritable(ctx))" n = ssl_close_notify(ctx) ctx.close_notify_sent = true ;@💀 "close 🗣" if n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE ;@💀 "close ⌛️" @assert false "Should not get to here because `f_send` " * "never returns ...WANT_READ/WRITE." elseif n != 0 ssl_abandon(ctx) mbed_ioerr(n) elseif !ctx.isreadable # already seen EOF, so we can go ahead and destroy this now immediately close( end @assert !iswritable(ctx) nothing end # Sending Data """ Copy `nbytes` from `buf` to `ctx`. The TLS library function `ssl_write` is called as many times as needed to send all the data. The TLS library encrypts the data and passes it to the `f_send` function which sends it to the underlying connection (``). See `f_send` and `set_bio!` below. """ function ssl_unsafe_write(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, nbytes::UInt) ctx.close_notify_sent && throw(Base.IOError("`unsafe_write` requires `!ctx.close_notify_sent`", 0)) nwritten = 0 ;@🤖 "ssl_write ➡️ $nbytes" while nwritten < nbytes n = ssl_write(ctx, buf + nwritten, nbytes - nwritten) if n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ || n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE ;@💀 "ssl_write ⌛️" @assert false "Should not get to here because `f_send` " * "never returns ...WANT_READ/WRITE." yield() continue elseif n < 0 ssl_abandon(ctx) ;@🤖 "ssl_write 💥" mbed_ioerr(n) end nwritten += n end return Int(nwritten) end # Sending Encrypted Data """ Copy `nbytes` of encrypted data from `buf` to the underlying `bio` connection. """ function f_send(c_bio, buf, nbytes) ;@🤖 "f_send ➡️ $nbytes" bio = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(c_bio) if !isopen(bio) || bio.status == Base.StatusClosing return Cint(MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET) end try return Cint(unsafe_write(bio, buf, nbytes)) catch ex ex isa Base.IOError && return Cint(MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_SEND_FAILED) rethrow() # this may corrupt memory, lead to undefined behavior, or (hopefully) just be badly fatal end end """ Connect `f_send` and `f_recv` callback functions to `SSLContext`. """ function set_bio!(ctx::SSLContext, bio::T) where {T<:IO} isopen(bio) || throw(ArgumentError("`set_bio!` requires `isopen(bio)`")) = bio ssl_set_bio(ctx, pointer_from_objref(bio), c_send[], c_recv[]) nothing end # Receiving Data """ eof(ctx::SSLContext) True if not `isreadable` and there are no more `bytesavailable` to read. """ function Base.eof(ctx::SSLContext) ctx.bytesavailable > 0 && return false # While there are no decrypted bytes available but the connection is readable: # - If the TLS buffer has no pending (unprocessed) data, wait for # more encrypted data to arrive on the underlying connection. # - Run a zero-byte read to allow the library to process its internal buffer, # and/or read from the underlying connection. # - `ssl_unsafe_read` updates the `isreadable` and `bytesavailable` state. lock(ctx.waitlock) try while ctx.isreadable && ctx.bytesavailable <= 0 if !ssl_check_pending(ctx) ;@🤖 "wait_for_encrypted_data ⌛️"; eof( end ssl_unsafe_read(ctx, Ptr{UInt8}(C_NULL), UInt(0)) ;@🤖 "wait_for_decrypted_data 📥 $(ctx.bytesavailable)" end finally unlock(ctx.waitlock) end # note that the following are racy when there are multiple concurrent # users of an `SSLContext`, but we're at least not going to return # true until ctx.isreadable is false, which means we received a # close_notify, the underlying connection was closed, or some # other fatal ssl error occurred ctx.bytesavailable > 0 && return false return !ctx.isreadable end """ ssl_unsafe_read(::SSLContext, buf, nbytes) Copies at most `nbytes` of decrypted data into `buf`. Never blocks to wait for more data to arrive. Returns number of bytes copied into `buf` (`<= nbytes`). Updates `ctx.bytesavailable` with the number of decrypted bytes remaining in the TLS buffer. Stops when: - `nbytes` have been copied, or - there are no more decrypted bytes available in the TLS buffer, or - a TLS `close_notify` message is received. When TLS `close_notify` is received: - `isreadable` is set to false [RFC5246 7.2.1]: "Any data received after a closure alert is ignored." - the number of bytes read before the `close_notify` is returned as usual. Throws a `IOError` if `ssl_read` returns an unhandled error code. When an unhandled exception occurs `isreadable` is set to false. """ function ssl_unsafe_read(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, nbytes::UInt) ctx.isreadable || throw(Base.IOError("`ssl_unsafe_read` requires `isreadable(::SSLContext)`", 0)) nread::UInt = 0 try while true n = ssl_read(ctx, buf + nread, nbytes - nread) ;@😬 "ssl_read ⬅️ $n $(n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_PEER_CLOSE_NOTIFY ? "(CLOSE_NOTIFY)" : n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CONN_EOF ? "(CONN_EOF)" : n == MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_CONN_RESET ? "(CONN_RESET)" : n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ? "(WANT_READ)" : "")" if n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_PEER_CLOSE_NOTIFY || n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CONN_EOF || n == 0 if n == nbytes == 0 # caller just wanted us to update bytesavilable ctx.bytesavailable = ssl_get_bytes_avail(ctx) ;@🤖 "ssl_read ⬅️ $nread, 📥 $(ctx.bytesavailable)" else ctx.bytesavailable = 0 end ctx.isreadable = ctx.bytesavailable > 0 if !ctx.isreadable && ctx.close_notify_sent # already called closewrite, so we can go ahead and destroy this fully immediately close( end return nread elseif n == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ctx.bytesavailable = 0 ;@😬 "ssl_read ⌛️ $nread" return nread elseif n < 0 ssl_abandon(ctx) mbed_ioerr(n) end nread += n @assert nread <= nbytes if nread == nbytes ctx.bytesavailable = ssl_get_bytes_avail(ctx) ;@🤖 "ssl_read ⬅️ $nread, 📥 $(ctx.bytesavailable)" return nread end end catch ;@💀 "ssl_read 💥" ssl_abandon(ctx) rethrow() end @assert false "unreachable" end """ Copy at most `nbytes` of encrypted data to `buf` from the `bio` connection. If no encrypted bytes are available return: - `MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ` if the connection is still open, or - `MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CONN_EOF` if it is closed. - `MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_RECV_FAILED` if it is errored. """ function f_recv(c_bio, buf, nbytes) # (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t) @assert nbytes > 0 bio = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(c_bio) n = bytesavailable(bio) if n == 0 # TODO: we should be able to forward this value directly from wait_for_encrypted_data isreadable(bio) && ( @🤖 "f_recv WANT_READ"; return Cint(MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ)) try eof(bio) && ( @🤖 "f_recv CONN_EOF"; return Cint(MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CONN_EOF)) catch ex ;@🤖 "f_recv RECV_FAILED" ex isa Base.IOError && return Cint(MBEDTLS_ERR_NET_RECV_FAILED) rethrow() end end n = min(nbytes, n) ;@🤖 "f_recv ⬅️ $n" unsafe_read(bio, buf, n) return Cint(n) end # Base ::IO Write Methods -- wrappers for `ssl_unsafe_write` Base.unsafe_write(ctx::SSLContext, msg::Ptr{UInt8}, N::UInt) = ssl_unsafe_write(ctx, msg, N) Base.write(ctx::SSLContext, msg::UInt8) = write(ctx, Ref(msg)) # Base ::IO Read Methods -- wrappers for `ssl_unsafe_read` """ unsafe_read(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, nbytes::UInt) Copy `nbytes` of decrypted data from `ctx` into `buf`. Wait for sufficient decrypted data to be available. Throw `EOFError` if the peer sends TLS `close_notify` or closes the connection before `nbytes` have been copied. """ function Base.unsafe_read(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Ptr{UInt8}, nbytes::UInt) nread = 0 while nread < nbytes if eof(ctx) ;@💀 "unsafe_read 🛑" throw(EOFError()) end nread += ssl_unsafe_read(ctx, buf + nread, nbytes - nread) end ;@😬 "unsafe_read ⬅️ $nread" nothing end """ readbytes!(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Vector{UInt8}, nbytes=length(buf); kw...) Copy at most `nbytes` of decrypted data from `ctx` into `buf`. If `all=true`: wait for sufficient decrypted data to be available. Less than `nbytes` may be copied if the peer sends TLS `close_notify` or closes the connection. Returns number of bytes copied into `buf` (`<= nbytes`). """ Base.readbytes!(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Vector{UInt8}, nbytes=length(buf); kw...) = readbytes!(ctx, buf, UInt(nbytes); kw...) function Base.readbytes!(ctx::SSLContext, buf::Vector{UInt8}, nbytes::UInt; all::Bool=true) nbytes <= length(buf) || throw(ArgumentError("`buf` too small!")) nread = 0 GC.@preserve buf while nread < nbytes nread += ssl_unsafe_read(ctx, pointer(buf) + nread, nbytes - nread) if (nread == nbytes) || !all || eof(ctx) break end end ;@😬 "readbytes! ⬅️ $nread" return nread end """ readavailable(ctx::SSLContext) Read available decrypted data from `ctx`, but don't wait for more data to arrive. The amount of decrypted data that can be read at once is limited by `MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN`. """ function Base.readavailable(ctx::SSLContext) n = UInt(MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN) buf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, n) GC.@preserve buf n = ssl_unsafe_read(ctx, pointer(buf), n) ;@😬 "readavailable ⬅️ $n" return resize!(buf, n) end # Configuration function config_defaults!(config::SSLConfig; endpoint=MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT, transport=MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM, preset=MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT) @err_check ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Cint, Cint),, endpoint, transport, preset) end function authmode!(config::SSLConfig, auth) ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint),, auth) end function rng!(config::SSLConfig, f_rng::Ptr{Cvoid}, rng) ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any),, f_rng, rng) end function rng!(config::SSLConfig, rng::AbstractRNG) config.rng = rng rng!(config, c_rng[], rng) end function ca_chain!(config::SSLConfig, chain=crt_parse(DEFAULT_CERT[])) config.chain = chain ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}),,, C_NULL) end """ Enable / Disable renegotiation support for connection when initiated by peer (MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_ENABLED or MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED). See: """ function ssl_conf_renegotiation!(config::SSLConfig, renegotiation) ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_renegotiation, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint),, renegotiation) end function own_cert!(config::SSLConfig, cert::CRT, key::PKContext) config.cert = cert config.key = key @err_check ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_own_cert, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}),,, end function setup!(ctx::SSLContext, conf::SSLConfig) ctx.config = conf ssl_setup(ctx, conf) end function dbg!(conf::SSLConfig, f::Ptr{Cvoid}, p) ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any),, f, p) end function f_dbg(f, level, filename, number, msg) f(level, unsafe_string(filename), number, unsafe_string(msg)) nothing end function dbg!(conf::SSLConfig, f) conf.dbg = f dbg!(conf, c_dbg[], f) nothing end @enum(DebugThreshold, NONE = 0, ERROR, STATE_CHANGE, INFO, VERBOSE) function set_dbg_level(level) ccall((:mbedtls_debug_set_threshold, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Cint,), Cint(level)) nothing end function set_alpn!(conf::SSLConfig, protos) conf.alpn_protos = protos @err_check ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_conf_alpn_protocols, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Ptr{Cchar}}),, protos) nothing end function alpn_proto(ctx::SSLContext) rv = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_get_alpn_protocol, libmbedtls), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), unsafe_string(rv) end # C API macro lockdata(ctx, expr) esc(quote lock($ctx.datalock) @assert $ctx.datalock.reentrancy_cnt == 1 try $expr finally unlock($ctx.datalock) end end) end function get_peer_cert(ctx::SSLContext) data = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert, libmbedtls), Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), return CRT(data) end function get_version(ctx::SSLContext) if isdefined(ctx, :config) data = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_get_version, libmbedtls), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), return unsafe_string(data) else throw(ArgumentError("`ctx` hasn't been initialized with an MbedTLS.SSLConfig; run `MbedTLS.setup!(ctx, conf)`")) end end function get_ciphersuite(ctx::SSLContext) data = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_get_ciphersuite, libmbedtls), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{Cvoid},), return unsafe_string(data) end function ssl_setup(ctx::SSLContext, conf::SSLConfig) @lockdata ctx begin @err_check ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_setup, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}),, end end function ssl_handshake(ctx::SSLContext) n = @lockdata ctx begin ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_handshake, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), end end """ Return the number of application data bytes remaining to be read from the current record. """ function ssl_get_bytes_avail(ctx::SSLContext)::Int @lockdata ctx begin return ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_get_bytes_avail, libmbedtls), Csize_t, (Ptr{Cvoid},), end end """ ssl_check_pending(::SSLContext)::Bool Check if there is data already read from the underlying transport but not yet processed. If the SSL/TLS module successfully returns from an operation - e.g. a handshake or an application record read - and you're awaiting incoming data next, you must not immediately idle on the underlying transport to have data ready, but you need to check the value of this function first. The reason is that the desired data might already be read but not yet processed. If, in contrast, a previous call to the SSL/TLS module returned MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ, it is not necessary to call this function, as the latter error code entails that all internal data has been processed. """ function ssl_check_pending(ctx::SSLContext)::Bool @lockdata ctx begin return ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_check_pending, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), > 0 end end function ssl_set_bio(ctx::SSLContext, bio, f_send::Ptr{Cvoid}, f_recv::Ptr{Cvoid}) @lockdata ctx begin ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_set_bio, libmbedtls), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}),, bio, f_send, f_recv, C_NULL) end end """ ssl_read(::SSLContext, ptr, n) Returns One of the following: 0 if the read end of the underlying transport was closed, the (positive) number of bytes read, or a negative error code on failure. If MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ is returned, no application data is available from the underlying transport. In this case, the function needs to be called again at some later stage. If this function returns something other than a positive value or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT, you must stop using the SSL context for reading or writing, and either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed. """ function ssl_read(ctx::SSLContext, ptr, n)::Int ret = 0 @lockdata ctx begin # We want to allow GC to run while this thread is in the `ccall`. # When is completed # and lands, this should be changed to what is required by that. ccd = Base.cconvert(Ptr{Cvoid}, cptr = Base.cconvert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr) GC.@preserve ccd cptr begin ucd = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ccd)::Ptr{Cvoid} ucptr = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, cptr)::Ptr{Cvoid} gc_state = @ccall(jl_gc_safe_enter()::Int8) ret = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_read, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), ucd, ucptr, n) @ccall(jl_gc_safe_leave(gc_state::Int8)::Cvoid) end end return ret end """ ssl_write(::SSLContext, ptr, n) When this function returns MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE/READ, it must be called later with the same arguments, until it returns a value greater that or equal to 0. When the function returns MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE there may be some partial data in the output buffer, however this is not yet sent. If this function returns something other than 0, a positive value or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, you must stop using the SSL context for reading or writing, and either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed. """ function ssl_write(ctx::SSLContext, ptr, n)::Int ret = 0 @lockdata ctx begin # We want to allow GC to run while this thread is in the `ccall`. # When is completed # and lands, this should be changed to what is required by that. ccd = Base.cconvert(Ptr{Cvoid}, cptr = Base.cconvert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ptr) GC.@preserve ccd cptr begin ucd = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ccd)::Ptr{Cvoid} ucptr = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, cptr)::Ptr{Cvoid} gc_state = @ccall(jl_gc_safe_enter()::Int8) ret = ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_write, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), ucd, ucptr, n) @ccall(jl_gc_safe_leave(gc_state::Int8)::Cvoid) end end return ret end """ ssl_close_notify(::SSLContext) Notify the peer that the connection is being closed. 0 if successful, or a specific SSL error code. If this function returns something other than 0 or MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ/WRITE, you must stop using the SSL context for reading or writing, and either free it or call mbedtls_ssl_session_reset() on it before re-using it for a new connection; the current connection must be closed. """ function ssl_close_notify(ctx::SSLContext) @lockdata ctx begin return ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_close_notify, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), end end """ Reset an already initialized SSL context for re-use while retaining application-set variables, function pointers and data. """ function ssl_session_reset(ctx::SSLContext) @lockdata ctx begin return ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_session_reset, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid},), end end function hostname!(ctx::SSLContext, hostname) @err_check ccall((:mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname, libmbedtls), Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring),, hostname) end const c_send = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL) const c_recv = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL) const c_dbg = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL) const DEFAULT_CERT = Ref{String}() function __sslinit__() c_send[] = @cfunction(f_send, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t)) c_recv[] = @cfunction(f_recv, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t)) c_dbg[] = @cfunction(f_dbg, Cvoid, (Any, Cint, Ptr{UInt8}, Cint, Ptr{UInt8})) # Note: `MozillaCACerts_jll.cacert` is filled by `__init__` if haskey(ENV, "MBEDTLSJL_CERT_PEM_FILE") fallback = abspath(ENV["MBEDTLSJL_CERT_PEM_FILE"]) DEFAULT_CERT[] = read(fallback, String) elseif haskey(ENV, "MBEDTLSJL_CERT_PEM_DIR") fallback = abspath(joinpath(ENV["MBEDTLSJL_CERT_PEM_DIR"], "cert.pem")) DEFAULT_CERT[] = read(fallback, String) elseif NetworkOptions.ca_roots() !== nothing && isfile(NetworkOptions.ca_roots()) DEFAULT_CERT[] = read(NetworkOptions.ca_roots(), String) elseif isfile(MozillaCACerts_jll.cacert) DEFAULT_CERT[] = read(MozillaCACerts_jll.cacert, String) else fallback = abspath(joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "..", "share", "julia", "cert.pem")) DEFAULT_CERT[] = read(fallback, String) end return end