module Parsers export PosLen using Dates using UUIDs include("utils.jl") struct Format tokens::Vector{Dates.AbstractDateToken} locale::Dates.DateLocale end const SupportedFloats = Union{Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat} const SupportedTypes = Union{Integer, SupportedFloats, Dates.TimeType, Bool, AbstractString, Symbol, Char} supportedtype(::Type{T}) where {T} = T <: SupportedTypes """ Parsers.Result{T}(code::Parsers.ReturnCode, tlen[, val]) Struct for holding the results of a parsing operations, returned from `Parsers.xparse`. Contains 3 fields: * `code`: parsing bitmask with various flags set based on parsing (see [ReturnCode](@ref)) * `tlen`: the total number of bytes consumed while parsing * `val`: the parsed value; note that `val` is optional when constructing; users *MUST* check `!Parsers.invalid(result.code)` before accessing `result.val`; if parsing fails, `result.val` is undefined """ struct Result{T} code::ReturnCode tlen::Int64 val::T Result{T}(code::ReturnCode, tlen::Integer) where {T} = new{T}(code, tlen) Result{T}(code::ReturnCode, tlen::Integer, val) where {T} = new{T}(code, tlen, val) end, x::Result{T}) where {T} = print(io, "Parsers.Result{$T}(code=`", codes(x.code), "`, tlen=", x.tlen, ", val=", isdefined(x, :val) ? x.val : "#undefined", ")") # bit flags to hold several Bool options for Options primitive type Flags 16 end const SPACEDELIM = 0b0000000000000001 const TABDELIM = 0b0000000000000010 const STRIPQUOTED = 0b0000000000000100 const STRIPWHITESPACE = 0b0000000000001000 const CHECKQUOTED = 0b0000000000010000 const CHECKSENTINEL = 0b0000000000100000 const CHECKDELIM = 0b0000000001000000 const IGNOREREPEATED = 0b0000000010000000 const IGNOREEMPTY = 0b0000000100000000 function Flags(spacedelim, tabdelim, stripquoted, stripwhitespace, checkquoted, checksentinel, checkdelim, ignorerepeated, ignoreemptylines) x = 0x0000 spacedelim && (x |= SPACEDELIM) tabdelim && (x |= TABDELIM) stripquoted && (x |= STRIPQUOTED) # stripquoted implies stripwhitespace (stripwhitespace || stripquoted) && (x |= STRIPWHITESPACE) checkquoted && (x |= CHECKQUOTED) checksentinel && (x |= CHECKSENTINEL) checkdelim && (x |= CHECKDELIM) ignorerepeated && (x |= IGNOREREPEATED) ignoreemptylines && (x |= IGNOREEMPTY) return Base.bitcast(Flags, x) end, x::Flags) = print(io, "Parsers.Flags(spacedelim=", x.spacedelim, ", tabdelim=", x.tabdelim, ", stripquoted=", x.stripquoted, ", stripwhitespace=", x.stripwhitespace, ", checkquoted=", x.checkquoted, ", checksentinel=", x.checksentinel, ", checkdelim=", x.checkdelim, ", ignorerepeated=", x.ignorerepeated, ", ignoreemptylines=", x.ignoreemptylines, ")") Base.write(io::IO, flag::Flags) = write(io, reinterpret(UInt16, flag)), ::Type{Flags}) = Base.bitcast(Flags, read(io, UInt16)) function Base.getproperty(x::Flags, nm::Symbol) if nm == :spacedelim return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & SPACEDELIM != 0x00 elseif nm == :tabdelim return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & TABDELIM != 0x00 elseif nm == :stripquoted return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & STRIPQUOTED != 0x00 elseif nm == :stripwhitespace return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & STRIPWHITESPACE != 0x00 elseif nm == :checkquoted return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & CHECKQUOTED != 0x00 elseif nm == :checksentinel return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & CHECKSENTINEL != 0x00 elseif nm == :checkdelim return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & CHECKDELIM != 0x00 elseif nm == :ignorerepeated return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & IGNOREREPEATED != 0x00 elseif nm == :ignoreemptylines return Base.bitcast(UInt16, x) & IGNOREEMPTY != 0x00 else throw(ArgumentError("unknown Flags property: `$nm`")) end end """ `Parsers.Options` is a structure for holding various parsing settings when calling `Parsers.parse`, `Parsers.tryparse`, and `Parsers.xparse`. They include: * `sentinel=nothing`: valid values include: `nothing` meaning don't check for sentinel values; `missing` meaning an "empty field" should be considered a sentinel value; or a `Vector{String}` of the various string values that should each be checked as a sentinel value. Note that sentinels will always be checked longest to shortest, with the longest valid match taking precedence. * `openquotechar='"'`: the ascii character that signals a "quoted" field while parsing; subsequent characters will be treated as non-significant until a valid `closequotechar` is detected * `closequotechar='"'`: the ascii character that signals the end of a quoted field * `escapechar='"'`: an ascii character used to "escape" a `closequotechar` within a quoted field * `delim=','`: if `nothing`, no delimiter will be checked for; if a `Char` or `String`, a delimiter will be checked for directly after parsing a value or `closequotechar`; a newline (`\\n`), return (`\\r`), or CRLF (`"\\r\\n"`) are always considered "delimiters", in addition to EOF * `decimal='.'`: an ascii character to be used when parsing float values that separates a decimal value * `trues=nothing`: if `nothing`, `Bool` parsing will only check for the string `true` or an `Integer` value of `1` as valid values for `true`; as a `Vector{String}`, each string value will be checked to indicate a valid `true` value * `falses=nothing`: if `nothing`, `Bool` parsing will only check for the string `false` or an `Integer` value of `0` as valid values for `false`; as a `Vector{String}`, each string value will be checked to indicate a valid `false` value * `dateformat=nothing`: if `nothing`, `Date`, `DateTime`, and `Time` parsing will use a default `Dates.DateFormat` object while parsing; a `String` or `Dates.DateFormat` object can be provided for custom format parsing * `ignorerepeated=false`: if `true`, consecutive delimiter characters or strings will be consumed until a non-delimiter is encountered; if `false`, only a single delimiter character/string will be consumed. Useful for fixed-width delimited files where fields are padded with delimiters * `quoted=true`: whether parsing should check for `openquotechar` and `closequotechar` characters to signal quoted fields * `comment=nothing`: a string which, if matched at the start of a line, will make parsing consume the rest of the line * `ignoreemptylines=false`: after parsing a value, if a newline is detected, another immediately proceeding newline will be checked for and consumed * `stripwhitespace=nothing`: if true, leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from string fields, note that for *quoted* strings however, whitespace is preserved within quotes (but ignored before/after quote characters). To also strip *within* quotes, see `stripquoted` * `stripquoted=false`: if true, whitespace is also stripped within quoted strings. If true, `stripwhitespace` is also set to true. * `groupmark=nothing`: optionally specify a single-byte character denoting the number grouping mark, this allows parsing of numbers that have, e.g., thousand separators (`1,000.00`). When the `groupmark` is ambiguous with the `delim`, the user must quote the number if it contains group marks. * `rounding=RoundNearest`: optionally specify a rounding mode to use when parsing. No rounding means the result will be marked with `INEXACT` code if the value is not exactly representable in the target type. """ struct Options flags::Flags decimal::UInt8 oq::Token cq::Token e::UInt8 sentinel::Vector{Token} delim::Token cmt::Token trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}} falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}} dateformat::Union{Nothing, Format} groupmark::Union{Nothing,UInt8} rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode} end # backwards compat function Base.getproperty(x::Options, nm::Symbol) if nm == :ignorerepeated return x.flags.ignorerepeated elseif nm == :ignoreemptylines return x.flags.ignoreemptylines else return getfield(x, nm) end end # Get the default options for single-value parsing (i.e. not delimited), used # by Parsers.parse and Parsers.tryparse via Parser.xparse2 function _get_default_options(; flags::Flags=Flags(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false), decimal::UInt8=UInt8('.'), oq::Token=Token(UInt8('"')), cq::Token=Token(UInt8('"')), e::UInt8=UInt8('"'), sentinel::Vector{Token}=Token[], delim::Token=Token(""), cmt::Token=Token(""), trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, dateformat::Union{Nothing, Format}=nothing, groupmark::Union{Nothing,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) return Options(flags, decimal, oq, cq, e, sentinel, delim, cmt, trues, falses, dateformat, groupmark, rounding) end # Get the default options for delimited parsing, used by Parsers.xparse function _get_default_xoptions(; flags::Flags=Flags(false, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false), decimal::UInt8=UInt8('.'), oq::Token=Token(UInt8('"')), cq::Token=Token(UInt8('"')), e::UInt8=UInt8('"'), sentinel::Vector{Token}=Token[], delim::Token=Token(UInt8(',')), cmt::Token=Token(""), trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, dateformat::Union{Nothing, Format}=nothing, groupmark::Union{Nothing,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) return Options(flags, decimal, oq, cq, e, sentinel, delim, cmt, trues, falses, dateformat, groupmark, rounding) end # What is used by default in Parsers.parse, Parsers.tryparse, Parsers.xparse2 const OPTIONS = _get_default_options() # What is used by default in Parsers.xparse const XOPTIONS = _get_default_xoptions() prepare!(x::Vector) = sort!(x, by=x->sizeof(x), rev=true) asciival(c::Char) = isascii(c) asciival(b::UInt8) = b < 0x80 _match(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{String,UInt8,Char}} = a == b _match(a::T, b::S) where {T<:Union{String,UInt8,Char,Regex}, S<:Union{String,UInt8,Char}} = _match(b, a) _match(a::String, b::Regex) = (m = match(b, a); isnothing(m) ? false : m.match == a) _match(a::Char, b::Regex) = _match(string(a), b) _match(a::UInt8, b::Regex) = _match(Char(a), b) _match(a::UInt8, b::String) = ncodeunits(b) == 1 && Char(a) == first(b) _match(a::Char, b::String) = ncodeunits(a) == ncodeunits(b) && a == first(b) _match(a::UInt8, b::Char) = ncodeunits(b) == 1 && a == UInt8(b) _match(a::Nothing, b) = false _match(a, b::Nothing) = false _match(a::Nothing, b::Nothing) = false # TODO: this is not correct e.g. r"aa{1,1}a" is the same as r"aaa" # but we won't catch that. _match(a::Regex, b::Regex) = a == b _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::Union{String,Char}) = ncodeunits(prefix) == 1 && Char(s) == first(prefix) _startswith(s::Char, prefix::Union{String,Char}) = ncodeunits(s) >= ncodeunits(prefix) && s == first(prefix) _startswith(s::String, prefix::Union{Char,String,Regex}) = startswith(s, prefix) _startswith(s::String, prefix::UInt8) = startswith(s, Char(prefix)) _startswith(s::Char, prefix::Regex) = startswith(string(s), prefix) _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::Regex) = startswith(Char(s), prefix) _startswith(s::UInt8, prefix::UInt8) = s == prefix _startswith(s::Char, prefix::UInt8) = first(codeunits(s)) == prefix _startswith(a::Nothing, b) = false _startswith(a, b::Nothing) = false _startswith(a::Nothing, b::Nothing) = false _nbytes(::UInt8) = 1 _nbytes(x::Char) = ncodeunits(x) const MaybeToken = Union{Nothing, UInt8, Char, String, Regex} function Options( sentinel::Union{Nothing, Missing, Vector}, wh1::Union{UInt8, Char}, wh2::Union{UInt8, Char}, openquotechar::MaybeToken, closequotechar::MaybeToken, escapechar::MaybeToken, delim::MaybeToken, decimal::Union{UInt8, Char}, trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}, dateformat::Union{Nothing, String, Dates.DateFormat, Format}, ignorerepeated::Bool, ignoreemptylines::Bool, comment::MaybeToken, quoted::Bool, debug::Bool=false, stripwhitespace::Bool=false, stripquoted::Bool=false, groupmark::Union{Nothing,Char,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) # backwards compat; users previously had to pass wh1/wh2 as non-wh to avoid stripping if wh1 != UInt8(' ') || wh2 != UInt8('\t') stripwhitespace = false end if sentinel isa Vector{String} for sent in sentinel if stripwhitespace && (_contains(sent, " ") || _contains(sent, "\t")) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain ' ' or '\t' characters if `stripwhitespace=true`")) end if quoted && (_contains(sent, openquotechar) || _contains(sent, closequotechar) || _contains(sent, escapechar)) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, or `escapechar` characters")) end if _contains(sent, delim) throw(ArgumentError("`sentinel` value isn't allowed to contain a delimiter character")) end end end oq = token(openquotechar, "openquotechar") cq = token(closequotechar, "closequotechar") e = token(escapechar, "escapechar") e.token isa UInt8 || throw(ArgumentError("`escapechar` must be a single ascii character")) e = e.token quoted && (isempty(oq) || isempty(cq) || isempty(e)) && throw(ArgumentError("quoted=true requires `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, and `escapechar` to be specified")) sent = (sentinel === nothing || sentinel === missing) ? Token[] : map(x -> token(x, "sentinel"), prepare!(sentinel)) checksentinel = sentinel !== nothing quoted && ((_match(openquotechar, delim) || _match(closequotechar, delim)) || _match(escapechar, delim)) && throw(ArgumentError("`delim` argument must be different than `openquotechar`, `closequotechar`, and `escapechar` arguments")) del = delim delim = token(delim, "delim") checkdelim = delim !== nothing && !isempty(delim) spacedelim = checkdelim && _contains(delim, " ") tabdelim = checkdelim && _contains(delim, "\t") if trues !== nothing trues = prepare!(trues) end if falses !== nothing falses = prepare!(falses) end if groupmark !== nothing && ( _match(groupmark, decimal) || isnumeric(Char(groupmark)) || (_match(del, groupmark) && !quoted) || _match(openquotechar, groupmark) || _match(closequotechar, groupmark) || _nbytes(groupmark) != 1 ) throw(ArgumentError("`groupmark` cannot be a number, a quoting char, coincide with `decimal` and `delim` unless `quoted=true`.")) end _nbytes(decimal) == 1 || throw(ArgumentError("`decimal` must be a single ascii character")) !isnumeric(Char(decimal)) || throw(ArgumentError("`decimal` cannot be a number")) df = dateformat === nothing ? nothing : dateformat isa String ? Format(dateformat) : dateformat isa Dates.DateFormat ? Format(dateformat) : dateformat flags = Flags(spacedelim, tabdelim, stripquoted, stripwhitespace, quoted, checksentinel, checkdelim, ignorerepeated, ignoreemptylines) return Options(flags, decimal, oq, cq, e, sent, delim, token(comment, "comment"), trues, falses, df, groupmark === nothing ? nothing : groupmark % UInt8, rounding) end function token(x::MaybeToken, arg) x === nothing && return Token("") if x isa UInt8 asciival(x) || throw(ArgumentError("$arg argument must be ASCII")) return Token(x) elseif x isa Char return Token(asciival(x) ? UInt8(x) : String(x)) elseif x isa Regex return Token(mkregex(x)) else return Token(x) end end Options(; sentinel::Union{Nothing, Missing, Vector}=nothing, wh1::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8(' '), wh2::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8('\t'), openquotechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), closequotechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), escapechar::MaybeToken=UInt8('"'), delim::MaybeToken=UInt8(','), decimal::Union{UInt8, Char}=UInt8('.'), trues::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, falses::Union{Nothing, Vector{String}}=nothing, dateformat::Union{Nothing, String, Dates.DateFormat, Format}=nothing, ignorerepeated::Bool=false, ignoreemptylines::Bool=false, comment::MaybeToken=nothing, quoted::Bool=true, debug::Bool=false, stripwhitespace::Bool=false, stripquoted::Bool=false, groupmark::Union{Nothing,Char,UInt8}=nothing, rounding::Union{Nothing,RoundingMode}=nothing, ) = Options(sentinel, wh1, wh2, openquotechar, closequotechar, escapechar, delim, decimal, trues, falses, dateformat, ignorerepeated, ignoreemptylines, comment, quoted, debug, stripwhitespace, stripquoted, groupmark, rounding) # "beta" for now, but allows custom types to define their own "Options"-like struct # that can handle additional type-specific options abstract type AbstractConf{T} end struct DefaultConf{T} <: AbstractConf{T} end conf(::Type{T}, opts::Options; kw...) where {T} = DefaultConf{T}() result(::Type{T}, res::Result) where {T} = res include("components.jl") # high-level convenience functions like in Base """ Parsers.parse(T, source[, options, pos, len]) => T Parse a value of type `T` from `source`, which may be a byte buffer (`AbstractVector{UInt8}`), string, or `IO`. Optional arguments include `options`, a [`Parsers.Options`](@ref) struct, `pos` which indicates the byte position where parsing should begin in a byte buffer `source`, and `len` which is the byte position where parsing should stop in a byte buffer `source`. If parsing fails for any reason, either invalid value or non-value characters encountered before/after a value, an error will be thrown. To return `nothing` instead of throwing an error, use [`Parsers.tryparse`](@ref). """ function parse(::Type{T}, buf::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO}, options=OPTIONS, pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=buf isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(buf)) where {T} res = xparse2(T, buf isa AbstractString ? codeunits(buf) : buf, pos, len, options) code = res.code tlen = res.tlen fin = buf isa IO || (tlen == (len - pos + 1)) return ok(code) && fin ? (res.val::T) : throw(Error(buf, T, code, pos, tlen)) end """ Parsers.tryparse(T, source[, options, pos, len]) => Union{T, Nothing} Parse a value of type `T` from `source`, which may be a byte buffer (`AbstractVector{UInt8}`), string, or `IO`. Optional arguments include `options`, a [`Parsers.Options`](@ref) struct, `pos` which indicates the byte position where parsing should begin in a byte buffer `source`, and `len` which is the byte position where parsing should stop in a byte buffer `source`. If parsing fails for any reason, either invalid value or non-value characters encountered before/after a value, `nothing` will be returned. To instead throw an error, use [`Parsers.parse`](@ref). """ function tryparse(::Type{T}, buf::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO}, options=OPTIONS, pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=buf isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(buf)) where {T} res = xparse2(T, buf isa AbstractString ? codeunits(buf) : buf, pos, len, options) fin = buf isa IO || (res.tlen == (len - pos + 1)) return ok(res.code) && fin ? (res.val::T) : nothing end """ Parsers.xparse(T, buf, pos, len, options) => Parsers.Result{T} The core parsing function for any type `T`. Takes a `buf`, which can be an `AbstractVector{UInt8}`, `AbstractString`, or an `IO`. `pos` is the byte position to begin parsing at. `len` is the total # of bytes in `buf` (signaling eof). `options` is an instance of `Parsers.Options`. A [`Parsers.Result`](@ref) struct is returned, with the following fields: * `res.val` is a value of type `T`, but only if parsing succeeded; for parsed `String`s, no string is returned to avoid excess allocating; if you'd like the actual parsed string value, you can call [`Parsers.getstring`](@ref) * `res.code` is a bitmask of parsing codes, use `` or `Parsers.text(code)` to see the various bit values set. See [`Parsers.ReturnCode`](@ref) for additional details on the various parsing codes * `res.tlen`: the total # of bytes consumed while parsing a value, including any quote or delimiter characters; this can be added to the starting `pos` to allow calling `Parsers.xparse` again for a subsequent field/value """ function xparse end const SourceType = Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, AbstractString, IO} returntype(::Type{T}) where {T <: AbstractString} = PosLen returntype(::Type{Number}) = Union{Int64, Int128, BigInt, Float32, Float64, BigFloat} returntype(::Type{T}) where {T} = T # for testing purposes only, it's much too slow to dynamically create Options for every xparse call xparse(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, S=nothing; pos::Integer=1, len::Integer=source isa IO ? 0 : sizeof(source), kw...) where {T} = S === nothing ? xparse(T, source, pos, len, Options(; kw...)) : xparse(T, source, pos, len, Options(; kw...), S) _xparse(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, IO}, pos, len, options::Options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = Result(emptysentinel(options)(delimiter(options)(whitespace(options)( quoted(options)(whitespace(options)(sentinel(options)(typeparser(options) )))))))(conf, source, pos, len, S) xparse(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = result(T, xparse(conf(T, options), source, pos, len, options, S)) function xparse(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=XOPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} buf = source isa AbstractString ? codeunits(source) : source if T === Number || supportedtype(T) return _xparse(conf, buf, pos, len, options, S) else # generic fallback calls Base.tryparse res = _xparse(DefaultConf{String}(), source, pos, len, options) code = res.code pl = res.val if !Parsers.invalid(code) && !Parsers.sentinel(code) str = getstring(source, pl, options.e) x = Base.tryparse(T, str) if x === nothing return Result{S}(code | INVALID, res.tlen) else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen, x) end else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen) end end end # condensed version of xparse that doesn't worry about quoting or delimiters; called from Parsers.parse/Parsers.tryparse _xparse2(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::Union{AbstractVector{UInt8}, IO}, pos, len, opts::Options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = Result(whitespace(false, false, false, true)(typeparser(opts)))(conf, source, pos, len, S) @inline xparse2(::Type{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} = result(T, xparse2(conf(T, options), source, pos, len, options, S)) @inline function xparse2(conf::AbstractConf{T}, source::SourceType, pos, len, options=OPTIONS, ::Type{S}=returntype(T)) where {T, S} buf = source isa AbstractString ? codeunits(source) : source if T === Number || supportedtype(T) return _xparse2(conf, buf, pos, len, options, S) else # generic fallback calls Base.tryparse res = _xparse2(DefaultConf{String}(), source, pos, len, options) code = res.code pl = res.val if !Parsers.invalid(code) && !Parsers.sentinel(code) str = getstring(source, pl, options.e) x = Base.tryparse(T, str) if x === nothing return Result{S}(code | INVALID, res.tlen) else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen, x) end else return Result{S}(code, res.tlen) end end end function checkdelim!(source::AbstractVector{UInt8}, pos, len, options::Options) eof(source, pos, len) && return pos delim = options.delim b = peekbyte(source, pos) if !options.flags.ignorerepeated # we're checking for a single appearance of a delimiter match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) else # keep parsing as long as we keep matching delim while true match, pos = checktoken(source, pos, len, b, delim) (match && !eof(source, pos, len)) || break b = peekbyte(source, pos) end end return pos end @inline function _has_groupmark(opts::Options, code::ReturnCode) if opts.groupmark !== nothing isquoted = (code & QUOTED) != 0 if isquoted || (opts.groupmark != opts.delim) return true end end return false end include("ints.jl") include("floats.jl") include("strings.jl") include("bools.jl") include("dates.jl") include("hexadecimal.jl") function __init__() nt = isdefined(Base.Threads, :maxthreadid) ? Threads.maxthreadid() : Threads.nthreads() resize!(empty!(BIGINT), nt) resize!(empty!(BIGFLOATS), nt) return end include("precompile.jl") end # module