import ExpressionExplorer import Markdown "Generate a file name to be given to the parser (will show up in stack traces)." pluto_filename(notebook::Notebook, cell::Cell)::String = notebook.path * "#==#" * string(cell.cell_id) "Is Julia new enough to support filenames in parsing?" const can_insert_filename = (Base.parse_input_line("1;2") != Base.parse_input_line("1\n2")) """ Parse the code from `cell.code` into a Julia expression (`Expr`). Equivalent to `Meta.parse_input_line` in Julia v1.3, no matter the actual Julia version. 1. Turn multiple expressions into an error expression. 2. Fix some `LineNumberNode` idiosyncrasies to be more like modern Julia. 3. Will always produce an expression of the form: `Expr(:toplevel, LineNumberNode(..), root)`. It gets transformed (i.e. wrapped) into this form if needed. A `LineNumberNode` contains a line number and a file name. We use the cell UUID as a 'file name', which makes the stack traces easier to interpret. (Otherwise it would be impossible to tell from which cell a stack frame originates.) Not all Julia versions insert these `LineNumberNode`s, so we insert it ourselves if Julia doesn't. 4. Apply `preprocess_expr` (below) to `root` (from rule 2). """ function parse_custom(notebook::Notebook, cell::Cell)::Expr # 1. raw = if can_insert_filename filename = pluto_filename(notebook, cell) ex = Base.parse_input_line(cell.code, filename=filename) if Meta.isexpr(ex, :toplevel) # if there is more than one expression: if count(a -> !(a isa LineNumberNode), ex.args) > 1 Expr(:error, "extra token after end of expression\n\nBoundaries: $(expression_boundaries(cell.code))") else ex end else ex end else # Meta.parse returns the "extra token..." like we want, but also in cases like "\n\nx = 1\n# comment", so we need to do the multiple expressions check ourselves after all parsed1, next_ind1 = Meta.parse(cell.code, 1, raise=false) parsed2, next_ind2 = Meta.parse(cell.code, next_ind1, raise=false) if parsed2 === nothing # only whitespace or comments after the first expression parsed1 else Expr(:error, "extra token after end of expression\n\nBoundaries: $(expression_boundaries(cell.code))") end end # 2. filename = pluto_filename(notebook, cell) if !can_insert_filename fix_linenumbernodes!(raw, filename) end # 3. topleveled = if ExpressionExplorer.is_toplevel_expr(raw) raw else Expr(:toplevel, LineNumberNode(1, Symbol(filename)), raw) end # 4. Expr(topleveled.head, topleveled.args[1], preprocess_expr(topleveled.args[2])) end "Old Julia versions insert some `LineNumberNode`s with `:none` as filename, which are useless and break stack traces, so we replace those." function fix_linenumbernodes!(ex::Expr, actual_filename) for (i, a) in enumerate(ex.args) if a isa Expr fix_linenumbernodes!(a, actual_filename) elseif a isa LineNumberNode if a.file === nothing || a.file == :none ex.args[i] = LineNumberNode(a.line, Symbol(actual_filename)) end end end end fix_linenumbernodes!(::Any, actual_filename) = nothing """Get the list of string indices that denote expression boundaries. # Examples `expression_boundaries("sqrt(1)") == [ncodeunits("sqrt(1)") + 1]` `expression_boundaries("sqrt(1)\n\n123") == [ncodeunits("sqrt(1)\n\n") + 1, ncodeunits("sqrt(1)\n\n123") + 1]` """ function expression_boundaries(code::String, start=1)::Vector{<:Integer} expr, next = Meta.parse(code, start, raise=false) if next <= ncodeunits(code) [next, expression_boundaries(code, next)...] else [next] end end """ Make some small adjustments to the `expr` to make it work nicely inside a timed, wrapped expression: 1. If `expr` is a `:toplevel` expression (this is the case iff the expression is a combination of expressions using semicolons, like `a = 1; b` or `123;`), then it gets turned into a `:block` expression. The reason for this transformation is that `:toplevel` does not return/relay the output of its last argument, unlike `begin`, `let`, `if`, etc. (But we want it!) 2. If `expr` is a `:module` expression, wrap it in a `:toplevel` block - module creation needs to be at toplevel. Rule 1. is not applied. 3. If `expr` is a `:(=)` expression with a curly assignment, wrap it in a `:const` to allow execution - see 4. If `expr` failed to parse, it has head in (:incomplete, :error) and is replaced with a call to PlutoRunner.throw_syntax_error which will render diagnostics in a frontend compatible manner (Pluto.jl#2526). """ function preprocess_expr(expr::Expr) if expr.head === :toplevel Expr(:block, expr.args...) elseif expr.head === :module Expr(:toplevel, expr) elseif expr.head === :(=) && (expr.args[1] isa Expr && expr.args[1].head == :curly) Expr(:const, expr) elseif expr.head === :incomplete || expr.head === :error Expr(:call, :(PlutoRunner.throw_syntax_error), expr.args...) else expr end end # for expressions that are just values, like :(1) or :(x) preprocess_expr(val::Any) = val function updated_topology(old_topology::NotebookTopology{Cell}, notebook::Notebook, updated_cells) get_code_str(cell::Cell) = cell.code get_code_expr(cell::Cell) = parse_custom(notebook, cell) PlutoDependencyExplorer.updated_topology( old_topology, notebook.cells, updated_cells; get_code_str, get_code_expr, get_cell_disabled=is_disabled, ) end