import UUIDs: UUID, uuid1 const METADATA_DISABLED_KEY = "disabled" const METADATA_SHOW_LOGS_KEY = "show_logs" const METADATA_SKIP_AS_SCRIPT_KEY = "skip_as_script" # Make sure to keep this in sync with DEFAULT_CELL_METADATA in ../frontend/components/Editor.js const DEFAULT_CELL_METADATA = Dict{String, Any}( METADATA_DISABLED_KEY => false, METADATA_SHOW_LOGS_KEY => true, METADATA_SKIP_AS_SCRIPT_KEY => false, ) Base.@kwdef struct CellOutput body::Union{Nothing,String,Vector{UInt8},Dict}=nothing mime::MIME=MIME("text/plain") rootassignee::Union{Symbol,Nothing}=nothing "Time that the last output was created, used only on the frontend to rerender the output" last_run_timestamp::Float64=0 "Whether `this` inside `