import HTTP """Pluto Events interface Use this interface to hook up functionality into the Pluto world. Events are guaranteed to be run at least every time something interesting happens, but keep in mind that Pluto may be run the events multiple times "logically". For instance, the FileSaveEvent may be triggered whenever pluto wants to make sure the file is saved, which may be more often than the file is actually changed. Deduplicate on your own if you care about this. Define your function to handle the events using multiple dispatch: First assign a handler for all the types you will not use, using the supertype: ```julia-repl julia> function myfn(a::PlutoEvent) nothing end ``` And then create a special function for each event you want to handle specially ```julia-repl julia> function myfn(a::FileSaveEvent)"") end ``` Finally, pass the listener to Pluto's configurations with a keyword argument ```julia-repl julia>; on_event = myfn) ``` """ abstract type PlutoEvent end function try_event_call(session, event::PlutoEvent) return try session.options.server.on_event(event) catch e # Do not print all the event; it's too big! @warn "Couldn't run event listener" event_type=typeof(event) exception=(e, catch_backtrace()) nothing end end # Triggered when the web server gets started struct ServerStartEvent <: PlutoEvent address::String port::UInt16 end # Triggered when a notebook is saved struct FileSaveEvent <: PlutoEvent notebook::Notebook file_contents::String path::String end FileSaveEvent(notebook::Notebook) = begin file_contents = sprint() do io save_notebook(io, notebook) end FileSaveEvent(notebook, file_contents, notebook.path) end # Triggered when the local code has changed (user typed something), # but the code hasn't run yet. struct FileEditEvent <: PlutoEvent notebook::Notebook file_contents::String path::String end FileEditEvent(notebook::Notebook) = begin file_contents = sprint() do io # TODO: serialize_temp flag # to only get local changes; the workspace edit of the notebook! save_notebook(io, notebook #=; serialize_temp=true =#) end FileEditEvent(notebook, file_contents, notebook.path) end # Triggered when we create a new notebook struct NewNotebookEvent <: PlutoEvent end # Triggered when we open any notebook struct OpenNotebookEvent <: PlutoEvent notebook::Notebook end # Triggered when Pluto completes an evaluation loop struct NotebookExecutionDoneEvent <: PlutoEvent notebook::Notebook user_requested_run::Bool end # This will be fired ONLY if URL params don't match anything else. # Useful if you want to create a file in a custom way, # before opening the notebook # Should return a redirect to /edit?id={notebook_id} # Note: use - try_launch_notebook_response will return a fitting response. struct CustomLaunchEvent <: PlutoEvent params::Dict{Any, Any} request::HTTP.Request try_launch_notebook_response::Function end # Triggered when a notebook has shut down. struct ShutdownNotebookEvent <: PlutoEvent notebook::Notebook end