const _notebook_header = "### A Pluto.jl notebook ###" const _notebook_metadata_prefix = "#> " # We use a creative delimiter to avoid accidental use in code # so don't get inspired to suddenly use these in your code! const _cell_id_delimiter = "# ╔═╡ " const _cell_metadata_prefix = "# ╠═╡ " const _order_delimiter = "# ╠═" const _order_delimiter_folded = "# ╟─" const _cell_suffix = "\n\n" const _disabled_prefix = "#=╠═╡\n" const _disabled_suffix = "\n ╠═╡ =#" const _ptoml_cell_id = UUID(1) const _mtoml_cell_id = UUID(2) ### # SAVING ### """ Save the notebook to `io`, `file` or to `notebook.path`. In the produced file, cells are not saved in the notebook order. If `notebook.topology` is up-to-date, I will save cells in _topological order_. This guarantees that you can run the notebook file outside of Pluto, with `julia my_notebook.jl`. Have a look at our [JuliaCon 2020 presentation]( to learn more! """ function save_notebook(io::IO, notebook::Notebook) println(io, _notebook_header) println(io, "# ", PLUTO_VERSION_STR) # Notebook metadata let nb_metadata_toml = strip(sprint(TOML.print, get_metadata_no_default(notebook))) if !isempty(nb_metadata_toml) println(io) for line in split(nb_metadata_toml, "\n") println(io, _notebook_metadata_prefix, line) end end end # Anything between the version string and the first UUID delimiter will be ignored by the notebook loader. println(io, "") println(io, "using Markdown") println(io, "using InteractiveUtils") # Super Advanced Code Analysis™ to add the @bind macro to the saved file if it's used somewhere. if any(!must_be_commented_in_file(c) && occursin("@bind", c.code) for c in notebook.cells) println(io, "") println(io, "# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).") println(io, PlutoRunner.fake_bind) end println(io) cells_ordered = collect(topological_order(notebook)) # NOTE: the notebook topological is cached on every update_dependency! call # .... so it is possible that a cell was added/removed since this last update. # .... in this case, it will not contain that cell since it is build from its # .... store notebook topology. therefore, we compute an updated topological # .... order in this unlikely case. if length(cells_ordered) != length(notebook.cells_dict) cells = notebook.cells updated_topo = updated_topology(notebook.topology, notebook, cells) cells_ordered = collect(topological_order(updated_topo, cells)) end for c in cells_ordered println(io, _cell_id_delimiter, string(c.cell_id)) let metadata_toml = strip(sprint(TOML.print, get_metadata_no_default(c))) if metadata_toml != "" for line in split(metadata_toml, "\n") println(io, _cell_metadata_prefix, line) end end end if must_be_commented_in_file(c) print(io, _disabled_prefix) print(io, replace(c.code, _cell_id_delimiter => "# ")) print(io, _disabled_suffix) print(io, _cell_suffix) else # write the cell code and prevent collisions with the cell delimiter print(io, replace(c.code, _cell_id_delimiter => "# ")) print(io, _cell_suffix) end end using_plutopkg = notebook.nbpkg_ctx !== nothing write_package = if using_plutopkg ptoml_contents = PkgCompat.read_project_file(notebook) mtoml_contents = PkgCompat.read_manifest_file(notebook) !isempty(strip(ptoml_contents)) else false end if write_package println(io, _cell_id_delimiter, string(_ptoml_cell_id)) print(io, "PLUTO_PROJECT_TOML_CONTENTS = \"\"\"\n") write(io, ptoml_contents) print(io, "\"\"\"") print(io, _cell_suffix) println(io, _cell_id_delimiter, string(_mtoml_cell_id)) print(io, "PLUTO_MANIFEST_TOML_CONTENTS = \"\"\"\n") write(io, mtoml_contents) print(io, "\"\"\"") print(io, _cell_suffix) end println(io, _cell_id_delimiter, "Cell order:") for c in notebook.cells delim = c.code_folded ? _order_delimiter_folded : _order_delimiter println(io, delim, string(c.cell_id)) end if write_package println(io, _order_delimiter_folded, string(_ptoml_cell_id)) println(io, _order_delimiter_folded, string(_mtoml_cell_id)) end notebook end # UTILS function write_buffered(fn::Function, path) file_content = sprint(fn) write(path, file_content) end function save_notebook(notebook::Notebook, path::String) # @warn "Saving to file!!" exception=(ErrorException(""), backtrace()) notebook.last_save_time = time() Status.report_business!(notebook.status_tree, :saving) do write_buffered(path) do io save_notebook(io, notebook) end end end save_notebook(notebook::Notebook) = save_notebook(notebook, notebook.path) ### # LOADING ### function _notebook_metadata!(@nospecialize(io::IO)) firstline = String(readline(io))::String if firstline != _notebook_header error( if occursin(" "\n") # remove the disabled on startup comments for further processing in Julia code_normalised = replace(replace(code_normalised, _disabled_prefix => ""), _disabled_suffix => "") # remove the cell suffix code = code_normalised[1:prevind(code_normalised, end, length(_cell_suffix))] # parse metadata metadata = try create_cell_metadata(TOML.parse(join(metadata_toml_lines, "\n"))) catch @error "Failed to parse embedded TOML content" cell_id exception=(e, catch_backtrace()) DEFAULT_CELL_METADATA end read_cell = Cell(; cell_id, code, metadata) collected_cells[cell_id] = read_cell end end return collected_cells end function _notebook_cell_order!(@nospecialize(io::IO), collected_cells) cell_order = UUID[] while !eof(io) cell_id_str = String(readline(io)) if length(cell_id_str) >= 36 && (startswith(cell_id_str, _order_delimiter_folded) || startswith(cell_id_str, _order_delimiter)) cell_id = let UUID(cell_id_str[end - 35:end]) end next_cell = get(collected_cells, cell_id, nothing) if next_cell !== nothing next_cell.code_folded = startswith(cell_id_str, _order_delimiter_folded) end push!(cell_order, cell_id) else break end end return cell_order end function _notebook_nbpkg_ctx(cell_order::Vector{UUID}, collected_cells::Dict{Base.UUID, Cell}) read_package = _ptoml_cell_id ∈ cell_order && _mtoml_cell_id ∈ cell_order && haskey(collected_cells, _ptoml_cell_id) && haskey(collected_cells, _mtoml_cell_id) nbpkg_ctx = if read_package ptoml_code = string(collected_cells[_ptoml_cell_id].code)::String mtoml_code = string(collected_cells[_mtoml_cell_id].code)::String ptoml_contents = lstrip(split(ptoml_code, "\"\"\"")[2]) mtoml_contents = lstrip(split(mtoml_code, "\"\"\"")[2]) env_dir = mktempdir() write(joinpath(env_dir, "Project.toml"), ptoml_contents) write(joinpath(env_dir, "Manifest.toml"), mtoml_contents) try PkgCompat.load_ctx(env_dir) catch e @error "Failed to load notebook files: Project.toml+Manifest.toml parse error. Trying to recover Project.toml without Manifest.toml..." exception=(e,catch_backtrace()) try rm(joinpath(env_dir, "Manifest.toml")) PkgCompat.load_ctx(env_dir) catch e @error "Failed to load notebook files: Project.toml parse error." exception=(e,catch_backtrace()) PkgCompat.create_empty_ctx() end end else PkgCompat.create_empty_ctx() end return nbpkg_ctx end function _notebook_appeared_order!(cell_order::Vector{UUID}, collected_cells::Dict{Base.UUID, Cell}) setdiff!( union!( # don't include cells that only appear in the order, but no code was given intersect!(cell_order, keys(collected_cells)), # add cells that appeared in code, but not in the order. keys(collected_cells) ), # remove Pkg cells (_ptoml_cell_id, _mtoml_cell_id) ) end "Load a notebook without saving it or creating a backup; returns a `Notebook`. REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE NOTEBOOK PATH after loading it to prevent it from autosaving and overwriting the original file." function load_notebook_nobackup(@nospecialize(io::IO), @nospecialize(path::AbstractString))::Notebook notebook_metadata = _notebook_metadata!(io) collected_cells = _notebook_collected_cells!(io) cell_order = _notebook_cell_order!(io, collected_cells) nbpkg_ctx = _notebook_nbpkg_ctx(cell_order, collected_cells) appeared_order = _notebook_appeared_order!(cell_order, collected_cells) appeared_cells_dict = filter(collected_cells) do (k, v) k ∈ appeared_order end Notebook(; cells_dict=appeared_cells_dict, cell_order=appeared_order, topology=_initial_topology(appeared_cells_dict, appeared_order), path=path, nbpkg_ctx=nbpkg_ctx, nbpkg_installed_versions_cache=nbpkg_cache(nbpkg_ctx), metadata=notebook_metadata, ) end # UTILS function load_notebook_nobackup(path::String)::Notebook local loaded open(path, "r") do io loaded = load_notebook_nobackup(io, path) end loaded end # BACKUPS "Create a backup of the given file, load the file as a .jl Pluto notebook, save the loaded notebook, compare the two files, and delete the backup of the newly saved file is equal to the backup." function load_notebook(path::String; disable_writing_notebook_files::Bool=false)::Notebook backup_path = backup_filename(path) # local backup_num = 1 # backup_path = path # while isfile(backup_path) # backup_path = path * ".backup" * string(backup_num) # backup_num += 1 # end disable_writing_notebook_files || readwrite(path, backup_path) loaded = load_notebook_nobackup(path) # Analyze cells so that the initial save is in topological order loaded.topology = updated_topology(loaded.topology, loaded, loaded.cells) |> static_resolve_topology # We update cell dependency on skip_as_script and disabled to avoid removing block comments on the file. See update_disabled_cells_dependency!(loaded) update_skipped_cells_dependency!(loaded) update_dependency_cache!(loaded) disable_writing_notebook_files || save_notebook(loaded) loaded.topology = NotebookTopology{Cell}(; cell_order=ImmutableVector(loaded.cells)) disable_writing_notebook_files || if only_versions_or_lineorder_differ(path, backup_path) rm(backup_path) else @warn "Old Pluto notebook might not have loaded correctly. Backup saved to: " backup_path end loaded end _after_first_cell(lines) = lines[something(findfirst(startswith(_cell_id_delimiter), lines), 1):end] """ Check if two savefiles are identical, up to their version numbers and a possible line shuffle. If a notebook has not yet had all of its cells analysed, we can't deduce the topological cell order. (but can we ever??) (no) """ function only_versions_or_lineorder_differ(pathA::AbstractString, pathB::AbstractString)::Bool Set(readlines(pathA) |> _after_first_cell) == Set(readlines(pathB) |> _after_first_cell) end function only_versions_differ(pathA::AbstractString, pathB::AbstractString)::Bool readlines(pathA) |> _after_first_cell == readlines(pathB) |> _after_first_cell end "Set `notebook.path` to the new value, save the notebook, verify file integrity, and if all OK, delete the old savefile. Normalizes the given path to make it absolute. Moving is always hard. 😢" function move_notebook!(notebook::Notebook, newpath::String; disable_writing_notebook_files::Bool=false) # Will throw exception and return if anything goes wrong, so at least one file is guaranteed to exist. oldpath_tame = tamepath(notebook.path) newpath_tame = tamepath(newpath) if !disable_writing_notebook_files save_notebook(notebook, oldpath_tame) save_notebook(notebook, newpath_tame) # @assert that the new file looks alright @assert only_versions_differ(oldpath_tame, newpath_tame) notebook.path = newpath_tame if oldpath_tame != newpath_tame rm(oldpath_tame) end else notebook.path = newpath_tame end if isdir("$oldpath_tame.assets") mv("$oldpath_tame.assets", "$newpath_tame.assets") end notebook end