using HTTP using Test using Pluto using Pluto: ServerSession, ClientSession, SessionActions using Pluto.Configuration using Pluto.Configuration: notebook_path_suggestion, from_flat_kwargs, _convert_to_flags using Pluto.WorkspaceManager: poll import URIs @testset "Configurations" begin cd(Pluto.project_relative_path("test")) do @test notebook_path_suggestion() == joinpath(pwd(), "") end @testset "from_flat_kwargs" begin opt = from_flat_kwargs(; compile="min", launch_browser=false) @test opt.compiler.compile == "min" @test opt.server.launch_browser == false @test_throws MethodError from_flat_kwargs(; asdfasdf="test") structs_kwargs = let structs = [ Pluto.Configuration.ServerOptions, Pluto.Configuration.SecurityOptions, Pluto.Configuration.EvaluationOptions, Pluto.Configuration.CompilerOptions ] sets = [collect(fieldnames(s)) for s in structs] vcat(sets...)::Vector{Symbol} end from_flat_kwargs_kwargs = let method = only(methods(Pluto.Configuration.from_flat_kwargs)) syms = method.slot_syms names = split(syms, "\0")[2:end-1] Symbol.(names)::Vector{Symbol} end # Verify that all struct fields can be set via `from_flat_kwargs`. # Also verifies ordering to improve code readability. @test structs_kwargs == from_flat_kwargs_kwargs end @testset "flag conversion" begin reference_flags = ["--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no", "--threads=123"] @test _convert_to_flags(Configuration.CompilerOptions(threads="123")) == reference_flags @test _convert_to_flags(Configuration.CompilerOptions(threads=123)) == reference_flags @test _convert_to_flags(Configuration.CompilerOptions()) ⊇ ["--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no"] @test _convert_to_flags(Configuration.CompilerOptions(compile="min")) ⊇ ["--compile=min", "--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no"] end @testset "Authentication" begin basic_nb_path = Pluto.project_relative_path("sample", "Basic.jl") port = 23832 options = Pluto.Configuration.from_flat_kwargs(; port, launch_browser=false, workspace_use_distributed=false) 🍭 = Pluto.ServerSession(; options) host = 🍭 secret = 🍭.secret println("Launching test server...") server =!(🍭) local_url(suffix) = "http://$host:$port/$suffix" withsecret(url) = occursin('?', url) ? "$url&secret=$secret" : "$url?secret=$secret" function request(url, method; kwargs...) HTTP.request(method, url, nothing, method == "POST" ? read(basic_nb_path) : UInt8[]; status_exception=false, redirect=false, cookies=false, kwargs...) end function shares_secret(response) any(occursin(secret, y) for (x,y) in response.headers) end public_routes = [ ("favicon.ico", "GET"), ("possible_binder_token_please", "GET"), ("index.css", "GET"), ("index.js", "GET"), ("img/favicon-32x32.png", "GET"), ] broken_routes = [ ("../tsconfig.json", "GET"), ("/img/", "GET"), ("open.png?url=$(URIs.escapeuri(""))", "GET"), ] for (suffix, method) in public_routes url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method) @test r.status == 200 @test !shares_secret(r) end for (suffix, method) in broken_routes url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method) @test r.status ∈ 400:499 @test !shares_secret(r) end notebook =🍭, basic_nb_path; as_sample=true) simple_routes = [ ("", "GET"), ("edit?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)", "GET"), ("editor.html", "GET"), ("notebookfile?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)", "GET"), ("notebookexport?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)", "GET"), ("statefile?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)", "GET"), ] function tempcopy(x) p = tempname() Pluto.readwrite(x, p) p end @assert isfile(basic_nb_path) effect_routes = [ ("new", "GET"), ("new", "POST"), ("open?url=$(URIs.escapeuri(""))", "GET"), ("open?url=$(URIs.escapeuri(""))&execution_allowed=asdf", "GET"), ("open?url=$(URIs.escapeuri(""))", "POST"), ("open?path=$(URIs.escapeuri(basic_nb_path |> tempcopy))", "GET"), ("open?path=$(URIs.escapeuri(basic_nb_path |> tempcopy))", "POST"), ("sample/Basic.jl", "GET"), ("sample/Basic.jl", "POST"), ("notebookupload", "POST"), ("notebookupload?execution_allowed=asdf", "POST"), ] @testset "simple & effect w/o auth $suffix $method" for (suffix, method) in simple_routes ∪ effect_routes url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method) @test r.status == 403 @test !shares_secret(r) end # no notebooks were opened @test length(🍭.notebooks) == 1 @testset "require secret only for open links" begin @test !shares_secret(request(local_url(""), "GET")) jar = HTTP.Cookies.CookieJar() # Let's test the config # require_secret_for_access = false # require_secret_for_open_links = true 🍭 = false # Effectful paths should not work without a secret. @testset "simple & effect w/o auth 1 $suffix $method" for (suffix, method) in effect_routes url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method; cookies=true, jar) @test r.status == 403 @test !shares_secret(r) end # With this config, the / path should work and share the secret, even when requested without a secret. r = request(local_url(""), "GET"; cookies=true, jar) @test r.status == 200 @test shares_secret(r) # Now, the other effectful paths should work bc of the secret. @testset "simple w/o auth 2 $suffix $method" for (suffix, method) in simple_routes url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method; cookies=true, jar) @test r.status ∈ 200:299 # 2xx is OK @test shares_secret(r) end 🍭 = true end jar = HTTP.Cookies.CookieJar() @test shares_secret(request(local_url("") |> withsecret, "GET"; cookies=true, jar)) @testset "simple w/ auth $suffix $method" for (suffix, method) in simple_routes # should work because of cookie url = local_url(suffix) r = request(url, method; cookies=true, jar) @test r.status ∈ 200:299 # 2xx is OK @test shares_secret(r) # see reasoning in of # Without cookies, but with secret in URL r = request(url |> withsecret, method) @test r.status ∈ 200:299 # 2xx is OK @test shares_secret(r) end @testset "effect w/ auth $suffix $method" for (suffix, method) in effect_routes old_ids = collect(keys(🍭.notebooks)) url = local_url(suffix) |> withsecret r = request(url, method) @test r.status ∈ 200:399 # 3xx are redirects @test shares_secret(r) # see reasoning in of new_ids = collect(keys(🍭.notebooks)) notebook = 🍭.notebooks[only(setdiff(new_ids, old_ids))] if any(x -> occursin(x, suffix), ["new", "execution_allowed", "sample/Basic.jl"]) @test Pluto.will_run_code(notebook) @test Pluto.will_run_pkg(notebook) else @test !Pluto.will_run_code(notebook) @test !Pluto.will_run_pkg(notebook) @test notebook.process_status === Pluto.ProcessStatus.waiting_for_permission end end close(server) end @testset "disable mimetype via workspace_custom_startup_expr" begin 🍭 = ServerSession() 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = true 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_custom_startup_expr = """ 1 + 1 PlutoRunner.is_mime_enabled(m::MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object") = false """ notebook = Pluto.Notebook([ Pluto.Cell("x = [1, 2]") Pluto.Cell("struct Foo; x; end") Pluto.Cell("Foo(x)") ]) Pluto.update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1].output.body == repr(MIME"text/plain"(), [1,2]) @test notebook.cells[1].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" @test notebook.cells[3].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" cleanup(🍭, notebook) end end