const ObjectID = typeof(objectid("hello computer")) function, s::SymbolsState) print(io, "SymbolsState([") join(io, s.references, ", ") print(io, "], [") join(io, s.assignments, ", ") print(io, "], [") join(io, s.funccalls, ", ") print(io, "], [") if isempty(s.funcdefs) print(io, "]") else println(io) for (k, v) in s.funcdefs print(io, " ", k, ": ", v) println(io) end print(io, "]") end if !isempty(s.macrocalls) print(io, "], [") print(io, s.macrocalls) print(io, "])") else print(io, ")") end end "Calls `ExpressionExplorer.compute_symbolreferences` on the given `expr` and test the found SymbolsState against a given one, with convient syntax. # Example ```jldoctest julia> @test testee(:( begin a = b + 1 f(x) = x / z end), [:b, :+], # 1st: expected references [:a, :f], # 2nd: expected definitions [:+], # 3rd: expected function calls [ :f => ([:z, :/], [], [:/], []) ]) # 4th: expected function definitions, with inner symstate using the same syntax true ``` " function testee(expr::Any, expected_references, expected_definitions, expected_funccalls, expected_funcdefs, expected_macrocalls = []; verbose::Bool=true, transformer::Function=identify) expected = easy_symstate(expected_references, expected_definitions, expected_funccalls, expected_funcdefs, expected_macrocalls) expr_transformed = transformer(expr) original_hash = expr_hash(expr_transformed) result = ExpressionExplorer.compute_symbolreferences(expr_transformed) # should not throw: ReactiveNode(result) new_hash = expr_hash(expr_transformed) if original_hash != new_hash error("\n== The expression explorer modified the expression. Don't do that! ==\n") end # Anonymous function are given a random name, which looks like __ExprExpl_anon__67387237861123 # To make testing easier, we rename all such functions to anon new_name(fn::FunctionName) = FunctionName(map(new_name, new_name(sym::Symbol) = startswith(string(sym), "__ExprExpl_anon__") ? :anon : sym result.assignments = Set(new_name.(result.assignments)) result.funcdefs = let newfuncdefs = Dict{FunctionNameSignaturePair,SymbolsState}() for (k, v) in result.funcdefs union!(newfuncdefs, Dict(FunctionNameSignaturePair(new_name(, hash("hello")) => v)) end newfuncdefs end if verbose && expected != result println() println("FAILED TEST") println(expr) println() dump(expr, maxdepth=20) println() dump(expr_transformed, maxdepth=20) println() @show expected resulted = result @show resulted println() end return expected == result end expr_hash(e::Expr) = objectid(e.head) + mapreduce(p -> objectid((p[1], expr_hash(p[2]))), +, enumerate(e.args); init=zero(ObjectID)) expr_hash(x) = objectid(x) function easy_symstate(expected_references, expected_definitions, expected_funccalls, expected_funcdefs, expected_macrocalls = []) array_to_set(array) = map(array) do k new_k = FunctionName(k) return new_k end |> Set new_expected_funccalls = array_to_set(expected_funccalls) new_expected_funcdefs = map(expected_funcdefs) do (k, v) new_k = FunctionName(k) new_v = v isa SymbolsState ? v : easy_symstate(v...) return FunctionNameSignaturePair(new_k, hash("hello")) => new_v end |> Dict new_expected_macrocalls = array_to_set(expected_macrocalls) SymbolsState(Set(expected_references), Set(expected_definitions), new_expected_funccalls, new_expected_funcdefs, new_expected_macrocalls) end t(args...; kwargs...) = testee(args...; transformer=Pluto.ExpressionExplorerExtras.pretransform_pluto, kwargs...) """ Like `t` but actually a convenient syntax """ function test_expression_explorer(; expr, references=[], definitions=[], funccalls=[], funcdefs=[], macrocalls=[], kwargs...) t(expr, references, definitions, funccalls, funcdefs, macrocalls; kwargs...) end @testset "Macros w/ Pluto 1" begin # Macros tests are not just in ExpressionExplorer now @test t(:(@time a = 2), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@time")]) @test t(:(@f(x; y=z)), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@f")]) @test t(:(@f(x, y = z)), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@f")]) # @test t(:(Base.@time a = 2), [], [], [], [], [[:Base, Symbol("@time")]]) # @test_nowarn t(:(@enum a b = d c), [:d], [:a, :b, :c], [Symbol("@enum")], []) # @enum is tested in test/React.jl instead @test t(:(@gensym a b c), [], [:a, :b, :c], [:gensym], [], [Symbol("@gensym")]) @test t(:(Base.@gensym a b c), [], [:a, :b, :c], [:gensym], [], [[:Base, Symbol("@gensym")]]) @test t(:(Base.@kwdef struct A; x = 1; y::Int = two; z end), [], [], [], [], [[:Base, Symbol("@kwdef")]]) # @test t(quote "asdf" f(x) = x end, [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@doc")]) # @test t(:(@bind a b), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@bind")]) # @test t(:(PlutoRunner.@bind a b), [], [], [], [], [[:PlutoRunner, Symbol("@bind")]]) # @test_broken t(:(Main.PlutoRunner.@bind a b), [:b], [:a], [[:Base, :get], [:Core, :applicable], [:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:PlutoRunner, Symbol("@bind")]], [], verbose=false) # @test t(:(let @bind a b end), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@bind")]) @test t(:(`hey $(a = 1) $(b)`), [:b], [], [:cmd_gen], [], [Symbol("@cmd")]) # @test t(:(md"hey $(@bind a b) $(a)"), [:a], [], [[:getindex]], [], [Symbol("@md_str"), Symbol("@bind")]) # @test t(:(md"hey $(a) $(@bind a b)"), [:a], [], [[:getindex]], [], [Symbol("@md_str"), Symbol("@bind")]) @test t(:(@asdf a = x1 b = x2 c = x3), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@asdf")]) # @test t(:(@aa @bb xxx), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@bb")]) @test t(:(@aa @bb(xxx) @cc(yyy)), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@bb"), Symbol("@cc")]) @test t(:(Pkg.activate()), [:Pkg], [], [[:Pkg,:activate]], [], []) @test t(:(@aa(Pkg.activate())), [:Pkg], [], [[:Pkg,:activate]], [], [Symbol("@aa")]) @test t(:(@aa @bb(Pkg.activate())), [:Pkg], [], [[:Pkg,:activate]], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@bb")]) @test t(:(@aa @assert @bb(Pkg.activate())), [:Pkg], [], [[:Pkg,:activate], [:throw], [:AssertionError]], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@assert"), Symbol("@bb")]) @test t(:(@aa @bb(Xxx.xxxxxxxx())), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@bb")]) @test t(:(include()), [], [], [[:include]], [], []) @test t(:(:(include())), [], [], [], [], []) @test t(:(:($(include()))), [], [], [[:include]], [], []) @test t(:(@xx include()), [], [], [[:include]], [], [Symbol("@xx")]) @test t(quote module A include() Pkg.activate() @xoxo asdf end end, [], [:A], [], [], []) @test t(:(@aa @bb(using Zozo)), [], [:Zozo], [], [], [Symbol("@aa"), Symbol("@bb")]) @test t(:(@aa(using Zozo)), [], [:Zozo], [], [], [Symbol("@aa")]) @test t(:(using Zozo), [], [:Zozo], [], [], []) e = :(using Zozo) @test ExpressionExplorer.compute_usings_imports( e ).usings == [e] @test ExpressionExplorer.compute_usings_imports( :(@aa @bb($e)) ).usings == [e] @test t(:(@einsum a[i,j] := x[i]*y[j]), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@einsum")]) @test t(:(@tullio a := f(x)[i+2j, k[j]] init=z), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@tullio")]) @test t(:(Pack.@asdf a[1,k[j]] := log(x[i]/y[j])), [], [], [], [], [[:Pack, Symbol("@asdf")]]) @test t(:(html"a $(b = c)"), [], [], [], [], [Symbol("@html_str")]) @test t(:(md"a $(b = c) $(b)"), [:c], [:b], [:getindex], [], [Symbol("@md_str")]) @test t(:(md"\* $r"), [:r], [], [:getindex], [], [Symbol("@md_str")]) @test t(:(md"a \$(b = c)"), [], [], [:getindex], [], [Symbol("@md_str")]) @test t(:(macro a() end), [], [], [], [ Symbol("@a") => ([], [], [], []) ]) @test t(:(macro a(b::Int); b end), [], [], [], [ Symbol("@a") => ([:Int], [], [], []) ]) @test t(:(macro a(b::Int=c) end), [], [], [], [ Symbol("@a") => ([:Int, :c], [], [], []) ]) @test t(:(macro a(); b = c; return b end), [], [], [], [ Symbol("@a") => ([:c], [], [], []) ]) @test test_expression_explorer(; expr=:(@parent @child 10), macrocalls=[Symbol("@parent"), Symbol("@child")], ) @test test_expression_explorer(; expr=:(@parent begin @child 1 + @grandchild 10 end), macrocalls=[Symbol("@parent"), Symbol("@child"), Symbol("@grandchild")], ) @test t(macroexpand(Main, :(@noinline f(x) = x)), [], [], [], [ Symbol("f") => ([], [], [], []) ]) end @testset "Macros w/ Pluto 2" begin @test t(:(@bind a b), [:b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:Core, :applicable], [:Base, :get]], [], [Symbol("@bind")]) @test t(:(PlutoRunner.@bind a b), [:b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:Core, :applicable], [:Base, :get]], [], [[:PlutoRunner, Symbol("@bind")]]) @test_broken t(:(Main.PlutoRunner.@bind a b), [:b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:Base, :get], [:Core, :applicable], [:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:PlutoRunner, Symbol("@bind")]], [], verbose=false) @test t(:(let @bind a b end), [:b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:Core, :applicable], [:Base, :get]], [], [Symbol("@bind")]) @test t(:(`hey $(a = 1) $(b)`), [:b], [], [:cmd_gen], [], [Symbol("@cmd")]) @test t(:(md"hey $(@bind a b) $(a)"), [:b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:Core, :applicable], [:Base, :get], :getindex], [], [Symbol("@md_str"), Symbol("@bind")]) @test t(:(md"hey $(a) $(@bind a b)"), [:a, :b, :PlutoRunner, :Base, :Core], [:a], [[:PlutoRunner, :create_bond], [:Core, :applicable], [:Base, :get], :getindex], [], [Symbol("@md_str"), Symbol("@bind")]) end