using Test import Pluto import Pluto: update_run!, WorkspaceManager, ClientSession, ServerSession, Notebook, Cell @testset "Rich output" begin 🍭 = ServerSession() 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = false @testset "Tree viewer" begin @testset "Basics" begin notebook = Notebook([ Cell("[1,1,[1]]"), Cell("Dict(:a => [:b, :c])"), Cell("[3, Dict()]"), Cell("[4,[3, Dict()]]"), Cell("[5, missing, 5]"), Cell("[]"), Cell("(7,7)"), Cell("(a=8,b=[8])"), Cell("Ref(9)"), Cell("Vector(undef, 10)"), Cell("struct Eleven x end"), Cell("Eleven(12)"), Cell("struct Amazing{T} x::T end"), Cell("Amazing(14)"), Cell("1:15"), Cell("""begin mutable struct A x; y end a = A(16, 0) a.y = (2, Dict(6 => a)) a end"""), Cell("Set([17:20,\"Wonderful\"])"), Cell("Set(0 : 0.1 : 18)"), Cell("rand(50,50)"), Cell("rand(500,500)"), Cell("[ rand(50,50) ]"), Cell("[ rand(500,500) ]"), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[2].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[3].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[4].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[5].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[6].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[7].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[8].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[9].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[10].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[1].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[2].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[3].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[4].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[5].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[6].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[7].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[8].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[9].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[10].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[12].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[12].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[14].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[14].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[15].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" @test notebook.cells[16].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[16].output.body isa Dict @test occursin("circular", notebook.cells[16].output.body |> string) @test notebook.cells[17].output.body isa Dict @test length(notebook.cells[17].output.body[:elements]) == 2 @test notebook.cells[17].output.body[:prefix] == "Set{Any}" @test notebook.cells[17].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test occursin("Set", notebook.cells[17].output.body |> string) @test notebook.cells[18].output.body isa Dict @test length(notebook.cells[18].output.body[:elements]) < 180 @test notebook.cells[18].output.body[:prefix] == "Set{Float64}" @test notebook.cells[18].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" sizes = [length(string(notebook.cells[i].output.body)) for i in 19:22] # without truncation, we would have sizes[2] ≈ sizes[1] * 10 * 10 # with truncation, their displayed sizes should be similar @test sizes[2] < sizes[1] * 1.5 @test sizes[4] < sizes[3] * 1.5 WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebook); verbose=false) end @testset "Overloaded" begin notebook = Notebook([ Cell("""begin struct A x end, ::MIME"image/png", x::Vector{A}) = print(io, "1") [A(1), A(1)] end"""), Cell("""begin struct B x end, ::MIME"text/html", x::B) = print(io, "2") B(2) end"""), Cell("""begin struct C x end, ::MIME"text/plain", x::C) = print(io, "3") C(3) end"""), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1].output.mime isa MIME"image/png" @test notebook.cells[1].output.body == codeunits("1") @test notebook.cells[2].output.mime isa MIME"text/html" @test notebook.cells[2].output.body == "2" @test notebook.cells[3].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" @test notebook.cells[3].output.body == "3" WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebook); verbose=false) end @testset "Special arrays" begin 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = true notebook = Notebook([ Cell("using OffsetArrays"), Cell("OffsetArray(zeros(3), 20:22)"), Cell(""" begin struct BadImplementation <: AbstractVector{Int64} end function, ::MIME"text/plain", b::BadImplementation) write(io, "fallback") end end """), Cell(""" begin struct OneTwoThree <: AbstractVector{Int64} end function, ::MIME"text/plain", b::OneTwoThree) write(io, "fallback") end Base.size(::OneTwoThree) = (3,) Base.getindex(::OneTwoThree, i) = 100 + i end """), Cell("BadImplementation()"), Cell("OneTwoThree()"), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[2].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" s = string(notebook.cells[2].output.body) @test occursin("OffsetArray", s) @test occursin("21", s) # once in the prefix, once as index @test count("22", s) >= 2 @test notebook.cells[5].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" @test notebook.cells[5].output.body == "fallback" @test notebook.cells[6].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" s = string(notebook.cells[6].output.body) @test occursin("OneTwoThree", s) @test occursin("101", s) @test occursin("102", s) @test occursin("103", s) cleanup(🍭, notebook) 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = false end @testset "Circular references" begin notebook = Notebook([ Cell("""let x = Any[1,2,3] push!(x,x) push!(x,[x]) push!(x,(a=x,)) push!(x,:b=>x) end"""), Cell("""let x = Set(Any[1,2,3]) push!(x,x) end"""), Cell("""let x = Dict{Any,Any}(1 => 2, 3 => 4) x[5] = (123, x) end"""), Cell("""let x = Ref{Any}(123) x[] = x end"""), Cell("""let x = Ref{Any}(123) x[] = (1,x) end"""), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[2] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[3] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[4] |> noerror end end @testset "embed_display" begin 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = false notebook = Notebook([ Cell("x = randn(10)"), Cell(raw"md\"x = $(embed_display(x))\"") ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[2] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[2].output.body isa String @test occursin("getPublishedObject", notebook.cells[2].output.body) end @testset "Table viewer" begin 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = true notebook = Notebook([ Cell("using DataFrames, Tables"), Cell("DataFrame()"), Cell("DataFrame(:a => [])"), Cell("DataFrame(:a => [1,2,3], :b => [999, 5, 6])"), Cell("DataFrame(rand(20,20), :auto)"), Cell("DataFrame(rand(2000,20), :auto)"), Cell("DataFrame(rand(20,2000), :auto)"), Cell("@view DataFrame(rand(100,3), :auto)[:, 2:2]"), Cell("@view DataFrame(rand(3,100), :auto)[2:2, :]"), Cell("DataFrame"), Cell("Tables.table(rand(11,11))"), Cell("Tables.table(rand(120,120))"), Cell("""DataFrame(:a => ["missing", missing])"""), # the next three are technically "tables" according to `Tables.istable`, but I don't want to use the Table viewer for them. Cell("""[Dict(Symbol("x\$i") => i for i in 1:140)]"""), Cell("""Dict( :a => [15,15], :b => [15,15] )"""), Cell("""[ (a=16, b=16,) (a=16, b=16,) ]"""), Cell("Union{}[]"), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) # @test notebook.cells[2].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" # @test notebook.cells[3].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[4].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[5].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[6].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[7].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[8].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[9].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[11].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[12].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.table+object" @test notebook.cells[14].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[15].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[16].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" @test notebook.cells[17].output.mime isa MIME"application/vnd.pluto.tree+object" # @test notebook.cells[2].output.body isa Dict # @test notebook.cells[3].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[4].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[5].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[6].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[7].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[8].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[9].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[11].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[12].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[14].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[15].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[16].output.body isa Dict @test notebook.cells[17].output.body isa Dict @test occursin("String?", string(notebook.cells[13].output.body)) # Issue 1490. @test notebook.cells[10].output.mime isa MIME"text/plain" @test notebook.cells[10] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[17] |> noerror # Issue 1815 # to see if we truncated correctly, we convert the output to string and check how big it is # because we don't want to test too specifically roughsize(x) = length(string(x)) smallsize = roughsize(notebook.cells[5]) manyrowssize = roughsize(notebook.cells[6]) manycolssize = roughsize(notebook.cells[7]) @test manyrowssize < 50 * smallsize @test manycolssize < 50 * smallsize # TODO: test lazy loading more rows/cols cleanup(🍭, notebook) 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = false end begin escape_me = "16 \\ \" ' / \b \f \n \r \t 💩 \x10 \$" notebook = Notebook([ Cell("a\\"), Cell("1 = 2"), Cell("b = 3.0\nb = 3"), Cell("\n# uhm\n\nc = 4\n\n# wowie \n\n"), Cell("d = 5;"), Cell("e = 6; f = 6"), Cell("g = 7; h = 7;"), Cell("\n\n0 + 8; 0 + 8;\n\n\n"), Cell("0 + 9; 9;\n\n\n"), Cell("0 + 10;\n10;"), Cell("0 + 11;\n11"), ]) @testset "Strange code" begin update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[1]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[2]) @test notebook.cells[1].errored == true @test notebook.cells[2].errored == true end @testset "Mutliple expressions & semicolon" begin update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[3:end]) @test occursinerror("syntax: extra token after", notebook.cells[3]) @test notebook.cells[4] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[4].output.body == "4" @test notebook.cells[4].output.rootassignee == :c @test notebook.cells[5] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[5].output.body == "" @test notebook.cells[5].output.rootassignee === nothing @test notebook.cells[6] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[6].output.body == "6" @test notebook.cells[6].output.rootassignee === nothing @test notebook.cells[7] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[7].output.body == "" @test notebook.cells[7].output.rootassignee === nothing @test notebook.cells[8] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[8].output.body == "" @test notebook.cells[9] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[9].output.body == "" @test occursinerror("syntax: extra token after", notebook.cells[10]) @test occursinerror("syntax: extra token after", notebook.cells[11]) end WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebook); verbose=false) end @testset "Stack traces" begin escape_me = "16 \\ \" ' / \b \f \n \r \t 💩 \x10 \$" codes = [ "sqrt(-1)", "let\n\nsqrt(-2)\nend", "\"Something very exciting!\"\nfunction w(x)\n\tsqrt(x)\nend", "w(-4)", "error(" * sprint(Base.print_quoted, escape_me) * ")", ] notebook1 = Notebook([ Cell(code) for (i, code) in enumerate(codes) ]) # create struct to disable the function-generating optimization notebook2 = Notebook([ Cell("struct S$(i) end; $code") for (i, code) in enumerate(codes) ]) @testset "$(wrapped ? "With" : "Without") function wrapping" for wrapped in [false, true] notebook = wrapped ? notebook1 : notebook2 @test_nowarn update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[1:5]) @test occursinerror("DomainError", notebook.cells[1]) let st = notebook.cells[1].output.body @test length(st[:stacktrace]) == 4 # check in REPL if Pluto.can_insert_filename @test st[:stacktrace][4][:line] == 1 @test occursin(notebook.cells[1].cell_id |> string, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) @test occursin(notebook.path |> basename, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) else @test_broken false end end @test occursinerror("DomainError", notebook.cells[2]) let st = notebook.cells[2].output.body @test length(st[:stacktrace]) == 4 if Pluto.can_insert_filename @test st[:stacktrace][4][:line] == 3 @test occursin(notebook.cells[2].cell_id |> string, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) @test occursin(notebook.path |> basename, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) else @test_broken false end end @test occursinerror("DomainError", notebook.cells[4]) let st = notebook.cells[4].output.body @test length(st[:stacktrace]) == 5 if Pluto.can_insert_filename @test st[:stacktrace][4][:line] == 3 @test occursin(notebook.cells[3].cell_id |> string, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) @test occursin(notebook.path |> basename, st[:stacktrace][4][:file]) @test st[:stacktrace][5][:line] == 1 @test occursin(notebook.cells[4].cell_id |> string, st[:stacktrace][5][:file]) @test occursin(notebook.path |> basename, st[:stacktrace][5][:file]) else @test_broken false end end let st = notebook.cells[5].output.body @test occursin(escape_me, st[:msg]) end WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebook); verbose=false) end end end