import Pluto:throttled @testset "Throttled" begin x = Ref(0) function f() x[] += 1 end f() # f was not throttled @test x[] == 1 dt = 4 / 100 ft, flush = throttled(f, dt) for x in 1:10 ft() end # we have an initial cooldown period in which f should not fire... # x is still 1... @test x[] == 1 sleep(2dt) # ...but after a delay, the call should go through. @test x[] == 2 # sleep(0) ## ASYNC MAGIC :( # at this point, the *initial* cooldown period is over # and the cooldown period for the first throttled calls is over for x in 1:10 ft() end # we want to send plots to the user as soon as they are available, # so no leading timeout @test x[] == 3 # the 2nd until 10th calls were still queued sleep(2dt) @test x[] == 4 for x in 1:5 ft() sleep(1.5dt) end @test x[] == 9 sleep(2dt) @test x[] == 9 ### # "call 1" ft() # no leading timeout, immediately set to 10 @test x[] == 10 sleep(.5dt) # "call 2" ft() # throttled @test x[] == 10 sleep(.7dt) # we waited 1.2dt > dt seconds since "call 1", which should have started the dt cooldown. "call 2" landed during that calldown, and should have triggered by now @test x[] == 11 sleep(2dt) @test x[] == 11 ### ft() ft() @test x[] == 12 flush() @test x[] == 13 sleep(2dt) @test x[] == 13 end