using Test using Pluto.Configuration: CompilerOptions using Pluto.WorkspaceManager: _merge_notebook_compiler_options import Pluto: update_save_run!, update_run!, WorkspaceManager, ClientSession, ServerSession, Notebook, Cell, project_relative_path import Malt @testset "Workspace manager" begin # basic functionality is already tested by the reactivity tests @testset "Multiple notebooks" begin 🍭 = ServerSession() 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = true notebookA = Notebook([ Cell("x = 3") ]) notebookB = Notebook([ Cell("x") ]) @test notebookA.path != notebookB.path Sys.iswindows() && sleep(.5) # workaround for update_save_run!(🍭, notebookA, notebookA.cells[1]) Sys.iswindows() && sleep(.5) # workaround for update_save_run!(🍭, notebookB, notebookB.cells[1]) @test notebookB.cells[1].errored == true Sys.iswindows() && sleep(.5) # workaround for WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebookA)) Sys.iswindows() && sleep(.5) # workaround for WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebookB)) end @testset "Variables with secret names" begin 🍭 = ServerSession() 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed = false notebook = Notebook([ Cell("result = 1"), Cell("result"), Cell("elapsed_ns = 3"), Cell("elapsed_ns"), ]) update_save_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[1:4]) @test notebook.cells[1].output.body == "1" @test notebook.cells[2].output.body == "1" @test notebook.cells[3].output.body == "3" @test notebook.cells[4].output.body == "3" WorkspaceManager.unmake_workspace((🍭, notebook); verbose=false) end Sys.iswindows() || @testset "Pluto inside Pluto" begin 🍭 = ServerSession() 🍭.options.evaluation.capture_stdout = false 🍭.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed_stdlib = false notebook = Notebook([ Cell("""begin import Pkg Pkg.activate() empty!(LOAD_PATH) push!(LOAD_PATH, $(repr(Base.load_path()))...) import Pluto end"""), Cell(""" begin s = Pluto.ServerSession() s.options.evaluation.workspace_use_distributed_stdlib = false end """), Cell(""" nb =, Pluto.project_relative_path("sample", "Tower of Hanoi.jl"); run_async=false, as_sample=true) """), Cell("length(nb.cells)"), Cell(""), ]) update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells) @test notebook.cells[1] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[2] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[3] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[4] |> noerror @test notebook.cells[5] |> noerror setcode!(notebook.cells[5], "length(nb.cells)") update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[5]) @test notebook.cells[5] |> noerror setcode!(notebook.cells[5], "Pluto.SessionActions.shutdown(s, nb)") update_run!(🍭, notebook, notebook.cells[5]) @test noerror(notebook.cells[5]) cleanup(🍭, notebook) end end