using HTTP using Test using Pluto using Pluto: ServerSession, ClientSession, SessionActions, WorkspaceManager using Pluto.Configuration using Pluto.Configuration: notebook_path_suggestion, from_flat_kwargs, _convert_to_flags using Pluto.WorkspaceManager: WorkspaceManager, poll @testset "Web server" begin @testset "base_url" begin port = 13433 host = "localhost" n_components = rand(2:6) base_url = "/" for _ in 1:n_components base_url *= String(rand(collect('a':'z') ∪ collect('0':'9'), rand(5:10))) * "/" end local_url(suffix) = "http://$host:$port$base_url$suffix" @show local_url("favicon.ico") server_running() = HTTP.get(local_url("favicon.ico")).status == 200 && HTTP.get(local_url("edit")).status == 200 # without notebook at startup options = Pluto.Configuration.from_flat_kwargs(; port, launch_browser=false, workspace_use_distributed=true, require_secret_for_access=false, require_secret_for_open_links=false, base_url, ) 🍭 = Pluto.ServerSession(; options) server =!(🍭) @test server_running() sleep(3) @test poll(20) do # should not exist because of the base url setting HTTP.get("http://$host:$port/edit"; status_exception=false).status == 404 end for notebook in values(🍭.notebooks) SessionActions.shutdown(🍭, notebook; keep_in_session=false) end close(server) end @testset "UTF-8 to Codemirror UTF-16 byte mapping" begin # range ends are non inclusives tests = [ (" aaaa", (2, 4), (1, 3)), # cm is zero based (" 🍕🍕", (2, 6), (1, 3)), # a 🍕 is two UTF16 codeunits (" 🍕🍕", (6, 10), (3, 5)), # a 🍕 is two UTF16 codeunits ] for (s, (start_byte, end_byte), (from, to)) in tests @test PlutoRunner.map_byte_range_to_utf16_codepoints(s, start_byte, end_byte) == (from, to) end end @testset "Exports" begin port, socket = @inferred Pluto.port_serversocket(Sockets.ip"", nothing, 5543) close(socket) @test 5543 <= port < 5600 port = 13432 host = "localhost" local_url(suffix) = "http://$host:$port/$suffix" server_running() = HTTP.get(local_url("favicon.ico")).status == 200 && HTTP.get(local_url("edit")).status == 200 # without notebook at startup options = Pluto.Configuration.from_flat_kwargs(; port, launch_browser=false, workspace_use_distributed=true, require_secret_for_access=false, require_secret_for_open_links=false ) 🍭 = Pluto.ServerSession(; options) server =!(🍭) @test server_running() @test isempty(🍭.notebooks) HTTP.get(local_url("sample/JavaScript.jl"); retry=false) # wait for the notebook to be added to the session @test poll(10) do length(🍭.notebooks) == 1 end notebook = only(values(🍭.notebooks)) # right now, the notebook was only added to the session and assigned an ID. Let's wait for it to get a process: @test poll(60) do haskey(WorkspaceManager.active_workspaces, notebook.notebook_id) end sleep(1) # Note that the notebook is running async right now! It's not finished yet. But we can already run these tests: fileA = download(local_url("notebookfile?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)")) fileB = tempname() write(fileB, sprint(Pluto.save_notebook, notebook)) @test Pluto.only_versions_or_lineorder_differ(fileA, fileB) export_contents = read(download(local_url("notebookexport?id=$(notebook.notebook_id)")), String) @test occursin(string(Pluto.PLUTO_VERSION), export_contents) @test occursin("", export_contents) for notebook in values(🍭.notebooks) SessionActions.shutdown(🍭, notebook; keep_in_session=false) end close(server) end end # testset