import ExpressionExplorer import .ExpressionExplorerExtras import ExpressionExplorer: SymbolsState, FunctionNameSignaturePair """ ```julia function updated_topology( old_topology::NotebookTopology{C}, notebook_cells::Iterable{C}, updated_cells::Iterable{C}; get_code_str::Function, get_code_expr::Function, get_cell_disabled::Function=c->false, ) where C <: AbstractCell ``` Return a copy of `old_topology`, but with new reactivity information from `updated_cells` taken into account. This function is used when cell code changes. `notebook_cells` should contain all cells in the reactive document. `updated_cells` contains the cells that changed (e.g. because they were edited). The functions `get_code_str` and `get_code_expr` should return the code string and parsed expression for a given cell. `get_cell_disabled` should return `true` if a cell is disabled, defaults to `false`. """ function updated_topology( old_topology::NotebookTopology{C}, notebook_cells, updated_cells; get_code_str::Function, get_code_expr::Function, get_cell_disabled::Function=c->false, ) where C <: AbstractCell updated_codes = Dict{C,ExprAnalysisCache}() updated_nodes = Dict{C,ReactiveNode}() for cell in updated_cells # TODO this needs to be extracted somehow old_code =[cell] new_code_str = get_code_str(cell) if old_code.code !== new_code_str parsedcode = get_code_expr(cell) new_code = updated_codes[cell] = ExprAnalysisCache(new_code_str, parsedcode) new_reactive_node = ExpressionExplorer.compute_reactive_node(ExpressionExplorerExtras.pretransform_pluto(new_code.parsedcode)) updated_nodes[cell] = new_reactive_node elseif old_code.forced_expr_id !== nothing # reset computer code updated_codes[cell] = ExprAnalysisCache(old_code; forced_expr_id=nothing, function_wrapped=false) end end old_cells = all_cells(old_topology) removed_cells = setdiff(old_cells, notebook_cells) if isempty(removed_cells) # We can keep identity new_codes = merge(, updated_codes) new_nodes = merge(old_topology.nodes, updated_nodes) else new_codes = merge(setdiffkeys(, removed_cells), updated_codes) new_nodes = merge(setdiffkeys(old_topology.nodes, removed_cells), updated_nodes) end new_unresolved_set = setdiff!( union!( Set{C}(), # all cells that were unresolved before, and did not change code... Iterators.filter(old_topology.unresolved_cells) do c !haskey(updated_nodes, c) end, # all cells that changed, and now use a macrocall... Iterators.filter(updated_cells) do c !isempty(new_nodes[c].macrocalls) end, ), # ...minus cells that were removed. removed_cells, ) new_disabled_set = setdiff!( union!( Set{C}(), # all cells that were disabled before... old_topology.disabled_cells, # all cells that changed... updated_cells, ), # ...minus cells that changed and are not disabled. Iterators.filter(!get_cell_disabled, updated_cells), ) unresolved_cells = if new_unresolved_set == old_topology.unresolved_cells old_topology.unresolved_cells else ImmutableSet(new_unresolved_set; skip_copy=true) end disabled_cells = if new_disabled_set == old_topology.disabled_cells old_topology.disabled_cells else ImmutableSet(new_disabled_set; skip_copy=true) end cell_order = if old_cells == notebook_cells old_topology.cell_order else ImmutableVector(notebook_cells) # makes a copy end NotebookTopology{C}(; nodes=new_nodes, codes=new_codes, unresolved_cells, disabled_cells, cell_order, ) end