begin """ ```julia ImmutableSet{T}(xs::Set{T}) ``` Wraps around, and behaves like a regular `Set`, but mutating operations (like `push!` or `empty!`) are not allowed. When called on a set, a *shallow copy* of the set is stored. This means that it's fine to mutate the input set after creating an `ImmutableSet` from it. To prevent this, call `ImmutableSet(xs; skip_copy=true)`. """ struct ImmutableSet{T} <: AbstractSet{T} c::Set{T} ImmutableSet{T}(s::Set{T}; skip_copy::Bool=false) where T = new{T}(skip_copy ? s : copy(s)) end ImmutableSet(s::Set{T}; skip_copy::Bool=false) where T = ImmutableSet{T}(s; skip_copy) ImmutableSet(arg) = let s = Set(arg) ImmutableSet{eltype(s)}(s; skip_copy=true) end ImmutableSet{T}() where T = ImmutableSet{T}(Set{T}(); skip_copy=true) ImmutableSet() = ImmutableSet(Set(); skip_copy=true) Base.copy(s::ImmutableSet) = ImmutableSet(copy(s.c)), s::ImmutableSet) =, s.c) Base.isempty(s::ImmutableSet) = Base.isempty(s.c) Base.length(s::ImmutableSet) = Base.length(s.c) Base.iterate(s::ImmutableSet, i...) = Base.iterate(s.c, i...) Base.setdiff(s::ImmutableSet, i...) = ImmutableSet(setdiff(s.c, i...)) end begin """ ```julia ImmutableVector{T}(xs::Vector{T}) ``` Wraps around, and behaves like a regular `Vector`, but mutating operations (like `push!` or `setindex!`) are not allowed. When called on a vector, a *shallow copy* of the vector is stored. This means that it's fine to mutate the input vector after creating an `ImmutableVector` from it. To prevent this, call `ImmutableVector(xs; skip_copy=true)`. """ struct ImmutableVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T} c::Vector{T} ImmutableVector{T}(x; skip_copy::Bool=false) where T = new{T}(skip_copy ? x : copy(x)) end ImmutableVector(x::AbstractVector{T}; kwargs...) where T = ImmutableVector{T}(x; kwargs...) ImmutableVector{T}() where T = ImmutableVector{T}(Vector{T}()) Base.copy(s::ImmutableVector) = ImmutableVector(copy(s.c)), s::ImmutableVector) =, s.c) Base.isempty(s::ImmutableVector) = Base.isempty(s.c) Base.length(s::ImmutableVector) = Base.length(s.c) Base.size(s::ImmutableVector) = Base.size(s.c) Base.iterate(s::ImmutableVector, i...) = Base.iterate(s.c, i...) Base.getindex(s::ImmutableVector, i::Integer) = Base.getindex(s.c, i) Base.getindex(s::ImmutableVector, i...) = ImmutableVector(Base.getindex(s.c, i...)) delete_unsafe!(s::ImmutableSet, args...) = Base.delete!(s.c, args...) end begin """ ```julia ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(default::Function, container::Dict{K,V}) ``` Wraps around, and behaves like a regular `Dict`, but if a key is not found, it will call return `default()`. """ struct ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} default::Union{Function,DataType} container::Dict{K,V} end ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(default::Union{Function,DataType}) where {K,V} = ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(default, Dict{K,V}()) function Base.getindex(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, key::K)::V where {K,V} get!(aid.default, aid.container, key) end function Base.merge(a1::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, a2::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}) where {K,V} isempty(a2) ? a1 : ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(a1.default, merge(a1.container, a2.container)) end function Base.merge(a1::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, a2::AbstractDict) where {K,V} isempty(a2) ? a1 : ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(a1.default, merge(a1.container, a2)) end # disabled because it's immutable! # Base.setindex!(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, args...) where {K,V} = Base.setindex!(aid.container, args...) # Base.delete!(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, args...) where {K,V} = Base.delete!(aid.container, args...) delete_unsafe!(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, args...) where {K,V} = Base.delete!(aid.container, args...) Base.copy(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}) where {K,V} = ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(aid.default, copy(aid.container)) Base.keys(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict) = Base.keys(aid.container) Base.values(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict) = Base.values(aid.container) Base.length(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict) = Base.length(aid.container) Base.iterate(aid::ImmutableDefaultDict, args...) = Base.iterate(aid.container, args...) end """ ```julia setdiffkeys(d::Dict{K,V}, key_itrs...)::Dict{K,V} ``` Apply `setdiff` on the keys of a dictionary. # Example ```julia setdiffkeys(Dict(1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three"), [1, 3]) # result: `Dict(2 => "two")` ``` """ setdiffkeys(d::Dict{K,V}, key_itrs...) where {K,V} = Dict{K,V}(k => d[k] for k in setdiff(keys(d), key_itrs...)) setdiffkeys(d::ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}, key_itrs...) where {K,V} = ImmutableDefaultDict{K,V}(d.default, setdiffkeys(d.container, key_itrs...))